Photos of floating suspended ceilings and creating exclusive designs with your own hands


Light plays a special role in the room. It will provide zoning of the territory and visually change it if necessary. You can use spot lighting around the perimeter, in a zigzag pattern. There are other ways to place them.

The smaller the room, the simpler the design of the two-level ceiling should be. This also applies to the color of the canvas, as well as the presence of a pattern on it.

Before installing the film, order electrical appliances: chandeliers, lamps. LED lamps are deservedly popular on the market today. To prevent accidental damage to the film, do not order devices with sharp edges.

Harmony, balance of details, correct color scheme, conciseness - these are the components of spectacular stretch ceilings.

Be sure to use thermal pads to protect the material from heat. A plan is first created that specifies lighting equipment. Before carrying out work, prepare a place for each device.


The level of lighting in the room is of particular importance. It is necessary to create the most correct additional lighting system. Spotlights are ideal for this; they can be distributed not only around the perimeter of the tension structure, but also in a zigzag pattern. A suspended ceiling, supplemented with these elements, looks attractive and laconic. An interesting design approach to interior design allows you to adjust the level of lighting based on the time of day, as well as individual needs.

If you decorate the ceiling with built-in lighting, you can get the illusion of realism and volume. For a special effect, you can create a pattern on the canvas using the built-in LED strip. You can decorate the tension structure in different ways. Moreover, if you take diode light sources as a basis, you can combine them with wall decoration. For example, a good solution would be to illuminate a tension structure with a transition to the wall. In this case, the lamps can be placed around the perimeter of the structure.

Additional lighting of the soaring ceiling

Most often, LED lighting is a decorative element of the ceiling - it alone will not be enough. To achieve this, several classic kitchen lighting options are used:

  • Dots. Spotlights became an integral part of the ceiling. Their dignity is difficult to underestimate. Using dots, you can illuminate certain areas of the kitchen (cooking area, dining area), distribute them evenly, or create them in a composition with ceiling decor (concentrated in one place).
  • Chandelier. As a rule, the chandelier is installed in the center of the room. But in modern kitchens you can find chandeliers of various types and shapes, which determine their location. For example, a pendant chandelier may not hang in the center of the kitchen, but above the dining table.

Additional ceiling lighting: chandeliers, points


The choice of lighting elements plays the most important role. Because it is thanks to light that its existence becomes possible. One of the popular options for such a solution is LED strips. They have a low degree of heating, which has a beneficial effect on suspended ceilings, and also has a long service life.

Scheme of mounting LED strips in a plasterboard niche

In order for the lighting to correspond to the intended concept, special blocks are used, and they are used to control the lighting. In simple versions, the block has a programmed on and off function. But in sophisticated devices, control is carried out using a remote control, which allows you to combine many programmed combinations. Such remote controls allow you to change not only the degree of lighting (from bright to dim), but also choose more suitable color schemes.

What does the backlight consist of - components and components for the LED strip

Assembling the intended object

Installation of such a ceiling covering requires a number of steps:

  1. Preparation of the drawing. The drawing will allow you to avoid any kind of failures, and will also contribute to the correct assembly of the structure and laying of the lighting elements. This is especially true for multi-level structures; by painting the first level, it becomes clear where and how the second should be connected.
  2. Preparing the base for the work and marking the fixation points.
  3. Working with the lighting system. At this stage, all lighting elements are installed, including the control unit and the light-diffusing plug, which hides the frame mount.
  4. The installation of the second level can only begin after all work related to the first has been completed. The main thing is to clearly understand what level the suspended ceiling will occupy and which level will be covered with plasterboard.

Despite all the difficulties associated with installation, the end result will not leave anyone indifferent.

Recommendations for choosing a floating ceiling

floating ceiling in high-tech kitchen design

When creating a floating ceiling, you need to take the choice of lamps with special responsibility. They are the ones who will create the desired effect. Today, LEDs are considered the most popular. The positive qualities of a floating stretch ceiling with lighting are:

  • simple installation;
  • efficiency;
  • slight heating of materials.

floating ceiling in the bathroom with hidden lighting

Even simple tapes with on and off functions will look great. Controlled lighting systems will cost more. They allow you to adjust the light intensity and color.

for creating interiors in the Art Nouveau style, a soaring ceiling is a real find

In rooms with high humidity levels, LEDs with increased moisture resistance are suitable. A white canvas with colored lighting will be the ideal solution. Bright colors are more suitable for film coating. Thus, you can play on contrast.

Designers often decorate soaring ceilings with multi-colored paints. It is better not to use dark colors. They will create discomfort and put pressure on the subconscious.


Lighting along the contours of the floating ceiling is performed using LED strip. LED lamps are made in very small sizes, and the surrounding space does not heat up. Light strips have their own varieties, which you need to know when purchasing lighting fixtures. Tapes are produced in rolls (maximum length up to 5 meters).

You can adjust the lighting using the control panel. The single-level mechanism can be simply turned on and off.

Two-level and multi-level ceilings are adjustable:

  • according to zonal parameters;
  • by glow intensity;
  • by color palettes;
  • according to the lighting method, which can be constant or impulsive.

LED strip can be used as primary or additional lighting for a room. For small rooms, such a glow is quite enough, but in living rooms and other rooms it is necessary to additionally install lighting devices. In the hall, it is recommended to use central lighting in the form of a large, elegant chandelier and spotlights that are mounted in the canvas.

Design and lighting options

The main element in creating floating ceilings is LED strip. It can act as additional lighting and even main lighting. For small rooms, such as a corridor, such lighting is quite enough. You can add lamps that are attached to the canvas.


For larger rooms, it makes sense to purchase a central chandelier, as well as spotlights that will provide light to even the most difficult to reach corner. Such lighting is controlled either using a classic switch or from a remote control, which allows you not only to turn the light on or off, but also to switch different modes.

We recommend using floating ceilings in children's rooms, as they can easily replace a night light. Take a closer look not at plain ones, but at canvases with a pattern that is created using painting or photo printing. Particularly impressive will be the ceilings that imitate the starry sky or outer space. Just imagine how magical such a canvas will look with additional spotlights that replicate stars and an LED strip that changes color. It’s as if there is no ceiling in the room at all, and above your head there is a real sky or endless space. Even an adult will not remain indifferent to such beauty.



Beautiful examples in the interior

Modern technologies make it possible to produce a wide variety of stretch ceiling models, each of which looks stylish and original in its own way.

Beautiful tension structures in combination with other interior elements fill the atmosphere with coziness and comfort. Chandeliers, floor lamps, and LED lighting systems give them special expressiveness and attractiveness. All this significantly transforms the room, making it as beautiful and unique as possible.

Stretch ceilings made in a mosaic design serve as an unusual and original interior decoration.

The correctly chosen color scheme of the design allows it to organically complement almost any style of room design and focus attention on certain interior elements

Two-level stretch ceilings look chic and impressive. They are especially relevant in rooms where it is necessary to visually raise the height of the room. With their help, you can implement the most ambitious solutions, creating unique design compositions.

Fabric stretch ceilings, the texture of which can convey natural leather, suede and other materials, will help give the interior an aristocratic feel. Such products include a special polyurethane impregnation, which helps preserve the original qualities of the material for many years. The presence of painting or beautiful drawings makes fabric structures truly unique and inimitable.

Each stretch ceiling model, regardless of its design, will be a worthy decoration for a room decorated in a classic style and a modern direction.

For successful design, it is important to choose the right pattern, material and texture.

See the video below for a little more about stretch ceilings.

Forms of floating ceilings

Various examples of forms.

Floating lines

They look very stylish and add extra brightness and originality to the room. Floating lines, zippers or zigzags are perfect for any type of room:.

Illuminated all around

Such stretch ceilings have an impressive appearance, create a fantastic atmosphere in the room and attract attention.

The photo shows a glossy single-level ceiling structure with lighting around the entire perimeter.

Geometric shapes

Floating tension structures of rectangular shape, as well as in the form of squares, circles, triangles and other geometric shapes, in combination with LED lighting, create a magnificent visual illusion in the room and give it an original look.

Free form

Various arbitrary shapes, framed along the contour with LED strip, look modern and unusual.

On one side

Asymmetrical figures in the design of a corner or one wall of a room give the room dynamism and allow you to highlight only a certain part of it.

Types of suspended ceilings by material of manufacture

A stretch ceiling is a covering framed in a frame; it can be made of fabric or PVC film; the main types are presented in our photo selection.

Photos and properties of suspended ceilings made of PVC film

For the ceiling, PVC or polyvinyl chloride with a thickness of about 0.2 mm is chosen, but this does not affect the strength; the coating can withstand up to a hundredweight of water per 1 m². It has a significant drawback - under the influence of elevated temperatures it loses its elasticity, however, when it decreases, it quickly restores its original characteristics. During installation, this property of the material is used, heating it with a heat gun. Color variations and widths vary and depend on the manufacturer.

PVC varnish surface

Photos and properties of fabric stretch ceilings

This is the most modern coating; it appeared relatively recently. To improve performance characteristics, the fabric is treated with various impregnations. The main advantages include:

  • Beautiful design;
  • breathable coating due to weaving fibers;
  • Compared to PVC, fabric coverings have a significantly longer service life.

Like any material, fabric has some disadvantages:

  • breathing micropores become clogged with dust, so the ceiling needs periodic cleaning;
  • absorb all odors, so it is not recommended to install in the kitchen or dining room;
  • the cost is significantly higher than that of PVC.

Fabrics are mostly in calm tones

Types of floating ceilings

By number of levels


This is the most common version of floating ceilings and the easiest to implement. To create it, use PVC film, fabric or sheets of drywall.


As the name implies, such a ceiling consists of two levels superimposed on each other. First, the specialist creates a profile for the first canvas, and installs the second one on top of it.


Here the number of canvases is limited only by practicality and common sense. Such a ceiling is installed in the same way as a two-level ceiling, using special fasteners so that each subsequent layer holds tightly.

Two- and multi-level ceilings look much more interesting due to the fact that a feeling of weightlessness is created at each of the levels. It’s as if they are floating in the air and are in no way connected to each other. To enhance the effect, LED strips of different colors are used.



By surface material

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • satin;
  • photo printing;
  • painting.

Glossy ceilings are the best solution for small rooms, since due to the mirror effect the room will become visually larger, as if the boundaries have moved a little. Lighting will further enhance this effect. The matte surface is good for any area; visually it looks like a whitewashed ceiling. As for satin, this material has a shiny surface, like gloss, but does not reflect light. It looks very stylish and noble.


According to the material of the canvas


Fabric sheets are much stronger and more environmentally friendly than film sheets. They consist of polymer fibers that allow air to pass through well and allow the ceiling slab to breathe. This reduces the risk of fungus.


Ceilings made of PVC film, especially translucent, will look very expressive in floating structures. Their characteristics are slightly worse than those of fabric ones, but this is compensated by the price, since such fabrics are much cheaper.



How to make a floating stretch ceiling?

To complete the review, we will consider the basic tips for installing stretch and gypsum ceilings with lighting that creates the illusion of floating.

Installation of a floating stretch ceiling

Decide on the type of construction and develop a ceiling design. Draw a sketch. Calculate how many profiles you will need. Buy guides and order canvas according to the size of the room. Preparing the ceiling involves removing the old structure, cleaning unsupported areas, and sealing large cracks. Soundproof if desired.

Next, you need to make markings on the ceiling, draw lines on the walls - using a marker, guided by a laser level. Then attach the guides in this way: attach the bottom of the baguette to the markings, make a hole through the profile in the wall. Fastening type: dowel-screws. The optimal pitch is up to 15 cm. The profile is attached directly to the ceiling or mounting beam. To build curved structures, make a cut on the profile and carefully bend it in the desired direction.

The LED strip is easily attached to the profile, fitting into the groove. Connect the wire of the required cross-section and the power supply to the tape. Test how the diodes glow. A common method of installing PVC sheets is the harpoon system using a heat gun. Operating temperature - 60 degrees. First, the corners of the canvas are attached, then the remaining parts. If the ceiling sheet is made of fabric, then it is not heated, but begins to be attached from the middle of large areas. The edge is tucked into the clip with a spatula, moving towards the corners. Corner fastenings are the final stage. The remaining canvas is cut off, hiding the remains under the cover.

Finally, masking tape is inserted; it reliably hides the LEDs. As a result, we see a soft, diffuse strip of light.

Installation of a floating plasterboard ceiling

You will need to purchase materials. The thickness of gypsum plasterboard or gypsum board is 9.5 mm. The main structure will need two types of aluminum profiles - CD, UD, and the additional one - CW, UW. If there are complex shapes, then you need an OSB board. Craftsmen also use ceiling hangers, anchors, or attach elements to dowels and screws. Installation work requires good tools, namely, take a drill or hammer drill, a special assembly knife, an electric jigsaw, a marker, and a convenient tape measure. To ensure correct markings, buy an accurate level. Plasterboard structures are finished using a roller and spatula.

First you need to prepare and mark the ceiling - remove cracks, remove trim, draw lines according to the level, mark the location of all elements, mark the backlight. Wall CD profiles are attached along the entire perimeter of the room. The best fasteners are dowel screws. Their pitch is from 15 to 30 cm. Cut the profile and bend it to each corner. Ceiling UD profiles rest against wall guides. Their pitch is 60 cm. Suspensions hold the structure on the ceiling. You can use crabs to extend profile pieces that are insufficient in length. Jumpers are placed at the joints.

To build floating parts, use a profile of types CW, UW, follow the technology of constructing a wall structure. Make curved elements from an arched profile. We cover the hanging figures from the inside with OSB boards, and attach drywall in other places. All hanging elements are attached to the ceiling using suspension springs. Massive structures are supported only by anchors.

When all the elements are installed, you can lay out the electrical wiring and secure it with plastic ties. Check if the lights are working. Drywall sheets are attached to a frame built from guides. Fastening type: self-tapping screws. It is enough to deepen their caps a millimeter. Next comes the stage of applying primer. The seams are unstitched where necessary. After everything, you can putty the ceiling. After drying, sanding occurs and finishing putty is applied. Drywall can be painted with your preferred interior paint, applying it in 2 or 3 layers.

example of lighting installation

installing LED lighting on the ceiling

Rooms with soaring ceilings

You need to choose the shape and color of the soaring ceiling taking into account the purpose of the room. Each room has individual characteristics that cannot be ignored.

Living room

soaring ceiling in the living room combined with kitchen

The most spacious room in an apartment or house is the living room. All family members relax here, guests are received and feasts are held. This room is the calling card of an apartment or house. Soaring ceilings in the living room are the ideal solution.

with the help of a floating ceiling you can divide the room into separate zones

When choosing a ceiling, you need to take into account the overall style of the living room. This can be glossy, shiny matte, mirror inserts on drywall or colored LED strips to create a festive atmosphere. Luxurious satin fabric will add aristocracy and respectability to the room. A multi-level design will add height to the ceiling and create palace luxury.

soaring ceiling in the living room

The living room is perfect for experimentation. A wide variety of colors and textures will allow you to create complex combinations. You can add colored patterns or highlight certain areas of the room.


Stretch ceilings in the kitchen should, first of all, be easy to clean. Even a hood is not able to prevent greasy deposits and other accumulations on the ceiling canvas. The best option for a forge would be floating stretch ceilings with lighting made from PVC film. They are easy to clean, do not absorb dust and tolerate detergents well.

floating ceiling in kitchen design

In the kitchen you can install a multi-level stretch ceiling using plasterboard. Even if the surface becomes dirty, you can simply repaint it.

soaring ceiling in the interior of a white modern kitchen

Multi-level stretch ceilings will help highlight zones. This design is only suitable for large rooms. Colored patterns or photo prints that will match the overall style of the room are also suitable.

The location of the lighting is of great importance. An LED strip will help highlight individual design elements. Thus, the ceiling will visually float in space.

Soaring suspended ceilings in the bedroom

floating ceiling in bedroom design

The most intimate room in the house is the bedroom. Muted tones, soft lighting and shades that will help you relax are perfect here. Immediately after sleep, a person looks at the ceiling, so it should please the eye of the owner of the room. The matte texture of pastel shades will fit perfectly into the bedroom. You can use glitter. Also, floating suspended ceilings in the bedroom are often made on two levels. You can choose a canvas with floral prints, patterns or in the form of the night sky. The Milky Way on the ceiling will allow you to dream. Mirrors or mosaics with soft lighting will look good.

The main rule when decorating a bedroom is soft lighting. It should not irritate the eyes. The entire environment of this room should be relaxing and calming.

Children's room

children's room with soaring ceiling

When decorating a room for a child, you can show all your imagination. You can turn the ceiling into a sky with snow-white clouds or decorate it with your favorite cartoon characters. Floral prints, butterflies and animals work well this way. Cartoon characters in soft light will not allow your baby to experience fear of the dark. In such a room, the child will see the sweetest dreams.

Teenagers will suit the design in a more relaxed style. You can install a solid structure with lighting. Landscapes, sports or astronomical themes will look good on a two-level ceiling. You can add a little abstraction that will make the room as stylish as possible. Even a simple white ceiling will fit perfectly into a teenager’s room.


simple design of a black and white bathroom with a soaring ceiling

The bathroom has a high level of humidity, so it is better to use a suspended ceiling made of PVC profile. Cool shades will look most stylish. It is better to make the ceiling a single color. Hidden LED lighting adds extra height to the room and makes the ceiling appear weightless. The multi-level design can be decorated with three-dimensional designs or a convex finish can be added.


soaring ceiling in the hallway

Hallways and corridors in multi-storey buildings, as a rule, have standard sizes. You need to be careful when installing a floating ceiling in such a room. Improper structural design can make a room appear even smaller. It is recommended to use gloss in light colors from PVC profiles. The lighting can be installed on the ceiling or on polyurethane cornices.

On high ceilings, you can install multi-level stretch ceilings with the effect of a floating ceiling, made of plasterboard. Mirror inserts or mosaics will look great. The presence of reflective elements visually increases the area of ​​the room and makes it taller.

Country houses most often have a spacious hallway. In this case, you can experiment with the design of a stretch ceiling using your own imagination.

Design principles for a floating stretch ceiling

Speaking about the color design of a ready-made floating stretch ceiling (you can look at photos of the most successful examples on the Internet), it is worth highlighting several principles that can serve as a guide:

If we are talking about a fairly spacious room, then the color chosen to decorate the soaring ceiling does not necessarily have to be the same tone as the rest of the interior. It is quite acceptable to create a contrasting ceiling by making the main color accent on it;

Floating stretch ceiling with lighting, consisting of two levels

  • The texture of the ceiling can be any - glossy surfaces look no worse than matte ones. For example, a matte edging goes well with the glossy surface of the main canvas. And photo printing or even painting on the ceiling is an option for true connoisseurs of the exclusive;
  • When choosing finishing materials for decorating the ceiling, try to limit yourself to two or three colors. Too many different shades on the ceiling are difficult to combine with each other;
  • If the room is of limited size, using a mirrored ceiling surface can be an excellent solution. Using this technique will visually expand the space and create a feeling of infinity of the ceiling.

The ceiling, as if suspended in the air, looks original and unexpected

The emergence of this method of implementing the most daring and original design ideas could raise the use of suspended ceilings to a new level. Thanks to its simple but extremely interesting design, which can be done even with your own hands, a floating ceiling allows you to mask the imperfections of the surface of the main ceiling and use a completely new approach, working with the feeling of space in the room. Floating stretch ceilings with lighting are a real find for connoisseurs of original design.

The Mystery of Floating Ceilings

The new finishing technology is called floating because of its appearance. The illusion is created that the structure is not in contact with the walls, as if suspended in space.

The highlight of the soaring effect is well-organized lighting with secret lighting around the perimeter of the vault.

The bright luminous flux of the LED strip mounted between the tension plane and the walls or tier (for a multi-level structure) does not allow you to concentrate your gaze there, so it seems as if the ceiling is flying.

The floating ceiling effect became available thanks to the appearance of translucent stretch fabrics, behind which the builders successfully hid the lighting.

Scattered light rays breaking through translucent materials served as a cutting barrier, allowing one to see only the composition that was intended. For example, a skylight with cherry blossoms and clouds, a traveler's map, a porthole, etc.

Manufacturers of tension systems met the designers halfway and developed a special profile with ready-made grooves for LEDs, which made it possible to use matte and satin films when arranging floating ceilings, in addition to translucent canvases. Glossy textures should be used carefully so as not to create glare that irritates the eyes.

The new technology is not limited to installing LEDs only around the perimeter. It is possible to create dividing light strips along the canvas and illuminate individual ceiling fragments or figures, which visually makes them float in space and opens up enormous possibilities for the designer's imagination, as evidenced by photos of soaring ceilings for the hall.

Do-it-yourself installation of a floating stretch ceiling

Preparatory work before installing a floating stretch ceiling

  • In wooden houses, check that there are no cracks in the ceiling, otherwise the canvas will inflate.
  • Peeling elements of the old coating are removed from the floor slabs so that they do not subsequently fall onto the canvas.
  • The surface is treated with antiseptic agents to combat fungus, mold, and rust, otherwise stains will appear on the new ceiling.
  • The ceiling is covered with primer.
  • Remove all furniture from the room.
  • Cover the floor with soft material to prevent accidental scratches from appearing on the film.
  • Measure the length and width of the ceiling, transfer the dimensions to paper to scale. On the plan, show the location of communications, installation locations of lamps, control units, draw the shape of the frame (the geometry of the wall profile).
  • Determine the length of the profile and LED strip along the perimeter. When purchasing, increase sizes by 10%.
  • The amount of fasteners depends on the type of profile and the size of the ceiling; usually screws are installed every 8-15 cm.
  • Attach wiring and other communications to the ceiling according to the drawing. From the cables, stretch the wiring to the installation locations of the lamps.
  • Using a hydrostatic level, determine the lowest corner of the floor slab, step back from it down to a distance at which, after tensioning the canvas, a guaranteed gap will remain between the parts on the ceiling and the film. Place a check mark at this level.
  • Using a hydrostatic level, transfer this mark to all walls. Connect the marks with a cord. Make sure that the cord is in a horizontal plane. Draw a line along it, relative to which the baguette will be placed.

Installation of a baguette for a floating tension fabric

  1. On flat areas, lean the baguette against the ceiling so that the top plane coincides with the line on the wall. Make holes through the profile, install dowels and screw in self-tapping screws.
  2. Check the quality of the baguette fastening by pulling it away from the wall. If it gives way, secure the profile with additional fasteners.
  3. If you need to bend the profile, cut it in the right place with a grinder to the middle and bend it. Straighten any folds that appear with a hammer, and sand the edges with a file and sandpaper. In this way, the profile is bent for installation in the corners.
  4. Connect the LED strips to the network and check their operation. After checking, install the lamps in the profiles and connect to the electrical wiring.

Attaching tension fabric to the ceiling

  • Warm up the room with a heat gun to a temperature of 60 degrees and maintain this temperature until installation is completed.
  • Unwind the film indoors at some distance from the heat gun. If you find creases in the material, do not panic - after installing the product, they will quickly disappear.
  • Find the corner with the base mark on the canvas, secure this corner and the one diametrically opposite to the profile on the wall. To fix, drive the harpoon with a spatula into a special groove until it clicks into place.
  • When attaching the material, direct an air flow from a heat gun heated to 70-80 degrees onto it, the heated film becomes elastic.
  • Fasten the opposite corners of the canvas in the same way.
  • After fixing the corners, secure the sides of the film in the direction from the corners to the center. Warm up the folds that appear on the film with a hairdryer, holding it at a distance of 200 mm or more from the surface.
  • Place the plugs on the profiles in their original place if the profile design requires it.

Features of a floating ceiling

What are the features of the “soaring stream”? How does it arise? This illusion is created by placing an additional structure at some distance from the kitchen ceiling and wall. And the hidden LED strip gives the visual impression of floating to the ceiling, which seems light, airy, weightless.

Lighting elements are hidden in special recesses. Light directed upward is reflected from surfaces. The result of these tricks and “magic” is the visual sensation of a ceiling floating in the air.

Floating LED ceiling in the kitchen

We select suspended ceilings for a hall or living room

This room should be conducive to friendly conversation. Therefore, they usually choose a calm, laconic decor for it, which only emphasizes the overall style.

The list of top 5 universal ideas for the hall includes:

  • Floral patterns. Their popularity is ensured by the fact that they look organic in most interiors. They fill the room with an atmosphere of romance and smooth out the presence of large furniture and other large details. They are combined with other accessories, such as carpets, textile pillows, curtains, creating a unified look for your room.
  • Drawing in the form of a frame. It is located around the entire perimeter of the room and can be designed in the form of clear graphic lines or ornate patterns. The center of such a composition is usually a large chandelier, possibly with a fabric lampshade.
  • Stained glass. Such drawings look very solemn and elegant. They fill the space with bright colors and add a classic touch that elevates the room in a special way.
  • Frescoes. This is another win-win option. They always look elegant and sophisticated. Typically, muted tones are used for such pictures: peach, beige, pale blue, pistachio, honey.
  • Abstract compositions. There are a great many options for this design. These can be soft lines intertwining with each other, some symbols, small patterns, imitation of colored drips or splashes.

The main thing to remember is that stretch ceilings with a pattern for the hall should match the stylistic direction so as not to create dissonance and keep the room neat and consistent.

What forms are there?

Such designs offer unlimited possibilities for creating a wide variety of shapes.

  • Floating lines. An arbitrary lighting element in the form of straight and wavy stripes or broken lines, in the form of a zigzag, allows you to evenly illuminate a room or interestingly play up its zoning.
  • Along the perimeter. Visually expands the room and gives it depth and additional space.
  • Geometric figures. Circles, squares, rectangles, ovals and other geometric shapes are the most popular elements for modern interior design.
  • Free form . Create a beautiful and unconventional ceiling design.
  • On one wall . This asymmetrical shape, located along one wall, allows you to organize partial lighting and give the interior a mesmerizing look.
  • With a niche . Various types of niches, such as for a cornice, for a chandelier or around the entire perimeter of the room, are not only decorative, but also functional.

How do floating ceilings differ from other ceilings of this type? Photos of floating suspended ceilings

To understand why floating stretch ceilings create such a unique effect, you need to understand their structure and design. How do floating ceilings differ from ordinary stretch ceilings? Firstly, the fabric used for floating ceilings is different from the usual ones used previously. Secondly, a completely different fastening scheme is involved. In order for the ceiling to “float”, a gap must be left between it and the wall, into which the lighting is subsequently mounted. What kind of lighting system it will be depends only on your desire: it can be fluorescent lamps or a multi-colored LED strip, but it is thanks to the influence of light that the ceiling is visually separated from the wall. All these techniques allow you to achieve the effect of a “floating” ceiling.

Floating stretch ceilings are perfect for connoisseurs of original design

Useful recommendations and general conclusions

To eliminate the negative impact on the human psyche, it is necessary to choose the right color and decorative design. For this reason, various imitations of clouds and starry skies are popular. They create the illusion of no heavy architectural structures overhead.

Below are interesting photo examples.

You should always take into account the specifics of future use. If you liked the photo of floating suspended ceilings in the bathroom, make changes to the basic configuration. You will need materials that are resistant to high humidity. You should purchase LED strips with the appropriate security option.

Any project must be assessed in its entirety. A complete analysis of aesthetic, technical, financial and operational characteristics will help you draw the right conclusions.

Design of a stretch ceiling in a nursery

In a nursery, practicality, versatility and safety come to the fore, and here stretch ceilings have no equal. They can also be bright, colorful, with any designs and prints.

Stretch ceiling in a small nursery

PVC film is the most practical material for a nursery, because it is almost impossible to spoil, and it is not expensive. For a small room, avoid bulky figured structures and too bright colors on the ceiling.

Two-level stretch ceilings in the nursery

Little children are always delighted by unusual solutions - bright geometric shapes, flowers or colorful abstractions. Painting all the walls with colored spots is not the best idea, but a suspended ceiling with separate two-level elements will be very useful.

Matte stretch ceilings in the nursery

The nervous system of a growing organism is much more sensitive to any stimuli, including color and light. Therefore, laconic, monochromatic stretch ceilings, like the rest of the decoration around, are better suited for hyperactive children.

Glossy stretch ceilings in the nursery

A child's room always needs many areas: for sleeping, for playing, for studying, so the issue of space is especially acute. A glossy ceiling not only smooths out the situation, but also delights the little ones with the play of reflections.

Stretch ceilings with photo printing in the nursery

Space galaxies, abandoned forests, luxurious castles, mysterious caves and pirate ships - what they turn children into to please their precious child. And here stretch ceilings with a suitable thematic pattern would be appropriate.

Stretch ceilings with lighting in the nursery

Lighting is another bright element that always delights children. Create several color modes and both preschoolers and teenagers will go crazy.

Interior design

Floating stretch ceilings with lighting can be installed in any room, but not every design will suit a certain room interior. First, let's figure out where you can install a plasterboard ceiling.

From plasterboard

First you need to decide on the number of levels, since single-level ones will suit almost any room. But multi-level ones will look better in a spacious hall or living room, preferably with high walls. In a small room, kitchen or bedroom, it will look out of place, simultaneously visually reducing its size. For such rooms, one level is perfect; such a design can enliven the interior of the room.

There are also a few notes regarding lighting. In small rooms you should not sculpt a huge lamp; it is better to limit yourself to small light sources, but in larger quantities. But in a spacious room, a large chandelier will be in place.

Gallery of plasterboard ceilings:

Glossy ceilings

Popularly, this type of ceiling is also called varnish, since it has a very reflective surface, almost like a mirror. This design is perfect for rooms with a low ceiling, as with a glossy finish it will appear twice as high. The illumination around the perimeter will also increase significantly.

This type is used in bedrooms, although it will suit any room with a low ceiling. Now let's look at what design is best to choose for the hall.

Gallery of glossy ceilings:

Ceilings in the hall

Multi-level ceilings are perfect for the hall, as they are suitable for all large and high rooms. If the hall does not have very high walls, then you can install a glossy soaring ceiling; it will not make the room visually smaller and, on the contrary, it will seem twice as tall.

Soaring ceilings with photos are also quite popular; in the interior of a large hall, a print of the starry sky will look very interesting.

Gallery of ceilings in the hall:

Bathroom ceilings

Choosing a ceiling for a bath is different from other rooms, as here you need to take into account constant humidity. True, modern materials used during installation have long been ready for such tests.

Most often, the choice falls on glossy ceilings, mostly white or light blue. You also need to choose a combination with the color of the walls; they do not have to be the same, because an interesting combination of contrast can be achieved in different ways.

In terms of installing a ceiling in the bathroom, difficulties may arise only because of the bathrooms. The joints of the material should lie very tightly so that moisture does not penetrate.

Gallery of ceilings in the bathroom:

The choice of floating ceilings is now really large and, if desired, you can create your own, unique design for any room.

Stretch ceilings “Starry sky”

Ceilings that imitate the starry sky are relevant for residential and public spaces. This type of design is actively used to create an atmosphere conducive to communication in bars and casinos.

Stretch ceilings “Starry Sky” - the fall of a comet against the backdrop of a flickering galaxy

Stretch ceilings “Starry sky”

Modern lighting technology allows you to create and play out various scenarios of the night sky: the movement of stars and planets, the fall of comets and meteors. For illumination, halogen and fluorescent lamps and LEDs are used.

Stretch ceiling “Starry sky” with planets

Stretch ceiling “Starry sky”

Stretch ceilings with optical fibers are the most effective. The ends of these threads are illuminated, which creates the effect of a starry night sky. The use of special technology ensures flickering at a specified frequency.

Scheme of operation of the stretch ceiling “Starry Sky”

Stretch ceilings of this type can be either single or multi-tiered. In the design of rooms, a combination of canvases and lighting elements is often used. For example, a “starry sky” is built above the seating area, and the rest of the ceiling space is covered with a multi-level structure.

Two-tier stretch ceiling with a picture of a starry sky

Starry sky on the ceiling

Materials used

To install a ceiling with a floating effect, the following are used:

  • polyvinyl chloride film - glossy, matte, textured;
  • polyester fabric treated with polyurethane;
  • aluminum baguette up to 20 cm wide with a groove for mounting lighting;
  • backlight equipment, including an electrical current converter or transformer.
  • translucent plug covering the profile groove.

In principle, there are no big differences between floating (floating) ceilings and traditional ones in terms of the finishing coating material. The only difference is that textile material is used much less frequently, given its higher cost compared to PVC film. Most often they are made using glossy, matte or satin film.

Reflective ceiling material is well suited for rooms with a small area and height. During the daytime, sunlight reflected from the surface of the vinyl covering creates the illusion of spaciousness in the room. In the evening, when the backlight is turned on, the effect of a floating surface appears.

In residential areas, it is recommended to use neutral color coatings so as not to create discomfort for the eyes of the inhabitants. In a children's room or bedroom, it is possible to install a floating ceiling in the form of a starry sky, the cosmic abyss, the lighting of which is controlled using a remote control. Bright perforated surfaces, through which a powerful stream of light flows, are most often installed in discos, nightclubs, restaurants and other places of entertainment.

The mounting profile can be sold as a complete set with or without a light-diffusing plug. The design of such a baguette differs from those used to create all other suspended structures only in its shape, which allows you to create a gap between the wall and the canvas and place lighting elements inside the profile.

The translucent tape that covers the groove in the profile is made using translucent film capable of transmitting up to 90% of the light flux without changing its color and at the same time hides the built-in equipment, be it LED strip or fluorescent lamps. The lighting equipment may include a remote control, thanks to which you can turn the lighting off or on without getting up from the sofa or chair, as well as control the color of the light flux, if the equipment has such functions.

What is a suspended floating ceiling?

floating ceiling with hidden lighting

Floating ceilings appeared relatively recently, but during this time they managed to become popular. They can be used in premises for any purpose. If the ceiling system is installed in a small room, they will visually add volume to the room and create a cozy atmosphere.

floating ceiling in the hallway

How to make floating lines for suspended ceilings?

  1. The structure is mounted on baguettes, which have a hole for installing an LED strip, as well as a gap that allows light fluxes to disperse.
  2. Installation on a plasterboard suspension system, which must have special niches for lighting.
  3. Installation on polyurethane cornices. In this case, hidden lighting is used.

Design of floating ceilings: 6 stages in installation

Installation of floating ceilings is carried out in stages. An example can be given by considering the six main stages. Depending on the design, there may be more.

Ceiling installation steps:

  • The first is preparing the surface of the rough ceiling (putty, primer, laying communications);
  • The second is taking measurements and creating a drawing of the future structure;
  • The third is the fastening of profiles for suspended ceilings, as well as suspended structures of all levels;
  • Fourth – installation of lighting;
  • Fifth - installation of the canvas with marking of fastening points for the next level;
  • Sixth - bringing the lamps out, attaching the plugs, installing the hanging elements.

As you can see, the line of work is quite logical and technologically not particularly complicated.

Floating light lines - concept and design

Soaring lines are an effective and original way of cladding the interior space of premises while simultaneously installing lighting in them. The design of such ceiling systems is based on the use of a special aluminum profile. An LED strip is placed inside it, and the top is covered with a decorative light-diffusing sheet.

Today, many construction and installation companies use floating light lines in the design of ceiling spaces at various sites. The technique is focused on the possibility of creating a special atmosphere in a room, while it can be effectively adjusted to any stylistic decision.

A fundamentally new way of designing suspended ceilings in design technologies has appeared relatively recently. Nevertheless, such ceiling lighting has already gained recognition and popularity among professional builders and ordinary people. A unique “floating” effect is created through the use of LED lamps in the form of strips, which are designed not only to serve as an effective decor, but also to sufficiently illuminate the space of the room.

At the location where the light strips are placed, a selected LED strip is installed directly to the sub-ceiling. And instead of the usual film for such structures, a membrane made of translucent material is installed. This original technique allows you to effectively disguise all mounting structures without interfering with the passage of light flows.

Today, there are a huge number of techniques for installing soaring lines. Depending on the pre-developed design, they can be used to create one luminous stripe, several perpendicular/parallel stripes, geometric shapes and much more.

How floating ceilings work: photo examples

In order to achieve the necessary floating effect, the installation uses a special profile for floating ceilings, made of aluminum. It is thanks to this that a halo is created around the perimeter of the entire room. Typically its width is from 10 to 20 mm. A lighting source is built into the resulting niche at a certain angle, which provides diffused light, softening the space. The metal profile is accompanied by a special translucent insert that transmits 90% of the light, while hiding the illuminated components from view. This feature is due to a special translucent layer (you can watch a video on the Internet about why this insert is needed and how it is installed). A floating stretch ceiling, thanks to such a successful design, makes it easy to replace and dismantle LED strips as needed.

A soaring ceiling in the bedroom will help create the necessary atmosphere for relaxation and healthy sleep.

Types of floating ceilings

Depending on the materials used and methods of fastening, floating ceilings can be of three types. They are made from plasterboard and stretch fabric. The third type is a backlit cornice-type device.


Drywall sheets allow you to create different interesting shapes that look aesthetically pleasing in the interior. This ceiling is mounted on a metal frame. Lighting fixtures are hidden in special niches so that the light coming up is reflected from the ceiling base and the top of the wall. The advantages of plasterboard floating ceilings include the ability to mask surface defects. The argument in favor of using this variety is also the strength, reliability of the material and its immunity to high temperatures. This allows you to install any lamps in the system.

Strong drywall can withstand heavy decorative inserts in the form of stucco, mosaic glass, and mirror inlays.

The disadvantages of illuminated plasterboard structures include susceptibility to moisture. If the material gets wet, it becomes unusable. With minor exposure to water, stains remain on the surface, and in case of severe flooding, replacement of the coating is required.


The technology for installing a floating stretch ceiling is somewhat different from the standard installation. To stretch PVC film or fabric, in addition to the usual profile, it is necessary to install special baguette frames around the perimeter. An LED strip is stretched inside them, and the frame itself is covered with a transparent plug. It protects against dust and at the same time improves light diffusion. The degree of illumination can be controlled using the remote control. The advantages of a tension illuminated structure include:

  • Easy to care for.
  • Durability.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Aesthetics.

With all the advantages, suspended ceilings have several weak points. PVC film and fabric may be deformed due to impacts or scratches. The stretched material is susceptible to the high temperatures that lighting fixtures can create.

Cornice lighting

This device method is the most economical and least labor-intensive option. It does not require specific installation of the ceiling covering itself, since the lighting is created by devices mounted in the cornice. The interior of the room is no less interesting and original. Cornice lighting in the form of an LED strip is installed in a polyurethane baguette. It is mounted around the perimeter of the room at the top of the walls.

Such designs are valued due to the fact that ceiling heights are saved. If desired, the cornice can be decorated. The polyurethane surface is painted, aged, painted, and stucco is glued onto it. However, ceiling moldings create difficulties in maintenance. Dust constantly accumulates on them, and access to surfaces is difficult.

Accessories for suspended ceilings

Before making a floating ceiling, you need to prepare a special profile, and the choice of baguettes depends on the structural features of the ceiling and the number of levels:

  1. The wall profile KP 4003 is intended for arranging a soft diffused glow along the walls. It is installed in systems with translucent materials. The lamp can only be replaced if the cover is removed.
  2. Wall profile KP 2301. Has a translucent insert, which creates conditions for placing the LED strip after the installation of the canvas is completed. When this profile is used for a floating ceiling with lighting, the strip of light will be clear and bright and ensure correct color rendering.
  3. Connecting profile KP 4075. It creates a dividing strip that will connect two sheets without a level difference. The product bends easily and due to this, various curved elements can be made. It is fixed on the ceiling or on a special beam. The LED strip is placed in a niche in the center of the profile and covered with a transparent insert.
  4. Profile PL 75 for level transition. It is used for multi-level systems.
  5. Profiles KP-2 and NP-5 are installed as a set for floating structures with several levels.
  6. Canvas. You can use anything - fabric or polyvinyl chloride with different structures. Its color varies. When choosing transparent and translucent canvases and a diffused line of light, the KP 4003 profile is used for a floating ceiling. For opaque dark ceiling systems, KP 2301 products are chosen.
  7. Lighting products. For floating ceilings, single or multi-color LED strips are used. You can turn on the backlight using a switch and remote control.

Which LED backlight color should I choose?

Warm or cold? Light or dark? Everything in the world is individual. And the choice of color for your kitchen is also individual. Classic lighting is white. But depending on the theme, the style of the kitchen (for example, Mediterranean style), the accent of the kitchen (for example, red furniture, yellow furniture, blue carpet), the color can be anything: blue, yellow, red, purple...

Yellow LED lighting for floating ceiling

When choosing the color of the lighting, remember that light shades of the ceiling will make it visually much higher, creating a feeling of spaciousness and lightness.

In the case of dark shades, the opposite is true. A dark ceiling will “eat up” the height of the room, giving the kitchen an oppressive look. A good option is to use colored lighting to emphasize a specific element of the intended design or figure.

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