Nursery for twins: stylish design options from ReRooms

The interior of a modern nursery is about creating not just a stylish environment, but also, above all, caring about the health and harmonious development of children. Regardless of the style, the room should have a comfortable seating area, a comfortable workplace and a cozy play area. In the case of two children, you should try to delimit the space equally so that each child has his own full-fledged part of the room.

The designers of ReRooms acted according to this scenario, who had to decorate the interior of a nursery for twin preschoolers in a room of 15 meters. At the planning stage, the experts decided to divide the room into two parts: on one side they placed a sleeping area equipped with two bunk beds, and on the second side there was a workplace and a storage system, decorated with a wardrobe at the entrance to the room. The center of the room was made into a play area - it was insulated with carpets with a bright yellow geometric print, on which children can play both together and separately.


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Please note that the room turned out to be very bright and sunny: the white walls, floor and ceiling merge together and create the illusion of expanding space in the nursery. They are diluted with gray, black, green and woody shades - they soften the strict snow-white background.

In addition, our specialists, as expected, clearly defined the boundaries of space for each child. They installed an open shelving unit, which became not only a place to store books and necessary small items, but also a divider between the beds; desk with an extended tabletop and two chairs. A low cabinet with drawers was placed between the chairs - it divides the children’s workspaces, and thanks to this technique they will not push each other and calculate the centimeters of their desk area.


Proper lighting is responsible for zoning the space in the nursery. Ceiling lights are installed along the entire perimeter of the room, and two chandeliers are installed above the children’s work stations. The designers illuminated the sleeping areas with floor lamps with adjustable tripods.

Children's room for twins - what you need to remember

Twins mean double happiness for parents, but also double the problem and expense of decorating the bedroom. It is important to consider:

  • gender of children;
  • their age;
  • room size;
  • family budget.

This bedroom is all about doubles: two spaces for sleeping, studying and playing. They should be selected to suit the character and interests of the children.

It is also worth remembering that each child is different, and you should avoid buying the same items for both. Even if the furniture is the same, it is best to choose different accessories.

Study areas should not be too close to each other. Otherwise, children may become competitive or distract each other while doing homework.

Criteria for choosing a crib for a baby

We all come from childhood, and it is no coincidence that infancy is associated with the cradle. Parents need her to be

  • comfortable,
  • reliable,
  • safe for the baby.

Let us dwell in more detail on these and other criteria for selecting a crib for a newborn baby.

  1. Design.

If a crib is purchased with a long term of use in mind, then you need to consider those that will “grow” with the child. That is, there will be the possibility of their transformation for a year, one and a half, three years of the baby and beyond.

It would be good if the fences were removable or had a lifting mechanism.

The best is the slatted bottom of the crib. It provides ventilation and “breathes”. The baby will not overheat and sweat.

The choice of swing mechanism is determined by the preferences of the parents and the place where the crib will be installed - longitudinal, transverse combined pendulum, rocking chair on runners. The main thing is that it works silently, smoothly and has a stopper for rigid fixation.

A cradle on wheels is convenient because it can be easily moved around the room. Reliability of the wheels and the ability to install the bed in a stationary position are necessary.

2. Dimensions.

It is important not only that the bed fits perfectly into the children's room or takes its designated place in the parents' bedroom. The decisive factor in the choice should not even be this, but the ratio of width and height

Tall and narrow beds are less stable and are more likely to tip over. They pose a real threat to a growing child.

3. Security.

A baby's cradle should be made of natural, environmentally friendly materials - preferably solid wood. Wood-based materials pressed with glue are acceptable, but less preferable.

Formaldehydes in resins, glue and impregnation have varying degrees of “volatility”, that is, they can erode and enter the air that the child will breathe while in and around the crib.

As the child grows up, he will grab the bars of the crib and possibly chew them, so all joints and fasteners must be well sealed so that the baby cannot scratch himself, get a splinter, or injure himself.

Before purchasing, check the certificates of compliance with sanitary standards and regulations, the results of environmental assessments, the availability of a warranty period, and documents confirming quality.

4. Additional equipment.

Many long-lasting crib models come with drawers or a chest of drawers for storage. At first, it is convenient to keep diapers, diapers, clothes, and personal hygiene items for the baby in them. When the baby grows up and begins to crawl and then walk, he will put his toys in boxes.

5. Price.

Even if you are on a budget, a crib is not a case where you need to skimp and buy the cheapest one. Just imagine, up to a year, a child spends most of his time in a cradle. What will it be like for him to lie in an uncomfortable bed?

A quality item cannot be cheap; it will last for several years and ultimately justify its price.

6. Reviews.

Trust manufacturers with a name and experience; those brands that have positive reviews and occupy a place in the ratings of the best cribs for newborns. Buy goods in specialized stores.

There is no point in purchasing a bed with a mattress. It is selected separately according to its characteristics based on its own considerations. The standards of mattresses and bed linen correspond to typical crib sizes, so choosing them will not be difficult. The price for them is also added separately and is not included in the price of the bed.

Bedroom for twin babies

It is easier to choose a double crib for the bedroom for newborn twins, although it happens that babies sleep better in a separate bed. It is advisable to buy cribs with drawers or additional space for various accessories.

Such a room should also have a changing table and a place for feeding, for example, a comfortable chair with pillows, or a small sofa. A rocking chair or bassinet would be a good idea to help babies fall asleep.

In addition, decorations and toys are needed. The general colors of the design are pastel, with small bright accents, the lighting is warm.


High demands are placed on the material. It should be:

  • durable - the sides must withstand the onslaught of children's teeth;
  • environmentally friendly - such products do not use toxic coatings or materials with a strong odor;
  • tolerates cleaning well - it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning daily in the newborn’s room, including wiping the crib.


The most common material for making children's beds is wood. But not every wooden crib meets the necessary safety requirements. The cheapest models are made of softwood, most often aspen. Children who try everything on their teeth can chew off small particles from them. Infants can develop splinters from parts that are not polished thoroughly enough.

High-quality children's furniture is made of hardwood (birch, oak, pine, beech). It is irrational to cover environmentally friendly wood with paint; furniture for babies is usually made without paint and varnish coatings.

Sometimes water-based acrylic paints and wax-oils are used.

The most popular color for children's beds is white.


Playpens are made from plastic combined with textiles. When choosing such a model in a store, you should take a closer look and smell it. High-quality plastic is uniformly colored and odorless.

How to decorate a room for twin boys

If two boys will live in the designed room, it is worth betting on sports, sailing or technological motifs. A room in a pirate style or inspired by the adventures of your favorite characters will create a fabulous and inspiring atmosphere for children.

Usually, muted shades of blue, gray and green are chosen to decorate rooms where male children will live. Also in this case, wooden furniture and decoration are well suited.

More: Bedroom in green, design rules, photos, features

The most important thing is comfort

Comfort is influenced not only by light, warmth, finishing materials, furniture and interior style, but also by textiles (curtains, carpets, bedspreads) and various decorative elements. When designing a nursery, you always need to make accents and add bright, interesting accessories. These can be souvenirs, photo frames with funny photos, pictures, children's drawings, and various decorations. If children often participate in competitions, then their awards should hang in a prominent place.

In the interior for boys, shades such as white, blue, purple, green, brown, light blue, yellow, and burgundy are welcome. For girls, more delicate tones are chosen: pink, lilac, light green, blue, light turquoise, silver, beige.

Offer to decorate the room in the same style, the main thing is that both children like the chosen direction. For kids, these could be themes with dinosaurs, space, safari, ships, football, cars. Girls will love fairy-tale-style rooms with princesses and fairies.

Room for twin girls

A bedroom for two girls does not have to be decorated in standard pink tones; on the contrary, you should be creative in choosing the color scheme. As with boys, it is important that the room matches the children's personalities.

It is especially worth paying attention to plant motifs, favorite animals or fairy-tale characters, which girls are very interested in. Natural materials and bright colors will look good in almost any occasion, and original additions will always add charm.

How to choose the right children's bike for twins?

Just like single-seaters, there are double-seater bicycles. The city tricycle differs only in that it has one more seat. When purchasing, pay attention to such parts as pedals. There can be either one pair or two. If the bicycle has one pair of pedals, be prepared for the fact that children may regularly quarrel over the fact that “someone pedals and someone doesn’t.” Having two pairs will make you feel complete. The tricycle for twins has a durable frame that can support the weight of two children.

Try to choose a bike that has a handle on the back for parents. This will allow you to intervene in your children's driving route. It’s good if the bike has a basket for small items and a sun visor.

Children's room for twins boy and girl

As a rule, when arranging a bedroom for opposite-sex twins, you need to put in maximum effort and creativity. After all, each child has his own idea of ​​the situation in his bedroom. But square meters do not always allow us to delimit space in such a way as to fully realize the desires of both children.

Since children grow quickly, the interior should be adapted to their age and development of interests over time.

Each child is unique, so choosing a universal room design for twins, a boy and a girl, will be difficult. Although there are many options for arranging a room for children of different sexes, which inspire you to create a beautiful and cozy bedroom for twins.

Neutral territory

The first issue that needs to be resolved is the choice of a neutral shade, without reference to gender stereotypes. As an option, you can also choose furniture for universal purposes. In the example below, the choice fell on bright colors: light wood, shades of beige and orange accessories.

Thanks to this arrangement, both children can easily get along in the room, even if they are of different sexes. The photo clearly shows that the room has a clear demarcation of zones, where everyone has their own corner for different activities.

Designing a nursery for preschool-age twins

Each baby should have his own crib, storage system, desk and accessories such as lamps and flower pots. The color design should please the little owners of the space.

When there are few square meters, the best solution is a bunk bed. The main thing is that the twins do not quarrel over who will sleep on which floor.

Children who dream of their own house will be delighted by cribs built into special niches.

Furniture, drawings on the wall, and wallpaper will help make the children's room beautiful - they will enjoy being surrounded by fairy-tale images. As a decoration, you can put their names in large letters or hang an interesting photo panel that they can look at for a long time while lying in the crib.

It is important here not to create a children's paradise, because the abundance of children's motives tires not only the big ones, but also the little ones. It is better to use no more than three colors in the interior, which are then diluted with toys.

Combine different textures - a quilted bedspread, silk pillows, a low-pile carpet. Communication of children with different materials affects motor skills and contributes to their development. Don't buy the same things. Everyone has their own interests and hobbies, try to emphasize their individuality.

At this age it is the right time to use fairy tales. It is better to choose bed linen with characters from your favorite cartoons and unusual designs.

The most durable floor covering will be laminate. The main thing is that the floor is non-slip, warm and easy to clean. Nowadays in stores you can find rugs in the shape of the alphabet, a football field, or a highway.

Kids love to draw, and in order not to spoil the wallpaper, build them an easel. So, they will be able to realize their creative talents. You should not pay a high price when decorating a room, so as not to worry about damaged furniture, scratches and stains later. Kids will not appreciate this, but will be glad to have freedom of activity.

Spacious furniture

Any children's room should have plenty of storage space for everything from toys to teaching aids. At the same time, in the design of furniture and furnishings, you need to thoughtfully combine shades that girls like with colors that boys like.

The best option for a children's room is furniture sets and transformable systems that save space. Such multifunctional models are a very good solution for small spaces.

They are convenient for organizing storage and personal space, as they include not only an area for sleeping, but also a place for studying and storing various accessories and things.

Design option for schoolchildren

Let's consider the option of decorating a children's bedroom for two boys.

The flooring is made of laminate or carpet. If your financial situation allows, lay parquet. This coating is the most reliable, durable and safe for children.

Bright carpet as an accent in the interior of a children's room

Lay a carpet on the floor (if you used carpet, then don’t). It is better to decorate the walls in calm white and gray tones. If children have any inclinations, priorities or desires, decorate the walls in accordance with their aspirations. Buy wallpaper with drawings of movie characters.

Wallpaper with photo printing is suitable for decorating an accent wall in a boy's room.

The walls of a girl's room can be decorated with paper wallpaper with a beautiful print.

The ceiling is usually decorated using the standard method. White and gray coloring would be fine. You can arrange the ceiling on several levels. Play with this idea with smooth lines. Install LED spotlights.

The choice of bedroom set depends on the age of the children

Teenagers need to buy spacious beds. If possible, purchase sets that are conveniently equipped with hanging shelves and cabinets. This solution will save a lot of additional space, which will be used for its intended purpose.

The optimal solution would be modular furniture, which allows you to immediately assemble the necessary equipment and later add new items if necessary.

Be sure to purchase two desks. Learning is a delicate matter. Your sons will not want to find a compromise. It is better for everyone to do their homework when they want.

Place the work area in the brightest part of the room near the window

Lighting is an important factor. There should be a lot of light. Make spacious windows. Curtains should be translucent so that the sun's rays pass through in sufficient quantities. Install several lamps. In the evening it should be as light as during the day.

Pay special attention to the lighting of your children's workplaces

Choosing colors

If the option of a bunk bed is excluded for some reason, then beds for opposite-sex twins can be placed side by side. Here is a striking example of such a solution.

More: Loft bed for children

The different colors of the beds highlight which one belongs to each other, and there are decorative children's names plastered on the walls. The entire room is a mixture of two typical colors for the floor: pink and blue. Each of the children has their own area that they can fill with their things.

Bunk bed for opposite-sex twins

A bed made of two modular tiers is a compact and practical solution that can save space, while each child will have their own personal space for rest.

A two-tier bed will serve as a temporary or permanent solution; its main advantage is the organization of personal space for each child without wasting free space.

In this case, to prevent children from quarreling over a sleeping place, you can change their places weekly or monthly. In addition, such a layout will help children develop - it will teach them to respect each other’s needs and space, negotiate and interact. It is important to pay attention to the strength and safety of the structure.

Zone separation

An alternative solution is zoning, dividing the existing premises into separate parts. An example is clearly expressed in the photo below. In this case, you will have to spend more money on arrangement, since each part will need to be decorated separately.

For a boy, you can buy a stylized car-shaped bed, while a girl can sleep like a little princess in a four-poster bed.

When decorating a bedroom where a boy and a girl live at the same time, designers recommend decorating the walls with painting or painting with a combination of several colors. In such a room, each child has his own separate space, thereby eliminating the risk of constant quarrels.

For older children

A nursery for twins aged 3 to 7 years has its own characteristics. There must be a play area here. If we are talking about boys, a Swedish wall with all possible horizontal bars, pendants, rings, etc. will be more suitable for them.

The boys' room must have a sports area, because brothers need a place for active games

For girls, it’s better to set up children’s playgrounds with playhouses in which you can put dolls, arrange dinnerware, cribs and much more.

The girls' room is a fabulous space, decorated in soft tones of lilac and pink.

In the case of schoolchildren, you will already have to think about delimiting the room space. The fact is that age will already begin to affect the interests of the children, their direction in life, and thinking. Also, children simply need personal space. Everyone needs to be alone with themselves from time to time.

You can divide a room into parts using a curtain hung in the middle of the ceiling

The best way to delimit a room for teenage children is to install beds in wall niches. Niches are made from plasterboard sheets. It turns out to be a kind of house in which you can retire.

You can separate the sleeping areas from the general space of the room using curtains

Be sure to hang hanging shelves for books and lamps above the beds. You can also hang childhood photographs of your sons/daughters at an early age. This will remind you of your family's past pleasant moments.

Energetic interior

Another example of design is bright and energetic colors. Green is used for a boy, purple for a girl.

Children have plenty of free space to play, the floor is covered with a large soft carpet, and the walls are covered with map stickers that can be used as teaching aids.

Additional equipment

Cribs can be sold empty or with additional items. For example it could be:

  • Pendulum mechanism.
  • Additional drawers for newborn's things.
  • Small cabinets.
  • Canopies.
  • Drop-down or removable sides.

Thanks to the pendulum mechanism, you can easily rock your baby right in the crib. The rocking chair will allow the baby to relax and calm down quickly. When the child is awake, the mechanism can be locked. You can swing both left and right, and forward and backward.

Many parents prefer to install a canopy over the crib. It can protect the baby from sunlight and also from drafts. The canopy is also used as a decorative item. You can attach it using a special holder to the crib or directly to the ceiling.

Unusual solutions

This option is another good idea for organizing a room for twins. Unusual beds have been chosen for children. The mattresses are laid on a special high platform, under which there are spacious drawers.

Both beds are almost identical and each child has access to their own window as well as their own shelf to store their favorite stories and little treasures.

More: Bedroom interior in white colors

Which bed to choose for twins - options and specific solutions

The modern furniture market offers many options for children's beds for children aged 0+. The traditional solution is two separate beds for children or one double bed for twins. The selection depends on the dimensions of the room in which the newborns will live, on the characteristic features of the babies and the views of the parents themselves on the issue of organizing the sleep of twins. There is no correct answer whether children should sleep together or separately at this time. Most parents agree with psychologists who say that twins cannot be separated until they reach the age of one. Others share the point of view that any of the infants is considered an individual and requires individual space from the very beginning of life.

Two cots for small children

An important advantage of separate cribs is mobility; sleeping places can be placed on two sides of the parent’s bed or placed side by side, while the little ones will not disturb each other while sleeping. Separated sleeping places give mother a free approach to each child

Another plus of separate sleeping beds is practicality; cribs for children can be used from the first months of a child’s life up to 3 years.

Disadvantages of individual cots for twins:

  • to locate sleeping areas you will need twice as much space;
  • purchasing two pieces of furniture will require large material costs.

Models of beds for twins newborns

A bed for twins is a single structure that provides two sleeping places.

The furniture market offers a wide range of double models; the main difference lies in the placement of sleeping areas. Sleeping areas can be adjacent or located on different tiers.

Cot for twins with adjacent beds

The adjacent cot for twins is a sleeping area measuring 125x120 cm, with a partition in the middle. The parts on the side of the child's bed are shown as drop-down sides. Instead of a partition, in some models there is a common slatted wall or a removable foam partition included in the set.

The important advantages of a double children's bed are the following:

  • ergonomics - the furniture takes up less space than some two cribs;
  • economic component - such an option will not be expensive;
  • psycho-emotional - feeling the presence of a brother or sister next to them, children calm down faster.

Along with its good qualities, a bed for twins has a number of disadvantages. Shared sleep can cause inconvenience when twins do not have the same daily routine and contribute to the spread of viral infections due to the close contact of the babies.

Bunk bed for 2 newborns

Two-tier placement of sleeping areas is a decent option for small apartments. Very often such cribs are made to order. The design consists of two cots for children, installed one above the other. The main difference between a two-story bed for infants and a similar design for children over 3 years old is considered to be strong protection. The enclosing boards are placed not only around the perimeter on the top floor, but also on the tier below.

Pros of the two-tier model:

maintaining free space.

The disadvantage is the limited period of use; after reaching the age of one year, the inhabitant of the basement will feel a little cramped.

Place to study

In a room for teenage twins, in addition to their own beds, each child should have a separate place to study. Whether doing homework or studying for upcoming tests, it is important that he does not get distracted and works in a comfortable environment that is conducive to learning.

The table should not be too small, and each child should have enough space to accommodate all the books, notebooks, crayons and other accessories.

Placing desks under a window gives students the necessary amount of daylight. The colors used also separate the space for a boy and a girl.


Many parents, from the moment the child is born, believe that he is an individual. Therefore, they should even have a separate place to sleep. Today, the furniture industry offers a huge amount of furniture from various manufacturers - for every taste and financial opportunity. One large bed - this option has many advantages and opportunities:

  • Usually, small children are inactive immediately after birth, so it is enough to place them in one spacious bed. True, it will take up a lot of space, but the mother will be able to control two babies at the same time. Typically the size of this model is 125x120 cm.
  • If desired, the wide crib can be divided into two compartments with a linen screen, and then restless babies can fall asleep quickly enough.
  • Doctors have proven that by “communicating” with each other in the same area, babies develop faster.
  • You need to make sure that the bed is made by a trusted manufacturer. Durable models will not sway and burst at the seams when grown-up mischief-makers begin to move around, shaking the bed and holding onto the railings.

Some manufacturers offer twin crib models for sale. Adjacent spaces are separated by partitions - slatted or foam. The next option is two small beds. The main advantage of separate standing cribs for newborns is the ability to move them depending on the situation. The ideal option: one baby is on the side where the mother sleeps, and the second is with the other parent.


Surprisingly, a bunk crib exists not only for preschool children, but also for those who have just been born. They are often made to order. The advantages of this model are obvious:

  • A two-tier model saves space in a small bedroom. As a result, the room can accommodate other necessary equipment for newborns - a changing table or a chest of drawers for things.
  • The lower bed has the ability to roll forward, making it quite convenient to care for the baby.
  • Typically, such models have a more thoughtful degree of protection so that children do not cause any harm to themselves.
  • A significant disadvantage of a bunk crib is its short service life - usually after six months, children need to be “relocated” to more comfortable beds.


Recently, young parents have opted for playpen beds. Convenient and practical solution. The seemingly lightweight models have a fairly solid base - they have seven built-in supports. Such a crib for twins is easy to transport, for example, to the country house or to grandma's house.

In the case of twins, the bed is equipped with two cradles that can be placed in the playpen and taken out while they are awake. Then the crib turns into an ordinary playpen for grown-up children to play with. Babies can stay in cradles for up to 2-3 months, then the model is adjusted to a certain height and serves as a regular place to sleep. On the sides of the model there are special pockets for various things - bottles, pacifiers and diapers. Sometimes manufacturers offer a special hole in the playpen, which will later become a playhouse.


One of the most convenient models is a transformer:

  • In addition to two full-sized beds, this crib is equipped with various lockers and even a changing area.
  • The bed itself is similar to trailers, it requires a lot of space, but each side bar reclines independently, which gives a certain freedom of action to parents.
  • Many models are equipped with a pendulum mechanism.
  • For greater convenience, some manufacturers integrate a retractable rear wall into the transformer, which subsequently turns into a real desk, and the sleeping places themselves are converted into standard teenage beds.


A good option that suits the happy owners of a large children's room. They consist of two interconnected cribs with a common middle wall.


Very convenient, as they can be placed in any way. In addition, babies in different cribs will not be able to distract each other from sleep. If desired, the cribs can be placed next to each other while they are awake to make it more fun for the twins to play.


The pendulum mechanism on one large bed turns it into a rocking device. When pressed lightly, the bed will begin to rock, and only its upper part, while the legs remain stationary. There are two rocking mechanisms - longitudinal and transverse. Some models can perform such swings alternately. Often such beds are equipped with canopies that will protect children from direct sunlight or insects.

Sleeping places on the mezzanine

If the room for twins has high ceilings, then a large mezzanine can be installed in it. Then a nursery for twins can be designed using every square meter of it.

Thanks to the mezzanine, there is much more free space. In the lower part, two identical children's tables, soft fashionable poufs and shelves for toys will fit perfectly. The sleeping places are located at the top.

Stroller for twins: how to choose?

A stroller is an important item for every child, especially for twins. Nowadays, there are many different modifications of strollers that allow you to take into account the individual characteristics of each baby. There are three main types of strollers for twins:

  • Stroller "Locomotive"

It has such a name only because each child takes his “seat” in it one by one. Modern “Locomotive” strollers offer options for positioning children: one by one, face to face, back to back. This stroller is quite narrow, which allows it to pass through many doors and even travel along paths, but there are difficulties in driving along curbs. Of course, if you want, you can even operate such a stroller with one hand, but if you accidentally break the handle (and this happens quite often), then it is no longer possible to restore it. Also, the mother hardly sees what the child sitting in front is doing, and the “second” baby’s legs are limited in movement. And be prepared to be regularly disturbed by disputes about who sits where.

  • Side-by-side stroller

This is a fairly popular option among modern parents. Every baby is very comfortable in this stroller, from the cradle to the chair. The downside of the stroller is that, being a double stroller, it takes up a lot of space in width and you should forget about visiting shops and driving along narrow roads. It is quite difficult to control such a stroller with one hand, since it is heavier than the standard two. But what is the inconvenience of parents when every baby feels comfortable in a stroller and is always “in the front row”?

  • Stroller "Transformer"

The best option is the Transformer stroller. The advantages of this stroller are that, if desired, it can turn into both a “train” and a “Side by Side”. The stroller is very easy to use and does not create difficulties in performing various maneuvers. The only negative is the high cost compared to other models.

Children's play area

Depending on how twins live, there is not always a need to divide the play area into separate areas. If two children like to play together or do not interfere with each other, then you can allocate most of the free space for an entertainment area in which they will spend their free time.

It is important that this space is colorful and varied, and that there are toys for every child.

Design features

Choosing a nursery design for twins is no different from the rules for arranging a room for two boys or two girls. It all depends on the area of ​​the room, the preferences of children and parents.

For the little ones, everything is selected to their taste, and the issue of designing a space for older children must be decided together with them. The main thing is not to follow the unspoken rule that twins should have everything the same. Yes, they are similar in appearance, but they are two different people.

Working and sleeping places should be the same, but only in content, and not in color. You can emphasize the individuality of each person with the help of textiles, decorating the walls above the bed, and accessories. Try giving your children the choice of decor; you might like their fresh and unconventional ideas.

Which option is suitable for preschoolers

The design of the room where preschoolers live should be bright and playful. At a young age, children love to play, so the main thing for them is to create a comfortable sleeping place and properly arrange the play area. You can install a small sports corner in the room. When setting up a playroom, do not forget that it should be spacious and safe. Lay carpet or choose a modular soft floor, and do not place furniture with sharp corners nearby.

Combining wallpaper will help visually divide the space

What can you choose for younger schoolchildren?

The room of two children who go to primary school should be multifunctional. The interior needs to be carefully thought out, adding a study area to the sleeping and play areas. It is better to choose wallpaper in light, calm tones so that it does not strain children’s eyes after school. The furniture set should be roomy, comfortable, and practical. Boxes and containers are suitable for storing toys; shelves and racks are suitable for storing books and textbooks. For twins in a small room, a bunk bed would be appropriate.

Ideas for schoolchildren and teenagers

Over time, the twins grow up and the room needs to be updated. Now the design of the room should not only be cozy and multifunctional, but also stylish and modern. In adolescence, everyone likes everything innovative and fashionable.

You can opt for a basic interior or offer teenage boys a modern English style, hi-tech, loft, minimalism, girls - Provence, Paris, glamor, classic. A furniture set with the latest mechanisms, a facade with an interesting shade, interior items, textiles with 3D images, a triptych and other ideas for a nursery will help create a unique, special interior. Don’t forget about the spaciousness of the furniture, because teenagers have a lot of things, books, equipment, and accessories.

When choosing a nursery design, do not be guided only by personal preferences, trying to create a room according to your impressions and dreams. Consult with your children on any issue, gently guide, help, and then together with them you will create a cozy and modern interior with a favorable atmosphere.

photo:, poligonchik, zuzulicea, baburkina, poligonchik

Create a room for mixed-sex children

A nursery for three children depends on their gender. If they have different genders, it will be more difficult, because each will require space to reflect their own world.

A mixed-gender interior is complex. You can't please everyone. A suitable compromise will have to be found. The concept often includes cartoon characters that are familiar and loved by everyone. Neutral tones are more successful.

Everyone knows simple ways to visually expand spaces.

It is important to choose pastel colors, cream shades, Scandinavian style and neoclassicism are suitable. They are chosen because of their comfort and ability to visually make the space larger

Everyone can relax here - both hooligans and creative individuals.

Mobile in crib

A mobile is a special toy that is attached above the place where the child sleeps (usually attached to the sides). Various animals, fish, dolls, cars, stars hang above the baby on strong threads.

They can rotate by mechanism or by movement. Expensive models have sound and lighting. Mobiles are designed for children from birth to one year.

Also, some models can be equipped with remote control using a remote control. This allows you to switch melodies, lighting and the pace of rotation of toys without going to the crib.

Immediately after installing the mobile, do not play loud music or fast movements. The child needs to get acquainted with a new thing. Once he gets used to it, you can add movement, music and light (if present). This must be done very carefully so as not to scare the baby.

When he grows up and gets used to the main modes, it is necessary to interest him in the immediate study of individual toys. When a child touches toys and performs various actions with them, it means that they will soon become indifferent to him. If interest in the mobile has faded, you need to remove it and put it away

How to save money when buying furniture?

Often parents of twins find themselves in a difficult financial situation. All purchases that need to be made for a newborn are multiplied by two. Sometimes even with the help of relatives and grandparents, mom and dad cannot cope with the financial burden. In such a situation, any savings will be relevant. We will look at options for saving on the purchase of a crib.

Purchase in parts

Many parents of twins have come to the conclusion that it is best to buy a separate bed for each baby. Any double model is not intended for long-term use and must be replaced when children reach 3-6 months. Otherwise, the kids will interfere with each other and wake up their brother or sister by screaming. First, you can buy one standard crib for two - babies will fit in it until their height reaches 60 centimeters. By this time (approximately 3 months after birth), buy a second one of the same kind. In this case, you won’t have to change the furniture that your children have outgrown, and the expensive purchase can be divided into two parts.

Custom-made furniture

It is believed that buying ready-made furniture is cheaper than making it to order. However, in practice, with a little time, it can be made at a much lower cost than store-bought furniture. Firstly, you can choose an inexpensive material from which the product will be made - for example, MDF boards. Secondly, dad can take on part of the work - assemble a bed from cut parts. In addition, the finished product will meet all the requirements of the family - it will occupy a dedicated space and will not have unnecessary parts.

Buying used furniture

Many people sell things they no longer need. Children's furniture is often put up for sale by ordinary Internet users.

You can easily find a crib for twins on the message boards of your region, of which there are plenty today. To interest the buyer, sellers post photos of the product and indicate its advantages. In addition, when choosing used furniture, the buyer has the right to ask for a discount in order to invest in the allocated budget.

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A crib for twins should have all the properties of furniture for newborns, fit well into the allocated space and be easy to use. Buying a high-quality and reliable crib for two small children is not easy. However, if you approach the task responsibly - think in advance about the configuration, necessary qualities and material of future furniture, the result will please you for several years.

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