How not to become the princess and the pea, or Which mattress is better - spring or springless

Spring mattresses and their types

In the 18th century, spring mattresses replaced the classic cotton mattresses and feather beds. This fashionable innovation quickly swept Europe, and to this day spring bed bases have not lost their position and are always popular.

The design of spring models is constantly updated with new technical solutions to provide comfortable conditions for sleep and rest.

Spring feather beds can be divided into two types: with dependent and independent springs. Let's take a closer look at them.

Mattresses with dependent springs

The spring block of such a sleeping place includes about a hundred springs per 1 m². Each of the springs is elastic and rigid. They are connected to each other, so if you press on the mattress in one place, it will sag over a larger area. It is believed that the dependent design is economy class and does not have good orthopedic properties.

Block design - “bonnel”

The spring blocks themselves are called “bonnels”. Each element in such a structure is connected to its neighbor. Due to this connection, the supporting effect is reduced. That is, the product bends over the entire area of ​​the body, without taking into account its bends. If you study reviews of Bonnell spring blocks, it becomes clear that buyers are attracted primarily by the relatively low cost of the product. The quality is called “acceptable”.

Pocket spring mattresses

Independent springs in a mattress - what are they and why are they called pocket springs? First of all, we note that the number of springs per 1 m² of product is several times greater than in the Bonnell block. And, most importantly, they are not fastened together. Each spring independently reacts to the load, that is, in such a feather bed every bend of your body will be supported. A quality product has at least 1,000 springs per 1 m². And they are called pocket because each spring is located in its own pocket case.

The pockets are interconnected, but this fact does not affect the operation of the entire system as a whole.

For your information! A mattress with pocket springs takes on the contours of the sleeper’s body and does not transmit vibrations to the person lying next to him. So your other half can toss and turn in his sleep as much as he wants, it will not bother you in any way.

According to reviews, the advantage of a mattress with independent springs is its noiselessness. A quality product contains from 500 springs per 1 m².

Spring mattresses for children and teenagers

Let’s say right away that, in principle, a spring mattress is not the best idea for a child’s room. Any orthopedist will tell you this. But not every family can afford an expensive special purpose model. On sale you will find children's feather beds with a small number of springs - only about 100 per 1 m². Such models cannot guarantee high-quality support for a child’s back. If you have already chosen a children's spring mattress, choose a firmer model with a wooden or steel frame.

Such a sleeping place does not sag like a hammock, and the child will not roll out of bed in his sleep

For a schoolchild or teenager, it is better to choose a model with pocket springs and a density of 300-400 pieces per 1 m². A lower density is not suitable for a child.

Comparative characteristics of spring and springless mattresses

Two types of spring mattresses

For more than 120 years, spring blocks for mattresses, called dependent, or “Bonnel” blocks, have been produced. They consist of many fairly large springs connected together and forming a single mesh. Sometimes it is supplemented with polyurethane foam inserts. This mattress does not have orthopedic properties - this is its first disadvantage. In addition, over time it sags and begins to creak unpleasantly. And this often happens within a couple of years.

But such mattresses are inexpensive and can also withstand heavy loads.

Nowadays, mattresses with an independent spring block (“Pocket Spring” block) are more popular. This means that each of the many small springs is wrapped in a special fabric cover with holes. And these springs work separately from each other, due to which the load of the human body on the mattress is distributed smoothly and evenly. That is, there are orthopedic properties that are beneficial for the spine.

Naturally, most people choose independent spring blocks, which are more comfortable to sleep on. The springs in it are smaller in size and have a greater number of turns than in the Bonnell type.

Note that in a good independent type spring there should be at least 250 springs per square meter. If there are more of them, the mattress will last longer.

You can get a good night's sleep without springs

Naturally, we will not talk about heavy and uncomfortable cotton mattresses, which accumulate into unpleasant lumps over time. Now there are much more modern and useful materials that will not only provide comfort, but also an orthopedic effect. We are talking about latex and coconut fiber.

Natural latex is soft and elastic. It is made from the sap of the rubber tree - Hevea. The more of this juice in the material (and it can be from one fifth to nine tenths), the better the quality of the mattress.

It gently takes the shape of the body, does not sag or press through. It's just a little expensive.

However, there are budget options on sale: latex made from pressed waste and artificial latex. The first of them is not as strong and elastic as natural ones, but is also quite good. The second is obtained by foaming polymers, and is only slightly superior in quality to foam rubber.

Coconut fiber, or coir, is also a natural material. It is quite rigid, so it is very suitable for children's mattresses - after all, children have not yet developed their posture. Nowadays, mattresses that combine the elasticity of latex and the rigidity of coir are quite popular.

In cross-section, they resemble a cake made of chocolate dough with light cream - this is what layers of coconut fiber and latex look like.

There are also options with two sides - latex and coconut fiber. You can turn it over to get either a harder or a softer surface for sleeping.

Pros and cons of spring mattresses

In order to find the answer to the question of which mattress is better to buy, let’s consider the advantages and disadvantages of spring products:

The cost of models with dependent springs is relatively low. Almost every family can afford such a sleeping place. Mattresses react acutely to instantaneous load. If your children are jumping on the bed, it is possible that one of the springs will dig into your side at night.
Mattresses with independent springs provide good support for the spine.
The products are almost silent, which guarantees comfortable sleeping conditions.
High-quality products, selected taking into account a person’s weight, will last a long time.
Spring models are subject to repair. If your middle has collapsed, there are craftsmen who will restore the condition of the sleeping place for a small fee.

For your information! Spring mattresses consist of more than just springs and a cover. There is filler between the metal block and the shell. The quality of the product largely depends on the filler. It is better to choose coconut fabric or latex - these materials guarantee you a pleasant feeling.

Choosing the type of springless or spring mattresses

When asked how to choose the right orthopedic mattress, many buyers experience certain difficulties. Most often this is noticeable when choosing a spring or springless model, when a person cannot immediately orient himself correctly. Therefore, before going to the store, it is recommended to carefully study the features of each option, using the advice and recommendations of experts.

Bonnel spring mattresses

The correct choice of mattress firmness largely depends on its design. In the absence of spinal diseases and sleep problems, most users prefer classic, inexpensive products with dependent springs. In such models, the springs are connected and intertwined with each other. The load on one of them leads to displacements of others located nearby. There is no supporting effect here, so such mattresses are used by ordinary healthy people with average physiological indicators.

What are mattresses without a spring block?

Orthopedists recommend using models without springs. They support your back through a combination of different fillers and can have three degrees of rigidity. Let's look at the differences between sleeping places with the most popular fillings.


Latex mattresses appeared in our everyday life relatively recently. Previously, latex was used only as the top layer in spring models. Now he has completely replaced the springs. What's attractive about latex? It belongs to the category of hypoallergenic materials, so latex mattresses are recommended for anyone who suffers from constant and seasonal allergies.

This product will never harbor microscopic dust mites or harmful bacteria.

It does not emit any toxic substances and provides extraordinary comfort. But all these advantages apply only to high-quality natural latex. Cheap analogues stamped in China can do harm rather than good.

For your information! High-quality latex material does not emit foreign odors. By this sign it is easy to distinguish a fake.

The hardness of latex mattresses can vary, depending on the wishes of the buyer and manufacturing technology. In reviews of latex models, there are dissatisfied statements that a body imprint remains on the sleeping place, but not only such products suffer from this.

Over time, a spring mattress will develop “dips” and unevenness.

Residents of the southern regions will feel a significant lack of latex. Indeed, sleeping on latex in hot weather or simply in an overheated apartment is not very pleasant. Modern manufacturers have taken this fact into account, and now it is easy to find models with self-ventilation on sale. Another disadvantage of latex is its weight. Such models are very heavy and difficult to move alone. All of the listed disadvantages are more than offset by the advantages of natural material. It qualitatively relieves accumulated tension from the muscles of the back, shoulders and hips, eliminates pain in the spine and joints.

Such mattresses are an indispensable thing for the formation of correct posture.

The durability of the product should also be noted. Quality guarantee – one and a half decades. All this time, the latex mattress will delight you with its comfort.

For your information! Latex mattresses do not transmit vibrations on double models.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam products attract buyers with their price. Indeed, the cost of models made of foam rubber is low, and the quality of modern material fully meets the strict requirements of hygiene. These products, thanks to manufacturing technology, contain 90% air. Why are there more expensive and cheaper polyurethane foam mattresses? It all depends on the structure of the product.

To save money, some manufacturers glue together several layers of foam rubber. If the layer is monolithic, it will cost more

Food for thought: ardent opponents of polyurethane foam claim that this material can be harmful to health due to the content of hydrocarbons of petroleum origin. Indeed, when ignited, these substances release toxic compounds, but in their natural state, high-quality material is stable and safe.

Which mattress is better for a children's room: spring or polyurethane foam? Keep in mind that polyurethane foam is not the best material for a child's bedding. It does not provide adequate support to the spine.

Long-term use of such a sleeping place can lead to back curvature and scoliosis.

Foam products are very elastic and resilient, they can support people with a lot of weight without visible consequences. If people of different weights sleep on a double PU mattress, this will not affect its condition in any way. Polyurethane foam retains its shape for a long time - this is another argument in its favor. It is light and well breathable. The disadvantage of this product is its ability to absorb moisture and odors.

Coconut fiber

The Internet is full of negative reviews about coconut filler. There is an opinion that the fibers of this fruit evaporate formaldehyde compounds and can lead to serious health problems, especially in children. Don't rush to believe everything that is written. In fact, the natural material does not emit any toxins.

In essence, coir is straw that cannot harm anyone

But the latex glue that holds these fibers together can actually release formaldehyde. Responsible manufacturers are moving away from this method of forming filler. They do not bind the fibers with artificial latex, but press them and pierce them with special needles. Such fillers are absolutely safe, but, unfortunately, less durable.

Advice! You can verify the safety of the selected product by asking the seller for a quality certificate.

Mattresses with coconut filling and coir are recommended for people with spinal diseases. The well-known healer Dikul in our country advises using just such products. The service life of such a sleeping place is up to 20 years.

Coir is resistant to moisture, foreign odors and does not cause an allergic reaction

Lice and bedbugs do not live in coconut fiber, and the material does not rot. The softness of the mattress depends on the thickness of the coconut layer.

Other types of fillers

To lay over the springs, use thick wool felt or cotton wool. Sheep wool is valued for its special thermal insulation properties. In addition to the listed natural materials, manufacturers use holofiber to fill feather beds - a soft polyester fibrous material that is resistant to moisture and odors. In order to summarize all the positive qualities of different fillers, mattress manufacturers use multi-layer products, including natural latex, coir and PU foam.

Such complex structures are valued for their excellent orthopedic properties and long service life.

Springless mattresses, types and features

A springless mattress, as the name suggests, means there are no metal parts inside and consists only of filler. Filler of one type or several words from different materials. This mattress captivates consumers with its ease of transportation. You can compactly roll it up and transport it from the store to your home. Lightweight, does not take up much space, easy to lift to the desired floor or fit in an elevator car. In addition, when an additional sleeping place is periodically needed, the springless mattress can be taken out of storage, used, rested in comfort, and then rolled up and put away again.

If we talk about the purpose of use, then springless mattresses can be divided into several types:

  1. for permanent use. This mattress is used as the main sleeping place. Here you should give preference to high-quality models, not consider economical options, choose products with good filling and focus on the sensations of your body. Also determine the comfortable degree of rigidity by trial, listen to the spine, lie down, take the position in which you are used to sleeping.
  2. extra bed. The need for it arises for guests staying overnight, for three months of the summer season, or when they are required to bring bedding in school camps. In this case, you can limit yourself to a budget option; you don’t have to buy huge and thick mattresses that take up a lot of space. Think about where and how you will store this spare mattress. Most springless mattresses tolerate twisting well for a certain amount of time, which depends on the filler material, and this does not affect its quality in any way.
  3. for the sofa. It happens that upholstered furniture sags, but at the moment there is no money for a new sofa. In this case, you can buy a thin mattress, attach it to the furniture using special devices and rest comfortably.

According to the degree of rigidity, springless mattresses are divided into three types:

  1. soft
  2. medium hard
  3. hard

Let's look at each type in detail.

Soft mattresses

On a soft mattress you feel like in a cradle, the filler seems to envelop you on all sides, following the contours of your figure.
Soft memory foam products that “remember” the anatomical shapes of their owner and follow the curves of the body. Although they are able to support a person with a large body weight and not sag under the weight, doctors do not recommend choosing a bed that is too soft, because it can negatively affect the health of the spine. The filling for a soft mattress is one or more layers of natural or artificial latex, as well as memory foam.

Medium firm mattresses

Suitable for most people. The filler is most often latex or foam, and rigidity is achieved using layers of natural coconut coir, or less often real linen. Such products are universal, can withstand intense loads, have orthopedic properties, and many models have a massage and relaxing effect.

Hard mattresses

Recommended for people with back and spine problems.
Rigidity is provided by coconut coir, which can be used as a base layer plus a low layer of latex, or alternate low layers with other materials. Mattresses can be divided into types based on the filler used:

  • Polyurethane foam (PPU), which are low cost and practical. Products made from polyurethane foam should not be chosen for the main sleeping place, because... Their lifespan is short and they are not designed for heavy loads. A foam mattress is an excellent option for extra space for guests, at the cottage, on a sofa, and as a temporary mattress.
  • Latex is made from natural raw materials, the foam structure provides softness, lightness and elasticity, and is characterized by increased wear resistance. In addition, there is artificial latex, which is not inferior in properties to its natural “brother”; another plus is that it does not cause allergies.
  • Anatomical foam. The foam has a cellular structure, thanks to which it has elasticity, supports the body well, softly enveloping it on all sides. Non-toxic, hypoallergenic, absolutely safe, high-quality and durable material is popular among buyers.
  • Memory foam mattresses are a relatively new filler, but they are already gaining fans. During sleep, this viscous material remembers the anatomical shape of the sleeper, the person is as if in a state of weightlessness, he is comfortable and cozy. As soon as contact with a person is lost, the product returns to its original form.
  • Coconut fiber is widely used for stiffening. Coconut coir is a popular natural filler, which is distinguished by such properties as strength and elasticity. A coconut fiber mattress can easily last more than 15 years.
  • Other types of fillers are less popular, but are still used. For example, layers of natural flax began to be used to make products for children. Studies have shown that coconut coir treated with latex releases small amounts of toxic gases. This is enough to negatively affect the health of children, so natural and safe flax began to be used for children's mattresses.

Pros and cons of springless mattresses

Filler mattresses have some disadvantages and even more advantages. Let's look at them:

Products with hard filler have good orthopedic properties.The price of high-quality springless mattresses is quite high, especially if combined layers are used.
Latex products are suitable for those who prefer a soft bed.Such products have a human weight limit of up to 140 kilograms. Under greater load they quickly deform.
Springless models are silent and do not transmit vibrations to the person sleeping next to them.
Such products can be transported by rolling them.Some types of products have impressive weight.
Featherbeds with synthetic filling do not harbor insects and do not absorb odors.

If you choose the type of filler, give preference to hypoallergenic natural materials.

Best Inexpensive Spring Mattress

Dreamline Classic +10 BS is considered the best budget model. The basis of the design is a block with dependent springs. On both sides of it there is a layer of felt and artificial latex. The height of the product is 16 centimeters, which is enough for a comfortable sleep. The disadvantages of the Dreamline Classic include its fragility: it has been proven that bonnel-type mechanisms quickly fail. The maximum weight that the product can support is 90 kilograms.


  • Spring type: Bonnell.
  • Size: 180*200*16 cm.
  • Cover material: calico.
  • Orthopedic properties: no.
  • Mattress type: soft.


  • Price.
  • Combined filler.


  • Low height.
  • Dependent spring block.
  • Non-staining cover material.

Ease of use: which mattress is better - spring or springless?

But if you think about which mattress is better and more comfortable - with or without springs, then it turns out that there is a direct connection between the sensations of different types of sleeping place and a person’s age. For young people, it is better to choose rigid products that hold their shape well. Mattresses for people with back pain are selected using the same principle. So models with pocket springs or coconut filling are more suitable for them.

Latex mattress fillers are the best option for feather beds for older people. They will feel much more comfortable on such a bed.

Orthopedic properties: what to choose

Do not forget that the sleeping place must correspond to the height and weight of the person. It should be at least 20 cm higher than the height and no narrower than 80 cm. But as for orthopedic qualities, a lot depends on the preferences and state of health of the owner. Children need beds with good orthopedic support - these can be models with pocket springs, coconut filling, or high-quality mattresses with combined layers. Adults should give preference to models with a large number of springs. Latex and polyurethane foam are inferior to other options in this regard.

Before purchasing a rather expensive product, do not hesitate to consult an orthopedist

Size and height

The length of the sleeping place should be approximately 15-20 cm greater than the height of the tallest person in the family. The width is calculated by laying both partners side by side. Hands should rest on your chest with fingers crossed. At the same time, tightness is not felt, and the elbows do not touch.

Standards for width and length look like this:

  • Single bed – 80×90, 80×120, 90×120 cm.
  • Double option – 120×200, 140×200, 160×200, 180×200 cm.

The ideal solution is to purchase a mattress and a bed at the same time, when both products can be accurately selected when selling. For an old bed, the length and width of the mattress should be at least 1 cm shorter. If the dimensions are chosen incorrectly, the load will be distributed incorrectly, which will cause premature wear of the product.

The height of the mattress is of great importance, on which the comfort, beauty and comfort of the sleeping place depends. The most optimal parameters are:

  • Up to 14 cm. They are purchased for small children or as additional bedding on the sofa.
  • 14-16 cm. Minimum figure for adults in springless models.
  • 19-23 cm. Standard average for spring mattresses with a normal level of support.
  • 24-40 cm. Premium products with improved performance.

Which mattress will last the longest?

The lifespan of a sleeping place depends not only on the quality of the material. It is clear that cheap models made from materials that do not meet high quality standards will not last long. If the manufacturer skimped on the number of springs or used low-quality coir, the product will quickly fail. But operating conditions are no less important.

Spring mattresses do not withstand mechanical loads well, despite this, children often use them as a trampoline

If moisture periodically gets on the feather bed, the springs in it will quickly rust and collapse. On average, it is believed that a sleeping place with a spring device should maintain its characteristics for 10 years. Springless models can not be changed for 15 years.

Comparison of different types of mattresses


Each buyer knows what size he needs based on the size of his bed. In the case where the client has a non-standard size of furniture, you can order a mattress in individual sizes from most manufacturers.

Life time

The average lifespan of a mattress is 5-10 years. But in reality, it can last either less or more. It all depends on how it was used and on the quality of the mattress. As mentioned above, the service life of mattresses with an independent spring block is much longer than that of mattresses with a Bonnell block. In order for it to last longer, the mattress must be rotated every three months, dry cleaned regularly, and if it is necessary to remove stubborn stains, you should contact the dry cleaner. An excellent solution is to use a protective cover and mattress pad.

Matching the mattress and the person’s weight

How important is this factor? If a person’s weight is within the average range, that is, does not exceed 110 kg, he can choose any model, without paying much attention to the technical characteristics, but trusting only to his own preferences. People weighing over 110 kg should pay attention to springless products. They distribute the load evenly and support all body curves well.

If you give preference to springs, it is possible that they will not cope with the load and will deform unevenly, forming dents that will prevent you from taking a comfortable sleeping position

Rating of orthopedic mattress manufacturers

The rating of the best products is made by the buyers themselves. Before purchasing a mattress, read reviews from users. Stores that respect their customers do not hide negative feedback. And they can give you a complete picture of the quality and ease of use of the mattress. We have already noted that there is no clear answer to the question of which mattress is better - spring or springless. It all depends on your requirements, preferences and financial capabilities. But you can find the answer to the question of which company is better to buy a mattress. We analyzed the product ratings for you according to Yandex.Market data, and this is what happened:

5th place – “Comfort Line”

It was included in the rating of the best for its high assessment of springless models. They are comfortable and have a long service life. The manufacturer uses different types of fillers. The only nuance that users note is the smell that is present in the first months after purchasing the mattress.

Model “Comfort Line Roll Classic”

4th place – “Ormatek”

Domestic uses the most advanced technologies borrowed from developers from the USA and Europe. Ormatek factories produce spring and springless products. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of air exchange and hygiene of mattresses.

Mattress Ormatek Flex Strong

3rd place – “Beautyson”

Combined products made of latex and pocket springs have become leaders of this manufacturer. The absence of toxic glue and high quality material make Beautyson mattresses very popular in our market. There are many positive reviews about the products of this company from people with large weights.

Beautyson Baby Elite mattress

2nd place – “Ascona”

This brand is heard by almost everyone. "Ascona" offers a wide selection of not only spring beds, but also orthopedic pillows. Many users ask which mattresses are better - “Ascona” or “Ormatek”? Both of these manufacturers guarantee high quality products, but, perhaps, Askona stands out with its special patented anti-deformation system, which keeps the bed in its original condition for a long time.


1st place – “Magniflex”

Magniflex won this rating in a difficult battle with Ascona, but it was this manufacturer that the majority of Yandex Market visitors gave their votes to. The most comfortable mattresses are produced in Italy. They are distinguished by a special “memory” system - the surface of the berth fixes a position that is comfortable for you. All mattresses have two working sides - for cool and hot seasons, this is very convenient. The price for such models is rather high, but believe me, they are worth it.

Magniflex Stretching 9 mattress

Springless mattresses are suitable:

  • Newborns and small children
    If you are in doubt which mattress to choose for your child - spring or springless - definitely choose the latter. Because vibrations of springs can negatively affect the developing children's spine. The smoother and harder the surface of the bed, the better (pay attention to models with coconut or with coconut and a layer of latex);
  • For those who prefer low beds
    , springless mattresses are generally much thinner than spring mattresses. They are suitable for low beds or sofas. There are very thin models - 3-4 centimeters each, and thicker ones - 10-12 centimeters each. Some of them (with soft elastic fillings) can even be rolled up and stored in a closet;
  • For athletes and lovers of “Spartan sleep”
    Mattresses without a spring block with a solid filler, such as natural coconut, are perhaps the hardest and most beneficial for the spine and correct posture. But still not as hard as the floor, they are comfortable to sleep on.

Now, in order to better understand springless mattresses, it remains to study their “fillings”. It can be hard coconut or soft latex (natural or artificial), cheaper polyurethane foam or innovative memory foam material “memorix”... The hardness of the mattress and its price depend on the fillers.

Mattress Lonax Memory 4 -42%

Soft thin topper made of memory foam. Removable cotton jacquard cover. Composition: Cover: cotton. jacquard (200 g/m²), Memorix (4 cm)


Price from 6,599 RUR 11,379 RUR (Save 4,780 RUR)

In installments from 549 ₽/month

Mattress Lonax Roll Season -55%

Springless mattress with artificial latex. Rolled into a roll. Cover with merino wool (“winter-summer”). Composition: Cover: cotton. jacquard (200 g/m²), Artificial latex (14 cm), Winter-Summer cover


Price from RUB 7,727 RUB 17,173 (Save RUB 9,446)

In installments from 643 ₽/month

Lonax Fusion mattress -50%


Springless orthopedic mattress made of coconut coir and natural latex. For heavy loads. Composition: Case “Lux”, Coconut coir (3 cm) x 3, Natural latex (3 cm) x 3


Price from 24,170 RUR 48,341 RUR (Save 24,171 RUR)

In installments from RUB 2,014/month

Mattress Promtex Roll Standart 14 Combi -25%


Springless mattress with natural latex, polyurethane foam, and coconut coir. Composition: Sense case, Natural latex (2 cm), PU foam (14 cm), Coconut coir (1 cm)


Price from 7,689 RUR 16,828 RUR (Save 9,139 RUR)

In installments from 640 ₽/month

Mattress Promtex Monolit Latex 14 Memory -35%


Springless mattress made of natural latex and memory foam (“shape memory”). For heavy loads. Composition: Sense case, Etherlon 4 cm, Natural latex (14 cm)


Price from RUB 19,210 RUB 54,145 (Saving RUB 34,935)

In installments from 1,600 ₽/month

View all springless mattresses

Price table for the most rated models

To give you an idea of ​​the cost of products from the listed manufacturers, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the prices for children's and double models:

PhotoModelManufacturerCost, rub.
Comfort Line Baby Eco-Hard TFK (children)Comfort Line4025
Comfort Line Baby Eco-Hard TFK (children)
Comfort Line Eco Slim TFKComfort Line7396
Comfort Line Eco Slim TFK
Ormatek Kids Dream (children)"Ormatek"4990
Ormatek Kids Dream (children)
Ormatek Optima Classic EVS420"Ormatek"13840
Ormatek Optima Classic EVS420
Beautyson Baby Queen (children)Beautyson4065
Beautyson Baby Queen (children)
Beautyson Hit Anatomic S1200Beautyson24140
Beautyson Hit Anatomic S1200
Ascona Baby Flex Jump (children)"Ascona"2095
Ascona Baby Flex Jump (children)
Ascona Balance Status"Ascona"9616
Ascona Balance Status
Magniflex Merino (Merinos) (children)Magniflex11900
Magniflex Merino (Merinos) (children)
Magniflex MerinoMagniflex36500
Magniflex Merino

Magniflex Merino

Related article:

How to choose a mattress for a double bed. In this publication we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of models with dependent and independent springs, mattresses without springs and combined models, the rules for choosing an orthopedic mattress based on hardness, size, filling and outer covering. Prices, reviews and ratings of the best mattresses 2017−2018.

Independent spring block

We have already explained above what an “independent spring block” is.
A product with independent springs consists of 250-1200 springs per square meter, shaped like an hourglass or a barrel. Each spring has up to eight turns, and the diameter of the turn does not exceed 60 mm. Each spring is in a fabric cover, which allows it to be independent from neighboring springs. The springs are made from the same steel wire as the springs for Bonnell blocks. Thanks to independent springs, the mattress is able to withstand heavy loads, provides comfort, healthy sleep, and the spine is in the correct position.

The difference between independent springs is that they have different degrees of hardness and, depending on the required functions (preventive, therapeutic), you can choose a soft, medium-hard or hard mattress. In addition, such mattresses often have two sides, “summer” and “winter,” which are designed to provide the consumer with comfortable sleep depending on the season.

Customer reviews: which is better - a spring or springless mattress

If we analyze the debate on this issue in numerous forums, we can say that the balance is tipping towards combined spring models. Here are some glowing reviews that may give you an idea:

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