Options for direct sofas in the kitchen, their review and important recommendations



Since ancient times, the Slavic people have been famous for their hospitality, which is why today the kitchen is not only an area for preparing food, but also for receiving guests. Every owner wants to create a special atmosphere where it would be pleasant and comfortable to be. To do this, you should carefully and carefully choose a soft corner. It is important that it is not only beautiful and elegant, but also multifunctional and practical.

Advantages and disadvantages

Straight sofas for the kitchen are chosen quite often, since the presence of this decorative item in this room actually has many significant advantages:

  • the comfort of eating increases, since when sitting on the structure, you can lean on the back, and also, due to the soft seat, comfort for the sitter is guaranteed;
  • if you choose a folding product, then in the event of an unexpected arrival of guests, a sleeping place can be easily formed, and in most cases it is really comfortable and roomy;
  • most models of such a sofa are available with a drawer, and it is used to store not only various bedding, but also all kinds of kitchen utensils, so if the set does not have enough space to store dishes, then a straight kitchen sofa can be effectively used for these purposes;
  • Often in the kitchen a TV is installed on the wall, and together with a soft sofa it forms an excellent alternative to the living room, since the whole family can not only eat, but also watch an interesting film or concert.

However, straight sofas for the kitchen have not only positive parameters, but also some disadvantages:

  • the kitchen is a rather complex room, since during the cooking process various liquids, food and other contaminants often fall on decorative items, and the specific upholstery of sofas absorbs foreign odors, so the choice is considered complicated, and often suitable designs are prohibitively expensive;
  • any upholstery will absorb odors, so an indispensable condition for installing a sofa in the kitchen is the installation of a high-quality and powerful hood, and it is important that it works constantly and without interruption;
  • This style item is not suitable for very small kitchens, because even if a mini product is chosen, it will still be large enough for such a room, and the kitchen will seem cluttered.

Thus, before choosing this design, you should study all its parameters in order to determine the advisability of installing it indoors. However, in most cases, the disadvantages are not taken into account by apartment owners, so they use sofas without any problems.

Varieties of design

A kitchen corner is a set of furniture, the main elements of which are a compact corner sofa and a dining table.
It is complemented by several chairs, stools or poufs. Kitchen corners vary in size, but in most cases they are created taking into account the principles of ergonomics and space saving. Based on the type of construction, this type of furniture is divided into left-handed, right-handed and universal. The first two options are characterized by the fact that the sofas included in their package consist of one long and one extension section. The left-side sofa has the shape of the letter L, the right-side is turned in the opposite direction, and looks like the number 7. Universal models consist of two sections of equal length.




The table of the furniture set can be:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • oval;
  • round.

On sale you can find models without a dining area. However, corners with a table do not need to be additionally equipped, so they are very popular. The design may include storage space in the sofa tray, and the upholstered furniture itself can be folding, transformable into a sleeping place. The tables are also different. They can be equipped with shelves or drawers for storing cutlery. Sometimes the set includes wall shelves or cabinets for dishes and kitchen utensils.

Square table




Without a table


Before purchasing this design, you should decide what varieties are available on the market. There are several types that are ideal for the kitchen:

  • standard design, usually installed near the wall and equipped with a sleeping place;
  • a sofa equipped with an ottoman, and due to this element, truly comfortable conditions are created for seated people;
  • mini sofas, which are an ideal solution for small rooms where every free space is significant;
  • a sofa bench that has a low cost and does not take up much space, but the comfort of its use is considered low.


With ottoman

With sleeping place

Mini sofa
Additionally, straight sofas installed in the kitchen differ in size, design, color and materials of creation. The choice depends on the wishes of the owners of the premises, and also takes into account the allocated space for installation.

By folding mechanism

Most often, kitchen products are used exclusively for comfortable sitting while eating. They have a low price and attractive appearance. Therefore, designs equipped with any kind of transformation mechanism are rarely chosen.

If you plan to constantly or periodically use the sofa for sleeping, then choose a design equipped with a sleeping place. In this case, a suitable transformation mechanism is purchased. The most popular options are:

  • book - the system is widespread and convenient. You can use the sofa with it for sitting or sleeping. To unfold, the seat rises, after which a certain click will be heard. Next, just lower the seat again to get the furniture laid out. It folds in the same way;
  • click-klyak is an improved book system, and the name comes from the fact that during the transformation of such a product, characteristic sounds arise. The system makes it possible to take the sofa into three positions, so you can sit, lie or recline on it;
  • accordion - are considered interesting and very comfortable structures, represented by a complete mattress or three separate parts. The accordion folds and unfolds simply. Due to the absence of various depressions and potholes, truly comfortable sleeping conditions are guaranteed;
  • dolphin - the design is simple, and it includes two parts. Such furniture is perfect for a large kitchen, but you can choose a product that fits perfectly into a small room. It unfolds by pulling out a separate special block located under the seat of the furniture. Afterwards it rises, which ensures the extension of the second part of the product.

There are several other types of mechanisms used to form this piece of furniture. The choice depends on the preferences of people using it for a permanent or occasional place to sleep.





By frame

The frame is rightfully considered the skeleton of any type of furniture, especially soft ones. It is on it that the entire structure rests, so when choosing it you should pay special attention.

Most often, the following types of materials are used to make sofa frames:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • chipboard;
  • MDF;
  • plywood.





Despite the high cost, wood is considered the best, and also environmentally friendly, option. But if funds allow, you can purchase designer options that use titanium and chrome for the frame.

Often there are sofas with a frame made of several materials. For example, chipboard and wood, chipboard and plywood, as well as metal and birch battens can be used. Such combinations make it possible to achieve the necessary strength while reducing the cost of the structure.

Additional items

Most kitchen furnishings come with a drawer designed to hold various items and things. You can store bed linen or various kitchen utensils in it.

If you choose a product with a drawer, it is important to estimate the size of this compartment, since it is usually planned in advance what will be contained in it. Some models are equipped with several drawers at once, each with its own purpose.

Additional elements are often armrests, which can be:

  • wooden - in modern models they are light, elegant elements intended not only for convenience, but also for decoration;
  • made of chipboard - often a whole system with shelves, a small folding table;
  • made of MDF - you can put a glass of water on such armrests without fear, even warm. If necessary, you can choose the appropriate filling for the armrest in the form of a drawer, shelves, and so on;
  • faux leather is a practical upholstery that is easy to clean from various types of dirt;
  • upholstered with fabric - a classic solution, which, despite their convenience, have a number of disadvantages, the main one of which is difficulty in maintaining.


Eco leather



Mechanisms of transformation

All collapsible models are divided according to the type of transformation mechanism used. The dimensions of the kitchen sofa also depend on this. The following mechanisms are widely used:

  • dolphin - a pull-out seat in the form of a built-in internal drawer is used;
  • the book is the simplest mechanism, easily unfolds and provides a large sleeping area;
  • Eurobook - combines the dolphin and book mechanisms, which allows you to use the disassembled back of the sofa on the vacant seating area;
  • click-clack - is an original mechanism and allows you to lay out furniture in a “reclining” position;
  • accordion - the transformation occurs by analogy with the musical instrument of the same name, the sofa seat has several sections and folds forward;
  • Conrad - the seat has three sections; during transformation, you need to pull the lower part, due to which they gradually move forward, each on its own support;
  • puma - the sofa seat moves forward, and a second section takes its place from the inner drawer.

Dimensions and parameters

When choosing an interior item, it is certainly important to pay attention to its dimensions and characteristics. A straight sofa for the kitchen should be oriented towards a specific number of people, according to which it must be equipped with a specific number of seats. Usually the information is indicated in the accompanying documentation, which states that the sofa is a double or triple sofa. The following sizes are standard:

  • the length is more than two meters, and the most popular are designs with a length of 2.4 m;
  • the depth starts from 90 cm, which ensures comfortable sitting on the product, however, you can choose a more significant parameter, which will allow you not only to sit straight at the table, but also to lean your elbows comfortably on the back;
  • The width depends on the available space in the kitchen, so both wide and narrow interior items are chosen.

When choosing a size, be sure to take into account the space allocated in the kitchen for installing the sofa.

In the selection process, it is important to take into account the width of the sofa, and the comfort of its use, the ability to use it as a place to sleep, as well as the ability to install it in a certain small kitchen depend on this parameter.

Narrow sofas are optimal if they are used exclusively for sitting. If a TV is additionally installed in the kitchen, then it will no longer be possible to sit comfortably on the furniture while lying down. Also, narrow interior items do not look very attractive. As a rule, for narrow models the depth does not exceed 1 m, and mini products even have this figure of 0.5 m.

Wide products are more suitable for each user. This is due to the fact that they are really comfortable to use, and they also look interesting. But they do not always fit into the allocated space in the kitchen. When choosing this option, the size of the kitchen itself is taken into account.

Is it worth buying a sofa for children?

It is important to consider that this is, in principle, not the most useful furniture. There's nothing better than a classic bed. It is not for nothing that even in the exclusively voluntary armies of the world, with good salaries and conditions, soldiers sleep on beds, and not on sofas.

In the living room

A relatively hard bed promotes rest, normal blood flow and correct posture. Children and adolescents are actively growing, and orthopedic correct sleep conditions are especially important for them.

Upholstery materials

During the furniture manufacturing process, various materials are used to form the upholstery. The most commonly used material is leather or fabric. Each type has its own unique parameters and unusual appearance. The most commonly selected materials are:

  • flock, which is highly attractive, has a long service life and is easy to maintain;
  • genuine leather, distinguished by its solidity and sophistication, ease of care and durability, but its price is high;
  • jacquard provides a truly unique and attractive piece of furniture, and the fabric is dense and durable, but expensive;
  • The tapestry fits perfectly into traditional interior styles, is strong and durable, and is also available in numerous colors, but it must be protected from direct sunlight, which contributes to its rapid fading.

The choice of a sofa for a kitchen with a sleeping place should be made taking into account the existing upholstery. It is important that it is easy to clean, durable and does not absorb odors.




Selection rules

In the process of choosing this piece of furniture, important factors are certainly taken into account:

  • the product must fit well into the style of the kitchen;
  • it must be easy to maintain;
  • The upholstery should not be allowed to absorb odors;
  • the dimensions must correspond to the number of people who act as regular users of the structure;
  • the equipment with a sleeping place, drawers, armrests and other additional elements is selected individually for each user.

Taking the above factors into account ensures that you get a truly comfortable, durable and comfortable sofa.

Standard height from floor

Of course, there are people significantly higher or lower than the majority. As well as people with unusual body proportions. But standards are not made according to them, but according to the average.

Standard height of backrest, armrest and seat from floor

Since furniture is a universal thing, for men and women, the average height of adults of both sexes was taken. The indicators were added and divided by two. The result was approximately 170 cm. This figure is used as a guide when drawing up the standard.

Care methods

Since the structure is used in the kitchen, where there is a high probability of various contaminants getting into different parts of it, it is important to know how to properly care for it. To do this, it is advisable to initially select products whose upholstery is easy to remove various contaminants.

If stains appear on the upholstery, it is initially important to try to remove them with water, after which folk remedies, such as vinegar or soda, are used. If they do not help, then stain removers are used. Dust constantly accumulates in upholstered furniture, so it should definitely be vacuumed, washed or knocked out.

Thus, for the kitchen, choosing a straight sofa is considered rational. It is presented on the market in numerous forms, differing in parameters. To purchase the optimal model, the preferences of the premises owners and their financial capabilities are taken into account.

Sofa in a small kitchen

Sofa for a small kitchen

If your apartment has a small kitchen, you can choose a kitchen sofa of a certain size for it. It will take place against the wall or be placed in the corner of the kitchen.

In specialized stores you can buy a small sofa or have it made to order. It is much more comfortable than chairs or stools. Soft seats and backrest give a feeling of comfort.

A compact sofa in the kitchen is selected depending on the dimensions of the room. If the kitchen layout does not have a free corner, you can use a straight sofa.

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