Interior decoration of a country house (42 photos): selection of design style. Options for finishing the house with plaster and wall cladding

The interior decoration of a house has some differences from the renovation of an apartment. The scope of work is more impressive, and the action plan must be thought out in advance. It is important to choose the right finishing materials and follow the work technology.

If you decide to decorate the interior of your country house, you should get acquainted with some advice from professional builders, and also look at photos of the finished work. If you make a harmonious combination of materials, finishing the interior of a country house will give the room coziness. A photo of the decoration of a country house inside an economy class will help solve the problem of choosing the style and materials for cladding various surfaces.

Popular materials

Finishing wall coverings are installed after installation of communication networks, as well as after insulation of the surface. You should choose a specific material only taking into account the following characteristics:

  • available budget;
  • building type;
  • purpose of the room.

Such factors should be taken into account before you start decorating the walls.

You can decorate the walls in a private house with several materials. There are many popular options, each of which has many advantages. Most often, the following is used to decorate the walls of a building:

  • tree;
  • PVC panels;
  • wallpaper - you can save a lot of money on this material;
  • ceramic tile;
  • decorative plaster.

It is worth considering each material in more detail.

How to choose the material for interior wall decoration in a country house with occasional residence

If your dacha is not used year-round, then pay attention to the material from which the walls themselves are made. The finishing of the walls in the dacha will depend on this.

Take the test

  • Brick walls . The advantage of brick walls is that they make it possible to use any materials to decorate the walls in the country house. An effective and stylish option is wet plaster. This is what they call a classic of the genre. If the house does not have heating, then it is necessary to take into account that condensation will form on the plaster. This cannot be avoided, but you can use moisture-resistant plaster.
  • Walls made of foam concrete blocks . Foam concrete is distinguished by its ability to absorb moisture, and this property must be taken into account. Foam concrete blocks must be pre-treated with several layers of deep penetration primer to reduce the porosity of the material. The blocks are then coated with gypsum plaster and finally a vapor barrier paint is applied.
  • Aerated concrete walls . Walls made of aerated concrete are sheathed with clapboard, then covered with gypsum plaster or plasterboard slabs. If winter is long in your area, then provide a layer of thermal insulation material.
  • Frame walls . The walls must be sheathed with multilayer oriented strand boards. This is done to increase the strength of the structure, its moisture and heat resistance. For final finishing use paint or wallpaper.
  • Walls made of profiled or laminated timber . To cover such walls, wall panels, plasterboard and lath materials are used. This increases sound and heat insulation. Walls made of natural wood are usually not covered with wallpaper or paint; transparent materials such as wax or varnish are used. However, in some cases, the design idea involves the use of finishing materials. But remember - wooden structures shrink, so do not rush to cover the walls with finishing until this process is complete.
  • Log walls, rounded timber . Also, as a rule, they are left in their original form.


Quite often, summer residents completely cover their walls with clapboard. This material is relatively inexpensive and easy to install. When installing lining in a room, a special comfort is created. In addition to this type of wall decoration with wood, a block house or imitation timber is often used.

Many owners of private houses think that when cladding walls using wood, the interior will take on a monotonous look. However, this can be called a myth. There are many techniques that allow you to advantageously combine this material with other types of finishes. Sheathing can be done in different directions. In addition, the walls can be painted.

Rustic style in landscape design: site design ideas

Each owner of a dacha or suburban area designs the area adjacent to the house in accordance with his own ideas about a comfortable life. Some people like the English neatness of lawns, others are delighted with alpine slides, and others like simple village life with all the accompanying attributes. Today we invite you to see why the rustic style in landscape design is so good, what are its main features and what needs to be done to envelop your site in comfort?

  • The main characteristics of the rustic style in the design of the site
  • How to arrange a plot in a rustic style
  • How to design a vegetable garden in a rustic style
  • The primacy of accessories

The main characteristics of the rustic style in the design of the site

  1. Perhaps the first and main feature of the rustic style in the landscape is its simplicity. Everything here looks nice and pleases the eye, but the lawn grass is not measured down to the millimeter, but grows as it pleases, the same flower pots do not stand, but on the contrary, flowerpots of different sizes and design styles are adjacent to each other, beds with vegetables and flower beds with flowers, but organically combined on one territory. But, despite all the apparent chaos at first glance, you will not find chaos on the site. Everything here has been tidied up by the caring hands of the owners, and rounded and natural shapes are preferred to clear and concise shapes in the design of the site.
  2. So we have brought out the second component of the village landscape - its naturalness and authenticity. It’s as if everything here was created not by human hands, but by nature. You won’t see any rare or exotic flowers here, but even if an unusual variety of rose suddenly grows in the flowerbed, it will probably be adjacent to “simple” pansies, cornflowers and petunias.
  3. And just like that, the third distinctive feature of this style emerged imperceptibly - negligence. Just don’t confuse it with sloppiness; you won’t find that on a rustic-style plot.

Carelessly arranged decorative elements create the impression that they were just forgotten on the street by the owners entering the house, and the disorder of neighboring flowers in the flowerbed resembles a forest clearing, a flowering field or a meadow, where no one would even think of planting flowers by variety: cornflowers to the left, and yarrows to the right . As nature “planted” them, so they grow.

Rustic style in the landscape

Decorating a garden in a rustic style

PVC panels

This option for wall decoration is ideal for economy class renovations. The costs of this solution are quite small. This coating is inexpensive and practical. It is quick to install and easy to clean. A large selection of colors allows you to find the ideal option for creating an original interior.

For example, such material can perfectly imitate wood. When covering various surfaces with plastic panels, many problems are solved at once. The costs are minimal. When choosing this material, the surface must be leveled. As a result, the interior takes on a noble appearance.

Wall decoration with PVC panels that imitate wooden boards can be combined with vintage-style furniture. It is better to choose this material if you need to decorate a summer cottage. This is due to the fact that the material is quite fragile. In addition, it does not provide the required level of thermal insulation.

Creating a rustic-style site

You can create the image of a village even in a small area. The main thing is to properly plan the placement of objects. It is important to first think through the style and purchase suitable materials at hand. It’s worth deciding what you want to recreate—a Ukrainian farm, a house in the outback of Russia, or a French farm.

Did you know? The definition of “landscape architecture” appeared about 200 years ago in America.

Site layout

First you need to come up with and designate design zones for the future site in country style. It must include a house surrounded by a fence, a main entrance, a garden, a vegetable garden, and a recreation area. If desired, space is allocated for a pond. Uneven paths should lead from one area to another. There is no strict planning for this style.

House and fence

Zoning should start with the house. It must match the style. With the help of modern building materials this can be done quickly and efficiently. It is important to consider the shape of the shutters and trim.

Important! A great way to dress up your home in a country style is by hanging hanging wicker baskets along your porch.

A country-style fence has many functions: protection from prying eyes, a place to dry various things. It is believed that the type of fence determines the well-being of the owner. The fence must be made of wood. The shape can be chosen in the form of a fence, a picket fence, or a decorated fence made from any available materials. If gates are built into the fence, then they must correspond to the continuous picture.

Decoration of the reservoir

A small pool reminiscent of an abandoned pond is most suitable for country style. It can be stylized with water lilies, irises, reeds, decorative ducks or storks. For a fairly wide body of water, floating rafts similar to nests or flower beds are suitable. There may also be wooden troughs filled with water nearby. You can build a small fountain near the lake.

Garden design

Any rural plot consists of a garden and vegetable garden. There is a place for vegetables, fruit crops, and shrubs. Even if in a small area, there is still room for cabbage, carrot, squash, and tomato beds. They will be used for preparing salads and other dishes.

You will be interested to read about the main features of eco-style in landscape design.

Country music involves mixing vegetable, flower, and berry plantings. Marigolds and zinnias go well with tomatoes. It’s good to plant onions and parsley near the peppers. The village garden is planted with fruit trees. They are located in a chaotic order. The owners do not aim to achieve record harvests, but try to create a unique design for their yard.

Decorative plaster

High-quality but expensive material is used for interior decoration. Thanks to the use of decorative plaster, the surface of the walls is visually leveled. At the same time, small defects are hidden, and the wall can be painted in any shade. In addition, the resulting texture is quite unusual. Caring for walls lined with decorative plaster is quite simple. It can be used for rooms with high humidity.


This type of wall decoration is traditional. It is in demand not only among owners of city apartments, but also among owners of cottages and dachas. Wallpaper can be chosen to suit every taste, which opens up wide possibilities for creating an original design. However, after several years of operation, the wall cladding will have to be completely changed.

If the room is unheated, it is better not to glue wallpaper. They can deteriorate after just six months. This is due to temperature changes and dampness of the walls. As a result of such influences, bubbles appear on the wallpaper. Therefore, it is better to glue wallpaper in rooms with working heating.

You should also remember about the possible decoration of walls with bamboo wallpaper. This material is quite unusual. It consists of thin pieces of bamboo that are placed on a fabric base. This wallpaper is very easy to clean. In addition, they do not lose brightness and are resistant to mechanical damage. They are often used to decorate kitchens and hallways. Bamboo wallpaper is expensive and difficult to install.

Country style in landscape design

You can get away from the existing stereotypes of site design and, with the help of small decorative changes, use old pitchforks, a cart, multi-colored glass, pebbles of unusual shapes, and the like. For example, try inserting fragments of natural stone, pebbles, multi-colored glass or pieces of metal into a monochromatic array of paving stones, and repainting the cart in bright colors and planting it with flowers. Landscape design in country style photo:

Unfortunately, the climate of central Russia is characterized by a short summer. And warm, sunny days are not frequent guests in our garden. Therefore, a special mood and feeling of celebration is necessary and can be created in every element of garden improvement; country landscape design is suitable for this.

And if we introduce non-traditional shades into the architecture of the garden in the form of bright flower beds, various paving, decorated spaces, then by this we will emphasize not only our individuality, but also introduce a unique summer mood. To do this, make more active use of annual plants, planting them in the ground already flowering. You can bring home flowers in pots, which will give the garden a special flavor, create a rustic landscape design.

Stretch ceiling

When using a tension structure, ceiling repairs are performed almost instantly. Some companies begin work on finishing the ceiling in this way already 2 days after receiving the order.

The surface of the ceiling is perfectly smooth. Thanks to this solution, you can successfully hide communications. Stretch ceilings are becoming increasingly popular. An interesting option is one that combines suspended ceilings and plasterboard.


In a private home, such material can be used as flooring. They are ideal for floor surfaces. Wood is able to retain heat, has high aesthetic properties and is environmentally friendly. In the case of budget finishing, the choice falls on ordinary boards. With proper preparation and installation, they can preserve the “naturalness” of the interior and last for many decades.

A more expensive option is parquet boards. It is characterized by increased strength and visual appeal. However, even such material must be treated with protective compounds. This measure is mandatory. Many owners of country houses save on repairs by choosing wood.

What styles of country interior are there?

In Soviet times, a dacha was a plywood building or a permanent house with a large area. A dozen years ago, the interior of a room was created from furniture and other household items that were not used in the apartment. Nowadays, different design requirements apply.

There are the following styles of interior dacha design:

  • Russian;
  • country;
  • American;
  • vintage;
  • boho;
  • Scandinavian;
  • modern design;
  • functionalism.

Each interior is unique. The decor requires special furniture and props.

Russian style

It is represented by wooden walls, a Russian stove, and benches. You can decorate your house with elements of folk crafts. The design in the form of a princely house would be interesting. Such rooms are distinguished by colorful multi-colored ornaments. The highlight of the decor is the tiled stove covered with ceramic tiles with an unusual pattern. Russian style goes well with the latest technology. The materials to use are oak, pine, ash, natural stone, and limestone. The national stove is replaced by a stylized fireplace. The best shades are yellow, beige, and brown. Russian furniture should combine simplicity and quality. The dishes are decorated with patterns and the towels are hand-embroidered.

Country style

Country is a rustic and functional style that combines simplicity and utility. The design allows you to simultaneously use the old chest for storing things and for decorating the room. Country music combines several directions. You can combine the design of a Russian hut and a country American ranch. Finishing materials are used of natural origin. The color scheme should be calm. The walls are covered with ordinary floral wallpaper or with the use of textiles. Old furniture is suitable for country style, but it should not be shabby or shabby. Wicker furniture also fits into the country style. Textiles with lace or patterns complement the room, completing the overall design of the ranch.

American style

The American direction implies a combination of different eras, materials, and trends.

Distinctive features of the interior:

  • the use of plastic instead of MDF, wood;
  • local lighting, economical lamps;
  • the space is divided into zones. It is customary to highlight the kitchen, living room, bedroom;
  • furniture is placed in the center;
  • color scheme - light colors. American colors are beige, olive, ocher, white.

American design can be classic, neoclassical, modern.

Vintage style

In the vintage direction, interior items that are more than 20 years old are used. Natural materials. If a modern object is used for the interior, then it must be artificially aged. It is better to glue wallpaper with patterns, branches, flowers. Floor and ceiling coverings are made only from natural materials. Furniture is selected with history. You can decorate the room with forged or wooden parts; there should be a lot of accessories.

Boho style

Boho does not tolerate any restrictions. This interior suits a bohemia. The interior details are unpredictable. The style combines things that are difficult to imagine next to each other. Items can be old from different directions. Boho is often called a country style. The color scheme can be either monochromatic or with an abundance of colors. The texture of the material is dense or thin.

Important! Decorating rooms in the boho style should not just resemble a mess, but reflect the state of mind of the owner and realize his creative desires.

Scandinavian style

The interior of the conquerors is based on the use of natural wood and stones. The color scheme should be in natural tones; you can use white and blue colors. An important detail of the style is a real fireplace. The space should be as free as possible, and the light should be bright and diffused. Dishes and textiles are simple.

Modern design

The furniture chosen is comfortable and practical. It is better to choose a light color for the room; the light should be diffused. Furniture upholstery and textiles are combined with the color scheme of the walls. It is better to make the ceiling and floor from natural materials that are in harmony with the other color scheme of the room. Flowers and fashionable installations should be used as bright accents.


The materials used are practical, time-tested. Decoration requires the allocation of zones. Such areas are the bedroom, kitchen, living room. The furniture is simple with ergonomic shapes. Beds, chairs, tables are transformed. Lighting can be either artificial or natural. Excessive decor is not welcome.

Ceramic tile

This material is usually used for finishing floor surfaces in bathrooms and hallways. Quite often, tiles are also used for residential premises. On the market you can find a version of ceramic tiles made to look like wood. When choosing this finishing option, the floor is as durable as possible.

If you lay a heated floor system under such tiles, you will get a fairly practical coating. Outwardly, it will resemble a parquet board. In terms of strength and durability, such a floor is not inferior to high-quality wood.

Natural interior styles in the country: furniture pieces

So, it's decided! Your country interior is a Provence or country style, similar to it. What do they all have in common? Good quality, durability, practicality and convenience of furniture sets. Natural materials in the base - wood, metal, leather, rattan, bamboo, wicker, and in exceptional cases - glass. As a decor - headboards decorated with carvings, colorful drawings using stencils, forged elements - everything that you can create with your own hands, complementing this or that piece of furniture.

The color of the table in the living room, bed in the bedroom, chairs and other elements of the furniture set, even if they are of different types, should be the same. Most often it is a shade of rye or whiskey, cognac or chocolate, even auburn. If you want a lighter option in Provence, for example, use white, milky, coral, light pink, and start painting furniture facades. The details of the method are not difficult to find out, and the pleasure from working with your own hands is maximum. Scuffs, roughness and unevenness, minor mechanical damage with an “antique” appearance are welcome!

Furniture that you put together yourself from handy materials is optimal for rustic. These could be edged boards, huge tree stumps, even pallets from the local market. Different in size, a little awkward, they will serve faithfully, turning, for example, into a table or a sleeping place if necessary.

Cottage interior in Provence style

Interior of a recreation area at the dacha

Design of a living room and dining room in a country house made of logs

Patterned tiles in the kitchen

Kitchen with wooden bar counter

Country kitchen in rustic style

Decoration of the stairs and floors of the dacha

Classic style bedroom

Cozy living room with fireplace

Decoration of various rooms

When choosing a material for a particular room, it is worth considering its purpose. There are several tips to consider when creating high-quality flooring:

  • For rooms where humidity is high, you should choose moisture-resistant coatings. They should wash well.
  • For residential premises, the construction market offers a large selection of materials. You can choose products for the living room, bedroom, nursery or hallway.
  • Floor coverings should be selected in the same way - for rooms with high humidity - resistant to damage and moisture.

Such features must be taken into account when choosing coverings for the ceiling, walls and floors. If you choose the right materials for various coatings, you can save money on home renovations.

Rustic Design Features

When creating a garden and yard according to the rules of our grandmothers, it is necessary to take into account the important features of the rustic style. Regardless of size, the site is divided by paths, living fences, and fences into several functional zones: garden, flower garden, vegetable garden. And no types of plastic are used to build the house and decorate the area.

Rural landscape design does not “tolerate” clear lines - garden paths should curve smoothly around flower beds, lawns and beds. Paths should be paved with natural materials: tree cuttings, stones, pebbles, sand or gravel.

At the entrance you can put more durable tiles, but better artificially aged ones. Do not remove the emerging weeds.

The borders of the paths must be made of plants - from a colorful mixture of plantings of different colors and heights.

A village garden involves the presence of fruit trees that will be beautiful in spring and summer, and also produce a harvest of delicious fruits.

A small vegetable garden will save part of the family budget and will serve a decorative function.

The beds can be effectively placed around the path.

In flower beds, which should be done with deliberate carelessness, plants traditional for our country are planted: peonies, dahlias, daisies, asters, green shrubs.

Bright sunflowers in the front garden or near the fence will add a rustic flavor to the site.

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