Matte stretch ceiling: review of qualities, selection rules, care features

Today, tension systems are perhaps the most common, universal and timeless method of finishing the ceiling space. There are two types of such ceilings - made of vinyl film (aka PVC) and polymer fabric. The first is presented on the market in three varieties: panels with shine (glossy), matte and satin. Our story is about matte stretch ceilings, because this design option has earned the right to be considered classic, “eternal.”

Matte stretch ceiling

Matte stretch ceilings: features and purpose

Film ceilings are made individually - for the specific parameters of the room and the features of its shape. This is done by welding wide strips of polyvinyl chloride together using special machines. The resulting product is mounted using heat guns: they soften the film and then stretch it onto a metal or plastic frame.

Objectives of a vinyl ceiling:

  • hide flaws and irregularities on ceilings (sub-ceiling).
  • Prevent flooding from above: in this case, the tension fabric accumulates and holds water.
  • Create an air gap that will improve the thermal insulation of the room.
  • Hide traces of utilities, electrical wiring, differences between concrete slabs.
  • Help eliminate unwanted acoustic effects (resonance, echo).

Matte stretch ceiling, finally, is an easy opportunity for cosmetic repairs, a chance to update the room on a budget, make it neater, more proportionate and more harmonious.

All ceiling finishing options, overview

Matte stretch ceiling: advantages

Such systems would not decorate every third home if they did not have an impressive list of positive characteristics. Here are their advantages:

  1. PVC plastic is absolutely safe, hypoallergenic and does not emit any toxic substances at moderate temperatures. Therefore, suspended ceilings made from it are not prohibited from being installed in any room, be it in the bedroom or in the nursery.
  2. Resistance to dampness allows the use of PVC in both the bathroom and kitchen. Condensation does not settle on such a ceiling, it does not warp, and is not covered with fungus and mold.
  3. Ceilings made of polyvinyl chloride do not form cracks and do not wrinkle. Stretch films are very durable and last 10-15 years.
  4. Matte tension structures are quite durable and can withstand, for example, being hit by a ball.
  5. High-quality vinyl is impregnated with special compounds that make it fireproof. Film marked with a low degree of flammability does not self-ignite, is refractory and does not support combustion.
  6. Good PVC ceiling sheets are also treated with antistatic, dirt-repellent substances. Dust particles do not stick to their surface, they do not require special, overly careful care.
  7. In the event of force majeure and severe damage to the stretch ceiling (for example, a lot of water spilled from above and the structure sagged), this is corrected quickly and without a trace. The called technician removes accumulated water, dries and levels the tension fabric.
  8. Stretch ceilings are installed relatively quickly - 4-6 hours and you essentially have a new room.
  9. Decoration with tension film structures is an inexpensive and widely available solution.

Now about the advantages of specifically matte coatings.

  • Unlike glossy and semi-gloss surfaces, the matte look is neither blinding nor tiring. It does not create glare, which can cause headaches and eye pain.
  • The neutral, calm texture gives such canvases a pass into any room: hallway, living room, bedroom.
  • Matte tension structures better hide unevenness and are able to visually level even a crooked, sloping ceiling.
  • Matte canvases suit a much larger number of interior styles - both modern and folk.
  • Matte color, proven by psychologists, does not irritate, it gently soothes and encourages relaxation.

Another advantage of such ceilings - decorative diversity - should be said separately and in more detail.

Features of PVC stretch ceiling with glossy effect

Each owner of an apartment or private house has his own taste, which is difficult to argue about. Because of this, some people lose sight of the objective parameters of different materials. If you like the matte canvas, install it. The shine of the gloss attracts them and they decorate all the rooms.

But there are certain characteristics that dictate the choice of ceiling structure for a particular room. They are determined by operational problems, technical parameters, degree of ventilation and design solutions.

Among the advantages of glossy ceiling canvases it is worth highlighting:

  • high strength, able to withstand large volumes of water when flooded
  • moisture resistance, allowing the material to be used in the bathroom and kitchen
  • long service life of more than 10 years without loss of original aesthetic properties
  • a rich color palette represented by hundreds of shades, allowing you to add individuality to the design of residential premises
  • the effect of visually increasing space due to the reflective gloss surface
  • ease of maintenance and care due to wiping the surface with a clean soft cloth without household detergents
  • minimal accumulation of dust and other contaminants after cleaning
  • the ability to implement any design ideas, including a sky strewn with stars in the bedroom

You can understand what to choose, gloss or matte stretch ceilings, based not only on the advantages, but also on the weak qualities of each option. For the first material they are as follows:

  • The fragility of polyvinyl chloride when the temperature drops sharply. Already at 0 degrees, ceilings can crack with minor mechanical stress.
  • The maximum width of the canvas is up to 5 m. Because of this, in large rooms it is necessary to make joints. They are very noticeable on a glossy surface.
  • Invisibility of drawings and patterns on PVC. Gloss creates reflections, so only solid colors are used.
  • Reflection of light streams in the dark. Apartment owners have to hang thick curtains to prevent glare from car headlights, street lamps and other light sources.
  • Careful care. During the cleaning process, the material is easy to tear or pierce with sharp objects. Do not use household detergents that leave streaks.
  • Minimum strength under point loads. The thin fabric can be pierced by a cork flying out of a champagne bottle. Although manufacturers are experimenting with materials, increasing strength.
  • Deformation when heated by powerful lamps. Standard 60-watt incandescent lamps can be mounted at a distance of more than 20 cm. Otherwise, the ceiling will begin to sag where the light sources are installed.

Options and colors of matte stretch ceilings

Colors of matte stretch ceilings
The color palette and richness of decor of matte stretch ceilings pleasantly surprises. You can choose warm, cool, pastel or rich colors and shades. Those who crave lightness, airiness, who want to visually expand the room, choose shades of white: snowy, alabaster, milky.

Light gray ceilings are in demand, as they softly envelop the room, create a cozy twilight and promote relaxation. The smoky tone also goes well with furniture of any rich color.

Almost half of all consumers prefer beige matte ceilings. Designs of this color retain a feeling of spaciousness and lightness, but bring a touch of warmth, a piece of summer. The beige ceiling, moreover, combines the white walls and the traditionally brown floor into a friendly and natural union.

A ceiling made of a matte film of a soft yellow, pink, orange, or light green color is quite suitable for a children's room or bathroom. In the living room or bedroom, blue, turquoise, and lilac colors are possible overhead; in the kitchen, olive, and in the bedroom, noble burgundy or chocolate. All these colors are perfectly combined with classic or “antique” furniture, with cornices and baguettes, “gilded” or bronze accessories.

Owners of large apartments, modern people with a sense of style often decorate the ceilings with radical black stretch inserts. This is not only fashionable, but a black fragment on the ceiling gives the room greater symmetry and expressiveness. A room with a black ceiling, white baseboards and contrasting walls looks sleek and stunningly impressive.

Stretch photo ceiling.

PVC structures can be not only one-color. And, for example, with photo printing. You can realize any fantasy and order any subject: for example, baroque frescoes or serene clouds, crowns of southern cypress trees or palace paintings of wreaths and garlands.

Multi-level ceiling.

You can create a multi-level system from stretch matte films by placing lamps between the sheets. Thus, in particular, they zone a large room or a studio apartment.

Zoning techniques in the interior

An openwork ceiling is a type of two-level tension system. It’s simple: first, stretch the first, solid layer of vinyl, and place the second one, with perforation, a little lower. Naturally, the layers differ in color: the top one is usually darker, which makes the patterns more noticeable.

Stretch ceiling with lighting.

Light tricks work best on matte surfaces. Hidden lamps shed a calm glow through the canvas, very similar to natural, dawn or sunset rays. By the way, the lamps do not have to be mounted around the entire perimeter. You can install them along the wall, which is worth accentuating, to emphasize its decorative effect.

Luminous stretch ceiling - in this case, a remote control dimmer is attached to the illuminated ceiling. Such a device will allow you to regulate not only the intensity of the light, but its color, thus changing the shades of the ceiling.

Soaring matte ceiling.

To create this illusion, the panel is attached, slightly retreating from the walls. LED lighting is installed in the remaining gaps. As a result, the play of light creates the effect of the ceiling “floating” - it seems as if it is hanging without touching the walls.

Multi-colored stretch ceiling . Another way to use vinyl film is to combine panels of different colors. Moving from shade to shade (for example, from white to peach), they separate one location of a single space from another.

You can use matte canvas to form a sloping ceiling, giving the room the look and character of an attic.

Ceiling "Starry Night".

Among the various tension systems, the so-called “starry sky” stands apart. This is a combination of stretched fabric with spot (in the form of scattered) lighting. Thanks to this technology, an imitation of the deep night sky appears. Agree, an ideal solution for the bedroom.

Which option to choose and why

It is difficult to figure out which stretch ceiling to choose, matte or glossy, even after a scrupulous analysis of the different options. Although there are nuances that simplify the selection in accordance with a specific room. If you take into account the nuances of the design of the room and the home in general, decorative details, and furniture features, it is easier to choose the appropriate option.

To the kitchen

Here you need to take into account the peculiarities of the operation of the premises. Due to the presence of a large amount of steam, it is better to use a glossy smooth film. The absence of pores makes it easier to clean the ceiling from fat, which often evaporates during cooking. And thanks to the availability of different colors, you can choose the optimal solution for any interior of the cooking area.

To the bedroom

Stretch ceilings with a matte effect are more suitable for the bedroom. They do not reflect, but rather absorb light from external sources. This ensures a restful sleep for the residents of the apartment or house. This will avoid the use of thick curtains.

If you have a burning desire to use glossy material, you must first visit an apartment with such a ceiling. If there is no feeling of discomfort, then everything is fine. Although not everyone will like looking at their reflection all the time while lying on the bed.

In the bathroom

Today, matte and glossy stretch ceilings can be used in the bathroom, but which is better? There is no doubt for designers, and they unanimously recommend glossy material. This is due to the following points:

  • The standard bathtub has compact dimensions. The glossy ceiling visually expands the space.
  • The material is resistant to moisture. This is true for the room where water procedures are performed.

To the living room

Both options are great for the living room. The features of interior design are taken into account here. Designers use different, including non-standard solutions. The final choice remains only with the property owner. It is enough for him to take into account the taste preferences of family members.

To the nursery

Glossy ceilings are not recommended in a child's room. Such an experiment is possible only as a fragment of the starry sky. If you stretch the film around the entire perimeter of the room, the glare of light will interfere with sound sleep and can frighten the child at night. The ideal solution would be a matte design with original designs in the form of clouds or cartoon characters.

Disadvantages of matte stretch ceilings

There are not so many of them:

  • Vinyl sheets do not tolerate low temperatures well and can become deformed. Because of this, a suspended ceiling covering is considered to be an apartment one: it has no place in country houses and dachas, which are not always heated.
  • Too high temperatures are also dangerous and undesirable. Stretch ceilings are not installed where it is hot - in a bathhouse or sauna.
  • Stretch ceilings require certain lighting fixtures. The maximum power of ordinary lamps suitable for close proximity to vinyl coating is 60-70 W. Halogen lamps should be more gentle - up to 35 W.

You will have to be careful when using chandeliers with shades pointing upward. The distance from them to the vinyl film should be at least 40 centimeters. If you ignore these precautions, the polyvinyl chloride will begin to overheat and become covered with yellowish spots.

Pros and cons of patterned ceilings

Advantages of coatings with images:

  1. Ideally even and smooth coating.
  2. The fabric panel with photo can be mounted even in unheated rooms.
  3. The picture does not fade or change color during use.
  4. Mold microorganisms and fungi do not develop on the surface of the coating.
  5. A variety of textures and colors allows you to choose a material of a suitable tone and texture.
  6. Using your photos or pictures, you can get unique and beautiful ceiling coverings.
  7. A ceiling with a pattern, like any tension covering, allows you to hide utility networks.
  8. Film surfaces with photo printing will protect you from flooding from above without being damaged.
  9. The price for ceilings with a pattern is much lower than for hand-painted ceilings.
  10. The inks used for photo printing are harmless and do not emit toxic substances when burned.
  11. The coating can be washed and cleaned. It doesn't collect dust.

Among the disadvantages it is worth mentioning that:

  1. Printed fabric coverings will not protect you from flooding and will deteriorate as a result.
  2. Film ceilings cannot be installed in unheated houses.
  3. If you decide to buy PVC canvases and want to put a very large image on them, then you cannot avoid seams on the ceiling.
  4. When matching the pattern along the seam, shifts and mismatches may occur.
  5. Film coatings are very fragile, so you should not use them in rooms where there is a risk of damage (for example, in billiard rooms).

Maintenance procedure for matte stretch ceilings


Many companies that install suspended ceilings also offer special compositions for cleaning them. These are, most often, water-alcohol mixtures with the addition of detergents, surfactants and flavors. Preparations for cleaning glossy ceilings often contain ammonia, which helps restore the characteristic specularity.

But it is not necessary to buy special equipment. For wet cleaning of a matte stretch ceiling, a solution of baby liquid soap or delicate shampoo is quite suitable.

Universal tips for caring for your home

It is advisable to wipe the ceiling with a soft, damp sponge or fiber cloth soaked in a cleaning solution. Even better are wipes designed for cleaning glass.

The fabric, of course, must be clean. This is especially true if the ceiling is white.

You need to handle the napkin carefully, trying not to press too hard on the surface. It is unlikely that your ceiling will suffer from mechanical cleaning, but care will not hurt. Therefore, it is better to act not with a mop, but with your hand, rising to the ceiling on a stepladder. And one more thing: do not forget to remove the jewelry, anything that can scratch or ruin the surface.

Cobwebs from a matte stretch ceiling cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaner. This method of cleaning is strictly unacceptable, because pressure can damage the flexible and elastic surface.

The lighter the ceiling, the more often you will have to wipe it. However, this applies not only to tension structures.

Some recommendations from experts

When choosing between different designs, you should listen to the recommendations of professionals. The latter give the following advice:

  • give preference to dense films that reduce the risk of damage during installation and cleaning
  • keep in mind that light-colored canvases make the space visually wider
  • White, beige and peach shades are suitable for the hallway
  • It is better to install glossy cold structures in the corridor
  • in two-level systems there is a glossy material in the center and matte areas around the perimeter

Matte stretch ceilings in the interior - photo

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