A bed under the ceiling is a fashionable novelty in a modern interior

When a bed under the ceiling becomes a necessity

A small apartment cannot please the owners with a large amount of free space, so residents have to try to make the most of every centimeter of space. It is quite natural that, despite the limited number of square meters, people want to have a full-fledged home with a bedroom, kitchen, living room, and in some cases, a study. Therefore, the question of how to implement all this in a small apartment becomes quite relevant. Proper organization of a small space: a sleeping place located under the ceiling with a dedicated area for working underneath, and the steps leading up to the bed serve as drawers.

Unfortunately, the height of the ceilings does not always allow this goal to be realized, so some residents buy convertible folding sofas. However, this is not a solution to the problem, because sleeping on them is not very comfortable, and the endless assembly and disassembly of furniture can be quite tiring. The best option is a spacious bed with a high-quality mattress. But then another question arises regarding its placement in the room.

The problem of lack of space in compact apartments has been worrying designers for several years. That is why an original design was invented, which not only saves space in the room, but is its highlight. This is a bed under the ceiling, rising up and down using special fasteners, or a loft bed with an attached ladder, which can be used for both the older and younger generations.

Modern models of beds under the ceiling

A bedroom under the ceiling is no longer an innovation, and nowadays you can find a large number of different types of these products that allow you to visually increase the area of ​​​​the room.

There are beds equipped with rails that provide mobility to the product. At any moment when it is necessary, the bed will simply “go” to the ceiling or “go down” down. Some types of modern beds are equipped with remote control. All you have to do is press the desired button to activate the mechanism.

If you are the lucky owner of high ceilings, pay attention to a bed with rigid rails. She will always be in one place, and to get on it, you need to use the stairs.

You can use metal supporting beams where the bed is attached. Then a metal ladder will become for you a kind of “wall bars” type exercise machine.

Adult models and cribs are presented in a wide range, so you can easily choose the appropriate option. If you come up with your own design, you can have it made to order or try to implement the idea yourself.

Instructions for creating a hanging bed

Furniture stores have a large selection of ready-made hanging sofas, but we suggest trying to make a bed from timber with your own hands. If you have experience with tools, making a bed will not be difficult for you.

Mounting options

In order to make a sofa with your own hands, you will need to choose what style your hanging furniture will be. The choice is huge, but you can remake each style to suit yourself and come up with individual decoration. What are the options for installing hanging furniture:

Step-by-step instruction

We have discussed what types of installation of sleeping places there are, now you can move on to the step-by-step instructions for assembling a hanging bed.

Types of beds

To organize a sleeping area under the ceiling, you will find the following types of beds in stores:

  • two-tier – designs in which sleeping areas are located one above the other. To climb to the second tier, use a ladder. This option is convenient to use in a one-room apartment or a nursery for two children. In the first case, the parent's sleeping place is on the ground floor, and the upper part serves as a bed for the child;

  • hanging bed is a structure attached to the ceiling surface using special ropes, pipes, chains or cables. A variety of stairs are also used here. With the help of properly organized lighting in the area where the mattress is laid, such hanging products acquire the effect of floating;

  • French - a transformer equipped with a lift that allows you to lower it down or raise it up to the ceiling. Such models are attached not only to the ceiling, but also to the walls;

  • The attic is one of the most convenient options that goes well with any interior items. For example, you can organize a work area below, build in a bookcase or a wardrobe. The functionality of the staircase will be given by the drawers located in its steps.

These beds are produced in various shapes and from different materials. It is better to make a product to order, in which the dimensions of the case are adjusted to the required parameters.

Ceiling bed - good or bad?

Living in a one-room apartment, the owners have to face the problem of lack of space, because in one room, and not always a large one, it is necessary to organize:

  • Sleeping area;
  • Area for receiving guests;
  • Work area;
  • Sometimes there is also a children's corner;
  • And even a dining area.

The same problem can arise in a children's room, where the child should have:

  • Sleeping area;
  • Work corner;
  • A place to play or receive friends;
  • And sometimes a place for sports.

Since the bed takes up quite a lot of space and is only needed while sleeping, it would be good to remove it during the day, freeing up space. In this case, furniture with a transformation function can be a lifesaver. But the price for it is quite high, and not everyone will be happy with it. There is only one way out - do it yourself. But is it worth it?

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the benefits of a bed located under the ceiling:

  • Saving room space;
  • Interesting room design;
  • Location anywhere;
  • Variety of designs;
  • Ease of creating a private environment;
  • For amateurs, this could be a rocking model.

Of course, there are some disadvantages to using such unusual sleeping arrangements that must be taken into account if you want such a bed.

  • Financial expenses;
  • Discomfort from the hanging structure;
  • Visual reduction of room space;
  • Certain difficulties during installation of the structure.

Advice! If you have not previously encountered the installation of suspended structures, it is better to seek help from specialists.

Types of beds under the ceiling

Hanging or sub-ceiling structures differ in the method of assembly and their location:
Also, beds under the ceiling can be of various shapes and made of different materials.

  • Bunk;
  • Hanging;
  • "Attics";
  • French.

Installation Features

If you ordered a specific model from a store, you should entrust its installation to specialists. With high ceilings in the room, when installing a bed, it is better to give preference to guides with maximum rigidity. They will ensure the immobility of the sleeping place.

You can install a movable model that is mounted to the guide rails. This product is controlled using a remote control. A budget option is to install the bed on high legs.

By including any of these types of products in your interior, you will free up a lot of space, gaining additional places for relaxation, work, games and entertainment.

Bed for children's room

In a one-room apartment it is not always possible to organize a full-fledged room for a child, but you can create a separate corner for your son or daughter using a bed under the ceiling. A common option in which there is a sitting area at the top, and under it there is a desk, wardrobe cabinets, bookshelves and drawers for various small items.

Children's models are produced from different materials and painted in a variety of shades. This will allow you to choose an option that fits harmoniously into the overall interior, combined with ceilings, walls and other furniture.

You can complement the bed with the help of properly selected wallpaper and textiles that match the color of the rest of the decoration. At the same time, for the adult zone it is allowed to use other tones and shades, but it is advisable to adhere to the same texture.

Advantages and disadvantages of sleeping under the ceiling

A bed under the ceiling has the following advantages:

  • Great for saving space under the seating area. Thanks to this, the free space can be used at your discretion;
  • You can install interesting lighting fixtures under the bed, thereby further illuminating the room;
  • makes the interior cozy and unusual;
  • the modern design of beds makes it possible to easily assemble or disassemble such structures;
  • allows you to solve the problem of organizing sleeping places for parents and children.

Such models also have some disadvantages:

  • complexity of manufacturing;
  • high price;
  • installation of these products requires high-quality floor coverings that will not be damaged by the massive structure;
  • can visually reduce space in a small room.

Types of stairs for hanging beds

We have installed the bed, but it also requires a staircase that will match the design of the furniture and the interior of the room. Basically, several types of stairs are used. These are attached and stationary. What types of stairs are there:

Hanging beds are used in interior design or to expand space in small apartments. By looking at our ideas, you can understand what type of bed you need to buy. Or, following our instructions, you can make it yourself.


Making a loft bed with your own hands

If you decide to make it yourself, before starting to make the bed you will have to draw a drawing of the future structure. When compiling it, take into account the functionality of your future product and its complete safety under conditions of further use.

Tools and materials

The easiest and fastest option is to make a wooden loft bed. The frame for it is made of wooden beams and boards. The most affordable wood is pine. More durable species are beech and oak, but they are more expensive. You will need:

  • timber 100x100 or 80x100;
  • slats with which you will cover the structure, railings and stairs with a thickness of 20 or 30 mm;
  • plywood for a lounger or special lath holders made of slats, sold in every furniture store;
  • screws, finishing nails, wood glue.

Prepare the following tools:

  • circular saw or jigsaw;
  • screwdriver or drill with different attachments;
  • fine-grained sandpaper or hand sander;
  • hammer, clamp;
  • tape measure, level, ruler.

The finished bed will need to be coated with varnish or stain to give it a more interesting shade.


To attach the bed to the ceiling, the following options are used:

  • supports made of wood or metal, fixed to the floor. Not only will they support weight, but they will also serve as a ladder to climb up to the ceiling;
  • the design of the bed involves the installation of an entire furniture complex, and the base is a cabinet or a durable ladder with drawers. This method makes it possible to combine different pieces of furniture;
  • The product is attached to the ceiling, and its sides are fixed to the wall. This option creates a feeling of floating under the ceilings of the bed;
  • bed with full ceiling mounting. Then there will be no second tier in the structure, and the sunbed will need to be installed to the ceiling surface.

The ladder can be placed as follows:

  • on the front of the bed on any side;
  • at the end of the bed. With this approach, the entire bed is decorated with sides, and an opening is left at the legs for descent;
  • make it roll-out. It is unlikely that you will be able to handle such a mechanism with your own hands, but you can make it to order. A similar module is fixed to the bed frame using metal hooks or loops;
  • a podium staircase is the safest option for small family members. In this case, the ladder is placed at a height that is half the height of the entire structure. The result is a small lift with an inclination.

As for sizes, choose them taking into account the purpose of the furniture and your spatial conditions. For example, small sizes are sufficient for a baby - 70x160 cm. Standard one-and-a-half dimensions of 90-200 cm are suitable for a schoolchild, 140x200 cm or 160x200 cm for adults, respectively.

When you select the appropriate model, you can begin creating the drawing. At the same time, when making a drawing, take into account the scale of the room, this will make it easier for you to calculate the amount of material needed.

Manufacturing and assembly of the structure

This is as important a stage as drawing up a drawing. Not only the appearance of the product, but also its safety will depend on the quality of the work performed.

We will consider the simplest option - making a loft bed on four supports. Proceed as follows:

  • cut the material into pieces of the required length, process all elements with sandpaper or a grinder;
  • apply antiseptic impregnation to all parts;
  • According to the drawing, drill holes for fasteners in the required places. Do this gradually as you assemble the bed. At the joints of the parts, coat their surfaces with wood glue;
  • start assembling a frame consisting of four supports and a bed frame made of 100x100 timber. Attach the beams to the posts using a screw connection. The support beam can be secured to the frame using metal corners. Use a square or level to check the verticality of the system;
  • install limiters - sides. Their standard height is 40 cm, but here you can already be guided by personal preferences;
  • the final stage of manufacturing and assembly is the staircase. It is mounted separately and attached to the frame. The distance must be chosen so that it is easy to climb and descend;
  • be sure to check the reliability of all connections upon completion of work.

Now all that remains is to varnish this comfortable bed or paint it with stain.

A self-made loft bed is in no way inferior to its purchased counterparts. And if you add a little decorative finishing to it, for example, in the form of textiles, you will be able to make the sleeping place not only functional, but also cozy and beautiful.

Where to place

Ceiling mounted

You have decided to solve the problem of free space in your small apartment by installing a hanging bed. This structure must be installed at a height of 180 cm from the floor. You can climb it using a ladder installed vertically or at a slight angle.

Considering the height of the ceilings in Russian apartment buildings, the loft bed is best placed in the corner between adjacent walls.

A loft bed, located against one wall, is attached to the wall and supported by two posts fixed to the floor, or with special fastenings to the ceiling. Racks can be used to build bookshelves or anything else, it all depends on your imagination.

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