What are the sizes of a baby crib and how not to make a mistake when choosing?


You need to carefully select not only the crib, but also the accessories. The mattress deserves special attention. Since the formation of a child’s spine occurs before the age of 12, the mattress must be of high quality and comfortable. When choosing a mattress for a crib, there are several requirements to consider.

  • Rigidity. For a newborn, it is worth purchasing a springless mattress that contains polyurethane foam or coconut coir. These materials do not cause allergic reactions in the baby.
  • Dimensions. When choosing a mattress, its dimensions should be identical to the crib. If the mattress is smaller, it will move around the crib, causing discomfort, and a large option simply will not fit on the bed.
  • Case material. It should be made exclusively from hypoallergenic material, and also be removable for cleaning. A cotton or linen cover would be an excellent solution.

An equally important accessory is the cushion, which is used as a pillow. It should be made of hypoallergenic materials and provide a comfortable position while sleeping. Experts do not recommend using this accessory for newborns, since the cervical vertebrae are still very tender. It can be replaced with a regular diaper, folded several times. For older children, a roller can also become a stylish decoration for the room. Today, rollers in the shape of various animals, decorated with amazing prints, are on sale.

Usually, during a night's sleep, a night light is always on in the newborn's room to make it easier for the mother to wake up at night and monitor the baby. Many older children are afraid to sleep in the dark, and in this case a night light is also a necessity.

Depending on the baby’s preferences, you can choose a stylish design, but parents should pay attention to the safety of the product, because this is the most important requirement. The night light can be placed not only near the crib, it is better to place it closer to the parents’ bed

From the first days of life, the baby begins to explore the outside world, and begins to do this precisely from the crib, where he spends the most time. Many parents decorate their newborn's crib with a musical pendant. Usually it has several funny little animals that, thanks to a winding mechanism, spin above the baby's head. Musical mobiles are designed specifically for cribs, so they are fully sized and have special fastenings.

Pockets are a worthy and convenient addition to the crib. They are attached to the back of the crib. You can store various baby things in them while he is still small. In the future, the baby will want to explore the contents of such large pockets, so it is better to use them for storing small toys. The amazing design of this accessory will decorate a child's room and become a bright accent of the interior.

Construction and design

The standard bed is a frame with a bottom mounted on legs. The headboard and footboard, by the way, are optional elements. However, the small areas of children's rooms, as well as the rapid growth of the bed user, gave impetus to the emergence of a wide variety of transformers.

Transformable bed with chest of drawers - in the initial assembly it is a crib for a baby with high sides and an adjustable bottom. The chest of drawers and changing table are one piece. As the child grows, the fences are removed and replaced with sides. Then, when the sleeping area becomes cramped, the chest of drawers is moved to the floor and the bed is extended by 60–70 cm.

Depending on the complexity of the model, the chest of drawers can later be converted into a desk for a preschooler or a shelf. The design often has drawers for linen at the base. The only drawback of this option is the solid bottom, so you need to monitor the condition of the mattress additionally.

A bunk bed offers even more options. If the model is designed for one child, then the sleeping place is organized on the upper tier, and on the first tier, as needed, a chest of drawers or a cabinet with drawers, a desk or computer desk, a sports corner, or all together is created. The option is very functional and saves a lot of space, but it can only be used after the child reaches 3–4 years of age.

Roll-out teenage bed (photo)

  • Roll-out bunk beds are designed for two children and are distinguished by the fact that the upper bed is located at a lower height. To create two sleeping places, the lower bed must be pulled out from under the upper one.
  • Bed-table - implemented for older children, as it involves coordinated manipulations with the planes of the table and bed. It's simply too hard for a preschooler.
  • A teenage option is a sofa bed. For an adult child, the nursery is not only his work area, but also a place for receiving guests. A sofa is more necessary in such a situation.

Transformers experience a higher load than conventional furniture, so preference should be given to models made of wood or combined ones: the bed is wooden, and the chest of drawers, table surface, and shelves are made of chipboard.

A children's bed in the shape of a car is a popular solution. Not only does it look original and attractive, but its resemblance to a car makes the process of putting a child to sleep much easier. The baby does not leave the game for sleep, but simply plays another, less active one.

The design of children's furniture is very diverse, but the bed in this sense is not the most rewarding material, since most of it is hidden by the bedspread. In models for children 3–6 years old, the sides and headboard are turned into a design solution. They are designed in the form of a castle, imitate cars or yachts and even “spaceships”.

A machine bed refers to play furniture, that is, such items that simultaneously perform their primary user function and an additional play function. A DIY car bed is a great gift for a baby. And if he is allowed to participate in the process - at least paint the side with a brush, there will be no limit to his delight.

They try to select models for older people in accordance with the color palette. In any case, furniture made of light wood or painted in fairly bright colors is best suited for a child's room. MDF with acrylic color coating copes with this task perfectly.

In a teenager's room, the furniture should be in harmony with the chosen style. Fortunately, transforming a bed is easy: just replace the headboard.

Choosing a children's bed is not the easiest thing. Just like in a bedroom for adults, this item determines the style of the room, although not so clearly. However, it must be age appropriate. Buying a new one as you grow or choosing a multifunctional transformer is an individual choice.

Parents approach arranging a sleeping place for a child very responsibly, but in the process of choosing a bed they often reach a dead end. The most difficult question is deciding on the size of the bed. In this case, the following points are important:

  • The size of the bed and the size of the sleeping place are different concepts;
  • The bed must be suitable for the child according to his physical characteristics;
  • The bed should not “eat up” all the usable space in the children’s room;
  • The current age of the child and the period for which the bed will be used are important.

Now let's look at these nuances in more detail.

Choice of bed linen

Any person gains strength during sleep, and babies still grow and develop. Every parent wants to make this moment calm. In this matter, they are helped by bed linen, which should be of high quality, made from natural materials. The following types of fabric are used for these purposes:

  • cotton,
  • chintz,
  • satin,
  • calico,
  • linen,
  • bamboo.

The color of the selected canvas should be neutral; it is better to use pastel, light colors that are conducive to sleep. For newborns, a product without a pattern is suitable; for older children, but not teenagers, underwear with prints of favorite characters from cartoon series

Also, when choosing bedding, you should pay attention to:

  • the material should not lose its structure and color from frequent washing;
  • Do not take underwear with buttons, ribbons, or lace;
  • the filler should be chosen from fluff or wool;
  • use different fabrics according to the season.

Tips for choosing a bed

When starting to choose a bed for a teenager, you need to clarify the necessary requirements. In this matter, you cannot focus only on the appearance of the product and your taste.

The important criteria are the following:

  1. Functionality. The design, in addition to the sleeping area itself, can be equipped with drawers for linen, a chest of drawers, a built-in cabinet or a table. Furniture transformers significantly save space in the room.
  2. Safety. Compliance with all safety requirements is vital. It is necessary to purchase furniture that has quality certificates. It is better if the pieces of furniture have slightly rounded corners. Check the condition of the fittings especially carefully.
  3. Warranty obligations - buy furniture from a manufacturer that has a positive reputation in the market and gives a 2-5 year guarantee on its products.
  4. Strength. Of the quality indicators, this is perhaps the most important. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account that children quickly gain height and weight; accordingly, the length of the bed should be designed for growth.
  5. Design and color also play a role in the normal psychological state of a teenager; his preferences should be taken into account when choosing a model. The color and design of the bed should match the rest of the items in the bedroom.
  6. Dimensions. Typically, the length of a bed for teenagers does not exceed 1.9 m. If everyone in the family is tall, then it is better to purchase a model with a length of 2 m. The width of single beds is usually 0.8-0.9 m, but if you wish, you can choose a model with a width 1.6 m.
  7. Form. In most cases, they settle on rectangular-shaped models, but for a girl’s bedroom you can choose something unusual, for example, a round bed.
  8. Material used. Most teenagers prefer bright options, so you can buy products made from artificial materials. However, such a bed is not strong enough and will not last long. It is much more practical and safer to sleep on a wooden model.

It may come as a surprise to some parents to learn that their child has his own opinion about the decor in his room. To prevent this from developing into a conflict in the future, you need to talk with the teenager and listen to his wishes. In fact, the process of arranging a room for your growing child can be made fun for the whole family.

In his room, a teenager not only sleeps, but also completes homework, reads, and chats with friends. Here he creates his own space, influencing his worldview. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the upcoming purchase with him and come to a common decision on this issue.

As a rule, he is only interested in the appearance of the furniture, and quality issues will remain your prerogative.


On the one hand, transformers look like a real panacea, on the other hand, why haven’t they replaced classic separate beds with wardrobes if they are so superior to them in all respects? Numerous reviews indicate that such furniture, like any other, has certain disadvantages, which sometimes push you to abandon such a purchase altogether. To be fair, most of the shortcomings of transforming beds do not apply to absolutely any type of such furniture, but only to specific models, but the buyer should at least be more careful when choosing a product.

Interesting Facts:

  • “The French like square pillows measuring 65x65 cm, the Germans like 80x80 cm, and the Spaniards and Italians choose rectangular pillows 50x70 cm.”
  • “As history shows, in different countries, underwear has its own external distinctive features. So, instead of standard duvet covers, Americans use a sheet fastened with a zipper or buttons to the blanket. If you want to buy a set like this, you must have a blanket that you can attach something to.”

There are two types of classification of bed linen sizes: Russian and European. According to Russian GOST, linen can be divided into: children's, one-and-a-half-size, double, double with euro sheets, euro and family.

The most unusual cribs

French scientists from the Marseille Neonatology Clinic offered modern mothers a version of a crib-mattress called Cocoonbaby. It is designed specifically for newborns and takes into account the specific requirements for the baby’s sleeping place:

  • in the cocoon, the child is in a grouped position, repeating the intrauterine one, which has a positive effect on his psychological well-being and gives a feeling of calm and reliability;
  • the sleeping place reduces the likelihood of frequent regurgitation and vomiting (the baby’s head is slightly elevated);
  • reduces the likelihood of increased muscle tone;
  • reduces the likelihood of skull asymmetry and “flat head”;
  • promotes motor development.

Commonly accepted dimensions

The first model that is worth considering is suitable for those families who live in a one-room apartment, and in this case it is not profitable to take a large crib. However, you shouldn’t be upset; now there are many options that are more compact and inexpensive.

The cradle and cradle are considered the smallest in size among the rest. The size varies from 80x43 to 86x47 cm - these are the indicators that are considered standard. If you live in a one-room apartment and the space does not allow you to purchase a large crib, then this option is simply the ideal solution. However, it is worth noting that after six months the baby’s sleeping place will need to be changed, because he will simply grow up and no longer fit in the cradle.

The second type of crib is side-by-side. According to the standard for this type, the size criterion is 90x50 cm. It is convenient because it is always located near the parents’ bed. One of the features is that the railings are located only on three sides

It is important to choose the correct height of the baby's bassinet so that it matches the height of your bed. Before purchasing this model, carefully check the cradle for stability.

At the moment, cribs where you can independently remove and attach the handrails are very popular among young parents. For newborn babies, the standard size will be a crib of 120x60 or 140x70 cm. However, foreign standards are somewhat different from ours. There, cribs for newborns are made according to the following criteria: 125x68 and 170x60 cm. One of the advantages is that parents can adjust the bottom and sides themselves.

Newborn sizes

When considering the sizes of blankets for newborns, young parents often believe that it is more profitable for them to buy larger models. Yes, you can freely wrap your baby in them and take him out for a walk. They are not suitable for sleeping, as they do not fit in the crib. How then can you make the right choice in the store?

  • It is best to buy a couple of different blankets. One of them will always be in the crib, and the other will be used for everyday needs.
  • If it is not possible to buy several blankets, you should only buy the model that fits the crib. Still, it won’t take mothers that long to wrap up their baby for a walk. Read about how to choose a blanket for newborns in this article.

The size of a baby blanket depends on the age and height of the baby.

If you use these tips, you will be able to create a comfortable room for your baby. Typically, parents purchase everything they need in advance, so they will have enough time to evaluate the range of well-known manufacturers. Among their models there are sure to be several options that will satisfy all the wishes of customers. Also read what kind of mattress you need for a newborn in this material.

Envelope for discharge

Now it's time to move on to the blankets for discharge. They are necessary for all seasons except summer, so it is necessary to purchase one to welcome a newborn. Common standards also apply in this matter. With their help, you will be able to find a suitable model, spending a minimum of time. What sizes are suitable?

Only after arriving home do young parents immediately realize what a mistake they have made. In everyday life, such models are almost inapplicable, because they are not suitable for usual actions. Mothers get tired of the difficulty of wrapping their babies, so they want to buy another blanket. An alternative could be a spring-summer discharge envelope from the maternity hospital.

Factors influencing the choice of crib

Which crib is best for a newborn is determined based on the following criteria:

  • size;
  • comfort;
  • safety;
  • adaptability to home environment;
  • quality of materials used;
  • functionality;
  • price.


Strollers for newborns: ranking of the best

Safety aspects are the first thing to consider when parents are deciding which crib is best for their newborn. Safe characteristics are determined based on the following recommendations:

  1. The materials from which the crib is made should not contain varnishes or paints that are toxic.
  1. If the crib has wheels, you need to check for stoppers to prevent unwanted rolling;
  2. The distance between the bars of the grill should be no more than 6 cm to avoid sticking the child’s head between the bars, putting his legs and arms in a dangerous position;
  3. If one side is lowered, there must be a double safety mechanism to prevent it from accidentally lowering;
  4. The base of the crib must be rigid and very durable. Excessive hardness of the mattress is unacceptable. Its height is approximately 10 cm. The mattress must be well adjusted to the size of the crib so that there are no free spaces at its edges.


Here you need to look at the presence of a changing table, drawers and shelves, a folding bottom and other elements. Parents should choose which bed for newborns will be the best in terms of functionality, based on the purposes and characteristics of use.

Manufacturing materials

The basic requirements for the materials from which children's furniture is made also apply to cribs. This is sufficient strength, environmental friendliness and safety for the baby’s health.

The following materials meet acceptable parameters to a greater or lesser extent:

1. Tree

Natural hardwood (beech, birch, alder, oak), high-quality sanded and not coated with any varnishes or paints, is the safest option. Products made from pine are usually cheaper, but due to the soft structure of this wood, scratches and chips easily form on it, and then splinters are not far away.

2. MDF

A crib made from wood fiber boards (MDF or chipboard) can only be purchased if their emission class is not higher than E1. This parameter is indicated in the hygiene certificate, so be sure to ask the seller for this document. Keep in mind that pressed boards of such high quality cost a lot of money, so you won't be able to save money.

3. Steel or aluminum

Metal cribs are distinguished by their high strength, considerable weight and high cost. But they last forever and allow any cleaning. But make sure that all side walls are covered with fabric covers.

4. High quality polypropylene and ABS plastic

Plastic is not only light in weight, but also low in strength, so a crib using such material will not last long. The problem is that not all manufacturers monitor the quality of plastic components, but they are toxic and can cause allergies in a newborn. Therefore, either take a crib from a well-known company, or completely abandon plastic parts - even if these are little things like handles, rivets and stoppers.


This indicator is especially important for owners of small living spaces, where a strictly limited space is allocated for a crib.

Focus on these numbers:

  • The classic measures 120x60 cm in length and width (European standard 125x65 cm);
  • Transformers are initially larger - 140x70 cm, and when unfolded they “grow” to 190x80;
  • Cradles for the little ones do not exceed 97x55 cm.

Knowing the size of the bed is necessary not only to fit it into the layout of the room. Manufacturers of children's bedding, mattresses and other bedding also rely on standard dimensions. It is better to immediately take a model of some common size, otherwise you will then have to sew the sheets yourself or order an expensive mattress according to individual measurements.


In addition to the external inspection of the crib and checking the build quality, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the certificate of conformity. Serious manufacturers provide a hygiene certificate.


All purchases are made based on the buyer's budget. However, often buying the cheapest crib is expensive due to disappointed expectations and negative properties. At the same time, it is not a fact that expensive products will not disappoint. First you need to study the information, draw the right conclusions, then choose the most suitable option.

What else should you pay attention to?

When buying an oval crib, you should pay attention to the mattress. Standard models include the purchase of various mattresses that differ in filling, durability and price

If parents purchase a transforming bed, then as the child grows they will have to purchase new mattresses. But standard designs come complete with a mattress, which usually consists of cheap materials.

If the product must have the ability to swing, then you need to carefully study the pendulum mechanism. The berth can swing transversely or move longitudinally. The choice of mechanism depends on the personal preferences of the parents, which are based on previous experience or advice from others

The purchase of a crib with a pendulum should be carried out with special attention. The pendulum must have reliable fastenings to maximize the safety of the structure

It is equally important to purchase a structure that, if necessary, can be disassembled and assembled independently. The product must have clear instructions that do not require enormous effort.

This is especially important if the bed provides the possibility of transformation. Typically, oval transformable cribs are equipped with casters to allow you to move freely around the house. When choosing a product, it is important to pay attention not only to the mobility of the wheels, but also to their strength. High-quality designs are equipped with rubberized wheels so that when moving they do not create noise or leave scratches on the floor.

The base for the mattress must have a strong, hard bottom. It can be made of plywood or chipboard. It would be good if the bottom of the crib had the ability to ventilate. In this case, the mattress will be constantly ventilated, which means it will steadily evaporate moisture. As for the number of bed levels, it is optimal if there are three of them

This is important because the child is constantly growing, which means he needs to adjust the height of the sleeping place

Modern models are equipped with removable sides, which allows, if necessary, to combine an adult bed with a baby cradle. This way, parents don't have to go to the other end of the room to soothe or feed the baby at night.

When purchasing an oval crib, you need to pay special attention to its manufacturer. The modern market is replete with an abundance of children's products, but not all of them are of high quality.

For this reason, it is necessary to purchase the product only in trusted stores. At the same time, the manufacturer must be well established not only through advertising, but also through reviews from real customers.

To learn how to choose an oval crib for your baby, watch the following video.

Primary requirements

Choosing a children's bed from 3 years old is not as simple as it seems. It is easy for a person who is not familiar with the features to make a mistaken purchase. Many factors must be taken into account: design, material, size, functionality. Naturally, design also plays a role. Manufacturers are ready to offer a variety of models aimed specifically at boys and girls.

Despite the fact that the child has grown up and needs a larger bed, it is unlikely that there will be enough space in his room for an oversized model. A transformable children's bed would be an ideal option. It can be disassembled only at night, and in the daytime leave room for games.

One of the main criteria for choosing a bed for children over 3 years old is safety. The kit must include side partitions or the possibility of installing them. At this age, the child is not yet able to control himself in his sleep: turning to his side, he may fall. This is especially dangerous when using a bunk bed. Before purchasing, you should also check the product for cracks, burrs, chips, or anything that could injure children. It is better to purchase a model with rounded corners. If the bed has a second floor, the ladder must be strong and the steps wide and stable.

Children's beds from three years old are usually made of natural wood. Oak, beech, pine, and maple are used. These materials are not only environmentally friendly, but also durable. The only negative is the high cost. More budget models are assembled from compressed wood panels. They are also hypoallergenic, but tend to dry out over time. It is not recommended to purchase a metal bed, as it is much easier to get injured on it. Some manufacturers make models with plastic parts. Such components wear out quickly and can also be toxic.

An important factor when choosing a children's bed from 3 years old with sides is the possibility of ventilation. The side walls must be made of high-quality materials that are free of synthetic odors and impurities. It is advisable to purchase models with sides made of slats. There should be a distance of 4–6 cm between each of them, otherwise air will flow poorly to the sleeper. However, if the gap is larger than 6 cm, the baby's foot or hand may accidentally fall into the hole and get stuck. Based on this criterion, you can choose a bed with fabric or mesh sides on a solid base.

What children don't do with their beds. They jump, have pillow fights on them, build barricades. Therefore, a strong frame and side backs of the product are important. In addition, the build quality and adherence to the technical process play a big role in the service life. When choosing a bed in a store, you should check the absence of gaps, the quality of surface treatment, and the presence of all reinforcing and fixing elements.

To save the family budget, you can also purchase a pull-out bed for a child over 3 years old. This model can be used further as it grows older, since it has sliding elements. When a second baby appears in the family, it will be easy to put it back together.

You should be careful when choosing a mattress. For teenagers and children's beds from 3 years old, purchase products of medium hardness, since a mattress that is too soft can cause deterioration in posture.

A room with the smallest area is usually allocated for a children's room. For this reason, parents try to ensure that all furniture has maximum functionality. If we consider children's beds with drawers, they are convenient to use, since you can put clothes, toys, and bedding in them. Other models are a symbiosis of a sleeping place, a desk, a play area and more.

Children from 3 to 10 years old attach great importance to the color scheme and design of their sleeping place. Modern manufacturers are able to implement any idea and depict their favorite character on the back. Children's beds for boys from 3 years old are most often presented in the form of cars, special equipment or with portraits of superheroes. Girls are bought a bed for a princess.

Color spectrum

Another important criterion that parents don’t think much about is the shade of the linen.

Carefully measuring the child’s height and the dimensions of the mattress, they manage to focus on safety and comfort, completely losing sight of the colors. Psychologists say that with the help of the right color scheme, you can grow a talented, self-confident person, and sometimes even cure mental illness

The effect of color on a child's body is indicated in the table below.

Table - Primary colors and their effect on the child’s body

Bed colorImpact on the psyche
Green- Helps relax; - promotes calmness
Red- Causes aggression; - capable of oppressing
Yellow— Improves mood; - causes joy; – provokes anxiety (if abused)
Blue— Normalizes sleep; - promotes relaxation; - provides calming to the nervous system
Blue— Eliminates tension (only as small accents); — helps to fall asleep (if the shade is not dominant); - depresses the nervous system (if blue is the main color)
White, beige— Calms the nervous system; - ensures restful sleep; - leads to melancholy if not diluted with bright colors
Grey— Promotes self-confidence (only small accents)
Brown- Causes boredom; - can provoke apathy
Black— Causes destruction of the child’s psyche (in large quantities); - neutral if used as outlines of a picture or small print

Which bed to choose: 1.5 bed or double

Foreign manufacturers offer the following sizes of bedding sets:

  • “king-size” (mainly for a “three-size” bed)
  • “2-bed” (double linen)
  • “1.5-bed” (one-and-a-half bed linen)
  • “1-bed” (single linen)
  • “children” (up to 125 cm in length for a crib for one child)

You may also encounter the following notations:

  • "single" or "twin" (single linen)
  • “extra long single” (one-and-a-half-length underwear)
  • “full” or “double” (double linen)
  • “queen” (approximately equal to our “euro”)
  • “king size” (oversized linen, designed for a very wide bed)
  • “baby bed” (for newborns)

Russian manufacturers usually define a standard bed linen set as a sheet, duvet cover and two pillowcases (the set is designed for a married couple). But there are also incomplete sets of bedding on sale. The sizes of the units in the set may vary from different manufacturers, so you should carefully study the numbers indicated on the packaging. Below you can see tables that present the approximate sizes of bed linen from Russian and foreign manufacturers.


Your children will also need functional additions as they grow up. For example, drawers where you can hide bed linen, interesting books and other important little things. Standard drawers are produced in sizes 40x70 cm. But it is possible to order ones that will fit the size of your bed model.

There are families with more than one child, and they are entering adolescence. The best purchase option for a family is a bunk bed. When purchasing this option, you can significantly save on space in the nursery, while increasing the space for activities and games. Such models are absolutely safe for children.

To climb to the second floor, the child will need to climb a specially placed ladder. Such stairs can be in the form of drawers or ordinary, hanging ones. The beds themselves come in different sizes, it all depends on the shape, number of shelves and built-in drawers. There are also models with built-in tables and desks at which children can do homework.

The height of the upper berth is determined by the height above the head of the child who will be below. Everyone should be comfortable. The standard height is considered to be up to 1.8 m. However, you should not forget about the size of the ceilings in the children's room so that such a bed will fit. Most often, such sleeping places come in sizes 200x90 cm.

There are also some cases when bunk beds are made from one sleeping place. On the ground floor there is the opportunity to place a table, cabinets or a Swedish wall.

There are also sliding bed models. This option is ideal for parents who do not want to purchase new furniture for their children every 3 years. There are products in the shape of a circle, their design allows you to increase the length up to 210 cm. The width does not change and is 70 cm.

Dimensions of a sleeping place for a teenager

The furniture should be in harmony with the style of the room and match the color.

The single model is a classic option. Can be supplemented with drawers below. In this case, the level of the bed will be higher.

The bunk room has two beds located one above the other.

In a small room for two children it is better to put a bunk bed

This option is suitable for saving space if you have two children. It is better to place an older teenager on the upper tier, and a younger one on the lower.

Beautiful examples

Parents probably want their practical and durable purchase to be not only functional, but also beautiful, additionally creating a positive atmosphere in the nursery. Such a bonus is also possible - let’s look at what a transformable baby crib might look like.

In the first photo we see the simplest example in terms of design - the body is entirely white and does not have inserts of a different color, which allows the product to fit into absolutely any interior. At the same time, a sleeping place, a chest of drawers, and storage drawers are squeezed into an extremely small space, although this model meets all concerns regarding the difficulty of cleaning.

However, a similar concept can be multi-colored, and the combination of black and white is not always strict and official; it is quite appropriate in the case of a baby - the second photo successfully proves all these theses. Here, the manufacturers tried to supplement the general functionality of the previous model with a small changing table, so that the result was a full-fledged baby care center.

​​​The last example seems similar to the previous two, however, it is clearly visible here that the chest of drawers can be removed over time, increasing the length of the bed, and used as a separate bedside table. Of course, such a solution will take up more space, but this was to be expected, because the child is growing.

To learn how to choose a transforming crib for newborns, see the following video.


The main safety factors for a child's bed are provided by:

  • high placement of the mattress base (grid) guaranteeing free and comfortable servicing of the sleeping baby by parents;
  • Let's call for enclosing sides or bars to prevent the child from falling off the mattress during restless sleep.

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especially important to have a fence for a baby who is learning to stand up. It serves as a support, clinging to which to develop the technique of climbing and maintaining balance.

After the child begins to sleep peacefully and confidently crawls and stands on his feet, the fence can be removed.

The main safety requirements for the design of sides are:

  • dimensions length and height, which are chosen taking into account the age and character (restlessness) of the child - for a baby who has begun to walk independently, their length is usually equal to one third of the length of the bed;
  • the stability and rigidity of the fence should prevent it from spontaneously tipping over or opening under the weight of a child;
  • The ideal materials for the manufacture of sides are natural wood, upholstered in environmentally friendly drapery fabric with filler;
  • All fences must have rounded corners and contours and blunt edges.

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Teen bed sizes

Children of any age spend approximately 10 hours a day in bed, so size must be taken into account when choosing a place to sleep. Basically, the standard for a teenage bed is considered to be 180x90 cm. Since your child has already grown up and has his own opinion, you should listen to his preferences.

Let's consider the main parameters for choosing a teenage bed.

  • Suitable for the child's height. The size of the sleeping place should be 20 centimeters larger than the length of the body.
  • Correct orthopedic base.
  • Strength – the bed must withstand heavy loads.
  • Interesting design, suitable for age and hobbies.
  • Safe materials, preferably natural wood.

Modern manufacturers will surprise you with the most exquisite designs. There are beds with various decorative inserts and built-in drawers. Today, even the most demanding consumer will always find a suitable option.

Parents usually do not consider it necessary to buy standard beds, which are produced in sizes 170x80 cm, because teenagers grow quickly. Most often, products of size 200x90 cm are purchased; such models last for a long time, and even an adult can sleep on them.

When choosing a place to sleep for a child over 11 years old, several requirements should be taken into account. The material from which the furniture is made must be environmentally friendly and not contain harmful substances

We also recommend that you ensure that there are no sharp corners. Even at the age of 14, a child can be injured when half asleep getting out of bed at night

You can purchase a bed that is also suitable for an adult. Standard length dimensions are 190 cm. There is a wide selection of universal sofas on the market that will look good in the interior of a children's room.

Frame material

One of the most important selection criteria is the materials used in the manufacture of the frame. To make a decision, you should consider the characteristics of the possible options:

  1. Metal – metal furniture looks very stylish. Less dust settles on it. An absolute plus is the high strength of the product. Disadvantages may include heavy weight. Manufacturers have learned to combat this by using high-tech alloys.
  2. Wood - teenage beds made of solid wood are perfect for those who plan to use them for a long time. Wooden furniture is more expensive than other analogues, but it is environmentally friendly, durable and presentable. A solid wood bed looks restrained and dignified.
  3. MDF - the main advantage of this option is its affordable price. Pressed wood is not as durable as natural wood, but products made in accordance with GOST will last at least 10 years.
  4. Plastic - furniture made of plastic is reliable, has an attractive appearance and is light in weight, it is pleasant to touch. Please note that it is easy to leave a scratch or stain on the plastic from caustic dye. Lovers of home creativity are recommended to choose models in dark shades.

Transformation options

Round beds usually have the following transformation options:

  • specimens with a lowering base for a sleeping bed;
  • model for children from 3 to 5 years old, in which the bed can be increased to 120 cm in length;
  • to prepare the arena, the oval base is moved to the lower position;
  • option with organizing a small sofa - with it, the existing structure, after removing one fence on the side, will allow the baby to rest in such furniture during the daytime (usually additional pillows are placed on the backrest for comfortable rest);
  • you can build 2 chairs and a table by connecting the crossbar in the center and the elements on the sides;
  • In order to get an oval-shaped crib (suitable for children from 3 to 9 years old), you should turn to the extension of the crossbar located in the center.

Innovative oval transformers and add-on models

Oval cribs have an elegant appearance; the absence of corners guarantees the safety of the child. In addition, such models take up less space than standard models. An additional advantage is the fact that such cribs can be transformed into sofas, chairs with tables, playpens, and cradles. If desired, you can adjust their size.

Add-on cribs differ from conventional transformable counterparts in that they have special fastenings that provide the most reliable fixation. If necessary, you can attach a side wall to the product and turn it into a classic model.

Bed features

Now let's look at some aspects of furniture, knowledge of which will allow you to initially understand what type of bed is required. Everything is quite simple, you need to carefully read the information in this section in order to master the question well.

Different types and distance from the floor

First, let's look at height in order to systematize information according to standards accepted in different parts of the world. All of them are widely used, and knowledge of these aspects will help you understand which solution will be optimal:

Domestic standard. Most often, in furniture produced in our country, the height of the sleeping place is obtained at a distance of approximately 50 cm from the floor. Of course, this figure may vary depending on the thickness of the mattress used, but in general this figure is considered generally accepted, as it ensures the comfort of using the bed for most people.

A typical furniture option assumes a distance of the sleeping area from the floor of at least 50 cm

  • European standard. This option is as close as possible to ours and averages 55-60 cm, so the designs are almost the same, although for some the difference may be decisive. This type provides comfort for most people, since the length of the leg from the sole to the knee is usually 60-65 cm, so getting up and going to bed will be comfortable.
  • Asian standard. The lowest type of sleeping places, rising 20-30 cm above the floor level. This is due to the fact that previously in this part of the world they did not build beds, but rather built a low flooring or podium on which the mattress was located. In modern conditions, furniture has acquired a traditional look, but the tendency to make it low remains. These are very interesting models, but not everyone will be comfortable getting on and off the bed.

Low beds look stylish and unusual

American standard. These are the highest beds, in which the mattress is located at a level of 70 to 100 cm from the floor. The name comes from colonial-style furniture, which was made high so that the cold from the floor would not cause discomfort while sleeping. Nowadays, all sorts of bed options are used in America, but the name remains, and by it you will immediately understand that the sleeping place is high. This option is suitable for older people, as it is convenient to climb from.

High beds are convenient because they are very convenient to get up from.

Standard height for different models

Let's look at the most popular models and tell you what the usual height of this or that option is:

Podium bed. This is the lowest version of furniture; the sleeping place in it is usually located at a level no higher than 45 cm from the floor. This solution looks stylish and modern, but may not be very convenient for some people, since getting out of bed and lying down on it is not as comfortable as other types.

Classic. This option is the most common today; the height of the bed, depending on the model, can vary from 50 to 63.5 cm, which ensures ease of use of the furniture for most people.

How children's bunk beds are made: photos and technologies.

The traditional material used to make children's bunk beds, photos of which are numerous on the Internet, is wood. The elegant wooden structure fits perfectly into any room, no matter how complex in terms of layout it may be. Wood makes it possible to implement almost any engineering solution in one design, which should definitely be used.

But there is an alternative to wood - a practical and durable metal, processed and brought into the desired shape through forging technology. Such a metal structure can serve the owner for a long period of time, which in turn will make it a profitable solution.

It is also necessary to consider the option of choosing the standard size of the product, because the child will grow one way or another. There is no point in constantly choosing new beds; you should anticipate the child’s growing up and immediately choose a ready-made big solution. The standard choice will be one-and-a-half beds, the length of which is about two meters. But you can choose something more individual, depending on the needs of the child and the capabilities of his parents.

The bed, as a rule, has fairly soft mattresses, which can be purchased complete with the main structure or separately. However, it is better to give preference to orthopedic mattresses. They will help keep your baby healthy! Thanks to all these advantages, bunk beds are so popular all over the world.

There are two measurement systems:

  • English (measured in pounds and inches). Used in the USA, Great Britain and a number of other countries.
  • Metric (cm and meters). Distributed among European and domestic manufacturers.

Bed sizes may vary slightly depending on the country of origin. Therefore, when choosing a bed, first of all, they take into account which furniture factory it was made at, for example, Russian or foreign.

It is important to consider that standard sizes mean the width and length of the mattress laid on the base, not the bed. Below is a general size chart:

Below is a general size chart:

In addition to standard dimensions, we also produce non-standard beds in individual sizes. In particular, by increasing the width and length or changing the shape - semicircular, round, square, oval. In this case, mattresses are made to order.

Standard sizes of Euro beds

According to European parameters, these products are measured by the width and length of the mattress, not the frame. English or French manufacturers measure in inches and feet; this system differs from the usual metric system in centimeters and meters.

IKEA bed sizes

US sizes

The USA also has its own dimensions, different from Russian and Euro standards, which are mainly indicated in inches or feet.

Table comparing common sizes.

How to choose bed linen?

The crib must be equipped with bedding. The package includes a blanket, pillow, bumpers (soft sides), mattress, duvet cover, sheet and pillowcase. Some options also include a canopy. The sides of the round crib are filled with foam rubber and ribbons are sewn for fastening to the furniture. Bumpers can be in the form of a canvas with filling or pads with ribbons.

An orthopedic mattress with ventilation holes circulates air in the sleeping area. A mattress filled with foam rubber or holofiber is rigid and environmentally friendly. It does not allow moisture to pass through well, which is an important indicator. It is recommended to choose a mattress filled with coconut fiber and latex foam with removable covers so that they can be washed. The cover should be made of natural fabric: cotton or high-quality wool. Synthetic fabric, which can irritate the delicate skin of the baby, is not allowed.

The baby's heat exchange has not yet been adjusted, so it is best to purchase a lightweight blanket: flannelette or wool. Some pediatricians advise using a canopy only as a last resort due to the resulting lack of oxygen for the baby. The canopy will protect the child from bright sunlight. Not everyone thinks it is right to have a pillow, since the baby’s spine is not strong. Some people prefer a thin pillow that will protect against head rolling.

It is recommended to definitely purchase a waterproof sheet with an elastic band. Other models slip out from under the child at the most inopportune moment. The color scheme of the bedding set should be selected in accordance with the design of the crib. The coloring should not contain contrasting tones, so as not to strain the children’s eyesight. It is necessary to choose bedding with large pictures so that the child can look at them.

What should be in a baby's cradle

List of necessary attributes of a baby crib:

  • Mattress made from quality raw materials;
  • Natural bed linen;
  • Winter and summer blankets for newborns. You can cover your baby with a sheet or diaper in the summer, and buy a thick woolen blanket for the winter.
  • Overlays-sides;
  • Whether a baby really needs a pillow - each parent will answer for themselves. It is permissible to take an anatomical or inclined pillow.


A blanket for a newborn is selected depending on the temperature in the room. You will need several of them.

Note! It is important that the baby does not overheat, so you should pay attention to the baby’s sleep. If you wrap a child tightly, he will sleep restlessly and be capricious.

Baby blankets for newborns are conventionally divided into:

  • warm - for the cold season,
  • light - for summer.

At temperatures above 24 degrees, the baby is covered with a regular diaper, up to 21 degrees - with a light flannel blanket, at 18 - with a thick tweed blanket.

What size blanket to choose for a newborn depends on the bedding. Blankets for babies come in sizes from 90*90 cm to 120*120 cm.

Bon Bon brand baby blanket

Do I need to buy a blanket for a newborn if I already have an envelope? In the first weeks, such a cocoon will be very appropriate; later you will have to purchase a blanket.


Mattresses are usually not included in the delivery of cribs, so parents have to choose this bedding.

What types are there:

  • without springs;
  • with independent spring block;
  • orthopedic;
  • with springs - “Bonnel”.

Children's orthopedic mattress

For babies, it is better to choose springless types, where the block with filler is wrapped in a special case. As a filler you can choose:

  • natural or artificial latex;
  • coconut coir;
  • seaweed;
  • camel wool;
  • synthetic filling.

The mattress should be hard so that the baby’s spine does not suffer.


Evgeny Komarovsky pays special attention to the question of whether a newborn needs a pillow in his crib. Adults cannot sleep without this accessory, complaining of headaches if this item is missing.

Until the age of two, the child will not need this attribute at all.

The correct shape of a pillow for a baby

Future parents think for a long time about what kind of pillow a newborn should have in his crib, and, having learned that there is no need to buy one, they are emotionally perplexed, claiming that the child will not get enough sleep, will start crying at night, and will not give anyone peace. This is a deep misconception.

Before answering the question whether a newborn can sleep on a pillow, you should study the dangers of its presence:

  • there is a high probability of sudden infant death syndrome;
  • at the moment of revolutions, the baby can block the nasal passages in his sleep when he buries himself in the pillow;
  • cervical vertebrae may be damaged;
  • the pillow filling will cause a fatal allergic reaction.

You need to understand that a child’s body has a different structure than an adult’s. The baby's head is larger in area than the body, so they should be on the same plane during sleep.

Note! Will a newborn need a pillow, and is it worth buying? If the baby is diagnosed with torticollis, hypertonicity, or has excessive regurgitation, then this accessory should be purchased after consultation with a pediatrician. However, in this situation we are talking about orthopedic special products

Necessary accessories

What else you need to buy:

mobile and pendant toys - with them the baby will learn to grab objects with their hands, developing tactile sensations;

Mobile and toys in the crib

  • organizer pockets so that everything is at hand at the right time;
  • a canopy will create coziness and remove bright daylight;
  • oilcloth for the mattress, which will retain heat and absorb liquid in case of leakage;
  • roller and heating pad;
  • nest - optional, some children find it easier to sleep in such a sleeping place.

What to buy for the crib is an individual question. A crib is a necessary accessory; additional parts can always be purchased when needed.


The very active conquest of the market by transformers in itself suggests that such a purchase is very justified and practical. Whatever model the consumer chooses, he is guaranteed to receive a number of advantages, among which the most important ones should be highlighted.

For a baby, furniture is usually purchased for literally several years, since he grows quickly and his needs change. A transformer allows you to make sure that an item once purchased lasts longer - some models “see” not only rapid growth, but also the maturation of their owner. This approach saves not only money, but also the time of parents, who do not need to go shopping again every couple of years in search of replacement for old furniture.

Photos of beds for teenagers in the interior



The variety of types of beds for teenagers presented by manufacturers can confuse parents. But if you make a thoughtful choice, you will not only get a comfortable sleeping place for your child, but also help your child create the interior he has long dreamed of.

Choice of textiles, pillows

One of the most important parameters of bedding is the hypoallergenicity of both the covers and the filling. On average, a schoolchild spends 8-10 hours sleeping, and an infant spends most of the day, so bedding textiles are chosen very carefully.

What accessories are needed for a baby cot:

  • Pillows, no less than mattresses, influence the formation of correct posture and sufficient relaxation of the neck muscles during sleep. For infants, the pillow is made flat - its height does not exceed 3-5 cm. Children who have problems with the spine require an orthopedic pillow, which prevents the deformation process from developing further. There are special C-shaped pads for children who do not yet know how to crawl - they are placed under the chest so that the child does not accidentally roll over, or the baby is “surrounded” with two such products so that he feels safe;
  • blanket - made soft, warm. For kids, square blankets with a zipper are suitable, which can easily be converted into an envelope-bag and are equipped with something like a hood in the corner. Blankets are made mainly from natural materials. The best options are flannelette or with the addition of holofiber. There are also two-layer ones, one of which is used in the summer, the other in the fall, and in the case of a cold winter, both halves are fastened with Velcro, forming the warmest blanket possible;
  • bedspread, blanket - selected to match the existing interior style, can hide only bed linen or hang down to the floor. It is usually decorated with images of cats, dogs, cartoons, flowers, zebra or leopard prints. The product often serves as a blanket during short naps;
  • bed linen – these are pillowcases, sheets, duvet covers that are in direct contact with the delicate baby skin. Such accessories must be permanently colored, moisture-permeable and vapor-permeable, can be easily washed in a machine without losing color or softness, must not contain harmful chemical components, be “prickly”, cause irritation of the skin, or collect static electricity. Linen is usually made from chintz, calico, ranfors, satin, and bamboo. As a summer option for teenagers, the linen option is suitable; younger ones need the most smooth texture. For very mobile babies, sheets with an elastic band are suitable;
  • soft sides - designed for infants, serve as protection against accidental injury when hitting wooden rods, are attached to the main structure with ties, Velcro, decorated with multi-colored pictures, made of foam rubber, calico, calico, flannel. If desired, they can be easily sewn by hand, having previously taken measurements of the crib;
  • curtains and valances are an exclusively decorative element, most often sold complete with a cradle. All lace, ruffles, and decorations must be firmly sewn on and washed well.


The purchased linen must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

The set of accessories for a newborn should include:

  • 2 blankets (thin summer and warm for the cold season);
  • protective edge to prevent injuries (optional);
  • duvet cover 2 pieces;
  • 4-5 sheets;
  • thin pillow;
  • 2 pillowcases;
  • mattress cover (optional);
  • canopy with fastening (optional).

The standard nursery linen set includes:

  • sheet;
  • pillowcase;
  • duvet cover.

There are sets with protective sides, thin pillows and canopies

Blankets and duvet covers

A modern children's duvet cover is a closed blanket cover that prevents it from fidgeting or bunching up. There are variations in the placement of holes in the center and in the side seam. The most reliable are the slots in the side seams.

You can find the following types of duvet covers:

  • with a zipper;
  • on buttons;
  • Velcro;
  • with buttons.

The baby blanket should be appropriate for the current time of year. The sizes of products intended for ages from 0 to 3 years are as follows: 90x90, 100x135, 110x140. Blanket fillings can be either natural or artificial.

In winter or during the cold season, blankets based on:

  • fluff,
  • wool,
  • cotton wool,
  • bamboo,
  • padding polyester,
  • holofiber.

In summer it is better to use blankets:

  • cotton,
  • flaxseed,
  • flannelette;
  • blanket;
  • fleece;
  • from calico;
  • terry.

Pillows and pillowcases

The crib is equipped with a pillow and a pillowcase, the dimensions of which do not depend on the type of bed. The purpose of pillowcases is to protect the pillow from abrasion.

The pillowcase should be pleasant to the touch and have a number of properties:

  • easy to wash;
  • absorb moisture well;
  • have breathability.

The variety of types of children's pillowcases includes:

  • with smell;
  • with ears (in the form of textile fringe);
  • with a zipper;
  • on buttons;
  • with buttons.

The safest type of product is a scented pillowcase.

Children's standard pillowcases have sizes that correspond to pillows: 40x60 cm, 35x45 cm. 70x70 cm, 50x70 cm.

The criterion for choosing pillows is the orthopedic effect (maintaining the cervical vertebrae in the correct position). For the youngest (up to a year) there is a thin pad that takes the shape of the body.

From 1 to 2 years, a flat pillow made of breathable fillers is suitable. From 2 to 7 years old, a product with a height of no more than 10 cm is used. Starting from the age of seven, any pillow is suitable and the height is selected individually.

Pillow fillers can be:

  • holofiber;
  • bamboo fiber;
  • Visco Memory - a type of foam with a “memory” effect;
  • Memory Foam is a foam that was developed for the needs of astronautics and eventually went into mass production;
  • natural latex.


A sheet is a rectangular piece of fabric that covers a mattress. The product requires more frequent washing and is subject to heavy loads. In addition to a high wear resistance coefficient, the product must have excellent hygroscopicity.

There are the following types of sheets:

  • a piece of fabric processed around the perimeter is an order of magnitude larger than the size of the mattress;
  • a sheet with an elastic band, which is ideal for children, as it is easily attached to the mattress and does not bunch up or slip off;
  • Velcro sheets are less practical and cause inconvenience when washing, since the Velcro clings to all fabrics.

Standard sheet sizes by age:

  • from 0 to 3 years – 110x150 cm, 120x150 cm;
  • from 3 to 17 years – 150x220 cm.


A canopy is a hanging fabric over a child's bed. The accessory can be purchased complete with bed linen or separately. The main functions of canopies are to decorate the interior of the room and protect against insects, excess light, and drafts. When choosing a canopy, the type of fastening, the length of the product and the material of manufacture matter.

Products differ by type of fastening:

  • with a central mechanism (completely cover the crib);

  • fastening in the headboard along the back (the head area is covered);
  • a mechanism installed around the perimeter, attached to the four corners of the crib.

Products vary in length:

  • midi reaches the bottom edge of the mattress;
  • minis have a decorative value;
  • maxi covers the crib completely.

Fabrics are dense and weightless. Weightless knitwear protects against insects, while thicker knitwear protects against daylight.

Preference is given to natural fabrics that do not interfere with air flow:

  • tulle;
  • organza;
  • chintz;
  • silk.

Children's mattress size chart

Standard sizesLength cm.Width cm.
In a pram or cradle for newborns80-9540-50
In a crib for newborns120-14060-70
In a cot for children from 3 years old140-19070-80
In a crib for teenagers190-20080-120

Before purchasing, you should accurately determine its size. To do this, you need to correctly determine the internal size of the bed by measuring the length and width along the side. You should not rely on standard sizes, because they can fluctuate quite a lot, and a deviation of 5-10 cm will make the mattress unusable.

Mattress for a stroller or cradle for newborns

The smallest mattress in a person’s life is a product for a baby stroller or cradle. Its standard dimensions can range from 40x80 cm to 50x95 cm. Such models are not endowed with anatomical qualities, but perform the function of providing a newborn with a flat and hard surface.

At the same time, it becomes a buffer, smoothing out unevenness on the bottom of the stroller. Their dimensions must strictly correspond to the inner surface of the stroller or cradle, because even minor deviations will lead to noticeable discomfort for the baby.

Mattress for a crib for newborns

In most cases, parents prefer to buy a crib rather than a cradle for their newborns. Unlike a cradle, which can be used for no more than 1-1.5 years, it is already used until the child reaches 3 years of age.

If you buy a crib, you will also need to buy a mattress for it, the size of which will be 60x120–70x140 cm. It will also become a low, breathing space between the bottom of the bed and the baby’s body, while maintaining sufficient rigidity of the sleeping place.

Crib mattress for children over 3 years old

At the age of 3–4 years, the child will feel cramped in his first crib. Therefore, parents will have to purchase a larger bed. In order to save money, children can immediately purchase a large single or one-and-a-half bed.

However, for the developing skeleton, this option is not entirely correct, since the requirements for rigidity will change twice more. A better solution would be to purchase a bed and mattress ranging in size from 70x140 to 80–190 cm.

At the age of 4–5 years, children still require a certain rigidity during sleep. At the same time, they become quite active, starting to jump and run everywhere, including on the bed. Expensive orthopedic models may not be able to withstand such a load, so for children aged 5–10 years it is better to purchase high-quality spring options.

Bed mattress for teenagers

Adolescence is a time of active growth and final formation of the spine. Many teenagers manage to grow to the size of an adult, or grow at a significant rate. Changing their sleeping place will no longer be a desire, but an urgent necessity.

The size of mattresses in a bed for teenagers will be determined not only by height indicators, but also by capabilities, since a bed for them can already be purchased, either a single or a one-and-a-half-bed. The width of standard sizes will be 80–120 cm, and the length – 190–200 cm. The preferred type will be orthopedic. He will no longer suffer from children's pranks and will be able to fully perform his function.

Height of mattresses for children

Height for children's beds is also a significant criterion. It is determined both by the requirements for rigidity and the internal filling of the mattress. In some cases, the height is determined by the inner side of the bed; in order to avoid injury, it must rise above it by at least 5 cm.

In turn, there are age restrictions on height. Thus, the parameter of mattresses for children under 3 years of age should be from 6 to 10 cm, the height of spring mattresses for younger schoolchildren is 10–20 cm, the height of orthopedic mattresses for teenagers is 14–20 cm. In this case, some excess of the parameters for spring mattresses is allowed and orthopedic models. Thinner ones can be used as mattress covers or bedspreads for sofas.


A child's very first piece of furniture is a crib.

Therefore, it is important to take into account the features of all types of children's furniture

The following models of cribs are considered standard: crib-cradle, add-on model, playpen, transforming crib and loft bed.


Since ancient times, the cradle bed has helped our ancestors raise children. The advantages of this crib are its compactness, ease of motion sickness, and the ability to be moved from one room to another. But this furniture can only be used until the baby begins to roll over and sit down, otherwise there is a risk of him falling.

Previously, bassinets were used for a longer time, but the baby was swaddled tightly. In fact, the baby was immobilized. This was done in order to help the young mother have time to do some other chores around the house: sew, knit, cook something.

Its size usually ranges from 40 cm in width to 90 cm in length. Height - from 50 to 90 cm.

Side bed

Side beds, compared to their analogues, have their advantages.

Like the previous model, its use is short due to its size (up to two years, if the size of the crib allows the baby to develop). The width of the side crib varies from 55 to 60 cm, and the length from 90 to 120 cm, the height of the model does not exceed 80 cm.

Most crib models are equipped with clamps that allow you to attach them to your parents' bed. Depending on the level of the parents' bed, the crib can be raised or lowered from 30 to 50 cm from the floor level.

There are models that provide for the attachment of a side wall, but then the baby’s sleeping place will be reduced by 10 centimeters.

Playpen bed

The most popular model is considered to be a playpen bed, which, due to its size and parameters, can be used until the child reaches the age of three. The parameters of this bed model are regulated by GOST.

It is designed not only so that the child can sleep comfortably, but also for his first steps. Along the perimeter of the crib there are sides that the baby can cling to to roll over or stand up. The child can play independently, while it is good to see what his mother is doing. There is a distance between vertical fences (up to 7.5 cm).

Depending on the activity of the child, the bottom of the bed can be lowered, so parents do not have to worry about the baby falling out of the crib. Most models have motion sickness mechanisms and are equipped with linen drawers.

Its size is most often 120 cm in length and 70 cm in width.

Transformable bed

- This is a whole furniture set, which includes a crib, a chest of drawers and linen drawers. As the child grows up, the chest of drawers can be used as an independent piece of furniture: a bedside table, a table, a cabinet.

This crib can also be designed for an older child up to 10-12 years old. The length of the bed can be from 140 to 180 cm, and the width is usually 60 cm.

For children, it is preferable to purchase wooden beds (made of solid wood) rather than beds made of plywood or chipboard. This is especially true for children aged -12 years, which is associated with their increased activity.


For school-age children, it is better to purchase model beds. In size, they may not be inferior to adult beds, but they differ in the requirements for the quality of materials used and design.

The standard size of a single bed is 100 cm wide, 190 cm long.

Bunk and loft beds

For families with two or more children, in order to save sleeping space, you can consider the options of loft beds. But the use of these pieces of furniture is only possible for children over 7 years of age.

In order for a child who sleeps at a height to have enough air, the second tier should not be right up to the ceiling. The stairs used for ascent and descent and the ceiling of the second tier bed must be safe and durable

A child who sleeps at a height can jump on the bed and stand up, so it is important that the model provides for all options for its non-intended use

A loft bed is convenient because it saves playing space. In such models, as a rule, a closet and linen shelves are provided. Below there may be a workspace in the form of a desk or.

This bed option will be interesting for teenage children. This is a room-within-a-room option that teaches a child to organize his space wisely and orients him to study. The child seems to be in his own world.

The size of bunk beds and loft beds varies, but for models for adult children it is usually the same as for a single model - 100 cm wide and 190 cm long.

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