Roof made of soft roofing - proper installation and proper work with the material (65 photos)

What you need to know about soft roofing

The popular flexible tiles have their own characteristics. The material consists of fiberglass tiles impregnated with a special bitumen composition and having curved edges.

Fiberglass - an important component - can be ordinary or reinforced polyester. During the production process, the roofing material is sprinkled from the front side.

The topping is made from crumbs: basalt or stone. Thanks to this technology, the surface is more aesthetically attractive.

Soft roofing has the following advantages:

Long service life. High quality material is durable. It can serve its owners for more than 70 years, so the cost of the roof is fully recouped.

Resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Soft tiles do not break under a thick layer of fallen snow, do not allow atmospheric moisture to pass through, and withstand ultraviolet radiation. Performance characteristics are maintained throughout the entire service life.

Aesthetic appearance. Different shapes and a rich color palette open up great prospects for creative solutions.

Flexibility. Elastic material allows you to create complex shapes with many slopes and various decorative elements.

Installing bitumen shingles is easy. For a non-professional, the main thing is to figure out how to cover a roof with a soft roof. Reliable tiles are used for buildings with various purposes.

What are bituminous shingles made of?

When making bitumen shingles, fiberglass is taken as a basis and impregnated with a bitumen-polymer composition. The outer part of the tile (top) is sprinkled with pre-painted stone chips.

Basalt or slate is used as a coating; it protects the roof from mechanical and atmospheric influences and determines its color. The inner surface of the tiles is partially covered with glue and a protective film.

Flexible tiles have a wide variety of shapes and cuts. Despite this, all manufacturers adhere to the same shingle size: length 90-100 cm, width 30-35 cm.

The service life of bituminous shingles is very long, on average 25-50 years, and some collections reach up to 75 years only in the warranty period. The price is determined per square meter of material and varies on the market from 250 to 500 rubles/m2.

Underlay carpet

Covering the roof with a soft roof involves installing a lining that is resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. This element is necessary on the surface of the slopes when the roof slope is less than 15 degrees.

Cheap roofing felt is not the best solution. Give preference to the material recommended by the asphalt shingle manufacturer.

Advantages of bituminous shingles

Flexible tiles have a number of advantages:

  • installation that does not require professionalism;
  • continuous sealed coating, no cracks, especially in valleys where snow penetrates;
  • the ability to cover roofs of any complexity without any problems;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • beautiful aesthetic appearance;
  • excellent sound absorption;
  • durability.

Photo of a soft roof

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