Techniques and patterns for beautiful and easy sewing of a patchwork quilt

What is Patchworking

Patchwork is the creation of things from fabric scraps. Initially, the pieces are connected into blocks that look like geometric shapes. After which they are used to sew blankets, pillows, shorts, dresses, chair covers, curtains and much more. For grandmothers, this type was economical. After all, he can give things a second life.

Now many people, using this style, make pillows, bedspreads and other household items with their own hands.

Reasons for doing patchwork:

  • Instead of spending money on decorative items, you can create them yourself.
  • The need to throw away damaged items and unusable pillowcases is completely eliminated.
  • Exclusive and original things are created.
  • While sewing, relaxation and rest from everyday work occurs.

Patchwork for beginners requires a certain set of tools. These include: needle, thread, fabric, cutting knife, measuring tape, chalk or pencil, pins, iron, fingertip, ruler, cardboard and mat. For a faster process, it is recommended to use a sewing machine.

Historians claim that this technique was used in ancient times.

To master this type of sewing as correctly as possible, you should listen to the following recommendations:

  • Try sewing from a ready-made kit - you can purchase a blank at any craft store. Next, all that remains is to connect all the elements. No cutting or cutting is required.
  • Starting with squares is the easiest and simplest option. Connecting them will not cause any difficulties. It is better to leave complex figures for later creation of masterpieces.
  • Sewing samples - before making a large product, it is recommended to practice on small pieces. This gives you the opportunity to take into account all the errors and learn how to correct them.
  • Use large-sized scraps - small pieces require a large number of stitches. You can quickly get tired of sewing and not finish the product. Thanks to large flaps, much less time will be spent on production.
  • Repeat after others - first you should fill your hand. That is, follow the step-by-step lessons that have already been presented. Firstly, you shouldn’t chase originality.
  • Learn to combine colors - on special websites they will teach you how to select shades that are in harmony with each other.

Additional Information! Most often, this type of sewing is used to make quilts. In the United States of America this technology is called quilting. Almost every American woman has homemade products.

Patchwork mug program

It’s no news that patchwork has become such a popular type of needlework that you can learn it in childhood, moreover, in your own school or out-of-school educational institution. Many teachers strive to open such a circle at school and pass on the secrets of mastery to children. Teaching children, of course, requires a system. Its basis is the circle program, which outlines each lesson. More precisely, it determines the topics that each lesson will be devoted to.

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The program might look like this:

  • Lesson 1. Introductory lesson . Patchwork is pleasure and beauty. Crafts made by children.
  • Lesson 2. Sewing from stripes . Photos of works. Sewing from stripes using potholders as an example.
  • Lesson 3. Squares in patchwork . Quick crafts.
  • Lesson 4. Circles in patchwork . Potholders and other crafts with circles.

And so on. Of course, one lesson is not enough to make the same potholders. The lesson usually boils down to a practical explanation of the topic, and subsequent lessons are carried out on the product. The program follows a complication scheme.

The chess technique is the easiest for children to understand.

The teacher, before starting to conduct circle work, must have some methodological reserve. These are at least examples of work, ready-made crafts (even simple potholders), photos and pictures of interesting works (or better yet, a whole collection of them), and the program itself, both on paper and in electronic form.

Schemes and templates for beginners

The template is a pattern made of cardboard or plastic. You can make it yourself or buy it at a specialty store. To create, you should draw the required element on a sheet of paper without any indentations intended for seams. Then make an indent of five millimeters on each side, then mark the second contour (seam allowance). Cut out both contours to make two blanks.

This needlework is simple, but if you don’t know the basics of patterns and sew the pieces of fabric incorrectly, you may end up with a vinaigrette rather than a patchwork.

The following schemes are suitable for beginners:

  • Square within a square – triangles, which are isosceles, are connected into individual blocks that have a square shape.
  • Russian square - stripes or triangles are sewn around the main figure.
  • American square - rectangular shapes of different lengths but the same width are sewn around the base figure.

After the needlewoman has determined a pattern suitable for herself, she can begin sewing. There are also more complex options. But for study, it is recommended to choose a lightweight design and use it in a more bulky product. It is also advised to start by repeating after others, that is, using ready-made hands.

It is best to use cotton fabric; it does not stretch and irons well.


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My master class is for those who are just starting to get used to patchwork, and I want you not to repeat mine

errors. When I first started sewing my first quilt from simple blocks, I carefully cut out each

element, laid it out on the floor, choosing colors, and then carefully sewed it together. Don't do that. Spend

a lot of time, you will get tired and bury beautiful fabrics in the depths of all sorts of things that are no longer needed and should be thrown away

it's a pity.

The whole process took me about three months, but the quilt was never finished. Alas.

Here I want to show a quick way to stitch together simple triangle-based blocks. This is significant

will speed up the whole process and bring a lot of pleasure.

So, we take fabrics of two colors, of which the block will consist according to the sketch. Lay the fabric face down on the mat

to the face, inside out, align the cuts along the vertical markings.

We cut a strip of fabric equal in width to the width of the required square block with a gap for the seam. I have a 7 cm block, I cut off a strip of 7.5 cm.

We apply markings, length = width, draw a diagonal in each square in the form of a zigzag. At first I applied the markings in the form of two diagonals for cutting triangles, but then I changed my mind, so we only look at the bold highlighted lines.

Now we sew with one line, retreating from the diagonal by the width of the seam - I used 0.5 cm (a foot with a stopper will help you!), first along one side of the diagonal.

And then on the other. Pay attention to the dividing line between the base blocks - in the inner corners the line should clearly reach this line. Yes, it’s also better to put the threads in a mirror image: in the bobbin - the color of the upper fabric, and thread the thread in the color of the lower fabric into the machine.

Actually, that’s all, all that remains is to cut with a knife and a mat along the diagonals between the lines and along the dividing lines and...

iron by placing the iron platform on the seam, and, opening the dark fabric, place the entire platform on the base unit.

We rejoice at the even base blocks:

Well, if you cut the stitched strip along the second diagonal, which was applied with a thin line, you will get two-color triangles.

Now let’s get inspired by triangle patterns before creating our masterpiece!

I want to show you a way to quickly make basic blocks that are made up of 2 right triangles.

Very often in diagrams or literature you can see the following instructions for creating such a block:

Here you need to be careful and, before getting involved in this adventure and starting to sew according to such instructions, it would be nice to count the number of blocks of identical colors. Or figure out whether each block is truly unique, and how many colors are involved in the composition. To preserve, so to speak, the physical and psychological health of yourself, your family and those around you.

So, it may well turn out that there are no fewer identical blocks, or their number is a multiple of 8.

So what is stopping us from optimizing the process?

So, we will need:

  • 2 large squares of contrasting colors.
  • ruler,
  • pencil or ballpoint pen,
  • pins,
  • roller knife, cutting mat,
  • sewing machine,
  • desire to create and inspiration.

The side of the large square is 2 base block sizes and 4 seam allowances. I have a large square of 22 cm, an allowance of 0.5 cm. This means that the block will be 22-(0.5x4) divided by two, that is, 10 cm is the size of the side of the finished block.

Draw diagonals from corner to corner on the wrong side of the fabric. It doesn’t matter which of the selected ones, the main thing is that you can clearly see and evenly fold one square onto another

We pin it with pins so that it does not move, and forward to the machine.

Our machine is cleaned, oiled, the needle is fresh, we’re not masochists, right?

It is convenient to start sewing with a small piece so that the machine does not inadvertently chew on the corner of a large square.

As usual, we stitch along the diagonals, with equal indentation throughout the entire work. This is perhaps one of the most important rules in patchwork. I think everyone knows how to make the same indentation without a special foot. If anyone needs it, I’ll post a photo in the comments showing how to aim and where to look. Stitched? Well, here it is: something and a bow on the side :-)

Use an iron to relax the seams (no steam, just place the sole on the seam). Actually, that's all. All that remains is to draw the lines and cut.

But you can do it without markings; using a ruler and a mat, we make 4 cuts. I have lines outlined for the triangles. For now we are cutting along the lines diagonally and in half on each side. If the square is suddenly skewed, straighten the sides.

We cut along the red lines, since we only need squares for now:

Well, then according to the scenario: we place the sole of the iron on the seam, open the dark side up, and place the sole on the finished block. Once it cools down, you can assemble the mosaic according to the sketch. Congratulations! You got 8 blocks in one go!

We get inspired by various variations of quilts and put together our own pattern (we already know how it turns out, right?).

How to make patchworking with your own hands

The patchwork technique will not cause any particular difficulties. The main thing is to choose the right material and tools. It is also desirable to have creative skills and imagination. In this case, you can create masterpieces that will inspire admiration among others. Moreover, production will take little time.

Pillows and bedspreads

To create pillows and bedspreads with your own hands in the patchwork style, you will need scraps of any material. Next, they are laid out according to a certain pattern. To ensure that the drawing remains in its original form, it is recommended to number each piece. Two scraps are pinned together with the right side inward and stitched on a machine. This procedure should be done with all the pieces. The squares are connected into strips, and those, in turn, into a canvas.

The triangles are connected into squares and then into the main product.

From jeans

To work with jeans you need to have special skills. After all, this fabric is denser than cotton. At the same time, there is no need for a lining, which greatly facilitates the work. The methods for making things are no different from other options.

When using denim, be sure to use a thimble. Due to its density, it is difficult to pierce. You will also need an elastic needle, longer and thicker.

Old things are used as consumables: skirts, shorts, vests, etc.

Thanks to this method, you can not throw away your favorite clothes, but give them a new life, make something interesting and unusual out of them.


For this type, you should first decide on the material. Collect all the pieces of fabric that are available, sort them by color and structure. Then you can start drawing up the diagram itself. The joining procedure usually consists of several stages: stitching together individual fragments, combining blocks that are already ready, sewing elements to the finished product.

Even if there is a material of a different texture, the product must be assembled from textiles of the same quality.

Blocks for patchwork

A block represents a detail of a future thing. Some of them are very simple, others are more complex. Let's consider both options.

Jacob's Ladder is difficult - choosing fabric in contrasting colors (for example, blue and red). Make four strips of it measuring 35x7 centimeters and four squares - 13.5x13.5 centimeters. All pieces should be of different shades. Place squares right sides together and strips separately. Sew one of the strips along the long side. Lightly press the seams. Connect it to the other right sides, without separating, cut into pieces of about seven centimeters (you should get five pieces). Do not take the pieces apart, sew them together. You will end up with four squares. Cut large squares at the corners and draw a line diagonally. Make a line at a distance of five centimeters from the line on each side, cut diagonally, but not along the lines. Iron, cut off the resulting corners, do the layout, sew everything.

Templates for patchwork patterns are sold in special stores; you can make it yourself according to the pattern.

An ordinary square is considered simple. To do this, take a flap (you can from a kit or cut it yourself). On the inside, mark a seam allowance of approximately one centimeter. Fold the product in half with the front side inward. From the inside out, sew the two sides along the marks, you should get an envelope. Next, you should turn it out and flatten it to form a rhombus. Now take the filler, cut a square in it to the size of the envelope, leave one centimeter for allowances. Insert the filler into the product, straighten out any irregularities. The open edges of the diamond should be folded inward and pinned together so that they do not stick out in all directions. Begin stitching the folded corners, removing pins as you go.

Each item made in this style is unique, even changing the shade of one of the details transforms it in a new way.

Important! In patchwork, you should not only perform careful sewing, but also try to ensure that the created composition is harmonious. It is allowed to use fabrics with different textures. The choice depends on the flight of fancy of the craftswoman. This is also an excellent opportunity for self-realization and creative development.

Patchwork: beautiful and easy

The collection of products in the patchwork style includes both very simple works (for example, potholders) and quite complex ones (such as patchwork bedspreads). There is a place for both in the house. In the pictures you can see how a bedroom is transformed if the bed in it is decorated with an elegant and cozy patchwork blanket. And for children, patchwork style decor can perfectly match their room.

What else modern can be done in patchwork style:

  • Chair upholstery . One such chair will become a bright interior accent, and if you need to diversify a modest decor, consider not throwing away the old chair, but giving it a new patchwork upholstery. It can be a pattern of triangles, stripes, even a traditional checkerboard pattern. Or maybe a chaotic drawing, or a fantasy picture.
  • Pillows . Interior pillows made of triangles especially emphasize home comfort. In the photo you can see a variety of design ideas for such pillows, and, inspired by the photo, make the same product.
  • A patchwork wall is a special interior chic. The most fashionable interior design magazines are now decorated with such patchwork corners. An entire wall in the house is allocated for pasting with patchwork, but usually a separate patchwork fabric is sewn together - patchwork in this case becomes a bright, original wall decor.
  • Patchwork rug . Well, what would we do without this classic! Such products are most suitable for a children's room. A patchwork rug would also be appropriate in the kitchen and hallway.
  • Stylish oven mitts as a gift for creating a kitchen interior in the Russian style will become your favorite helpers.

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An unusual quilted napkin to match the kitchen interior will become a favorite tea party attribute

Well, you can start your handicraft journey using this technique with patchwork sewing from strips. Patchwork and patchwork sewing are mastered from this type, thanks to its simplicity.

Types of patchwork

Before you start sewing any product, you should familiarize yourself with the patterns and templates. The activity seems easy and simple only at first glance. In fact, it requires special care and scrupulousness.

The execution technique must be carefully and carefully followed, then you will be convinced of the charm of the product itself.


This technique combines the traditions of the West and the East. Silk fabrics and stitches are actively used. Various geometric shapes serve as the basis: squares, triangles, rectangles, rhombuses. In addition to making decorative bedspreads, this type is suitable for panels.

The spread of patchwork in Japan was also caused by the economic situation.


Most needlewomen are familiar with it. The difference from traditional patchwork is that the patches are not sewn together, but are knitted or crocheted together. In this case, both fabric and knitting threads are used. The most popular accessory of this type is a woman's bag or a large bedspread.

It is almost universal - any product can be knitted using this technique.


It is considered the most common option. Consists of two pieces of fabric with contrasting colors. Provides the opportunity to create various figures and achieve original combinations.

Usually made from two fabrics in contrasting colors.

Log hut

The formation of patterns is done from stripes around the main element. Most often square. Laying occurs in a spiral. Another variation of this technique is to move the square into a corner.

You can also find another name for it – “Well”. In the English version it is called Log Cabin.

Note! In order for the pattern to be as clear as possible, the pattern must be assembled from strips of the same color. The collection takes place in pairs. It is worth remembering that everything should be in harmony with each other in color.

Crazy patchwork

Translated it means “crazy shred.” The main feature is the use of figures of various shapes. It may be irregular, crooked, or have the appearance of a non-standard appliqué. The seams are masked using braid or special embroidery. The product itself is decorated with various decorative details: beads, buttons or metal pendants.

Crazy – translated from English means crazy”, “crazy”.

Master class on patchwork for beginners

For this type of sewing, fabrics with bright and colorful colors are used. Before you start cutting, it is recommended to iron and wash it.

An interesting variation of patchwork, which implies the absence of any order in creating the finished fabric.

Step-by-step pattern in patchwork style for beginners - pillowcase with a rose:

  1. First of all, square-shaped flaps are prepared. The more blanks, the greater the parameters of the finished product.
  2. Cut a circle from the fabric. Place a bulk filler or piece of material in the center. Fix using machine stitching. The middle of the future masterpiece is ready.
  3. Fold the square pieces diagonally. Take approximately three to five blanks and sew them to the resulting product (around its middle).
  4. Now you should choose pieces of a different color and larger size. Continue sewing them until the desired size flower is formed.
  5. Cut the petals that were sewn in a circle.
  6. Roses are distributed over the pillowcase and secured with a zigzag or tight stitch. The result was an applique called “voluminous rose”.
  7. As an addition, you can use a leaf made of fabric of the appropriate color.

Patchworking style gives old items the opportunity to get a completely new look. Any beginning needlewoman can master the technique.

Patchwork patterns for creating designer pillows

Pillows decorated using one of the patchwork techniques always look very original. They can serve as decoration and fill the living space with special comfort and warmth. Typically, pillow patchwork patterns involve the use of bright fabrics in contrasting shades.

Types of pillows

  • Classic pillow.

Traditional style is by no means boring and monotonous; on the contrary, classic decorative elements are in great demand and therefore are widely used for interior decoration. To make a pillow using the patchwork technique using the classic pattern, you need to select square or rectangular fabric scraps that will be in harmony in tone with the furniture in the room. If you have leftover fabric from curtains, they are perfect for creating a pillow.

Pillows made from patches are widely used for interior decoration.

  • Knitted pillow.

Decorative pillows are perfect for decorating a relaxation area. Knitted round pillows allow you to create a warm, cozy atmosphere in the room. To create a pillow, you need to prepare yarn, foam rubber and crochet hooks. First, the needlewomen knit an openwork pattern, then secure its edges in a small square frame, and after that they begin to connect the opposite sides of the product. The side parts of the pillow are made using the circular knitting method. The finished product is stuffed with foam rubber.

Knitted patchwork pillows are suitable for decorating a relaxation area

  • Denim pillow.

Patchwork patterns and patterns allow you to bring many design ideas to life and make original products for the interior. Fabrics of different compositions and shades are suitable for needlework, and it is not always necessary to purchase new cuts. Old jeans are also quite suitable for making a patchwork pillow; they should be cut into blanks in the shape of squares or rectangles and joined into a product using classical technology.

Denim patch pillow

  • Crazy patchwork pillow.

The most original products are made in this style. For creativity, scraps of fabric in contrasting shades are used, they are cut into pieces of different sizes, and then they are laid out with an ornament. For crazy sewing, craftswomen use various decors, including laces, ribbon and braid.

Crazy patchwork pillow

Schemes for making patchwork pillows

Various handmade items can add special comfort and a unique atmosphere to a living space. It will be difficult for beginning craftswomen to create their first project without outside help in the form of detailed diagrams, job descriptions or master classes. From the proposed schemes, you should choose one that is not very difficult to manufacture, but suitable in color and combination of blanks. The most popular are products that are sewn from scraps in the shape of geometric shapes.

Patchwork patterns for beginners

  1. Square in a square - consists of connecting individual isosceles triangles into square blocks.
  2. Russian square - triangles or stripes are sewn around the main figure.
  3. American square - in the very center of the product there is a main figure, which is surrounded by rectangles of the same width, but of different lengths.

American square pillows

Needlewomen who have already taken their first steps in patchwork can use the following patterns:

  • Diamond – consists of a combination of quadrilaterals and pentagons. To manufacture a product according to this scheme, it is necessary to prepare blanks according to six templates.

Patchwork pattern “Diamond”

  • Mill - consists of a combination of triangular and square elements of different sizes.

Patchwork pattern “Mill”

  • Star - is a beautiful combination of equilateral triangles.

Pattern for patchwork “Star”

Having decided on the technique and execution scheme, the craftswoman prepares patchwork blanks using templates and begins sewing.

Master class on patchwork sewing

We bring to your attention a detailed master class on making a patchwork pillowcase with a three-dimensional “rose”. For needlework, you can use material of any bright colors. Before cutting the blanks, be sure to wash the fabric and iron it.

Step-by-step instructions for the master class

  1. Prepare square-shaped scraps. The size of the finished product will depend on the number and size of the workpieces.
  2. Cut a circle out of fabric. Place a piece of fabric and bulk filling in the very center of the circle, secure the layers with machine stitching. The middle of your product is already ready.
  3. Fold the square pieces diagonally, then take 3-5 resulting pieces and sew them around the middle of the product.
  4. For the next circle, you should select larger squares of a different color. Continue sewing fabric blanks until you have a flower of the intended size.
  5. Trim the sewn petals in a circle.
  6. Distribute the finished flowers over the pillowcase and secure them to the product with a zigzag or tight stitch. We get the “Volume Rose” applique.
  7. The finished bouquet can be supplemented with leaves by making them from scraps of the appropriate shade.

Volumetric rose using patchwork technique

50 original versions of products using the patchwork technique:

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