Types of chairs for schoolchildren, basic requirements for them

If your posture was formed incorrectly in childhood, this can lead not only to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, but also to chronic fatigue, back pain, and poor circulation. The greatest load on the spine occurs while sitting. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right chair for a schoolchild so that it is suitable for height and ensures the formation of normal posture. This piece of furniture plays a big role for the child’s health, because many children spend 8-10 hours a day on it, doing homework, drawing or watching cartoons.

Basic requirements

Most often, the question of how to choose a chair for a schoolchild is asked by parents of first-graders. First of all, it must be suitable for the child’s age. It is not recommended to buy an adult chair for a first grader or for growth. There are certain requirements for such furniture, and only if they are met can curvature of the spine and back pain be avoided.

When choosing chairs for schoolchildren, you need to understand that the spine is formed before the age of 16-18. All this time, the bones grow and are easily subject to deformation. That’s why so many children have scoliosis by the time they graduate from school, and recently many teenagers have even been diagnosed with osteochondrosis. To ensure normal development of posture, it is extremely important to choose the right chair for a first-grader.

Modern schoolchildren spend a long time at the table, which leads to increased stress on the spine. As a result, concentration decreases, fatigue and back pain appear. All this can be avoided if you choose the right chair for a child entering first grade. First of all, you need to pay attention to the basic requirements:

  • in a sitting position, the feet are completely on the floor or stand, and the knees are bent at a right angle;
  • the back is located at the level of the shoulder blades and has a physiological curve to support the lower back;
  • the seat is not very deep, allowing you to lean your elbows freely on the back;
  • durable and stable construction so that the chair does not become loose or break over time;
  • natural and practical materials;
  • the ability to adjust the height so that as the child grows, you do not have to purchase a new product.

Orthopedists recommend that schoolchildren choose a regular chair with simple shapes, a classic seat and back. It is not advisable to purchase swivel chairs with wheels for a first grader. The baby may be distracted, sit on the furniture askew, or move far from the table, which will negatively affect his posture.

When choosing a chair for your home, it is advisable to go with your child. Parents need to make sure that he sits comfortably. In addition, the student himself must like this piece of furniture.


Must be appropriate for the child's age

It is not advisable to purchase swivel chairs with wheels for a first grader.

It is recommended to choose a chair with simple shapes

Which is better: a desk or a school desk?

I. Desk.

The range of desks in furniture showrooms and stores today is so large that it’s easy to get confused. When choosing a suitable “school friend” for their first-grader, parents most often rely on only one factor - the appearance, which, in their opinion, should match the design of the room, the color of the curtains, or fit into the adults’ idea of ​​fashion trends in the equipment of children’s rooms. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because the design of the table, its color or shape is, of course, an important aspect, but not a decisive one, because first of all you need to worry not about the requirements of capricious and fickle fashion, but about the comfort and safety of your own child.

So, what should you pay attention to when choosing a desk?

1. Correct design.

For the healthy and harmonious development of a schoolchild, his desk must meet several criteria, compliance with which will prevent negative consequences for the child’s health, because he will be forced to spend a long time at the table in a sitting position doing homework. So, the depth of the working surface of the table should be at least 60 cm and no more than 80 cm, and the width should be at least one meter. In this case, the correct ratio of the height of the table and chair with the height of the student must be strictly observed:

  • if the child’s height is from 110 to 119 cm, then the height of the table should not exceed 0.52 m, the height of the chair – 0.32 m;
  • if the child’s height is 120 – 129 cm, then the height of the table should be 0.57 m, and the height of the chair – 0.35 m;
  • if the student’s height is from 130 to 139 cm, then the height of the desk should not be more than 0.62 m, and the height of the chair should not be more than 0.38 m.

2. Convenience for a first grader. The child should like the desk, because he will spend more than one hour of his personal time at it.

Therefore, before purchasing school furniture, the future student should be seated at it, ask about his impressions and be sure to pay attention so that the elbows are freely placed on the tabletop, and when sitting on a chair, which must be chosen together with the table, the legs should be at right angles and touch floor. In addition, the table must be spacious and practical, that is, equipped with a sufficient number of drawers for storing school supplies.

3. Material.

If you want to purchase a high-quality table, it is better to choose models made of wood rather than chipboard or plastic. The first material is not durable or practical, and the second can be toxic and harmful to health.

4. Cost.

Prices for desks vary from 3,000 to 50,000 rubles. Preference should be given to models that are not too expensive, since very often children damage the surface of the table in all sorts of ways and means, but at the same time, not the cheapest one, so that it will last for more than one year, but at least until graduation.

And most importantly, when choosing a desk, remember that it is first of all a child’s workplace, and only then an integral part of the room’s interior.

II. Desk for schoolchildren.

Recently, parents increasingly prefer not desks, but modern school desks, which have the main advantage - the ability to adjust the height and angle of the tabletop according to the height and comfort of the child.

But in general, the criteria for choosing a desk and desk are identical, because school furniture has a single function and pursues a single goal - to help the child in the educational process.

Model classification

Many people do not know which chair to choose, since there is a wide variety of models. They all have their own characteristics, pros and cons. Main models:

  1. Desk chair. Has a classic shape. It usually has a steel frame on which a wooden seat and back are attached. Sometimes they can be adjusted in height. Furniture of this shape can also be made of plastic. This is the cheapest, but impractical and not very attractive option.
  2. Computer chairs. Now they have begun to produce them for children. They have the same shape as adult furniture. But they don't always have armrests. In addition, chairs for younger schoolchildren are equipped with stoppers.
  3. Orthopedic chairs. The products are characterized by an anatomical shape with lumbar support, the presence of a footrest, and the ability to adjust the height and tilt of the backrest. Such models, in turn, are divided into computer and ergonomic. Among all the variety, this is the best choice for children. Their disadvantage is their high cost.
  4. Transformable chairs for schoolchildren of different ages. A good option that will last for many years. They are sometimes called growing stools. The transformer may have a steel frame on which a wooden or plastic seat is installed at different heights. Another option is similar to a computer chair. Its soft seat is adjusted on the metal frame using a gas spring. Such products are not cheap, so not all parents can purchase them.

There is also a variety of chairs similar to office ones. They have a beam support that provides good stability. The frame can be made of metal or plastic, and the seat and back can be covered with textiles or leather.

Computer chair

Orthopedic chair

Desk chair

Transformable chair

Advantages and disadvantages

Schoolchildren spend a lot of time at a desk or computer desk, so parents must properly organize their workspace. The beauty of handwriting, vision, but also the health of the spinal column and internal organs depend on this.

The chairs differ from standard office and other models in their lightweight design and orthopedic qualities. With the release of universal models, there is no longer a need to buy chairs for young children, and then teenagers and adults.

Such designs are suitable for different ages . In them you can change the backrest angle, seat height, remove or install armrests, adjust the seat area, creating the correct body position.

Orthopedists recommend such models for those who have problems with the spine, musculoskeletal system, and vision. Reliable chairs will reduce the load on the spine and muscles. If you have problems with the spine, such models are ways to correct and correct your posture.

Disadvantages may appear if the chair is not selected according to age, it does not have adjustment functions, or is made of low-quality material that emits harmful substances.

Types and features of orthopedic chairs

Doctors often recommend that parents purchase an orthopedic chair for their schoolchild. It prevents distortion of posture, and in general it is much more comfortable to sit on than on ordinary furniture. The chair can also be recommended by an orthopedist if the child has any diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Moreover, it is made to order according to individual measurements.

The anatomical chair has a special shape that reduces stress on the muscles and prevents fatigue. The back has curves that allow you to relieve tension from the spine, and the seat has recesses that properly distribute the load and maintain comfort during long-term use. In addition, in such furniture it is possible to adjust the seat height, tilt and backrest position. Often these chairs are available with a footrest. This ensures that the child is correctly seated at the table and helps to form normal posture. Depending on the design, orthopedic furniture has many varieties.


Such models are more expensive than regular computer chairs, although they are similar in appearance. If parents doubt whether to overpay, they need to study the advantages of such furniture:

  • ensure that the child is seated correctly at the table;
  • contribute to the formation of normal posture;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • prevent spinal pathologies and vision impairment;
  • provide comfort even when sitting for a long time.

Orthopedic chairs have a special backrest shape. It is usually curved so that it follows the shape of the spine. Also, the backrest can be double, protecting against fatigue and curvature of posture. Some models have holders that fix the child in the correct position (preventing him from moving). It is not advisable to use such chairs for a long time. They are usually recommended for scoliosis or other spinal problems.

Movable (balancing)

This chair is also called a dancing chair. It received this name because the seat has only one support point - in the middle on a hinge. For this reason it is movable. To sit on it, you need to strain different muscles, including the joints and vestibular apparatus.

Using such a chair will help maintain the child’s health and form correct posture. It strengthens the back muscles, improves coordination of movements, helps to relax and learn to move freely. In addition, completing lessons on it promotes perseverance and improves concentration. After all, the child does not need to be distracted or fidget to find a comfortable position. You can sit on a dancing chair for a long time without noticing fatigue. Sitting on it improves mood and is liked by many children.

With support on your knees

This kneeling chair has an unusual shape. It was developed under the guidance of orthopedist Mendel. While observing many children, the scientist noticed that after a while the sitting child tries to slide to the edge of the seat in order to lower his knees. This helps you relax and reduces stress. The doctor found that the most comfortable seat is one that is tilted forward at an angle of 15 degrees. To prevent slipping, the chair has a knee rest, hence its name.

The advantage of this variety is that the load on the spine is reduced due to the fact that the sitter rests on his legs. A kneeling chair promotes correct posture, improves blood circulation in the thighs, and prevents compression of internal organs. Such products may have different designs. Some have a backrest that allows you to sometimes lean back and relax. For schoolchildren who find it difficult to sit still for a long time, rocking chairs are available on an arc-shaped base. The disadvantage of the design is the fact that it is not recommended for some diseases, so it is important to consult a doctor before use. When sitting for the first time, the child may feel discomfort.

With adjustable backrest and armrests

Many orthopedists recommend that schoolchildren purchase chairs that have adjustment functions. This increases sitting comfort and also prevents spinal curvature. After all, adjustment makes it possible to adjust the parameters of the chair to the characteristics of the child. The back will always be in the right place. In addition, adjusting its tilt allows you to support the spine, reduce the load on the back, and improve blood circulation.

Thanks to the correct shape of the back, the student will not get tired and will be able to concentrate on classes. The ability to adjust the armrests allows it to remain operational in any position. Most often, such chairs are bought by teenagers, as they go better with a computer desk. Design disadvantages: they break more often than classic versions, they are more expensive.

Chairs for schoolchildren

Companies produce many models. Because of this, it is difficult to choose a chair that is optimal for a child and will look harmonious in the room.

A child's seat or chair must be ergonomically designed to ensure proper posture. Scoliosis and stoop are acquired diseases that arise as a result of improper organization of the place for studying. Poor vision, squint, crooked writing - all this is the result of an incorrect position of the table and a low-quality chair.

Must have an ergonomic structure

What should a chair be like?

  • Children's chairs should be moderately hard. A seat that is too soft can put stress on the spine. However, extra rigidity is also not needed. The seat and back should be of moderate rigidity to make sitting comfortable and comfortable. A hard surface can have a negative impact on your health.
  • Comfortable seating is the key to health. Chairs with seat height and depth adjustment functions and back support are suitable for children of all ages. The models promote the proper development of the spine and prevent the formation of scoliosis and osteochondrosis.

Children's chairs should be moderately hard

  • The back of the seat should follow the natural curve of the spine. Otherwise, the back will get tired and the child will feel uncomfortable sitting. It should be no lower than the shoulder blades.
  • The presence of additional functions: height adjustment, knee and back support will contribute to the proper development of the spine. The angle in a sitting position between the lower leg and thigh should be 90 degrees. Knees should not be higher than hip level.
  • The distance between the bent knees and the edge of the chair should be at least 2 cm. It can be adjusted using the function of raising the chair up.
  • In a sitting position, your feet should rest on the floor and be under your knees. If the chair is high in height, the legs will not reach the floor and he will take the wrong posture.

Armrests are not recommended for children's models unless they are height adjustable. The moment the child leans on them, tension occurs in the back muscles.

The seat back should follow the natural curve of the spine

Child seats produced by manufacturers can be divided into several categories, depending on the age of the child:

  • For children from four to eight years old . At this age they become more persevering. They can spend a lot of time at the table, doing what they love. At this age, light and mobile furniture is suitable, which he can move around the room, placing it in the right places. If you choose models with wheels, they must be fixed.
  • For children from eight to twelve years old . They spend a long time doing lessons and other activities. You need to choose a model that can be transformed. Adjustments to the backrest and height are important;
  • For teenagers and adults . Models are equipped with greater opportunities to change the position of the backrest, height, remove and put on armrests. At this age, the skeleton is already practically formed, so the furniture should be selected accordingly: orthopedic to correct posture or regular.

Comfortable seating is the key to health

There are many types of computer chairs for schoolchildren. They can be equipped with different functions and additional equipment. These parameters are used to distinguish between subjects that are suitable for schoolchildren and those that are not.

For younger children, models are made in bright colors. They are equipped with additional equipment. These can be removable armrests, knee rests. Some models are made in the form of animals, cars. Such options improve your mood and make classes more fun.

Once a child starts school or reaches the age of 7-8 years, he needs a high chair that will fit the desk.

Such models must be adjustable in height and seat area, and backrest tilt. Rare models are equipped with wheels.

In pastel colors

Manufacturers offer chairs for teenagers that resemble office models. They are equipped with everything necessary to make sitting at the table comfortable. Considering that children at this age spend a lot of time at a computer desk, the chair on which they sit should be comfortable and ergonomic.


  • setting seat height;
  • removable armrests;
  • backrest tilt adjustment.

Recently, manufacturers have begun to produce universal models. They differ from regular ones with advanced functionality:

For the little ones

  • There are grooves on the main frame of the structure with which you can set the height of the backrest. Such models are suitable for both middle-aged children and teenagers. They are called growing;
  • The seat tilt and height are adjustable. Regardless of the height of the table, the chair can be raised to the desired level, creating a comfortable environment for the student. The tilt of the back ensures the correct position of the back;
  • lateral back support is a feature that prevents the child from sitting at the table with an incorrect back position. There are small bolsters on both sides of the back that support your back;
  • the back is made in such a way that it follows the natural curves of the spine.

This model is suitable for middle-aged children

Upholstery selection

If you are choosing a children's orthopedic chair, you need to pay attention to its upholstery. It should be made of hypoallergenic materials that are easy to clean. It is also worth paying attention to the colors. The main thing is that the child likes it and matches the interior of the room. Pink, blue, light options are recommended for girls, blue, gray and even black for boys.

Practicality is the most important parameter of children's furniture. After all, it often gets dirty, so it needs to be able to be cleaned quickly. In addition, the upholstery must be durable to withstand frequent washing. To do this, you need to choose furniture with removable covers that can be easily removed and cleaned.

It is also important to pay attention to the safety of the furniture. The upholstery should be breathable and not cause skin irritation. A good option are textile materials that are breathable and absorb moisture. Leather products are undesirable, especially in summer, as they can cause excessive sweating.



Chair for a schoolchild. How to choose a chair for a schoolchild and not make a mistake?

Manufacturers offer many interesting options for kids and teenagers. It’s worth noting right away that buying school furniture “to grow into” is a bad idea. This is a serious harm to health with the prospect of such consequences as scoliosis, joint diseases, and respiratory dysfunction. Give preference to ergonomic models that are designed taking into account anatomical features and meet the following requirements:

  • adjustable back and seat height;
  • rotatable seat;
  • upholstery made of synthetic material with the addition of cotton or viscose;
  • lack of armrests (when the child leans on them, he relaxes his back).

It is not recommended to purchase a large and soft chair for a schoolchild - there is a high risk of spinal curvature and back pain. The upholstery of the chair should not be made of natural or artificial leather: these materials do not allow air to pass through well and can cause discomfort. It is advisable to choose models with removable covers, which facilitate the maintenance process and can be easily replaced in case of damage.

TU - technical conditions for school furniture provide for rounded corners of tabletops, increased stability of tables and chairs, the presence of a mechanism for adjusting the supports according to uneven floors, and edging of tabletops with ABS plastic edges. The service life of high-quality school products is at least 5 years. Before purchasing, it is recommended to read reviews about the selected manufacturer and its products.

How to determine the correct body position on a chair

All furniture for schoolchildren should be comfortable. It is important that when doing lessons the spine does not experience heavy load. This can only be achieved if the correct position of the student in the chair is ensured. To check whether the chosen furniture suits him, you need to know what points to pay attention to.

There are several criteria, the observance of which ensures the formation of normal posture and prevents fatigue:

  • feet stand completely on the floor or on a special stand;
  • the knees are bent at a right angle, the seat does not rest against the popliteal fold;
  • the hip line and back should also create a right angle;
  • the back is straight, the lower back is slightly curved forward;
  • hands lie freely on the table, elbows bent at right angles;
  • a fist should pass between the table top and the chest;
  • The seat of the chair is firm but comfortable.

The back of the chair should end no lower than the middle of the shoulder blades; it is better if it has a bend that does not allow the child to hunch over.

Modern solutions

It is no secret that nowadays science and technological developments are developing quite rapidly. And today, the regulating chair for schoolchildren has been replaced by a dancing one.

Its design is completely different from other chairs. This is a seat that has a hinged leg in the center and no backrest at all. You won’t be able to sit quietly on such a chair; you constantly have to keep your balance on it.

But, according to the inventors, it is this kind of chair that helps maintain excellent posture. When balance is maintained, almost all the muscles of the body contract, so they help keep the spine in constant tone. And as they say, this has a great effect on the child’s health.

The choice of furniture for school-age children can be very diverse. It all depends on the parents and of course the child himself. The best models can be found in the catalog under the category chair for schoolchildren from IKEA.

Are armrests needed?

According to orthopedists, the correct chair for a first-grader does not have armrests, since when writing, the hands should lie flat on the tabletop. Contrary to this, many parents buy an office chair for their child, believing that it will be more convenient for him to do his homework. But in reality, it turns out that children lean on one armrest or another, which causes the spine to bend.

For teenagers who work a lot at the computer, you can purchase such a chair with armrests, especially if the student has a special table. After all, the keyboard stand prevents them from placing their hands on the tabletop. For this reason, they may become numb and tired. Armrests are also useful if the child's chair is used for reading or watching movies. They are needed to prevent your elbows from being suspended.

The armrests must be adjustable so that the arms are bent at a right angle. You also need to make sure that they do not rest against the table. The length of the products should be about 25 cm and the width – 5-7 cm. It is advisable that they be removable.

Components of a chair/cross for a schoolchild

  • Back and seat
  • Wheels
  • Armrests

The back and seat should be comfortable and ergonomic. Adjustable, securely fixed in both height and depth. The back and hips should form a right angle.

The covering material is chosen for the convenience of both the student and his parents. A chair covered with genuine leather is the best option - the child’s body does not sweat, the upholstery does not get dirty, but high-quality artificial leather is sometimes not inferior in its properties, and is much cheaper.

An alternative to leather is textiles. Modern fabrics are impregnated with water and dirt-repellent compounds, which increases the service life of furniture.

The main requirement for wheels is stability. Respectable manufacturers equip the wheels with locks. For many parents, wheels are a disadvantage when choosing a chair, because... This distracts the child from studying, but blocking can save the situation.

Fixation of the chair can be automatic or mechanical. Parents themselves fix the desired position, unlocking occurs automatically when the weight is more than 30 kg.

As for the armrests, experts have different opinions. Younger schoolchildren lean on one side or the other, which creates incorrect posture and deforms the spine. Armrests are not contraindicated for high school students.

Choosing a chair for a schoolchild, taking into account his height, weight and physique, is the key to health and correct posture. An adjustable chair will prevent your fragile spine from becoming deformed.

In comfortable conditions, the student completes his homework faster and does not lose attention and sensitivity due to fatigue. Check the adjustment settings twice a year, because schoolchildren grow so quickly. Excellent performance and good choice to you, reader!

Tips for choosing based on the child's age

To determine how to choose the right chair for a schoolchild, you need to take into account his age and height. For example, it is not advisable for a first-grader to purchase a computer office chair, even if it is height adjustable. But you can’t put a teenager in a transformable highchair. In addition, orthopedists under 14 years of age do not recommend buying models with wheels, with a rotating mechanism and with armrests. These elements are suitable for computer chairs, which it is advisable to use from adolescence.

It is very important that the height of the chair matches the height of the child. Typically, first-graders are 110-120 cm tall. They need chairs 30-32 cm high, but it is better to check these parameters by sitting the child on the furniture and looking at his legs. Your feet should be on the floor and your knees should be at right angles. If it turns out to be sharp, you need to choose a higher chair. The problem is that the child will grow quickly, and before graduating from school he will have to change the furniture at least 4 times. For this reason, a height-adjustable chair is a good option.

How to choose the right chair: basic criteria

A good chair for a schoolchild must meet certain criteria:

  1. The chair should have a back, ideally an orthopedic one. To choose a chair that suits your child, try “trying it on”: in a sitting position, the child’s hips and back should form a right angle.
  2. It is desirable that the seat be depth adjustable. Sometimes children have to do homework for 2-3 hours or longer, and with the ability to adjust the backrest to the “closer or further” position, the child will be less tired.
  3. If you are going to use the chair for a long time, you should choose a model whose height is adjustable. As an option: you can buy a regular chair and a footrest for it. In any case, the student’s feet should be on the floor while doing homework, and not hanging in the air. But, if the student is not a model of perseverance, the stand risks becoming a nuisance that distracts attention: an active child will constantly kick and turn it over.
  4. Children love chairs and armchairs with swivel wheels. But it is better to choose a model that does not rotate around its own axis - possible trips around the children's room are very distracting. You can find a compromise if your child absolutely wants a chair with wheels - consider a model with mechanical or automatic wheel locking. The mechanical locking is regulated by adults; the automatic locking will work itself if a person weighing more than 30 kilograms sits on the chair.

Regarding armrests—whether they are needed for a schoolchild’s chair or not—expert opinions differ. Some pediatricians believe that a properly positioned armrest that does not violate the shoulder line helps the child keep his back straight. But there is another opinion, especially true for primary school students: armrests that are too high raise the student’s shoulders to an unnatural position, disrupting posture.

If you choose a chair with armrests, it is better to purchase a model whose armrests are adjustable to suit the child’s height. The height of the armrests should be such that the student’s hands are on the tabletop.

Types of chairs for a schoolchild’s workplace: advantages, disadvantages, average prices

The table below shows the best and most popular types of chairs for schoolchildren: their pros, cons and average prices.

More details about each type of chairs for schoolchildren:


The same chairs that are in most Russian schools. The frame of the models is usually metal, less often plastic. Classic chairs are durable, but short-lived: their size cannot be adjusted as the child grows, and the schoolchild will outgrow such a chair in 1-2 years. It makes sense to choose a classic model if there is more than one child in the family - a simple but strong chair will last several years for all children in turn.

Computer (with wheels)

Photo: globusmebel26.ru

Withstands weight up to 60-70 kilograms. For chairs with wheels, everything that is necessary is adjustable: the height and depth of the seat, the angle of the backrest. The wheels of the models are usually fixed; the chair can only roll forward and backward. Models without armrests are produced especially for elementary school students.

Transformable chairs

Photo: fundesk.ru

“Grows” with the child: such a chair can last from first grade to graduation. The seats of transformable chairs are attached to a steel frame, so the models are durable not only due to their ability to “grow”, but also due to their strength.

Orthopedic chairs

Photo: orto-stul.com

The best option for preventing and correcting existing problems with the spine. Orthopedic models cost a lot, but they fully justify their price: they support the spine in the correct position, relax the back, and evenly distribute the load throughout the body.

An orthopedic chair can be selected taking into account the characteristics of a particular child: there are models with knee support - for children with the habit of sliding onto the edge of the seat; models with a removable footrest; models in the form of a rocking chair, developing the ability to maintain balance.

Reliable manufacturers

To choose the best chair, you need to study the rating of such furniture. You can find models on sale at different prices. It is important to pay attention that such products are certified, made of high-quality materials, and meet all the requirements of orthopedists. It is recommended to pay attention to the best manufacturers of children's chairs:

  1. Moll is a German company that produces quality products. Such chairs allow the child to sit comfortably and protect against postural distortion. They are practical, safe, made of hypoallergenic materials.
  2. Kettler - a feature of the manufacturer’s furniture is that it is reliable, stable and can withstand a lot of weight. The chairs have orthopedic properties, have an ergonomic shape, adjustment functions, and removable covers.
  3. Paidi is a company that produces the best growing furniture for children from Germany. It is popular all over the world as it adapts to the characteristics of any child.
  4. Mealux is a company known for soft chairs with adjustable seat height. The back follows the curves of the spine. The products are durable, practical, comfortable.

Choosing a chair for a child is difficult, but it is very important to do it correctly. This will help maintain his health, improve his academic performance and form an even posture. It is important that the furniture is conducive to doing homework, but at the same time creates an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.





The main properties of a chair for a schoolchild


The chair should be strong and durable. A product with a metal base will last longer than others. If your chair has wheels, choose one with 5 supports and the wheels are equipped with locks


Ecological materials and paint and varnish coatings are the key to safe operation.


Washable coating or ease of care – excellent quality of the chair


The baby should be comfortable. Don't buy a chair to grow into. Pay attention to the depth, shape and height of the chair, as well as the ability to adjust.


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