Bathroom sink – which one to choose? 75 photos of exclusive models and modern design

It is difficult to imagine a bathroom without a sink, since it plays a special role in its territory. Previously, a sink was placed in the bathroom only for direct use during various hygiene procedures performed by the owners. But now the level of production technology has increased, and it has become part of the design of this room.

Sometimes it is presented as an element of decoration, but recently it has acquired the status of a full-fledged part of the bathroom interior. This became possible due to the emergence of new shapes and colors that attracted the attention of designers. They enjoy working with this item through their ideas, and sometimes the entire atmosphere of the room is built around it.

Now we will understand the existing nuances regarding the selection of the right sink for a certain style. Due to the appearance of many modifications on the market, you can get confused and completely confused in the selection process.

Sinks began to differ mainly in the method of fastening, size and shape, but the variety of materials can also surprise. We will gradually figure out which one is suitable for your bath. Now let’s take a look at the photos of bathroom sinks based on different styles and functionality. You'll definitely love one of these and it will help shape a quality bathroom design.

What types of shells are there?

In fact, there are many of them, but we will highlight the most popular types:

Types of cabinets for washbasins

There are the following three main types of cabinets:

  • on legs;
  • hanging;
  • with plinth.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

On legs

Such cabinets are classic. They can be installed in any desired location. The presence of legs makes it easy to clean under the cabinet.

When purchasing, you need to pay special attention to the material of the legs. The best legs are made of stainless metals. Plastic legs are less durable and can become deformed or break over time.

It is also worth paying attention to whether there are special pads on the legs that prevent slipping and scratches on the floor. This is especially important if the floor is tiled.


It is an alternative to cabinets with legs. It differs only in that it does not rest on the floor , but is suspended from the wall. It is characterized by even greater convenience in cleaning the bathroom.

The main disadvantage of this solution is the complexity of installation. If the walls in the bathroom are not level enough, installing a wall-hung option is not possible. In addition, careful calculation of dimensions and careful marking of places for placing fasteners is necessary. Mounting the fastener also requires special skills.

However, the use of hanging cabinets in bathrooms is widespread due to their excellent aesthetic properties. The bathroom does not look cluttered, the cabinet seems to float in the air.

With plinth

These models do not have legs. The cabinet is installed directly on the floor. For this reason, you need to carefully choose a material that should not be afraid of moisture. Otherwise, this variety is similar to a cabinet with legs.

Separately, it should be noted that there are various types of cabinets available for sale, designed for corner sinks.

Photos of all kinds of cabinets are presented quite widely.

Wall-hung sinks

Wall-hung sinks are more common than others, so let's start with them. They received this name because of the method of fastening to the wall, for which brackets or similar fasteners are used.

But it happens that they use cabinets that have special advantages:

  • The sink with cabinet is small in size and this allows you to save useful space for other interior elements;
  • They are easy to install at a suitable height, which is considered a major advantage.

Important: But they also have serious disadvantages. Communications will have to be sewn into the wall or decorative panels used for this purpose, otherwise it will look tasteless and the bathroom design will be ruined.

And they also do not cope well with large masses of shells, which makes them take the quality of the fasteners seriously.

Design options

Types of washbasins are classified depending on their design features. The following types of structures are distinguished:

  • The classic version features a hanging model. The washbasin has holes for the mixer, where cold and hot water is discharged;
  • The tulip washbasin resembles a flower. Popular for its aesthetic and functional value. This option is a washbasin with a pedestal without a back. In this case, all pipes and hoses are hidden under the decorative element. Cold and hot water is supplied inside the structure. The design of the product can be either slightly rounded or completely round;
  • A water lily is considered a practical option. This is a narrow and tall sink that fits in a limited space. Most often it is placed above the washing machine or laundry basket. Maybe without a back. At the same time, all communications are hidden and space under the washbasin is freed up. The product is made of stainless steel or other materials. Colored models look stylish;
  • a built-in model is considered to be a furniture washbasin. Such models are installed together with a cabinet, cabinet, basket or tabletop. A semi-built-in sink is mounted into the countertop. The front side hangs down just like a regular model. Hot and cold water is supplied in standard ways. There are auxiliary parts for disabled people;
  • overhead types of washbasins are placed with a countertop. At the same time, communications are completely hidden from view; they carry cold and hot water. Models can be without a back;
  • For a small bathroom there is a narrow mini-sink. The width of such models is no more than half a meter. The product is installed on the wall. There is also this type of furniture washbasin. Stainless steel and ceramic designs are in demand.

Furniture washbasin

Mini washbasin

Surface-mounted washbasin

Hanging washbasin

Washbasin water lily

Tulip washbasin
Special models are provided for disabled people. After installing the sink, the faucet is installed, for which special holes are provided. The mixer is purchased together with the sink. Hot and cold water are carried through different pipes.

Sink bowl

The bowl sink has interesting benefits and different names. It is also called an overhead product because it is installed on the countertop.

Nowadays, the overhead sink for the bathroom has gained great popularity due to its qualities:

  • It has a stylish appearance and helps create a sophisticated design;
  • Its functionality is beyond doubt, since this sink is very easy to use.

Tip: But it may not be suitable for short people or children as it is installed quite high. The bowl itself has impressive dimensions, plus it is mounted on a tabletop, which has its own considerable height.


Furniture washbasins and other types are made from different materials. Before purchasing the best option, you need to study both the pros and cons of the material.

The following types of products are distinguished:

  • A stainless steel sink is characterized by durability and strength. Stainless steel products fit well into the bathroom design. In this case, it is worth taking into account the instability to abrasive cleaning substances, as well as noise when in contact with water. As an option, a galvanized washbasin is used, or cast iron models would be a good addition;
  • Sanitaryware is considered a popular material for sinks. It has a porous structure. Sanitaryware is a type of ceramics. A bowl made of this material has a shiny surface, which makes it easy to clean. At the same time, sanitaryware is produced using the latest technologies;
  • Porcelain sinks are used for interiors in different styles. They can be attached to the wall with brackets or installed on a beautiful pedestal. The holes are drilled and the washbasin is secured with brackets;
  • Acrylic products are popular. This material has low porosity and therefore hot or cold water does not have much impact on the surface.

Acrylic washbasin

Stainless steel washbasin

Washbasin made of sanitary ware

Porcelain washbasin
Non-traditional materials are also used to make washbasins: wood, glass or marble. Sometimes a copper washbasin is installed.

Corner bowl

A corner bathroom sink will help you make perfect use of all the available space in the room. Sometimes it is too little, and in this case she may turn out to be a reasonable way out of the situation.

The advantages include some important points:

  • It can be placed where other types cannot be mounted because there is too little space;
  • Based on it, modifications are offered that combine the functionality of a tulip, wall-hung or built-in sink.

Important: The negative side of this sink is its not particularly beautiful appearance. It is difficult to integrate into different design styles.

But its functionality is offered at the highest level; according to this indicator, it occupies a leading place among all types of sinks.

Bathroom Sink and Mirror Combination

The furniture washbasin is complemented by a beautiful mirror and acts as the main element of the interior. The combination of the design with a mirror visually increases the space in the room.

Moydodyr type sinks are equipped with a cabinet, mirror, washbasin, basket and cabinet. Similar models come with legs. All elements have common backs and the same design. Often such designs are combined with a tabletop and equipped with a basket. Installation of a cabinet with a basket is carried out on legs or carried out close to the floor.

Installing a washbasin begins with choosing a suitable mirror:

  • The universal option is a mirror with built-in lighting. Lighting sources are mounted on the upper narrow shelf. The choice of product is influenced by the design of the plumbing fixtures;
  • A popular mirror with a shelf in a classic design. Large shelves are located under the mirror cloth, and narrow and long ones are located on the sides. All elements are fastened with brackets;
  • The cosmetic mirror is equipped with a special mechanism that allows you to move it in different directions. Convenient options are provided for the disabled.

Recently, a special heated mirror was created that prevents fogging.

The mirror, like the bowl, can be of different shades. There are color options. Black or red edging for the mirror cloth is selected according to the appropriate style of plumbing. In this case, similar accessories are selected.

Modern interiors are decorated with corner mirrors. Also, this option looks good in a classic interior. The mirror can be made in a minimalist style or have a traditional design. Products in the Baroque or Art Nouveau style deserve special attention.

Ceramic sink

Ceramic modifications are often used for the bathroom, and they have long gained their admirers. This is due to their sought-after qualities:

  • Such bathtubs are environmentally friendly and easily fit into the designers’ ideas;
  • They feature a smooth surface that helps simplify the cleaning process;
  • They have a relatively low price.

Important: But even with such advantages, they are still very fragile products, characterized by noticeable massiveness.

Additional parts for the sink

Any sink is equipped with an outlet and a siphon. A siphon is a device for eliminating odors. Such elements are made of stainless steel. Cast iron or semi-porcelain elements are not used for designs with outlets. The universal option is considered brass. The design with a brass siphon is considered very attractive. Bronze and copper parts are also used.

Modern materials require a plastic siphon. It is better to choose plastic, since this material is characterized by durability, ease of installation and can be installed in hard-to-reach places. Also, plastic does not accumulate limescale.

Siphons for sinks with countertops come in the following types:

  • A corrugated siphon is a pipe with a curved outlet. In this case, the pipe is bent in the desired position and mounted in the holes;
  • bottle looks like a bottle-shaped container with a release. This design is rigid. The container is filled with water. At the same time, it does not allow odors to pass through;
  • pipe models are curved pipes;
  • dry elements are siphons equipped with a check valve. Purpose, design description and instructions allow you to correctly install the mechanism.

Bottle siphon

Corrugated siphon

Dry siphon

Pipe siphon
Special adaptations are required for disabled people. The siphon in the box can be mounted on the wall. In this case, the space under the sink is filled with a cabinet or laundry basket. Models with an electric heater are also used. The high-quality construction material can withstand watering at any temperature. This uses hot and cold water.

Glass sink

Glass types of bathrooms have gained popularity relatively recently. Typically, a tempered type of glass is used, which is sufficiently durable and difficult to break. Often, various additives are used in its composition to further increase the strength of the structure.

The material has many advantages:

  • Glass sinks are easy to maintain because they have a flat surface;
  • Special glass easily copes with high temperatures and exposure to chemicals;
  • It has a relatively moderate mass.

Important: But such sinks quickly become clogged and require a lot of attention. At the same time, you cannot use products based on a powder component for cleaning.

Features of choosing a washbasin for the bathroom

Before purchasing a furniture washbasin, you need to determine a place for it. To do this, careful measurements are taken and the gap between the drain and the inlet is determined. You also need to choose the color of the plumbing fixtures. The sink should be in the same style as the main room. The classic version comes in white colors. Depending on the style of the room, the sink can be black, red, sometimes colored models are chosen.

The material of the product is also taken into account. Products can be porcelain or stainless steel. Sanitaryware, glass, marble are also used, or a galvanized washbasin is purchased. Stainless steel products have increased strength. It is worth considering that accessories need to be cleaned frequently; drops of water remain on them, which spoil the effect.

If you intend to install a mixer, you need to make sure that there are holes for it. In this case, the holes should be in the countertop or in the sink. The mixer can be installed separately or inside the washbasin. The design of the faucet depends on the type of sink. Hot and cold water is supplied to the sink.

If the bathroom is decorated in the same style, it will look stylish and attractive. The purpose of the structures is taken into account. Plumbing equipment for disabled people is equipped with additional accessories.

Materials from which washbasins are made

Modern technologies make it possible to create washbasins from both familiar and completely unexpected materials. Among the main ones are the following:

  1. Ceramics.
    The vast majority of shells are made from it. This solution is considered classic. Temperature changes do not affect the physical properties of ceramics in any way. It is resistant to moisture and aggressive cleaning agents.
  2. Polymers.
    They are distinguished by high practicality, unpretentiousness and resistance to sharp impacts. If a high-quality polymer was used to produce the washbasin, then it can even be cleaned with chemicals. A sink made of this material can last even longer than a ceramic one.
  3. Glass.
    Glass washbasins operate on the same principle as ceramic ones. To produce the sink, high-strength glass is used that can withstand severe mechanical loads. With the help of such washbasins you can create a unique interior in your bathroom.
  4. Stone.
    In the production of washbasins, both natural and artificial stone are used. This is one of the most expensive varieties. A stone sink requires special care, but its durability exceeds all expectations.
  5. Steel.
    Quite an original solution. Budget models have nothing extra, but more expensive ones look very stylish. Typically, such sinks are preferred when a large number of chrome elements are concentrated in the bathroom.
  6. Tree.
    Washbasins from this material began to be produced relatively recently. The main requirement when using wooden sinks is the need to apply a special water-repellent coating to its surface. These washbasins look very unusual. Your guests will be absolutely delighted.

The choice of a particular washbasin should begin with an analysis of the free space, and only then move on to the design. When choosing a material, you should rely on individual preferences. It would also be useful to preview photographs of already installed products and evaluate how they will fit into the existing interior. Today, the number of models is so large that choosing the option you like is not difficult, regardless of your budget.

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