How to create the illusion of space in the interior of a small loft-style apartment?

It is no coincidence that we associate the loft architectural style with something industrial and factory-like. This the style originated in the 40s of the 20th century in New York, when a jump in land prices in the city center forced owners of industrial enterprises to move production to the outskirts of the city, and to sell former factory and warehouse premises at a low price. People bought these premises and turned them into unusual spacious studios. However, you can equip a small apartment in a loft style if you try.

Photos of designs

The loft style can be created in a small apartment if you create the illusion of space in it by successfully arranging the furniture. After all, another feature of this style, along with the use of industrial elements (unfinished brick walls, ceilings, beams and ceilings covered only with plaster) is minimalism. Below we have selected some good solutions.

In light colors

Comfortable ottomans and sheer curtains

Dividing an apartment into functional zones using furniture

Sleeping and working space in a small space

Sloping roof with large window

Comfortable sofa and lots of shelves

How to decorate a small bedroom in the loft style according to all design rules, read in this article.

Loft in a small apartment (150 interesting design photos)

The loft style came to us from distant America. It arose in the middle of the last century, and was initially caused by the need to adapt industrial premises that were no longer in use for housing. Nowadays, the loft has become very popular, especially among creative people who are open to new ideas and non-standard solutions, and, of course, an apartment in this style now does not necessarily have to be located in an old warehouse or workshop - almost any home can be decorated as a loft.

True, sometimes disputes arise about whether it is possible to make a loft in a small apartment. Let's try to understand this issue.

Main characteristics of the loft style

As already mentioned, loft-style housing used to be located exclusively in former industrial buildings. This fact determined the main features of the style.

The main characteristic of the style is the absence of any partitions between functional areas and maximum space. The only exception is the bathroom, which can be separated from the rest of the room.

High ceilings are not mandatory, but desirable.

Details are important in the design of a loft apartment:

curtains with eyelets living room furniture paintings in the interior

The style is characterized by the preservation of industrial features: ventilation ducts and systems, pipes, brickwork, electrical wiring are not hidden, but, on the contrary, are exposed. Roughly plastered walls, concrete and brickwork are not covered with decorative materials; they are a stylish design element.

If your apartment does not have brickwork or other style features, then they are created artificially.

Another sign is the synthesis of old and new, for example, well-worn furniture harmonizes perfectly with ultra-modern household appliances, and diode lamps can be inserted into old lamps reminiscent of miner's lanterns.

And, of course, the decor for a loft should be non-standard: abstract paintings, posters, monochrome photos, newspaper prints, graffiti are just a small part of the possible options for decorating a home.

Advantages of the loft style for a small studio apartment

Although a loft requires sufficient space, the small area of ​​the apartment is not a categorical obstacle to this; rather, on the contrary, a loft can transform a home, since the removal of internal partitions will visually increase the space and fill it with light and air. The only caveat is that you can only demolish those interior partitions that are not load-bearing structures.

If you are determined to demolish all the walls in the apartment, do not forget to coordinate your actions with the relevant authorities.

The advantages of the loft style also include relatively low costs for finishing the room, because bare concrete or brickwork is just what is needed.

Another undoubted advantage is the opportunity to show creativity and create an absolutely unique home that reflects your individuality, free from uniformity and boring traditional solutions.

Finishing materials, colors

Materials for finishing a small loft-style apartment should be predominantly natural, most often brick, concrete, wood. Metal and glass structures and household items also fit well into the interior.

If you have brick walls, then it is advisable to install wooden windows, but concrete also goes well with metal-plastic frames.

The floor can be wooden or covered with laminate. Another option is a simple cement screed, self-leveling floor, or practical ceramic tiles, under which you should lay an electric heating system.

The ceiling can be left untreated, but if the height of the apartment is small, then it is better to whitewash it or paint it white - such a simple technique will visually raise the ceiling by a few centimeters.

Natural stone, suede and leather, and crystal are welcome as additional finishing materials. Synthetic plastic and vinyl are also not prohibited, but their quantity in the interior should not be dominant.

As for the color scheme, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. There are no unambiguous strict rules when choosing a color, but it is assumed that the loft should be light and spacious, so for a small apartment you need to choose light, neutral colors. The best choice for a small loft would be variations on the theme of gray, combined with white and milky. A beige-sand color scheme will look good.

Choose warm shades if you want to make your loft more cozy.

Color plays not only a decorative role - it helps to zone the space, so each zone should have its own dominant shade, but so that as a whole a single harmonious picture emerges.

Loft also welcomes bright colors, but in a small space they should play more of an accent role, otherwise they will overload the interior with excessive variegation.

Choosing furniture for loft style

Loft, as we have already mentioned, is a laconic style, so there should be little furniture, but its distinguishing feature must certainly be functionality. In a small apartment, this rule is especially relevant.

Bulky furniture will absolutely not suit you - only simple, no-frills items.

Decide on the required set of items. You will probably need a sleeping place. Its role can be played by a bed, an ottoman or a comfortable sofa. If you settled on a bed, then try raising it onto a podium, where you can equip a storage system.

Other items include a table, folding chairs or stools, shelving, poufs that can be moved from place to place, and chairs on wheels. A wardrobe is suitable for storing things.

The role of a dining table can be played by a bar counter - this solution looks original and helps to simultaneously save space and separate the kitchen area from the living area.

Loft furniture can follow two diametrically opposed principles: either simple geometric shapes, such as cubes and parallelepipeds, or non-standard shapes.

We recommend: American style

If you decide to hang shelves on the wall, they must be open, without fronts.

In addition to its main function, furniture in a loft serves to zone the space, so it is not customary to place it around the perimeter - it should be grouped so that functional zones are clearly marked.

Lighting and accessories

In order for the apartment to be light enough not only during the daytime, you need to make sure that there is enough lighting in it.

As a rule, in a traditional loft the main source of light is a large chandelier in the center of the ceiling, but in a small apartment such a solution will not be successful. It is much better to place lamps around the perimeter of the room. As for the style of lighting fixtures, a good idea would be to use lamps reminiscent of industrial lights, rail systems, and diode strips.

Each functional area can have individual lighting - this technique will help further divide the space.

To make the apartment cozy, have a lived-in appearance and bear the imprint of the owner’s personality, you cannot do without accessories. But even here you need to show a sense of proportion - no lush curtains, embroidered napkins or ruffles.

A little creative chaos is a completely acceptable phenomenon for a loft, so if there is a stack of books on the floor by the bed, and pillows and a blanket scattered in disarray on the sofa, this will in no way disturb the harmony of the style.

Plasma, a large rectangular mirror, a couple of abstract paintings or sculptures, posters are suitable accessories for room decor.

It’s a great idea to use hobby attributes as decoration: you can easily hang a bicycle, snowboard or other accessories on the wall.

Loft - men's style?

Most of us associate a loft with housing for a lonely, brutal bachelor. Indeed, its discreet, slightly harsh environment with industrial features perfectly conveys the masculine character.

Traditional accessories for men's hobbies in a loft do not need to be hidden in a closet or on the mezzanine: fishing tackle, a hunting rifle, a guitar, a drum set - all of this has a worthy place in the interior. Even a bicycle or motorcycle can be placed in the middle of the apartment, and it will fit harmoniously into the decor.

However, it would be a mistake to say that a loft is an exclusively male version of an apartment. It can be successfully used by both married couples and representatives of the fair sex, you just need to place the accents correctly.

Light warm colors, smooth curves of furniture, cozy blankets on the sofa and armchairs, indoor plants on the windowsills, vases with fruits and flowers can transform the interior beyond recognition, giving it comfort and softness.

A dressing table is an interior detail that will perfectly emphasize the feminine character of the home, especially well if it is equipped with many drawers for all sorts of little things.

Bright colors will give the loft a special mood, make it cheerful, cheerful, and floor lamps with lampshades instead of industrial lamps will soften the atmosphere.

In a word, a loft in a small apartment is an interior design option that is distinguished by functionality and originality, and is perfect for a variety of people. If you value space, independence and individuality, then this style is for you.

In general, unfortunately, a loft mainly implies large, spacious and, most importantly, former non-residential premises - with high ceilings, columns supporting the ceiling and quite noticeable ventilation pipes. In this case, the loft style for a city apartment (or rather, what became an apartment in the end) looks most advantageous.


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High ceilings are desirable for this style. If the apartment has low ceilings, they will have to be “raised.” At the same time, there is only one way to do this directly at the expense of the ceiling: try to “disassemble” it. Older houses have suspended ceilings left over from the days when it was fashionable. If you are lucky, all that remains is to remove the suspended part itself and the ceiling will actually become higher.

Otherwise, you have to play with visual perception. The best options are to place low furniture or illuminate the ceiling with a floor lamp or wall lamps (the light of which is directed upward). There are other ways to visually raise the ceiling (patterned curtains, plain curtains with a pattern at the top, a vertical pattern on the walls, the most effective is covering the ceiling with glossy, “mirror” paint), but they do not correspond to this style and will look inappropriate.

Info As for covering the ceiling, you can return to the classic version and use only plaster, or, if this seems too uncomfortable to you, paint the ceiling beige or light gray.

Beams at the top are a common solution in a loft

White ceiling expands space


In general, the rules are standard for this style - from one to three (all four are possible, if it looks good) walls must be unfinished (or finished to look unfinished), that is, at least one wall must be red brick masonry . The remaining walls can be decorated to your taste, adhering to the following rules: it is better to use paint rather than wallpaper, and it is better to give preference to light colors for the walls.

You can learn how to plaster walls with your own hands and what types of plaster there are in a separate article.

In a small apartment, it would be very appropriate to make one wall mirrored, for example, by filling it with sliding wardrobes with mirrored doors.

One brick wall

All walls are made of brickwork


The interior of a small loft-style apartment should look spacious , and for this you need to carefully consider the layout. It's no secret that mirrors are one of the best ways to create the illusion of additional space, which is why they are often used in minimalist designs. But style does not tolerate a large number of identical small objects, so it would be best to install, as we wrote in the previous paragraph, a cabinet with mirrored doors, thus making the entire wall mirrored.

Maximum use of limited apartment space

When choosing furniture, you need to remember the need to save space. The apartment should not be crowded. If you can walk freely between the furniture, this is not yet space. We advise you to pay attention to multifunctional furniture, for example, a table from which you can extend the cooking surface. There are a lot of similar ideas on the Internet.

At the same time, when choosing furniture for a loft-style apartment, you need to constantly ask yourself the question: “is this thing needed in the apartment?” It would be great to use that mirrored cabinet that we talked about to store all the things that need to be stored in the apartment. At the same time, you need to ensure that the depth of the cabinet is not greater than necessary: ​​nothing should take away the space. The photo below shows several loft interiors in a small apartment.

Combined living and dining room

Mirrors and a large window

Plenty of storage space

Minimum necessary furniture and plenty of light

Furniture in a loft interior

Choosing loft-style furniture for a small apartment is not difficult, but you need to take into account that it is often a means of zoning the open space of the apartment, because there are no walls.

The kitchen area can be decorated in the same way as in the high-tech style - a wooden kitchen set and all kinds of household appliances are appropriate here:

  • fridge;
  • stove or hob;
  • hood.

It is typical for the loft style that a dining area is rarely placed in the kitchen - if the family is small, more often the bar counter is both a place for eating and serves as zoning of the room. High bar stools with forged or chrome-plated legs can be used as chairs.

Brick wall in the interior of a room in loft style

Chocolate color in the interior of a loft-style living room

Light design in loft style

For a loft-style living room, furniture in a minimalist style is suitable: an ordinary, no-frills bed with a simple headboard, tables, and chairs made of wood. If cabinets are planned, they should be open. Often wooden shelves are made on one wall from floor to ceiling. Open shelves for books can be used to fence off the sleeping space, and instead of a wardrobe, install an open hanger.

Upholstered furniture - a corner, straight or semicircular sofa in a calm tone or, conversely, a bright, contrasting color, can be a single color - made of velor, artificial leather.

For the loft style in the interior of a small apartment, like nowhere else, old, shabby wooden furniture that came from the last century would be appropriate. Even if the paint or varnish is peeling off in places, handles are missing, a corner is knocked off, even a little artificial aging will not harm it.

Bathroom furniture, despite the fact that the bathroom is a closed room, should support the overall styling - either the most modern in the spirit of high-tech, or with a touch of steampunk, coming from the industrial era. Furniture and appliances here are kept to a minimum. Leave only the essentials.

Living room design in loft style

Loft style in the kitchen interior

See alsoDesigning a living room in a loft style

Colors, decor and details

Standard colors for the loft style are light (they also help create the appearance of spaciousness), such as beige, white and light gray, as well as shades of brown. All other colors are complementary. You can’t make your apartment colorful; there shouldn’t be so many flowers. A light shade, brown, and another complementary color that goes well with the first ones, for example, dark blue, will be enough. “Children’s” bright colors like rich pink will not work here. You can see what a loft style should look like in white here.

Give preference to light colors

The abundance of decor and details in this style is unacceptable, and yet they must be there. Classics for the loft style are various kinds of maps and globes (for example, outlines of continents on a wall or brickwork), small green plants in classic brown pots are also suitable.

Small rectangular shelves made of dark wood will look good, on which you can place books, plants or small decorations like a wooden cat figurine. The main thing is not to overdo it. Black and white photographs in strict thin frames will look good on the walls. The rug, if present, should be a single color and should never cover the entire floor—most of the floor should be “bare.” At the same time, a good floor covering is wood.

Materials appropriate for this style are wood, glass and metal (these are also the most desirable), but plastic is also acceptable (though then it is better that a plastic object does not look “lonely”).

This style loves good lighting, so sometimes curtains are not hung on the windows. There should be a lot of artificial light sources. Moreover, light creates space. It is better to hang blinds on the windows.

Brown tones go perfectly with the brickwork of the loft

Loft style interior in a small apartment

Loft style is becoming popular in interior design. It is quite harsh, but despite its appearance, it can look beautiful and cozy. Loft arrangements will certainly be of interest to lovers of wonderful, non-trivial arrangements with a touch of extravagance. The loft style loves spacious open spaces; spacious apartments are optimal for its implementation.

However, lovers of industrial arrangements living in city apartments should not be disappointed. If you follow certain principles, you can implement a loft style in the interior of a one-room, two-room ordinary apartment, Khrushchev, even in a separate small room. How to design a loft style in the interior of a small apartment, what characteristic features allow you to emphasize the special atmosphere of the industrial style - this will be discussed below.

Main characteristics of the loft style

Creating a designer, industrial interior is a fashionable solution not only for spacious apartments. A cool, soft, lively industrial interior is easy to create in a standard apartment. With the current offers of construction and finishing materials on the market, you can create a unique loft; arrangement will require little time and money. Below are some tips on how to achieve the desired effect in standard and small spaces.

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Rough loft in a modern kitchen interior - photo

To create a loft design you will need:

open spaces full of light, light colors; equipment with reference to industrial style; accessories and add-ons should be chosen from metal, glass, aluminum, plastic; large lamps that look like they came from an old factory; furniture with history.

These characteristic elements will allow you to enjoy a beautifully furnished space in an industrial style. It can be implemented in a spacious apartment, a country house, or a small apartment.

Loft interior of a small apartment - photo

How to create a loft style?

To create a loft arrangement, you don’t have to live in a spacious house or a huge post-industrial apartment in the suburbs, however, the housing must meet certain requirements:

ceilings are slightly higher than standard; Tall lattice windows perfectly highlight the atmosphere; Open space or the possibility of creating it by demolishing walls is necessary.

The simplest solution is to combine the kitchen and living room. Of course, there is no urgent need to create a completely open interior consisting of one spacious room, but such a solution will give very interesting results.


There are several types of loft floor coverings:

it is worth laying industrial parquet; you can leave a simple, cement screed, securing it correctly; a practical solution - gray ceramic tiles imitating stone, concrete, under which you can place a warm floor; This option is both stylish and warm.

Floors in an apartment decorated in an industrial loft style - photo

Wall and ceiling decoration

Characteristic elements of an industrial interior that create the necessary atmosphere:

raw brick, concrete walls, unfinished borders between plaster and wall, visible water pipes, visible electrical wires.

Popular colors used in industrial arrangements:

grey; white combined with black; brick red.

Don't worry about uneven or rough surface textures. Rough, unfinished details fit perfectly into an industrial climate.

Brick walls in an industrial apartment - photo

When organizing the space of a small room or an attic apartment, there is no need to decorate the load-bearing beams; they make it possible to create natural divisions in the open space. You can use imitation beams on the ceiling, creating a special atmosphere. Beams are made from:

natural wood - hollow or solid; imitation wood made of foam is often used.

You should not decorate heating radiators and pipes, which are important elements of industrial arrangements. The interior with pipes looks harsh, austere, similar to a warehouse or domestic premises. You can add warm notes by adding color, choosing bright, expressive additives:

sofa cushions; colorful carpet; abstract paintings.

Furniture selection

The choice of furniture is associated with the ability to combine theoretically incongruous elements. Colorful, metal chairs are combined with artificially aged furniture, curiosities found at a flea market, or grandma's attic. Old furniture can be covered with various types of wallpaper, focusing on the original industrial arrangement. These solutions will allow you to carry out budget renovations in the loft style.

It is necessary to combine wooden furniture with metal elements, provided that there is a common connecting element.

Loft chair, stool – photo

A popular option is furniture made from pallets. Interesting solutions:

a do-it-yourself bed, a sofa made from pallets, a stylish, original table,

Pallets are varnished and painted white or gray.

Accessories, additives

Loft loves breaking conventions, stereotypes, and allows you to add accessories from other styles. Properly selected items in classic and glamorous styles combine interestingly, introducing interesting contrasts.

Loft is quite often based on the use of:

monochromatic base - in the form of walls, floors, furniture; additives - in the form of interesting color contrasts.

You can give the design a more factory-like feel by using semi-processed, raw materials:

OSB board, raw boards, concrete blocks, decorative concrete panels.

Such materials can perform many different functions - they are used to finish:

shelves, seats, walls.

Industrial style allows you to unleash your imagination and create a unique design. The impression of a heavy space will be softened by various additives that give the room a warm, homely atmosphere. Plants in wooden pots can be adapted to metal furniture. When purchasing simple monochrome armchairs and sofas, it is advisable to choose models with soft pillows and complement them with blankets that are pleasant to the touch.

Contemporary paintings look good on brick walls, contrasting with the background. A characteristic element of industrial design is the combination of multifunctional space with designer accessories. It is worth purchasing spectacular, openwork, knitted poufs. Soft seats and warm textiles that are pleasant to the touch will make the room more comfortable.

Light, lighting

Industrial space loves light. An important decorative element is a hanging lamp. Even if the apartment has huge windows that reach the ceiling, it is worth purchasing spectacular Edison lamps hanging from the ceiling on long cables. It is necessary to maintain high illumination, especially in the evening, when the apartment does not receive natural light, the room should be filled with warm light from carefully selected lamps.

Small room with a stylish lamp, photo

Mirrors must be installed so that light is reflected in them - natural and artificial. As a result, the interior of a small loft-style kitchen, living room, bedroom, even bathroom seems more spacious.

Mirrors will optically enlarge the interior of a small apartment, photo

The most suitable lamps that fill the interior with light, creating a special atmosphere:

models made of heavy metal, original lamps, captivating with their simplicity of form.

The loft does not have to be decorated with dark colors, limiting itself to brown colors and shades of gray. Lovers of space and light can choose cool white as the main motive for the arrangement. White as the main color may be present on:

walls, floors, furniture.

White color will make the ceiling visually higher and the room more spacious.

A small white room looks much more spacious, photo

The combination of white and brick gives a wonderful effect, looking especially beautiful in the interior of a small apartment. White will not overload the interior, visually enlarging it; brick will create a stylish atmosphere. Loft creates ideal combinations with intense color additives, such as red, green, but you don’t need to add a lot of them.

Brick wall in a light industrial interior, photo


Loft in the interior is gaining many supporters. The industrial interior is suitable for lovers of city life. Fashionable, spectacular industrial apartments are comfortable, practical, and provide the opportunity for frequent design changes. By removing walls and expanding doorways, we will increase the space, allowing you to decorate a loft in a Khrushchev-era building, a small apartment, or a room.



Bedroom interior – finishing color and furniture

Not all small apartments have separate bedrooms. But if there is already a bedroom, then it, like other rooms of the residential property, should be decorated in a loft style. The attic style is not the best or optimal solution for decorating a bedroom, however, as a result of renovation, this room can acquire aesthetic industrial features and also remain cozy. The following colors are best suited for decorating a bedroom: red, dark brown, blue, gray, white.

Stylish bedroom

Experts recommend choosing neutral shades as the main color, and using rich tones only for individual elements and decor. Furniture in the bedroom should fit organically into the decoration, be multifunctional and comfortable. Do not forget that this room will be used for relaxation and privacy, so you should not overdo it with industrialism and rough design. The main elements of the situation should be:

a large, preferably wrought-iron bed; a nightstand; a spacious closet made of rough wood.

In a studio apartment

A distinctive feature of a studio apartment is the absence of a partition between the kitchen and living space. And this is to our advantage! This style likes to distinguish “zones” (in this case, such a zone will be the kitchen), and the absence of partitions will allow the entire space to be perceived as a single whole. You shouldn’t highlight the kitchen too brightly: just paint the walls of the corner of the kitchen in a different color (not too close to the main one, but not too contrasting either).

You can learn how to lay a kitchen tile backsplash from this article.

Examples of loft-style apartment design are presented in this video.

Or you can simply separate the kitchen from the rest of the room with a long bar table, “outlining” the kitchen space: separation with long cabinets and tables is a standard solution for studio apartments in any style. By the way, an open bar would be very appropriate. It is not necessary to place alcohol there; you can also put coffee syrups. The coffee machine will also look great in the interior.

Expanding space with white walls

Successful division of a room into zones


The choice of furniture for the loft style should be approached more seriously. It is better if it is small and at the same time as functional as possible. It should not clutter the room. In addition, there should be few large pieces of furniture in the room. All products must be simple in design.

First of all, you need to decide on a sleeping place, especially in a studio apartment. A classic low bed, ottoman or small sofa is perfect for this. It is better to purchase leather sofas and armchairs with a rough texture. Bedroom furniture can be placed on a podium, which is often equipped with additional drawers for storing things. When choosing small pieces of furniture, it is better to give preference to transformers.

So, folding chairs, stools, and transforming tables for computers are perfect.

It is better if the furniture has wheels so that it can be rearranged at any time if it gets in the way. Small poufs can be used as seating. For storing things, it is better to give preference to furniture with through racks, a rack, and open shelves. In order to place clothes, you can choose a comfortable and spacious wardrobe with a mirror surface.

We recommend: How to make stained glass windows with your own hands at home? (video)

As for arranging the kitchen, it is better to replace the dining table with a bar counter. This solution is the most stylish and functional. In addition, the bar counter takes up less space. You can buy stylish bar stools for it, which can be placed under the tabletop at any time. The bar counter allows you to solve the problem of zoning and saves space in the room.

It is better if the furniture is not quite standard . Aged and vintage items are perfect. Try to group furniture so as to divide spacious loft-style rooms into zones, this will make it easier to get rid of many partitions. If you decide to opt for a classic table design, then it is better to select models with a wooden tabletop and a metal base. Chairs can also have a metal frame. Models with chrome legs and folding designs are popular.

You can also use small bedside tables and chests of drawers to store things. It is better to place metal and glass furniture elements in the bathroom. So, a material such as stainless steel is perfect for a sink or bathtub. Plumbing should be as simple as possible and not very modern. The kitchen set can be entirely wooden or have metal surfaces.

To decorate bedrooms and children's rooms, it is better to use more compact beds made of wood, and they should be decorated only with plain blankets. There should be no bright accents here, since the sleeping area is made almost invisible.

If you want to diversify the interior, you can put several pillows on sofas and armchairs or purchase chair covers. You can also make them yourself.

In a one-room apartment

If you only have one room, then the best advice is not to cut down on space by separating the kitchen and the room. It’s better to get by with incomplete partitions, simply “outlining” the kitchen - this is a standard solution for the loft style. You can make them decorative shelves by placing books, decorative bottles there, or using these shelves as a bar (putting alcohol or syrups there).

Separate the kitchen with a bar counter

Workplace and dining room

How to make a small kitchen look bigger with the loft style, read here.

In Khrushchev

The idea of ​​furnishing a Khrushchev building in this style may seem very strange. All that can be said here is that it is quite possible, you just need to adhere to the rules described above, and finishing the wall as a brick is purely decorative (there is a special purchased finish).

And Khrushchev can be transformed

Design options for small one-room apartments in the loft style can be found in this video.

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