Is it possible to use liquid wallpaper in the bathroom?

Liquid wallpaper is a fairly new finishing material, unusual and unknown for many domestic developers. Before you start decorating your bathroom with liquid wallpaper, you need to briefly familiarize yourself with its composition, advantages and disadvantages. This knowledge will allow you to make an informed decision and be prepared for the surprises of the material.

Liquid wallpaper

Types and brief performance characteristics of liquid wallpaper

There are many articles on this topic on the Internet, but unfortunately, it is very difficult to find out the truth from them and get practical recommendations. Most articles are written at the request of manufacturers or distributors and are clearly advertising in nature. The second part of the information is provided by amateurs who have not only never worked with liquid wallpaper, but have not even seen how they were used by professionals. Hence the statements “there is nothing complicated”, “everyone can do it”, “universal wallpaper”, “easy and simple to work”, etc. Such statements are very far from the truth; in the article we will only give practical advice from independent users.

Colors and shades of liquid wallpaper

About the advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of liquid wallpaper are:

  • practicality. There is no need to additionally level the surface of the room in order to apply this type of wallpaper to it. They themselves hide all the irregularities and small defects. This wallpaper has no seams. Therefore, even after repair, the surface will retain its original characteristics;
  • environmental friendliness. This type consists of absolutely safe components. The surface does not allow moisture to pass through and does not attract dust. You don't have to worry about growing fungi and mold. The heat and sound insulation characteristics are pleasantly surprising;
  • versatility. Liquid moisture-resistant wallpaper is suitable for any room, regardless of its purpose. And can be easily applied to any surface;
  • long service life. Regular glue is enough to securely connect.

The photo shows the interior of a bathroom with liquid wallpaper:

Attention! Such cladding can be easily repaired if damaged. It is enough to wet the area and remove it with a spatula. A layer of new wallpaper is then applied to this place.

But there are also a number of disadvantages:

  • high price. To purchase the required quantity you will have to spend 2-3 times more than for analogues made from other materials;
  • easy to wash off with water. Liquid moisture-resistant wallpaper is not for those who like to wash everything, even walls. They wash off quickly if you rub it long and hard with a wet cloth. The walls can be coated with a special transparent varnish, but then they lose the ability to let moisture in. If any area has become too dirty, it is easiest to replace it with a new one;
  • The application process may seem too laborious to some.

Composition of liquid wallpaper

During the manufacture of liquid wallpaper, the following components are used.

NameComposition and purpose
BaseCellulose and cotton fibers. They occupy up to 90% of the total mass and serve as the main basis. Wood processing industry waste and waste paper processing materials are used. To obtain cotton fiber, textile waste is processed.
Decorative additivesVarious sparkles, silk artificial fiber, dyes. Purpose – imparting decorative properties to surfaces.
AdhesivesPVA, Bustilat, KSM and other cheap compounds. The purpose is to bind the constituent elements into a durable coating.
Additional componentsCellulose is an excellent nutrient medium for fungi and microorganisms. In this regard, special antiseptic preparations are added to some types of liquid wallpaper to prevent the appearance of fungi.


As can be seen from the table, waste from various industries and the cheapest adhesives are used to produce liquid wallpaper. Question. Why are they so expensive? Answer. The advertisement is engine of the trade.

Composition of liquid wallpaper

liquid wallpaper

Objective performance characteristics of liquid wallpaper

We will compare the advertising positive aspects of the material with practical characteristics. This information will help you decide on the advisability of using liquid wallpaper for wall decoration in the bathroom.

What does the advertisement say?What practice shows

To apply liquid wallpaper there is no need to specially prepare the surface; it hides all unevenness

The thickness of the liquid wallpaper layer is 2–3 mm (not 5 or more!). This means that the walls cannot have irregularities exceeding these values. Wallpaper should be applied to flat surfaces in a thin layer. A thick layer of wallpaper will not only be expensive, but will also not adhere to the surface. Under slight mechanical loads, it will begin to peel off and inevitably fall off completely.

To carry out work, small areas of workspace are required

This is true. Tools and containers for liquid wallpaper do not require much space. To work, you will need a small basin or bucket and ordinary grout with a handle.

Complete absence of joints; work can be suspended at any stage and continued after a few days. Joint seams will not be noticeable

Partially true. Indeed, work can be stopped at any time for several days. The prepared mixture will not lose its original properties; it only needs to be covered with film to prevent drying out. If during this time a little moisture is lost, it doesn’t matter, you can add water and mix everything thoroughly. As for the seams, that's not true. They will be inconspicuous, but an experienced master will always see the junction point. No amount of soaking will help for two reasons. The first is that the surface of the wallpaper is rough, and a wet coating will always be a little harder than the new one. It will never be possible to apply a new liquid over the entire joint area to a hard, rough wall; air pockets will remain, albeit small ones. The thin edge of the joint will be slightly different in color; it will not mix with the old wallpaper, but will lie on top. This is a proven practice, do not double-check it with your own experience. Do you need to stop working urgently? Make the border as smooth as possible.

Liquid wallpaper “breathes”

It's true, cellulose allows air and steam to pass through without problems. The only question is, do bathroom walls need steam?

They have excellent sound-absorbing and heat-saving properties

If the layer thickness is at least a centimeter, then, if desired, you can notice a slight effect. And with a thickness of 1.5–2 mm, you need to have very precise instruments to record “high” sound-absorbing and heat-saving properties. Since wallpaper is applied in a thin layer, you should not hope that after finishing the walls in the bathroom it will become much warmer and quieter.

The surface is easy to repair

Yes, it is easy to repair, but marks will always be visible. The new coating looks like a clean spot on the old one.


After removing the wallpaper from the walls, you can apply it again. You just need to keep in mind that the original design appearance will not be restored.

Ease of care

Blatant untruth. Wallpaper cannot be cleaned with a sponge or rag, only with a vacuum cleaner. There is little dust in the bathroom, but mold appears on damp walls; it cannot be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. But there are also problems with it - the brush is difficult to move along the wall, it constantly clings to emerging irregularities. In addition, there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the surface.

These are the differences between advertising brochures and practical user reviews. Now it’s up to you to decide whether to use liquid wallpaper for rooms with high humidity and temperature.

Advice from professionals. Never apply liquid wallpaper to walls that have direct contact with water: directly next to the bathtub or shower stall.

Additional rules

To glue liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, you do not need to have special construction skills. But experts give the following advice to those who want to create a truly unique interior in the bathroom.

Attention! An unfinished wall is unacceptable. After some time, such work will be more difficult to continue. Old and new layers of wallpaper will not match each other.

The textured finish and methods of application to the wall determine what the wallpaper will look like. Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom can be seen in the photo:

There are several ways to get original liquid wallpaper in your bathroom:

  • use of a structural roller. Will help to cope with the problem of leveling wall and ceiling surfaces;
  • relief rollers. They will allow you to create colored panels and stucco decorations if the liquid wallpaper has a fairly thick consistency.

Cellulose mixtures are always laid evenly on the wall. This is an excellent solution for getting rid of minor defects. Thanks to this, finishing and renovation work in the bathroom takes less time.

Is it possible to make liquid wallpaper for the bathroom yourself?

The question is of interest to some particularly thrifty developers; you can find advice on this matter on the Internet. Take paper or cotton cloth and cut it finely with scissors. Buy PVA glue, dyes and glitter at the store, soak everything in water and mix. The result is that you will get almost free liquid wallpaper for your bathroom. Everything is simple and excellent.

Preparation of composition for liquid wallpaper

Let's look at this technology from a practical perspective. Let's say you need to plaster a small wall with an area of ​​approximately 10 m2. For one meter, at least 300 g of dry material is required, for the entire wall, respectively, at least 3 kg. Weigh a 3 kg stack of paper and note its volume. Estimate the time you need to spend cutting it, and the size of one piece should not exceed a few millimeters. Lost the desire to cut? If not, then one more fact. For liquid wallpaper, only clean, thin and soft paper such as newsprint is suitable. Glossy magazines are not suitable, their paper does not absorb moisture, and therefore the cellulose will not dissolve. But newspaper cannot be used for two reasons. The first is that printing ink is unsafe for health. Secondly, black paint will make the wallpaper dark, why do you need such a bathroom? Conclusion - go to the store and buy ready-made products, don’t waste your time.

It is better not to use newspapers and waste paper to make liquid wallpaper.

What else do you need to know

If the surface is covered with liquid wallpaper, it can be easily repaired and cleaned if necessary. A regular eraser will be enough to remove stains under the switch. Use a spatula to remove any dirty areas. To do this, you just need to pre-moisten them with water. Then a layer with new wallpaper is glued. It is better to apply more material, then it will definitely be level with the old one. Reviews confirm this rule.

Wallpaper does not need to be removed when new renovations are carried out. The paint is easy to apply directly to the wall. The texture does not suffer at all.

It is worth understanding that the texture of the wallpaper applied to the wall in reality will differ from what is presented in stores. The samples have an ideal appearance due to the fact that a small amount of water is added to them. In practice, more liquid is lost.

Video instructions will help you properly apply liquid wallpaper for the bathroom:

How to calculate the consumption of liquid wallpaper

Study the instructions for use; depending on the specific type, the consumption of dry wallpaper per square meter of surface area is indicated; it can range from 250 g to 350 g. But under one condition - the wallpaper is applied to perfectly smooth walls, the thickness is the same over the entire surface and does not exceed 2 mm. This means that the walls cannot have any flaws, and the work will be done by an experienced professional. Moreover, he should have experience working with liquid wallpaper, and not cement-sand plasters or putties. Your wall is uneven, and you have very little or no experience - increase the amount by at least 20%. If there is some material left, it will always be useful for correcting problem areas.

Liquid wallpaper consumption

How to calculate the consumption of liquid wallpaper

How to apply correctly

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom is applied in the same way as in other rooms. In any case, work begins by preparing the walls. The old coating is completely removed and the walls are leveled. Then putty is applied and the surface is primed.

The presence of ceramic tiles on the wall complicates this process somewhat.

Liquid wallpaper is applied to the walls in the bathroom in the following order:

  • First prepare the wallpaper mixture. It's easy, just follow the instructions on the package. It should stand for some time. Knead it only by hand;
  • A small amount of water is added to the material after a certain time has passed. A plastic trowel is the most convenient tool for applying wallpaper;
  • the process goes from one corner to another. With light movements they are gradually smoothed out;
  • The last stage is the application of a protective coating of colorless varnish with an acrylic base. The main thing is to make sure that the surface is dry before starting work. A special roller or wide brushes are best for applying varnish. It is thanks to acrylic varnish that the surface of the walls becomes matte. And it receives additional protection from external influences of moisture and steam.

You can see what liquid wallpaper looks like in a bathroom in the photo:

Application technology

We have already mentioned that working with liquid wallpaper requires specific skills. If you don’t have them, then it’s better to fill your hand a little on an inconspicuous area of ​​the wall. Then the wallpaper can be removed, mixed with a large amount of prepared and reused. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work right away, practice, try holding the ironing board at different angles, press it harder or weaker against the wall. Try working at different intensities. Let the area dry and choose a technology, how best to join the old and new coating, how to align the joints and make them less noticeable.

We recommend practicing applying liquid wallpaper

Now that you have some practical knowledge, start plastering the walls in the bathroom. We have already mentioned that only those surfaces that are not exposed to water during water procedures can be finished. In addition, it is strongly recommended to make an edging at the bottom of the wall to protect the liquid wallpaper from contamination while cleaning the floor.

Step 1. Take the dimensions of the surfaces to be coated and determine their area. Buy materials taking into account the stock. When working with liquid wallpaper, you need to use a smoothing iron; it makes no difference what material it is made of. The size of the trowel depends on the experience of the worker. The larger it is, the smoother the coating is, but the more difficult it is to work with. It takes quite a lot of experience. For beginners, we recommend buying a tool measuring approximately 10x20 cm.

Transparent trowel-trowel - the most convenient tool

Step 2 . Prepare the material according to the manufacturers' recommendations. Be sure to consider the advice of professionals. Mix at least three packets at a time; the more, the more even the coating will be.

Preparing liquid wallpaper

Step 3. Clean the surfaces from dust and dirt and check their condition. To do this, use an even-length staff or level. It is advisable to level out large recesses of more than 3 mm with putty; this will make working with liquid wallpaper much easier and improve the quality of the coating.

Preparing walls for liquid wallpaper

Why do we recommend leveling the surface?

  1. On smooth surfaces, material consumption is reduced; the cost of putty is much less than the cost of wallpaper.
  2. Leveling recesses with putty is much easier to do than with liquid wallpaper. Marks from the edges of the spatula are removed with a slightly damp sponge using careful circular movements. This technology is not suitable for liquid wallpaper. You need to have either a very wide grout and great practical skills. Beginners will not be able to work with large grout, and there are no practical skills. Don't think that plastering a few square meters of wall makes you a professional. In order to really understand something, you need to work for more than one year.

Leveling problem areas

Step 4. Be sure to apply two layers of primer to the wall surface. Drying time for each is approximately three to four hours. The primer is applied with a roller or brush, the second layer in a transverse direction to the first. Do not leave any gaps; rub it firmly into the surface. Prime the corners of the room especially carefully. It is in these places that it is most difficult to apply liquid wallpaper so that it does not peel off; all possible measures must be taken to prevent such phenomena.

Prime the walls

Step 5. Start plastering the walls. This can be done in two ways, you can try both and use the one that is more convenient. We will tell you both methods, and you choose the best one for yourself.

First way

Most beginners use it. The mass is applied to one side of the trowel, do not take too much or too little, determine the specific amount experimentally. Tilt the float at an angle of approximately 10°–15° to the plane of the wall. The hand should move at an average pace and without stopping until all the liquid wallpaper remains on the wall. The tilt of the smoother must be constantly reduced, otherwise the wallpaper will not press against the wall surface. We remind you once again that no theoretical knowledge can replace practical skills. Each sentence you read needs to be reinforced with practical actions, and you should immediately try to work with liquid wallpaper.

Application of liquid wallpaper

As soon as all the mass from the trowel has transferred to the wall, gradually move the tool away from the wall. Place a new portion of material and repeat the operation. Step back approximately 2-3 centimeters from the end of the first section, press the trowel down and apply the wallpaper. Try to immediately level the marks from the edges of the tool, return to the already covered areas and try to even out the marks with careful circular movements.

How to glue liquid wallpaper

Stages of applying liquid wallpaper to walls

There is no need to achieve perfect smoothness; after drying, the tubercles will become less noticeable. This is one of the positive properties of liquid wallpaper. We will tell you how to finish external and internal corners in the article below; the technique differs from the production of plastering work with cement mixtures.

Second way

This is how professionals work; you need to have experience in ordinary plastering of walls. By the way, liquid wallpaper is in many ways reminiscent of plaster, with differences in composition and physical characteristics. If you learn to work professionally, you can cover 20 m2 or more surfaces with liquid wallpaper in one day.

What is the difference between the professional method? The wallpaper is first thrown onto the wall with a trowel, and then smoothed with a long trowel. The throwing technology is somewhat different from the usual one. If for cement mortars you need to throw a thickness of at least one centimeter, and each throw of mass should lie next to the previous one, then with liquid wallpaper you should act differently. They need to be stretched as much as possible across the surface during the throw; the hand with the trowel should simultaneously move perpendicularly and parallel to the wall. Free space should be left between adjacent slats; it will be filled during the final leveling of the coating with a trowel. Practice shows with what effort and from what distance to throw, each individual case has its own nuances, it is even theoretically impossible to describe everything. If the work is done correctly, there will be no splashes; the material adheres tightly to the surface in an almost uniform layer. Leveling with a trowel takes a few minutes and is done in a couple of passes.

Applying liquid wallpaper to the wall

Important. Tools must be made of stainless steel or plastic, their working surfaces must be absolutely clean and smooth.

Step 6 : Keep track of the time. A long break can only be taken when work on the entire surface is completed. We have already said above that it is very difficult to make the joining of a fresh section with a frozen one unnoticeable. Estimate the start and end times of work taking this factor into account. There will be a break of more than several hours - close the container tightly and do not allow the prepared mixture to dry out.

How to trim external and internal corners

There are no rooms without internal and external corners; covering them with liquid wallpaper is somewhat more difficult than plastering them. Why, and how to do it correctly? Let's look at this issue in detail. To understand the difference in technology, you need to familiarize yourself with both.

Before plastering the external corners with cement mixtures, a flat board, aluminum or metal lath is fixed to one of the planes. They are fastened with homemade fasteners (brackets) from building reinforcement with a diameter of approximately 5–10 mm or with purchased devices. The board is installed tightly to one of the planes of the corner, above the second plane the edge protrudes to the thickness of the plaster. Everything is done to a level strictly vertically. Everything else is simple. One wall is being plastered, the fixed board plays the role of an outer beacon. The solution has hardened - the board is removed and the second plane of the corner is plastered. Now the new outermost beacon will be a layer of hardened plaster. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to obtain a perfectly even angle. This method is not suitable for liquid wallpaper for several reasons.

  1. The thickness of the liquid wallpaper layer is only a few millimeters, which does not allow you to adjust the required parameters using the side slats.
  2. The material has low hardness and cannot serve as a beacon for the second plane.

Finishing corners

Due to such features, it is necessary to change the technology for finishing external corners.

Step 1. Start work from the bottom of the corner. Apply liquid wallpaper on one side to a height of approximately 20 cm. The material should protrude a few millimeters above the corner.

Step 2. Apply wallpaper to the same height on the other side of the corner. If the joints fall off, correct them and press them firmly into the wall surface.

Step 3. Very carefully use a spatula to correct the angle on both sides; you will have to do this operation several times. Move the spatula only in the vertical direction; horizontal movements are made as a last resort and only when large corrections need to be made.

Important. Do not allow the thickness of the coating to increase; the corners are the weakest point. A thick layer of liquid wallpaper will fall off faster and you will have to make unplanned repairs.

Internal corners are easier to make. The spatula can be moved both horizontally and vertically, which greatly facilitates the process.

Finishing the inner corner

It is advisable to start applying the composition from a light corner towards a dark one.

Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper

How to make patterns on the wall

Due to the patterns, the appearance of the walls significantly improves; if you have the time and desire, then take up additional decorations. Patterns can be flat or three-dimensional; we will tell you the technology for applying two types.

Step 1. Select a pattern and purchase different colors to match it. There is no need to calculate the exact quantity; you will still have to buy at least one package of each shade, and this is enough to finish 3 m2 of area. Of course, if you have simple geometric patterns over a large area, then find out the amount of materials more accurately.

Important. Be sure to saturate the surface with a high-quality primer. The drawings will have many lines of contact of different colors; they are done in two steps. And this technology reduces the bonding strength of the edges.

Step 2 . Draw a picture on the wall. We don’t recommend choosing a complex multi-color one right away; start with a two-color one. The drawing is applied in several ways.

First. It is drawn immediately on the wall. This method is suitable for those who have natural drawing abilities. Or if you have a geometric pattern consisting only of straight lines. Make markings, mark the break points of the lines and draw a pattern with a ruler.

Marking the pattern

Practical advice. It is advisable to use an ordinary pencil, not a felt-tip pen. The line does not disappear when wet with liquid wallpaper, the paint does not get onto the front surface, and does not show through under the light coating.

Second. If you have difficulty drawing, you can transfer the image to a sheet of thick paper and cut out a stencil. Glue it to the wall with construction tape.

Paper stencil

The third way is to remember how they “interrupted” drawings during their student years. The drawing was laid out on glass, a table lamp under it, a blank sheet of Whatman paper on top, and a drawing was quickly drawn along the translucent lines. Everything is the same, only the shadow of the drawing should fall on the wall. Trace it with a pencil and the preparatory process is complete.

Step 3. If you have a complex drawing or little experience in performing such work, then it is better to cover the outline with masking tape. Use short pieces, cut along the lines. The work is long, but it pays off during the application of liquid wallpaper. You can also mark simple lines with tape; the pattern will be much clearer.

Step 4. Prepare liquid wallpaper of the same color, as we have already described. To work, you need to have two spatulas (large and small); the tool must be clean and have smooth surfaces.

Step 5 . After the outline on the wall is drawn, proceed to applying wallpaper. Apply only one color at first. Work carefully, constantly adjust the wallpaper with the back of the spatula, it should not go beyond the outline of the pattern. If the tape is glued, the work is easier. The layer thickness is standard, approximately 2 mm. Freshly applied wallpaper of different colors should never touch each other, otherwise the dividing lines will be blurred.

Gradually fill in all the elements of the picture

Step 6: Allow time for the first color to dry completely. This will require at least two days, the specific values ​​depend on the room temperature and ventilation efficiency.

Step 7. The first color has dried - start gluing wallpaper of a different color. Take special care at joints. Immediately remove excess wallpaper, do not allow the previous layer to get wet.

Fine detailing, thin lines are drawn using felt-tip pens

Liquid wallpaper can also be used to create three-dimensional designs. To do this, you need to make some of the material somewhat thicker while soaking the material. Fill the picture with more liquid wallpaper using the described method. While they are wet, glue the convex parts to them. Form a shape from thick material and glue it to the wall. First, press firmly over the entire surface of the protruding part, and then trim the edges. On convex surfaces, the end of a small spatula can be used to press out lines, leaf curves, etc. Don’t be afraid to experiment, in any case you will get a completely exclusive finish.

Volumetric drawing

Another original way to apply a pattern to wallpaper in the bathroom. Find a thematic picture, make a stencil on its base, place it against the wall and paint the cut holes with water-based paint. At the same time, you need to remember that the surface of liquid wallpaper is embossed, you won’t get straight lines. Choose appropriate pictures.

Drawings with liquid wallpaper

How to remove liquid wallpaper

It's not as simple as it seems. To prepare liquid wallpaper per kilogram of dry mixture you will need at least three liters of water; this composition covers 3–4 m2 of surface. This means that to get completely wet you need about the same amount of water, and you need to apply it in one go. It is not recommended to use a roller; it will not be able to absorb so much water at one time. You will have to process the same place several times. During this time, the top layer will already get wet, become soft and begin to stick to the roller. This is a big problem. To remove liquid wallpaper, you need to wet it with a large amount of water and without direct contact of the tool with the wall surface. The best option is a pneumatic spray gun. But not everyone has it.

Device for humidifying wallpaper with steam

Liquid wallpaper - are there any disadvantages?

Every material has disadvantages. This also applies to liquid wallpaper. But let's say right away - they are insignificant. If we compare the advantages and disadvantages, the disadvantages are insignificant. But you still need to know about them:

  • the material takes a long time to dry;
  • while liquid wallpaper dries, it has an unattractive appearance;
  • the cost is high - from 800 rubles.
    for 1 kg .

Agree, these shortcomings are subjective. Although liquid wallpaper takes a long time to dry, you can live with the disadvantages. If you start further renovations in the bathroom, you won’t even notice how time flies and the space is transformed.

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Answers to some questions

Can liquid wallpaper withstand shrinkage at home? It all depends on its intensity. If the shrinkage is a few millimeters, then there will be no problems. If the count is in centimeters, then the liquid wallpaper will become deformed or peel off.

Are there simpler wall covering technologies? Yes, you can use a pneumatic spray gun. To do this, several conditions must be met: the nozzle diameter is at least four millimeters, the size of the wallpaper fractions does not exceed these values, and the air pressure is at least five atmospheres.

Application of liquid wallpaper with a sprayer

Is it possible to level surfaces with an ordinary roller? No, you can’t, leveling the surfaces of liquid wallpaper should only be done with smooth, even tools. As you might guess, the surface of the rollers does not meet these requirements.

Apply wallpaper with a spatula

How does primer help? It not only increases the adhesion coefficient, which is also very important. The primer prevents dyes from getting from the wall onto the wallpaper, and they appear on the surface in the form of various stains. In addition, white primers make the base a uniform color, which is essential for surfaces. The thickness of liquid wallpaper is up to two millimeters, in some places it can decrease to a millimeter. Such a thin layer is translucent, and multi-colored sections of the wall will be visible through it.

White wallpaper primer

Is it necessary to follow manufacturers' recommendations for choosing a specific brand of primer? Yes, if you have no experience. Only professionals can choose from a huge variety of materials with identical performance properties at a lower price. One more nuance - you need to pay attention to the properties of primers; some can only improve adhesion, others prevent the surface from getting wet, and others have antiseptic properties. There are complex action primers. To give surfaces the same tone, they need to be painted with dispersion paints. They have high adhesion rates with many finishing materials and liquid wallpaper.

Primer for wallpaper

Is it possible to apply wallpaper to OSB boards? It's possible, but difficult. First, you need to apply at least two layers of waterproof primer to the slab; before applying the next one, the previous one must be completely dry, which takes about 7–8 hours. Next, the surface should be made monochromatic - painted with white water-based paint and again given time to dry. The same should be done if the surface to be finished is covered with plywood.

Can liquid wallpaper be applied to decorative plaster? If you really want to, then you can. But before application, it should be leveled with putty, primed twice and painted with white paint. Now decide whether this type of bathroom decoration is worth it. Moreover, decorative plaster, unlike liquid wallpaper, is not afraid of direct contact with water.

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom. Combination with mosaic

How is liquid wallpaper applied to partitions made of aerated concrete blocks? Very difficult to apply. Aerated concrete blocks have several disadvantages: low surface strength and absorb large amounts of moisture. Before application, you need to eliminate these problems - cover the surfaces with putty and soak them twice with primer.

Is it possible to apply other coatings to liquid wallpaper? No, they need to be removed. It is not necessary to clean the wall after this, it all depends on the material used in the future.

Is it possible to apply new wallpaper to an old layer of wallpaper? Yes, but not advisable. The fact is that the weight of the coating increases, but the adhesion coefficient remains the same and is designed only for the bottom layer. Another condition is that the old layer must be painted white twice, otherwise it will show through.

Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper and photo wallpaper accent

How to remove stains on wallpaper? First of all, find out their cause and the composition of the pollutant. If it is rust, then you will have to remove some of the wallpaper. Remove rust from the surface of the wall, carry out a set of protective measures and then make a patch from new wallpaper. Be prepared that it will not be possible to make repairs completely invisible. If the contamination is of a household nature, then try commercially available stain removers. If it works out great, if it doesn’t work out, scrape off the problem area and make a patch.

Removing the damaged part

Repair of liquid wallpaper

Combination of liquid wallpaper with tiles

Many people choose the option when part of the walls is covered with tiles, and on the other – liquid wallpaper itself. This is completely acceptable.

To lay tiles, the walls must be leveled with plasterboard or plaster. Such processing takes up some of the free space, but the result will pleasantly surprise you with its quality.

You can create any designs on the surface of the wallpaper itself; the choice is limited only by your imagination. Then the inaccuracies can be easily corrected. Excellent quality in case you suddenly want to choose something else later. In a normal situation, liquid wallpaper in the bathroom is applied in a layer of approximately 5-7 mm. Dense layers are needed for those who use relief decorations.

Final Tips

You need to frequently remove moisture from the floors in the bathroom, with the rag constantly touching the walls. Liquid wallpaper quickly absorbs moisture, and a noticeable dirty strip will appear at the junction. To prevent this phenomenon, place a belt (edging) of ceramic tiles on the lower part of the wall.

You can find recommendations to increase moisture resistance by coating the surface of liquid wallpaper with varnish. You should not do this, the positive effect tends to zero, and financial losses increase significantly. The surface of liquid wallpaper is soft, with slight pressure it bends and the varnish cracks. Moisture easily gets into the cracks, and it takes a very long time to dry. The consequence is that under the varnish the wallpaper will begin to change color due to the appearance of mold or fungi.

One of the main problems for beginners when working with liquid wallpaper is that marks from the sharp corners of the smoothing iron remain on the wall. Unlike grout or plaster, it is impossible to remove these marks after drying, and leveling the liquid material requires considerable practical experience. To make work easier, slightly round off sharp corners; this will make the grooves less noticeable.

Do not apply liquid wallpaper to surfaces painted with oil paint. They will definitely start to fall off over time. The paint will have to be removed, coated with water-based emulsion or other finishing materials used. The same advice applies to plasterboard boards. Remember that moisture-resistant boards can only withstand steam; with prolonged direct contact with water, they not only lose strength, but can also swell and the cardboard layer will peel off from the plaster. In addition, plaster will absorb moisture very quickly and will take months to dry. There is a risk of mold and mildew.

Liquid wallpaper applied to the wall

Do not cover heating appliances with liquid wallpaper. The glue used is made of natural cellulose; it will certainly turn yellow on hot surfaces over time, so everything will have to be removed.

Do not use liquid wallpaper to decorate walls on balconies and loggias, even glazed ones. The material is used only in heated rooms. In unheated rooms, moisture absorbed from the air will freeze and the finish will fall off.

There are times when bubbles appear on the surface after drying. This is evidence of gross violations of application technology. First, try to wet them generously, give them 10-15 minutes to get wet and try to glue them with a spatula again. If you didn’t learn, take off the wallpaper and do the job again. But now taking into account the negative experience. You can reuse removed wallpaper.

High quality coating

If you are in a hurry to complete the repair work, then you can apply liquid wallpaper to the plaster that is not completely dry. It’s okay that the surface will take longer to dry; this will not affect the quality of the coating. Of course, if the plaster does not have dyes. If they are, then wait for them to dry completely. Read about fixing a steel bathtub to the wall on the website.

What are the benefits of liquid wallpaper?

In general, ceramic tiles have been and remain the most versatile material for covering walls in the bathroom; apartment owners are accustomed to them, and they are often the ones that fit perfectly into various interiors. But liquid wallpaper is gaining more and more popularity. Those who follow the latest trends and innovations in the field of building materials and design have long appreciated their qualities.

Attempts to wallpaper a bathroom have been made for a long time, but ordinary wallpaper is not at all suitable for this room. They, of course, give a more original look to the room, but retain their aesthetic properties for a very short time. Due to constant exposure to moisture, paper tapes will constantly swell and pull away from the walls, which will require too frequent repairs. This is inconvenient and unprofitable.

Decorating a bathroom with liquid wallpaper

Recently, many owners have preferred this type of coating as washable wallpaper for the bathroom. The reviews, unfortunately, were also not very positive. The owners, of course, liked the fact that the coating was easy to clean, it could be wiped clean and even washed, but there were also certain disadvantages that negatively affected the desire to use this material in the future. The main disadvantage was that washable wallpaper does not stick to the walls much better than regular wallpaper. That is, under the influence of heat and moisture they fall off, and you have to glue something all the time. It turns out that, wanting to save on tiles, you end up spending more on glue and new rolls of wallpaper.

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