Kitchen storage: useful tips on how to store things in the kitchen (115 photos). The best ideas, systems and effective solutions

Smart storage system for the kitchen

Almost all housewives know that a minimum number of open surfaces allows you to maintain complete order in the kitchen. Closed storage systems are more relevant, as they help create visual cleanliness in each room.

A modern smart storage system has the following advantages:

  • Allows efficient use of space
  • It is practical and compact
  • Holds a large number of items
  • Makes the interior more beautiful and functional

Smart storage is convenient storage, it implies easy access to all items.

Why is it important to place the trash can correctly?

Choosing the right location for garbage disposal should be done for reasons of convenience, practicality and in accordance with the laws of Feng Shui. It is important that the urn is at hand, in a place convenient for access, but is hidden from view or fits into the overall interior of the kitchen. At the same time, it should not interfere with the passage. An inconvenient location of the garbage can will lead to family members tripping over it, and garbage will regularly spill out.

Feng Shui practitioners recommend placing waste containers away from water: it tends to enhance not only positive, but also negative energy, a powerful source of which is garbage.

Attention! Even if it is not possible to comply with all the Feng Shui requirements for the position of the trash can in the kitchen, you should ensure that the waste container is tightly closed. According to East Asian teachings, this prevents the spread of negative Yin energy.

Convenient storage features

First of all, you need to clean up the entire kitchen. First you need to sort the utensils and dishes, as well as other appliances and items. Choose the most convenient places to store them, these can be drawers, shelves and organizers.

You shouldn't keep too many dishes in the kitchen; if you don't use any items, they should be put away in the pantry. Leave in the kitchen only those items and utensils that you actually use.

It is worth remembering that heavy items are stored on lower shelves and in cabinets, and lighter items are stored on upper shelves and wall cabinets.

Storage in kitchen cabinets is the most common way to hide dishes and other utensils. The working area for cooking should be free of unnecessary elements; the less crowded the surfaces, the better and more convenient.

  • The work area should contain items that are used most often.
  • It is difficult to find a more convenient place for cutlery than drawers, and it is better to store saucepans and frying pans hanging on the wall, so they take up much less free space.
  • In addition, this is the best way to store pots in the kitchen, which are quite voluminous and bulky dishes.

Useful tips on how to keep your kitchen tidy and clean

Tip 1. Throw away everything unnecessary

A pile of unnecessary things in the kitchen space creates a feeling of clutter. That is why, when sorting out the contents of shelves, cabinets and drawers, it is necessary to soberly assess the need for each item and, without regret, throw away everything that has not been used for more than a year. The same should be done with broken dishes, broken appliances and old kitchen towels, which are kept in the most secluded corners for some unknown reason.

There is no need to do this

Tip 2. Give everything a place

In order not to waste a lot of time searching for something during the cooking process, you need to carefully consider the storage system and allocate its own place for each item. At the same time, things that are rarely used should be placed in the lower drawers and on the upper shelves, and items that are used regularly should be placed in a quick access zone. The same goes for food supplies, spices, tea and coffee.

Tip 3. Don’t clutter your work surface

A free work surface creates a special feeling of order. That is why it is worth making a rule - after completing the cooking process, leave the work area clean, and also make sure that unnecessary objects do not accumulate on it.

Rails on the wall, which can be conveniently used for storing kitchen utensils, magnetic tape for knives of other metal utensils, as well as additional shelves, will help free up the countertop. All this will not only make cooking and cleaning easier, but also inspire new culinary masterpieces.

Tip 4. Wash dirty dishes, hob and sink immediately

Nothing spoils the mood of any housewife more than a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink and a stove with burnt spots. Especially when such a picture appears in the morning, setting the mood for the entire coming day.

A way out of such a situation can be the useful habit of not going to bed until the last cup, sink and hob have been washed. In fact, it won’t take too much time, but it will provide a positive attitude from the very morning.

Tip 5: Don’t leave uneaten food in the refrigerator

The refrigerator is another problem area in the kitchen space, where forgotten products with expired expiration dates seem to appear out of nowhere. To reduce such precedents to a minimum, you should not put small leftover food items in the refrigerator - a piece of sausage, sour cream on the bottom, a spoonful of mashed potatoes. As a rule, all this disappears, becoming a source of unpleasant odors.

Tip 6. Dry the wipes and change sponges often

To avoid unpleasant odors in the kitchen, you should carefully monitor the condition of your foam sponges for washing dishes and change them at least once a week. And if the sponge begins to look dirty and smell unpleasant much earlier, throw it in the trash without hesitation. Particular attention should be paid to fabric napkins, which require regular drying and timely washing.

Tip 7. Try using paper or wet napkins instead of a regular rag.

An alternative to the rag familiar to many will be paper and wet wipes. With their help, you can quickly and easily remove dirt, wipe your hands or any surface, and after use simply throw it away, saving yourself the trouble of washing. Such “helpers” are especially indispensable in the household when you need to do something very quickly, immediately removing the “traces” behind you.

Tip 8. Wipe down kitchen fronts every now and then

To keep your kitchen furniture always clean, you should regularly wipe the facades with a damp cloth. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to wait for the next cleaning - it is enough to walk over the surfaces at any convenient time, removing dust and minor dirt. This technique will help prevent the appearance of strong old contaminants, the removal of which will require a lot of time and effort.

Tip 9: Clean up while you cook.

While cooking, there are always pauses: while the water boils, the frying pan heats up, or the vegetables are sauteed. This time can be put to good use by washing dirty dishes, wiping down countertops, or putting away unnecessary containers, food, and household appliances.

Professional chefs adhere to exactly this rhythm: whipped cream - washed the whisk, cut vegetables - rinsed the board, etc. This allows you to avoid a pile of dirty kitchen utensils in the sink and work area and thereby maintain not only order, but also a good mood.

Tip 10. Buy a cordless mini vacuum cleaner for cleaning up crumbs in the kitchen

A miniature wireless vacuum cleaner, which does not take up much space and can easily stand in a secluded corner instead of a broom, will help solve the problem of eternal crumbs on the table and floor. With its help, it is convenient to collect crumbs and small debris not only from the floor, but also from the table - you just need to take out the small central part without attachments and quickly walk it over the surface.

Tip 11. Spend 20 minutes every evening cleaning the kitchen

To start a new day with an aromatic cup of coffee in a clean kitchen, you should take care of this in the evening. Namely, set aside no more than 20 minutes to wash the dishes after dinner, remove all excess from horizontal surfaces, wipe them and vacuum the floor.

Tip 12. Delegate

Cleaning is a routine and almost never-ending task. A clear distribution of responsibilities between all family members will help make the task easier. After all, if everyone washes their cutlery after eating and wipes the table, this will already become a significant contribution to maintaining order and saving time on cleaning.

A clear action plan will allow you not only to put things in order in the kitchen, but also to constantly maintain it. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to put off current affairs. High-quality equipment will help make the task easier - a comfortable mop, all kinds of sponges, rags and, of course, rubber gloves that keep the skin of your hands soft and velvety.

The best smart storage ideas

The simplest and smartest kitchen storage ideas will be great helpers in organizing your space.

  1. Vertical storage system is the best idea for a small kitchen.
  2. Pull-out baskets are a great place to store cleaning supplies.
  3. Hanging mesh baskets are convenient for storing vegetables and fruits.
  4. The railing storage system is a great space saver.
  5. Additional shelves in closets will help you place more items there.
  6. Corner drawers are placed in the most difficult to reach places.
  7. For greater order in the drawers, you need to use dividers.
  8. For convenient storage of knives, a special magnetic strip will help.

Hanging bins for small closets

A trash can hanging from the inside of a cabinet door, like this one from Crate and Barrel, is ideal for saving closet space. This option is easier to install than the drawer option. It allows you to hide the trash can from view and provides easy access to it.

Garbage container on the inner wall of the cabinet

Additional open shelves

These shelves house items that you use very often. But there is one nuance with them - on open shelves you need to store only the prettiest things that will not look ridiculous or inappropriate.

Additional storage areas in the kitchen that are open are potential places for beautiful jars and packages. Here you can place your favorite cups, coffee or tea, spices, sugar and much more.

Retractable corner systems

This system is a real find for those who want to save every centimeter of space.

  • This place is useful for storing garbage bags, brooms and dustpans, household chemicals and much more.
  • With the help of a retractable corner system, you can place a lot of different objects there that should be hidden from prying eyes.
  • This is one of the best kitchen storage hacks that should not be underestimated.

Grouping items

To organize objects, they need to be grouped. All items should be divided into categories, these include pots, pans, cooking bowls, knives, ladles and spatulas, and much more.

  • To save as much space as possible, you need to turn to a vertical storage system and place items in rows rather than stacked.
  • This method will help you easily find and take out an item without disturbing the order on the entire shelf.
  • For vertical storage, use different drawers, dividers and boxes.

This kitchen storage system does not work only with deep and bulky dishes.

Storage areas in the kitchen: how to organize the room

Kitchen organization is the first place to start when rearranging or renovating a given room.

Storage location in the work area

You will be in this part of the room most often, so you need to organize the kitchen space from there. Ideally, the work area should be located between the sink and the stove. Its optimal length is no more than 90 cm. All dishes that are used most often should be placed in this area.

Sorting and storing things/products by category

A great way to create a convenient storage system is to organize things and products into categories. To do this, you need to separate the dishes for every day from the holiday service, arrange cereals, pasta and spices into categories. You should also separate forks, table and tea spoons, knives, ladles and spatulas.

Sorting spices by category

Storing things in trays and containers

Storing spices and cutlery in one drawer all together is not the best idea. It will be more convenient if you buy several containers, put them in a closet, and put items from the same category in each. For example, fill each tray separately with spices, sugar, salt, make a container for baking (baking powder, powdered sugar, yeast). For convenience, category names can be pasted on the trays.

You need to sort fruits and vegetables. But before that, study what is best stored in the refrigerator and what at room temperature. It is also important to know which foods can be stored next to each other.

100% use of kitchen corners

Another way to save space is to use corners. If there is a free corner in the room, you can install a column cabinet in it almost to the ceiling. Bottles, small items, cleaning products, and bags are stored here.

Using a kitchen set

You should not use only those shelves that are in the kitchen set. Use extra shelves and baskets, hooks and holders, shelves and shelf dividers.

When it comes to kitchen furniture, you can use a kitchen sofa with a storage box, which will also save a lot of space. You can place items and dishes on wall cabinets, and baskets and various containers are suitable for storing provisions.

You can use insert shelves and place them in the kitchen unit.

Dividers and containers

This is a convenient and easy way to keep items organized. They also save a lot of cleaning time; you don't have to lift each jar to wipe off the dust.

Such trays get dirty much less often, so you won’t have to wash them often either.

  • Separators are good because they prevent items from getting mixed up with each other.
  • They can be placed in large organizers and trays, in drawers and on shelves.

This is a great way to store vegetables in the kitchen, where each type of vegetable is in its own compartment.

Other useful ideas

A good smart storage idea is the space between the base cabinet and the floor, which can be made into a plinth drawer to store lids, large flat dishes and even wine bottles.

  • Jars of spices can be placed on a magnetic board; they will look very nice in the kitchen.
  • To add space under the sink, use a drawer that won't touch utilities.
  • It is better to store mops and brooms in one place, in which case cleaning will be carried out much faster.
  • Fill your kitchen pantry with smart storage and see how spacious it can be.

Pull-out drawer in cabinet for easier access

Perhaps the most popular alternative to an under-sink trash can is a drawer. It not only allows you to hide the trash can in the closet, but also eliminates the need to throw out trash by touch in the dark of the closet.

A great way to organize space for more trash containers

Pull-out trash drawer

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