Coffee table - the best ideas and tips for choosing beautiful and modern tables (110 photos)

The design of such a furniture accessory for an apartment comes from Europe in the 18th century. At first they were called tea or coffee rooms and were tall so that you could drink while standing.

You can see such a plot in Tissot’s painting (1874) “Reading the News,” where a lady pours something from a jug, and an elderly man opens a newspaper. It shows a living room coffee table from 150 years ago, but with tall legs.

This is where the name came from - “newspaper tables”, and later “magazine tables” stuck. Their further transformation - elongation and lower legs - was brought from the East.

Magazines, but not only

GOST of the Russian Federation defines this part of furniture for individual use as one of the functional parts of the recreation area of ​​any home. In the form of a low table of various configurations.

If we delve deeper into the interior, a coffee table, newspaper table, tea table, or sofa table is one of the accessories of an apartment or a separate house in its guest part - the living room or office.

View photos of the coffee table in its practical and design variety on the website: elongated, square, round, oval and other tabletop shapes.

Their purpose is very wide: for newspapers, magazines, mini-libraries, vases of flowers. This is also a corner for a quick meeting, as they say, with your closest friends and relatives.

The glass coffee table is not tied to any one shape, which we will consider below. The key word is “glass”, and it only serves as a tabletop in any model.

Desks with extra storage space

Coffee tables are also great places to store many things - from remote controls and controllers, newspapers, magazines and catalogs to various everyday items. You can choose from a variety of different amenities that provide comfort while also helping to keep things tidy—especially in an area that gets a lot of use, the seating area. Classic drawers or shelves are a great convenience and often an interesting visual addition.

However, these aren't the only options when you need extra storage space. A newspaper holder is also a great solution and also adds character to the coffee table. But what if you're looking for a more modest place to put your stuff? In this situation, subtly placed storage compartments—most often placed under the countertop—are a good option. They are ideal for storing less frequently used items.

Multifunctional furniture is very popular, especially in small apartments. It allows you to make maximum use of the available space. Many people appreciate models with a raised or sliding top, which allow them to eat or perform certain activities without leaving the sofa. However, the possibilities are much wider. Modular tables that can be stacked on top of each other and, if possible, mounted, will be appreciated by people who are looking for a combination of practicality with a unique design.

Sliding coffee tables, on the other hand, are stable and easy to use. They are often distinguished by additional amenities - for example, different types of cabinets or shelves. These types of solutions are some of the most popular. No wonder - they are simple, easy to use and reliable.

Mini lunch table

This function of coffee tables is often found when not all the inhabitants of an apartment or house can be seated at the kitchen table at the same time.

Of course, eating liquid dishes on a low table is inconvenient, and they don’t do it. More often tea with cake, compote with pies, and so on.

It is quite difficult to single out a coffee-dining table into a particular characteristic surface shape - it is a matter of either taste or the type that interested you in a furniture store.

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It can be purely square or rectangular when moving the tabletops one above the other, as well as round. With a “mushroom” support - on one leg, or on three or four.


In order for a table to fit well into its surroundings, you need to be able to select its dimensions. The appearance of the room, as well as the functional load of the furniture, will directly depend on this. The dimensions of the table will help you place it correctly in the room. Based on this, furniture is divided into 3 main groups:

  • Small tables . The height of the models ranges from 10-25 cm, and the width of the tabletop is from 21 to 30 cm.
  • Average coffee table size . This type of furniture is very popular, which causes high demand for it.

Middle tables are the most popular

The dimensions of the models are:

  • height – 26-45 cm;
  • tabletop width – 30-60 cm.

The size of the furniture is universal, which helps it fit well into a room of any size and style.

  • Large models . The height of the table ranges from 40 to 60 cm, and the width of the table top can reach 61-85 cm. In some instances it can reach 1 meter.

An example of a large model in the interior

The table moves out from under the sofa

Place the letter "P" on its side. Imagine this is a table. You can move it to the sofa on either side. But if you don’t want to get up and drink the coffee you brought from the kitchen, then turn it towards the sofa with the side without the jumper, and the bottom will go under the sofa. At the same time, the tabletop with coffee will hit him and you. And you don't even have to turn around.

If you buy a “Duet” coffee table of this type, you will look like the book hero Oblomov. There are many of these shapes on sale. It can serve the owners as a coffee table for the living room or in the bedroom.

What's the point of a coffee table?

In addition to beauty, this is a practical thing; you can throw the book you are currently reading or your mobile phone on it. When receiving guests, you can transform it, creating the opportunity to eat, drink coffee with friends, there are many coffee tables, several of them are shown in the photo.

The main advantages include functionality, small parameters, and easy to move. It almost always has small wheels, which greatly simplifies the transportation process, because a table on wheels can simply be moved to another desired location.

It is not used exclusively in residential apartments or houses. In any self-respecting office you can certainly meet him in the reception area. It usually contains various catalogues, advertising brochures and magazines that the visitor waiting to receive can read.

Of course, office desk models differ from those used at home. A wenge-colored table will look impressive, which will give it seriousness and charm.

It is very important that the table becomes not only a convenient addition to the furniture, but also serves as an interior decoration. To do this, manufacturers make tables from various materials, without neglecting the use of accessories.

Before purchasing this option, you need to understand why exactly it is being purchased, for the necessary small items, keys, TV remote control, newspaper, or for the main stand for massive flower pots with flower arrangements, for organizing the placement of makeup removers and perfumes.

Matryoshka for tea and other things

The similarity of a children's toy is already sold as a coffee table for the whole family. They are almost the same shape as the "P".

You will be pulling tables small or small out of the open space. And take them around the rooms or place them in a cascade next to each other. And guests can be assigned a table. Choose three or four tables in one package.

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Materials for making a coffee table

To produce this piece of furniture, it is possible to use various raw materials and textures.

You can buy the type you like in a shopping center in a manufactured form or order an individual one based on your own sketch that meets all your requirements and parameters. Then it will be possible to bring any idea to life using the highest quality materials; this is interconnected by the availability of a certain amount of funds.

Table like from a Lego game

There is a wide range of models on sale with transformations: in height, with a change in the area of ​​the tabletop, or both.

Particularly in demand in furniture stores is the Acrobat transforming table. The transformable coffee table deserves its name - it turns into a low, high, dining table, children's play table, bar cabinet.

Two-tier tables or tables with drawers?

When choosing a coffee table, you need to focus not only on individual preferences. It is also important to consider the purpose.

The two-tier product has a lower compartment in which you can store various things. All items stored there are clearly visible, so they can be quickly retrieved at any time. Elegance and lightness of design are the main advantages of this model compared to a table with drawers. However, the latter has its merits. Drawers help hide individual items from prying eyes. Some manufacturers may be equipped with a lock, which is especially important if there is a small child in the family. In other words, models with a closed storage system allow you to place the necessary items so that they are at hand and at the same time hidden.

A coffee table is an important part of the living room, one of the main accents in its interior. Its practicality and ease of further use will depend on how correctly its height is selected. We hope that the advice given in this article will help you choose the most suitable option.

Furniture Table

Decor dominates

As in gueridon, beauty has special weight. You can't help but admire the decorative table. Only designer pieces are sold, and therefore expensive.

And not only from wood, or rather not so much from it, but from innovative materials and special technologies. This is a case where it is impossible to even imagine the form.

But they are not without functionality for the living room, like all the furniture accessories listed above. But in very rare cases.

Choose a table and don’t miss

If you gasp at the beauty of an Italian masterpiece, don’t forget to look at the price tag and remember the contents of your wallet. Copies from Southeast Asia, naturally, fade somewhat in comparison with Apennine products.

A table from China will also last you a long time, because not all consumer goods are bad. And furniture in most Russian families is purchased once and for life. In Europe, it is temporary and consumable.

Photos of coffee tables

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