Setting up a unique kitchen-living room with an island: projects with photographs

If you are lucky with a private home or just a large and free kitchen, pay attention to sets with an island. Of course, it will take up several valuable meters, but the working area immediately becomes more convenient and ergonomic. Every housewife will immediately appreciate how much easier and more enjoyable it is to cook in such a kitchen! And at the same time - relax with a cup of coffee, chat with guests or just mind your own business.

What is a kitchen island?

The island is a separate multifunctional kitchen table equipped with floor cabinets and cabinets. It is positioned relative to the rest of the headset, and is therefore more convenient. In fact, this is an additional worktop with storage space. There are two types of islands: stationary and mobile. The former are mounted on the floor and are better suited for a full-fledged work surface, while the latter are good for flexible zoning of large rooms.

Kitchen island - beauty and functionality.

Most Kuhni-club readers probably know what a kitchen island is. This is a central, free-standing part of the kitchen furniture in the form of a horizontal surface, which has a certain functionality. It is the presence of additional useful functions that makes islands different from ordinary tables. For lovers of beautiful pictures who are only interested in design, we recommend that you look through the gallery - kitchen islands - photos.

There you will find 50+ images for every taste.
Here we will talk about the practical aspects of island kitchens. 1. Why do you need a kitchen island?
We can immediately identify 4 reasons why the use of an island kitchen can be meaningful, and not just a tribute to capricious fashion:

1.1 Mileage decreases.

This solution is convenient to use in spacious rooms with long sets.
When planning a kitchen, take into account the triangle rule
, when its largest side should not exceed a rational value of 3 meters.
The point is that the cook does not wear out his feet, running along the “stove-refrigerator-sink” route, constantly checking in at the work table. In large kitchens, the length of the set is sometimes much more than 3 meters, and transferring part of the functionality of the “working triangle” to the island noticeably shortens such a marathon. And if you consider that the “triangle” in modern kitchens has long turned into a “polygon” due to the variety of kitchen appliances, then the presence of a kitchen island is difficult to underestimate. 1.2 Zoning of space.

A kitchen island looks great in studio apartments and other spaces where the kitchen, dining room and living room are a single space.
In addition to reducing the “mileage”, it helps to visually divide open areas into conditionally private zones. In addition, many interior styles (Provence, English and the like) in such homes without an island look inferior. 1.3 Saving kitchen space.
Paradoxically, a kitchen island can save space when planning small and medium-sized kitchens:

Sometimes there is a need to place a large refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, oven, microwave and other amenities of civilization in the kitchen, the area of ​​which simply does not allow you to cram so much stuff into the set. Yes, so that there is enough space left for storing everything else. Alternatively, you can abandon the dining group and replace it with a functional kitchen island. For example, moving the sink from the unit to the island frees up not only the surface of the countertop, but also a spacious drawer underneath, in which you can place the same washing machine or freezer. In addition, the island itself will provide additional storage space. But this solution in small kitchens is applicable for singles or for two - there are too few seats. True, there are models with retractable tabletops, but there are few successful ones.

Some find a solution in purchasing a mobile island on wheels instead of a regular kitchen table. Of course, central communications cannot be integrated into it, but such furniture is in demand:

This table is convenient to place along the wall to save space in the center of the kitchen and can be easily rolled out when needed.
Tip: If you plan to use a mobile island to move from the kitchen to the rooms, then measure its dimensions with the dimensions of the doorways.
It is important to take into account the presence of thresholds and turns so that the island does not get stuck there during transfer. Do not ignore the quality of the wheels, the reliability of their fastenings and clamps .
1.4 Cooking together.
A successful island kitchen layout solves the problem of its simultaneous use by several housewives.
This is true for separate meals in large families and when preparing a festive table together with the participation of guest helpers. The presence of even a small kitchen island will provide comfortable workspaces for several users at once. 2. Kitchen layout with island.
We have already discussed modern planning solutions for kitchen spaces earlier. For details, follow the link in paragraph 1.1 of this article. The layout of island kitchens has its own characteristics. It is carried out taking into account the type and additional functionality of the island. There are 3 popular types:

  • Kitchen island table
  • Working surface
  • Island with bar counter

Each of them is rarely found in its pure form. More often, a kitchen island is a combination of the above, but with a clearly defined dominant:

Additional functionality can be huge, but we will also highlight 3 main ones:

  • Plate
  • Fridge
  • Washing

The division is quite arbitrary.
For example, a stove can be understood as an oven, and a sink can be any dishwashing unit (even a washing machine). The main criterion for such a division is the need to connect them to additional utilities: gas, water supply, sewerage, ventilation and electricity. And this is the main problem when designing such kitchens. A common point in planning any type of island kitchen is the dimensions of the island itself and the amount of free space around it. The size of the island should take into account the capacity of the necessary equipment, the minimum allowable area of ​​​​the working and/or dining surface, the location of storage areas, etc. The space around the islands must be calculated taking into account individual criteria for the comfort of accommodation and the possibility of free passage. All these nuances are described in a separate article. Here we will consider only some aspects of the layout, depending on the specific functionality of the islands.

2.1 Kitchen island with stove.

As you know, the stove can be gas or electric.
And any of them needs exhaust hood when used intensively. If there is only one stove in the kitchen, and it is located on the island, then it is necessary to install a hood. In an apartment there is no alternative; in individual houses, an electric stove on an island can do without a hood, if it is an addition to the main one in the set, which has a hood. When planning, you need to provide a separate air duct with an exhaust hood above the island stove. You cannot move a gas stove to the island in your apartment!
But if the house is not gasified at all, then you can, at your own risk, connect the gas stove on the island to a gas cylinder.
There is no direct ban on this, but... With electric stoves everything is simpler: you just need a power supply project - and go ahead! The power cable is installed in the floor, a separate automatic line switch is in the common panel, the work is carried out by certified specialists who have the appropriate approvals. 2.2 Kitchen island with refrigerator.
If you place a refrigerator or other electrical appliances there, proceed in the same order as when installing an electric stove.
Most often, a small built-in refrigerator or a small chest freezer is installed in the island. In any case, plan a couple of additional electrical outlets on the island so that you don’t have to worry about tees and extension cords later. Even if you don’t have kitchen appliances on your island, they may well appear in the future. Detailed arguments in the article: Sockets in the kitchen. 2.3 Kitchen island with sink.
Installing a sink requires additional communications - water and sewerage. Multi-family buildings will require special permits. Supervising organizations may be different in each case, so check yourself. There will be no special problems with the water supply (installing pipes in the floor), but connecting to the sewer island sometimes causes difficulties. It is rare when a sewer riser runs next to the island in such a way as to lay a pipe in the floor from the island sink to the connection point at the required slope (1-2 cm per linear meter). There are 2 solutions:

  1. If the slope of the pipe is just a little short, then you can lay it in the voids of the floor slabs, or slightly raise the floor level in the kitchen area on a kind of pedestal. And if the height of the room allows, then the floors can be raised throughout the kitchen.
  2. Use a special pump to pump wastewater from the island into the sewer riser.

Both options have obvious pros and cons - the choice is yours. In any case, such a decision must be made at the planning stage. The topic of kitchen islands is quite extensive, but it’s time to wrap it up. In the end, it should be noted that island kitchens not only have improved functionality and increased comfort, but are also very attractive aesthetically. A kitchen island will add many additional design options and allow you to get a unique and inimitable interior.

Installation and equipment

An island layout is only suitable for a spacious kitchen, and preferably a square or at least not too elongated one. The optimal area is from 20 sq.m., and if you do not need a separate dining table, then from 15-17 sq.m. The recommended distance between the set and the island is at least 100-120 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to walk there, use drawers and appliances.

It is better to always calculate the dimensions of the island individually for each project. On average, its length is 180 cm, but it can be much longer. The standard length of kitchen modules is 60 cm, so you can build on these parameters. Or you can make a unique set to order according to your calculations and drawings.

The standard width of the modules is the same 60 cm, but this is inconvenient if you want to place cabinets under the countertop. In this case, you will need either open shelves, or there will be a blank wall on one side. But under a deep tabletop of 90 cm or more, you can place cabinets in two rows so that they open on both sides.

The height of the island usually corresponds to the height of the working surface of the main set - 85-90 cm. But if you want, it can always be made higher: for example, under a bar counter or for the convenience of tall family members.

On what area and how can an island be placed?

  • A kitchen with an island is popular, as a rule, in country houses and apartments in the luxury real estate segment, where the area of ​​the kitchen area exceeds 25 square meters. m and there is a separate dining room.

  • A small, movable island or peninsula can be installed in a kitchen of 15-25 square meters. m, so that the passages between the island and other kitchen furniture are at least 1 m wide.

  • It is desirable that the kitchen island completely follows the contours of the room itself - that is, only square in a square room or elongated in a rectangular one.

The total minimum area of ​​this zone located in the central part of the room can be 3 square meters. meters with the following dimensions:

  • Width – 60-150 cm;
  • Length – over 120 cm;
  • Height – in the range from 85-90 cm.

These dimensions should definitely be taken into account if you want to make an island in the kitchen with your own hands.

Kitchen layout with island

Islands can differ not only in size and height, but also in overall configuration. For example, in a square kitchen a square one is more appropriate, in an elongated kitchen a rectangular one is more appropriate, and in large combined kitchen-living rooms you can even install a semicircular table. And of course, build on the shape of the main set so that all the elements are in harmony with each other.

Corner kitchen

To ensure that the island does not stand out from the overall picture of the corner set, you need to calculate its dimensions and location so that the entire system folds into a neat rectangle. This solution looks more elegant and harmonious, and at the same time more functional during operation. For convenience, you can put another floor covering directly under this area: for example, tiles, and laminate in the rest of the room.

Direct (linear) kitchen

A linear set allows you to experiment more with the shape of the island, without getting out of the composition. Consider countertops with rounded edges or crescent-shaped islands. This solution is more expensive, but it looks stylish and fresh.

U-shaped kitchen

The U-shaped set is massive in itself, so choosing an island for it is not easy, and it will fit organically only into the largest and most spacious kitchens. Typically, work surfaces, a sink, a stove and household appliances are located on the main segment, and the island is taken out as a dining area.

Design of a kitchen combined with a living room (90 photos)

Zones in a studio kitchen with an island

Any combined room requires division into zones. It is necessary to optimize the work space and relaxation area. The island just acts as an element for zoning.

How else to divide the space of a room into zones:

  • color;
  • light;
  • using furniture;
  • partitions;
  • fireplace.

You can combine several options at once. Zoning with an island goes well with the lighting design. If you want something unusual, it would be logical to add color accents to the interior. We offer several ideas for optimal organization of space in combined rooms.

Zones in the interior of the kitchen-living room with an island

Island functions

An island is not only a stylish interior solution, but also a very practical find. After all, additional work space in the kitchen is never superfluous. At the same time, you can arrange it completely to your taste and according to your preferences.

Island as a storage place

The remote island is no different from the modules of the main set: anything can be built inside. If a functional and discreet storage area is important to you, hide cabinets and drawers behind smooth, neat fronts. And if you love open designs and shelving, place beautiful kitchen items on open shelves: stylish utensils, jars of cereals and spices, various decorations in the Provence style.

Island as a dining area

At its core, a kitchen island is not much different from a bar counter, so you can safely adapt it to it or to the dining area. To do this, choose wider tabletops and high bar stools to go with it. And don’t take important equipment or storage areas that you will constantly have to use to such an island.

Island with hob

Massive stoves are rarely brought to the island, but flat hobs are completely fine. It is much more convenient to cook when the work table is right in front of your eyes, and the pots are boiling behind you. You don’t have to constantly run around the kitchen so you don’t miss anything.

Island with sink

It is quite difficult to move the washbasin to the island, because you will have to work with communications. But this is very convenient: finally, the desktop, food, stove and household appliances will not be accidentally splashed with water.

Island with dishwasher

Another convenient trick is to move the dishwasher onto the island, which often does not fit into the main set. But to do this, measure the distance to the kitchen especially carefully so that household appliances can be used normally.

Combining a kitchen island with different types of layouts

Corner layout - this type of layout is perfect for the location of a kitchen island. Even if the kitchen is of medium size, there will be enough free space in it. To save space, it is recommended to use the island both as a work surface with built-in appliances and as a dining area, arranging it on the opposite side of the island.

Direct layout - if you place all the kitchen modules along two opposite walls, then in the middle it is quite possible to install an island with built-in household appliances. The main thing is that the kitchen is spacious enough. This option is suitable for arranging a kitchen-dining room. In this case, you can place a sink on the island, and install a refrigerator and hob in the main unit.

U-shaped layout - to implement this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bplacing an island, the kitchen itself must be very spacious, and the island module itself must be compact. As a rule, such interior design options are used in large country houses.

Small kitchen - such a room is most unsuitable for placing an island module in it. However, if you really want to do this, you need to choose the most compact rectangular design. An important condition is that it will have to be used as a dining table.

Large kitchen - finding a place for an island in such a room will not be difficult. This design can have any shape: square, round, rectangular, oval. It should be located either in the center of the room or closer to the work area. An island installed in a large kitchen will help increase its functionality and make the cooking process much more convenient.

Kitchen-living room - the island will fit perfectly into such an interior. It can serve as a kind of delimiter between the living room area and the kitchen area. Its design must be large enough. On such an island you can place an oven, sink, and dishwasher. The island itself can be used as a bar counter and dining table.

Interior styles

A kitchen island can harmoniously fit into any interior, but it looks best in styles that themselves imply space and monumentality. If you don't know where to start, we offer you several interesting options.

Kitchen with island in classic style

Classic is always pretentious monumentality, bulky wooden furniture and expensive materials. In the foreground are symmetry and correct geometry, so an island with an L-shaped kitchen, arranged in a rectangle, looks good.

Countertops made of natural or artificial stone will fit perfectly into a classic interior. Just keep in mind that real marble or granite is heavy and requires careful handling. But modern imitations are practically indistinguishable in appearance, but they are more practical and easier to use.

Kitchen with island in loft style

For a loft, an island kitchen layout is one of the most successful solutions. At the same time, the industrial style does not require such strict adherence to proportions, unity of details, textures and shades. If you like kitchen islands as separate expressive accents, they will look like family in the loft.

The bar counter is another classic attribute of bohemian studios, where this style began. As for materials, pay attention to rough wood with a pronounced texture or simple, laconic metal structures. Even minimalistic and purely functional steel modules, which are used in a professional kitchen, will fit into the loft.

Modern style kitchen with island

Contemporary is an interesting modern movement that has absorbed the features of both classics and modern technological minimalism. Use simple and as laconic forms as possible, combine natural and artificial materials in one set.

Modern storage systems, push-to-open systems, as well as other laconic and technological solutions fit perfectly into the contemporary space. The main colors are simple: black, white, gray, beige, brown. But any bright or deep complex shades are suitable for accents, so such a kitchen in any case looks stylish and relevant.

Kitchen with island in Provence style

Provence is always an abundance of details, decor, cozy wooden furniture, open shelves and beautiful textiles. Therefore, an island in the kitchen only creates additional space for self-expression. You can adapt it to open shelves for storing cozy little things.

Small, neat curtains instead of cabinet doors look interesting, but then choose the most unpretentious and wear-resistant fabric. Don’t forget about whitened and aged surfaces, carved decor, decoupage and other decorative details that will complement the set with an island in the Provence style.

Kitchen with island in high-tech style

Technological high-tech itself gravitates towards solid and functional solutions, and at the same time towards large areas. A kitchen with an island with acrylic fronts, steel elements and chrome details looks very organic.

Use the latest hobs, neon or LED lighting, glass and fancy futuristic-looking bar stools. Above the island, a separate ceiling structure with spotlights or pendant lights looks stylish: it creates the illusion of a floating block.

Modern interior: kitchen design 9 sq.m. (85 photos)

Kitchen islands to suit your kitchen style

For each style, there are some kitchen island options that will fit well with the interior and the specific requirements of that style.

A kitchen island made of natural wood will fit perfectly into a classic-style kitchen. It is desirable that its tabletop be made of wood or stone. Also, a kitchen island in this style should have various decorative elements. In terms of color, light, brown, olive, beige, and gray tones are best. As a rule, in a classic-style kitchen a massive crystal chandelier is placed above the island.

For a kitchen in Provence style, a kitchen island made of natural materials is suitable. There is practically no decor, there are a large number of different drawers, shelves... Milky, turquoise, gray, lavender, sky blue are chosen as the main color. Also, the tabletop should be matte.

A kitchen island with clear lines and no decorative elements is very suitable for a minimalist kitchen. The main material can be wood, plastic, glass... An island in this style should be as functional and stylish in appearance as possible.

A kitchen island in an eco-style kitchen should be made only from natural materials. It can be either rectangular or angular in shape, it all depends on the total area. Based on the color scheme, it is best to choose an island with a wood tone, it can be light, it can be dark, a light green color is also allowed.

Color solutions

Most often, an island and a kitchen set are one harmonious and complete set. Therefore, colors, materials, shapes, fittings and other details are completely repeated. Choose the same configuration of cabinets, shade of wood or acrylic, material and color of the countertop - and you won’t go wrong.

But there is another interesting trick: turning the island into a separate accent. Then it is enough to preserve one common feature: for example, the shape and geometry of the cabinets and countertops. And you can experiment with colors to your heart's content.

Contrasts look good: a black set with a white countertop and a white island with a black work surface. And for modern interiors that gravitate towards colorful accents, choose an orange, yellow or red island. It’s not for nothing that these colors are often used in restaurants, because they simultaneously invigorate and awaken the appetite.


To make a kitchen with an island look good, you need to take care of the design.


An island table can look different depending on how it is made. It could be:

  • Simple design . A table top, four legs - everyone is used to such a classic, you won’t surprise anyone with it. The tabletop can be rectangular or round, it doesn’t matter. It is important that the table is large, stands at the proper distance from the headset and can accommodate the whole family.
  • Transformer . This table consists of a tabletop and legs, but is made differently than a regular one. It can open - either move apart, or unfold, or include special separate inserts. Well suited for those who like to host many guests, but do not like to have too large a surface.
  • Bar counter . Somewhat reminiscent of a classic island, just as high, but narrower. Reminiscent of bars, wild west saloons, loft style. Looks modern.
  • Classic island . It is either one large cabinet or several cabinets. It doesn't have legs, it has a base. Taller than a standard table, its surface is wider. Provides useful cooking options.

Transformable table - convenient and practical

The set can also include different items, although the lower cabinets usually remain unchanged. But at the top it could be:

  • Nothing . If you don't like a multi-level design, you can avoid hanging cabinets or shelves and place everything you need below. This solution has an advantage - the ceiling seems higher, and the kitchen itself is more spacious.
  • Lockers . They have doors, which are useful if you have chosen a minimalist style, if you don’t like to leave your essentials in plain sight, or if you prefer to keep things away from dust. Often cabinets look bulky, but if your kitchen is suitable for an island layout, this is unlikely to hurt it too much.
  • Shelves . Wooden or glass, they look lighter than classic cabinets, plus they allow you to immediately determine what goes where. It is useful if you know that you are absent-minded. Can be used, for example, in Scandinavian style.

In the style of minimalism - nothing superfluous

Built-in cabinets that blend into the walls are also popular. An excellent solution for minimalism and similar styles, where the fewer protruding parts, the better.

And, of course, it is important to think about what useful accessories will complement the island.

Each island has its own function

It could be:

  • Washing . Usually it is built into a corner so that it is easy to reach. This allows you to use the work surface and immediately wash everything that needs to be washed, without leaving the place. The only negative is that in order to supply water to such a sink, you will have to make the table really high, and also use the services of a plumber.
  • Dishwasher . Eliminates the unpleasant task of washing dishes; it is built into the island so that it is easy to dump all the plates, cups, and cutlery into it after meals. It won’t fit into classic styles, but it will look great in high-tech.
  • Plate . An unusual, but completely acceptable solution. It also gives the cook more room to maneuver.
  • Toaster . It can be built into a tabletop or stand on it. It will look good in high-tech, and for classic styles, deliberately old-fashioned models reminiscent of the beginning of the twentieth century are suitable.
  • Food processor . It can also be built-in or separate. Allows you to grind items and can also create the feeling of either an ultra-modern kitchen or an old-fashioned, simple kitchen.
  • Multicooker or double boiler . Very useful for people who are on a diet out of passion or for health reasons. May look like a real decoration.
  • Recesses . Easy to do on an acrylic tabletop, for example. They allow you to sweep the chopped ingredients not into a separate bowl, but onto the table surface itself, which speeds up the cooking time.

Complete with necessary appliances and furniture

Advice It is better not to put a tablecloth on the island table - it is, after all, intended to be used for cooking. But you can make beautiful seats for chairs that will complement the overall look.

Design of a kitchen-living room with an island

If you have a spacious kitchen-living room at your disposal, an island layout is the best tool for functional zoning of the room. Place a dining area or bar counter on the island - and you won’t have to think about partitions, plasterboard structures and bulky shelving.

Kitchen design 2 by 3 meters: beautiful ideas (80 photos)

What are the advantages of the island

By installing an island table, you will lose from 1 to 3 square meters. m of area and a few centimeters of height (to connect communications you will need to raise the floor). But you will gain much more:

  1. Ergonomics - the island stands in the center of the kitchen, being one of the vertices of the working triangle, and at the same time it contains many useful functions. It is very convenient to move around the kitchen while cooking, and several people can cook and communicate at the same time.

  1. Functionality - theoretically, an island in the kitchen can replace a full-fledged set, completely freeing up the wall. After all, it may contain:
  • Hob and oven (in this case, a hood is installed above the island);
  • Household appliances: dishwasher, small refrigerator or wine rack;
  • A spacious countertop that replaces a cutting table, and, if necessary, a bar counter;
  • Additional storage space for dishes, cutlery, etc.

  1. The island can act as a table or a breakfast bar. That is, if it is better to have dinner and lunch with the family in the dining room, then it is more convenient to have breakfast and snacks in the kitchen at such an island table.

  1. In the interior of a large kitchen, it looks chic and monumental, but the design of the island can be made in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and styles. Therefore, even if your kitchen is not so spacious that you don’t think about saving space at all, you can choose narrow and small models.

  1. The island delicately but clearly divides the space of a combined kitchen-living room or kitchen-dining room.

Small kitchen with island

An island for a small kitchen is not the most convenient option, at least in the classic version. But there are alternatives: a small square island will perfectly replace a dining table, and the mobile design on wheels can also be moved as needed. Pay attention to islands with through shelving instead of massive closed cabinets - they are visually lighter.

Tips for choosing a kitchen island

To make choosing a kitchen island easier, you should consider the recommendations of professionals:

  1. A mobile island on wheels is an ideal option for a small kitchen and can be easily matched to any style and design of the kitchen.
  2. An oval or round shaped island looks softer and neater than a square or rectangular shape.
  3. An island in the shape of a semicircle is the most advantageous solution for a modern kitchen - the outer part is a dining table, and the inner part is a work surface.
  4. One of the best options for a kitchen in a house with an island is when the island is made like a chest of drawers or a buffet.
  5. In order to give the kitchen more space, you can use an island with a mini-rack, and so that the lower part is empty.
  6. An island with a height of more than 1 m is well suited as a dining table, but using it as a work surface will not be very convenient.
  7. You can choose a kitchen island of a different color than the entire kitchen set, the main thing is that these colors are combined with each other.

Kitchen with island - photos of real interiors

If you're still wondering if you need an island in your kitchen, we hope this collection of photos will help you make your final decision! Look, compare and get inspired, because modern interiors are completely open to experimentation!

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Pros and cons of a kitchen island

The kitchen island table has significant advantages:

  • it can be used as an additional work surface;
  • The island table can be used to store various items;
  • can be used as a dining table;
  • this set can be used for zoning space;
  • it can accommodate a dishwasher or freezer;
  • it makes it easier to create a working triangle.

Among the disadvantages of an island in the kitchen are:

  • takes up a fairly large amount of space and requires certain rules for location;
  • it is problematic to install an exhaust pipe and other communications to the island;
  • if a hob or washbasin is placed on it, then splashes and grease can be splashed across the entire kitchen area;
  • Quite a high cost, even if made in small sizes and to order.

It is also worth noting that not everyone and not always an island may be suitable for a dining area.

Why do we need an island?

A kitchen island can perform one task or many functions:

  • Become part of the work triangle. As the rules of ergonomics say, it is most convenient when the sink, stove and refrigerator are at the vertices of a triangle with equal sides. The easiest way to create such a layout would be to use an island.
  • Become a main or bonus work surface.
  • Partially or even completely replace the dining area by placing chairs on one side.
  • Use as a storage space, because many shelves and drawers can be made under the tabletop. As a rule, pots, plates, other kitchen utensils and cookbooks are stored in the kitchen. You can also build a freezer or even a dishwasher into it.

Experts also call the island the best achievement in terms of ergonomics for organizing space in a large kitchen.

Advantages and disadvantages

A small kitchen with an island, in addition to its enormous functionality and large dimensions, has a number of positive and negative qualities.

First, let's look at all the good things it can do in the kitchen:

  1. Ergonomics and convenience - due to the presence of the island, all the main elements can be placed closer to each other. The housewife will spend much less energy running between the stove, sink, work surface and refrigerator. Consequently, this can save time, effort and increase comfort. Moreover, if there is an island, several people can cook at the same time.
  2. While preparing a culinary masterpiece, the hostess will be able to communicate with guests or household members, without turning her back to them.
  3. A kitchen set can replace a tangible part of the set and accommodate a hob with an oven, a dishwasher, or just a sink.
  4. An island can become the main element of zoning the space of a kitchen, which is combined with a living room.
  5. An island is ideal for a kitchen with a large area and will add zest and chic.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Depending on the size, the island can take up from 1 to 3 m2 of space, and you will also need to provide enough space around it for free movement. In general, for a small kitchen this is more of a pipe dream than a reality (unless you combine the kitchen with the adjacent living room).
  2. If you want to place a sink or build in a dishwasher on the island, then get ready for the difficulties associated with moving communications and obtaining the required level of slope, which may entail an increase in the floor level. In addition, this is not easy to do in a city apartment.

If you do decide to build an island, let’s consider how and at what distance you should place it.

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