Tulle in the bedroom - advantages and disadvantages of tulle in the bedroom. Features of manufacturing materials, selection of colors. 160 photos + video reviews

Which materials to choose?

Effective drapery of bedroom windows depends on how well the tulle material is chosen. It can be organza, chiffon, satin, voile, mesh fabric or a combination of several types of lightweight drapery. In any of the options, tulle in the bedroom interior should look organic.

In addition, when choosing curtains, it is important to consider functionality. It is also important whether only one weightless curtain will be used for the entire window or paired with more impressive curtains. You should take into account both the height of the ceiling and the size of the room.

Tulle curtains in the bedroom: how to choose the ideal option?

The design of a bedroom, like a living room, must be approached especially carefully, remembering that it is inappropriate to use irritating details in its design. Therefore, any accessory that the owner is going to use in the design of this room must be thoroughly thought out.

When choosing tulle curtains for a bedroom, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Illumination of the room from the street side;
  • Color and texture of curtains;
  • Room decoration style;
  • The total number of accent elements in the interior.

Organza curtain

This tulle can be hung in the bedroom without curtains. Organza holds its shape perfectly, drapes the window perfectly, protecting it from excess light and, in the dark, from prying eyes. These curtains are produced using modern technologies from natural materials such as silk, cotton, with the addition of polyester. It makes the fabric more pliable; due to this synthetic additive, the tulle does not wrinkle and washes well.

A little history and grammar

Light translucent fabric was invented back in the 15th century by weavers in the French city of Tulle. The king's bride wanted to have a thin fabric, behind which only her silhouette would be visible, and it would be impossible to recognize her. To fulfill her wish, the king issued a corresponding decree, and the Tulle weavers carried it out. The fabric turned out to be very beautiful, so a dress was made from it for the future queen, and the fabric itself began to be called by the name of the city in which it was invented - tulle.

The first tulle appeared in the 15th century in France

Now a little about grammar. The word “tulle” is masculine in French, and accordingly, in Russian it retains its gender. Therefore, it is correct to say “tulle is he.” Use in the feminine gender - by analogy with the word "fabric" - is incorrect. In some regions this thin fabric is called "curtains". The origin of the word is different, but it refers to the same type of fabric.

Voile curtain

It is very soft, smooth and transparent. Due to the properties of transparency, it is advisable to pair such tulle with curtains that reliably drape the windows. The veil perfectly transmits and optimally diffuses light, but if you need to sleep during the day, reliable curtains will protect you from the sun.

However, in rooms that are located on the shady side of the house and when there is a lack of daylight, it is better to use light voile curtains without adding curtains or heavy drapes.


This is a relatively new idea for window decoration. It is often used in kitchen spaces. However, if you need curtains and tulle for the bedroom, mesh is an excellent solution as a curtain. The material is practical and very functional, durable. It can even be washed using strong bleaching agents. The mesh fabric is not deformed. In addition, the mesh creates an interesting design solution in window drapery. It looks unusual, which makes it unique.

Types and design of tulle in the bedroom

Depending on what fibers the threads used to make tulle are spun from, different types of fabric have their own names.

Types of tulle:

  • chiffon is a light flowing fabric that always looks decent in the interior;
  • nylon is the lightest, almost airy;
  • veil - light mesh mixed fabric (cotton + polyester), less often silk is added to cotton;
  • organza is a denser and more elastic fabric than nylon, thread composition is silk, polyester, viscose;
  • tulle is an airy, non-flowing material made of synthetic threads;
  • nylon – slightly denser than nylon;
  • mesh jacquard - the predominant composition of synthetic threads (polyester).

The pleasant sand color of chiffon sets off the white color of the window Source goodslike.ru

Striped nylon makes the look unusual and stylish, vertical lines will visually increase the height of the room, emphasizing the severity of the contours Source hoff.ru

A gray veil elegantly drapes and emphasizes the white background of the room. Source vseblaga.ru

Organza for sewing tulle in the bedroom when draping creates beautiful and stable waves Source roomester.ru

Pleasant shades and beautiful tulle folds will give the interior airiness and weightlessness Source tkaniminskaya6.ru

Nylon fits perfectly into drapery, has a fine mesh weave structure, and a variety of shades Source odevalo4ka.ru

Jacquard mesh is a good option for a stylish and unique window design in the bedroom Source fabricmix.ru
The most expensive options are cotton, linen and silk tulles. Initially, tulle was woven from silk, linen or cotton. Today, such variants of the material in their pure form are extremely rare. They are most often made to order. The main segment of trade offerings on the market is mixed tulle fabrics.

Organza with silk threads in the fabric will originally emphasize the space by the window with beautiful shimmers and folds Source kupitul.ru

From a design point of view, tulle for the bedroom can be:

  • matte or shiny;
  • transparent or translucent;
  • with a large pattern;
  • with small or large patterns;
  • with a smooth or textured pattern;
  • fine or large mesh;
  • plain, two colors or multi-colored;
  • bright, muted, pastel shades;
  • single-layer, double-layer, two-tier.

Mesh material comes in different densities, shapes of holes, without decorations, patterns or ornaments, complemented by embroidery or woven designs, openwork “holes”, and other interesting fillings.

Pink tulle with a lace canopy will look very beautiful in the Russian style of a bedroom interior Source roomester.ru

Tulle Design:

  • cobweb - a chaotic interweaving of threads gives the interior an unusually beautiful look, makes the fabric from practical materials that are resistant to fading in the sun;
  • rain - flowing organza with small stripes, light lines on it well imitate falling raindrops;
  • muslin - thread (consists of separately hanging threads) or openwork tulle;
  • mesh - considered practical, allows a lot of daylight into the room.

The cobweb has a random interweaving of threads, thanks to which tulle made from such fabric will bring originality and unique style to the interior Source kam-pod.prom.ua


You can't take your eyes off this tulle. The rain attracts attention. This curtain is very stylish, modern and practical, as it optimally diffuses daylight and looks sophisticated and interesting.


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  • Tulle in the interior: types of tulle, pros and cons of the material. Selection of colors, lengths, quantities and patterns of tulle for different interiors (photo + video)

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Rain tulle is made from denser fabric than previous options. Moreover, it is advisable to wash the curtain on a gentle cycle in a machine, or by hand.

Double tulle

It is permissible to combine 2 or 3 types of curtains at once. This needs to be done wisely, carefully selecting materials and colors. Designers recommend choosing double curtains, combining light and matte dark translucent tulle.

Short or long

The first option is more practical because it gives free access to the window and sill. This is important when there is a cat in the house. The windowsill is a favorite place for the furry family member.

To prevent the animal from damaging the curtain fabric, it is worth considering the option of short tulle. A long curtain looks more impressive and is more suitable for large bedrooms, even if the fabric of such a curtain is light and flowing.

Color solutions

The most common option is the vibrant white tulle tone, which matches all curtains and window draperies without exception. However, designers in 2021 advise experimenting.


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If tulle is the only curtain in the bedroom, you should choose colored curtains with a denser fabric structure. When, in addition to tulle, the windows are decorated with curtains, you can look for a curtain that is a shade darker or lighter than the curtains.

Take measurements

Before you sew yourself or order curtains from a specialist, carefully take measurements from the window with a measuring tape. Ideally, measurements are taken after installing the cornice.

Related article: Sparkling creative curtains made of beads (+50 photos)

In the case of installing a wall curtain rod, wider curtains, there will be a distance between the extreme fasteners. At the same time, make an allowance for the fold of tens of centimeters. The allowance depends on the chosen curtain model.

To sew tulle, you need to take two or even three window widths, it all depends on the fabric. Length is the distance from the eaves to the floor.

When mounting cornices on the ceiling, measurements are taken similarly to the option described above. The only difference will be that the length is measured from the ceiling.

Red curtain

Red tulle will make the interior of the room expressive and bright in its own way. If it is translucent and weightless, it will not be noticeable. This is the optimal solution for the bedroom, peaceful sleep and relaxation.

Turquoise Serenity

This tone is very optimal for perception, it sets you up for positivity and a calm, peaceful sleep. Turquoise tulle is suitable for bedrooms with wall decoration in a cool green tone, closer to turquoise.


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The curtain can be several tones lighter or brighter than the wallpaper. It’s good if the bed linen or bed cover is turquoise.

Color spectrum

The choice of curtain shade depends on the overall design of the office space. Popular color options for curtains:

White. Calms, helps to relax, looks sophisticated and elegant in almost any office. Suitable for dark wallpaper, because in combination with light walls it can make the room look like an operating room. Grey. A universal color suitable for any style and design direction. It goes well with both black and light tones in the interior. Light yellow

This shade puts you in a positive mood, calms you down, and does not distract your attention. It is suitable where you need to dilute an overly strict interior. Blue

Calms and helps you concentrate. Looks good in offices with windows facing the sunny side of the window. Green. Helps relieve tension, increases performance, and reduces fatigue. Both light and rich shades are used in office decor. Brown. Calms, creates a feeling of stability and reliability. Fits well into the office interior and does not distract attention. Combines with wood and metal. Beige, cream, sand, etc. are light, calm tones. They look beautiful and appropriate in an office interior, adding coziness without disturbing the overall official style of the room.

Light curtains are calming and do not distract attention.

It is better to choose dark curtains for light wallpaper and vice versa. This will help make the interior more harmonious: the curtains will highlight the walls, and not get lost against their background.

Photo of tulle in the bedroom

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