Russia is a backward country. Prall test. Abrasion of asphalt. Ch1

Characteristics of ShMA-15

Crushed stone-mastic ShMA-15 differs from conventional asphalt concrete in its rather rigid frame structure in the coating. Such a frame transfers the load to the lower layers of the coating through large particles of crushed stone in contact with each other. What does this give? The deformation of the pavement in all directions is significantly reduced, that is, maximum resistance of the road surface to the effects of traffic flow is achieved.

In addition, ShchMA-15, purchased from us at a low price with delivery, has the following characteristics:

  • Increased moisture resistance;
  • The durability of the finished coating is two to three times higher than that of conventional asphalt;
  • High coefficient of adhesion, constantly stable;
  • Reduced aquaplaning effect;
  • Reduced noise level when vehicles move on the road;
  • Full compliance with GOST is confirmed by official documents.

Application of crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete ShMA-15

Compacted crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete ShMA-15 is used for the construction and major repairs of the top layers of road surfaces. It is used to create high-quality and reliable asphalt paving of city streets, playgrounds and squares, airfields, etc.

Delivery of ShMA-15 to clients

Call us at A&K, and our managers will help you place an order for ShMA-15 and answer all questions about the purchase, delivery and use of the material. Delivery is carried out to all cities of the Moscow region.

Among the varieties of asphalt pavements, crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete stands out; it is distinguished by increased elasticity, water resistance and shear resistance. The stabilizing components used in the manufacture of the material make the coating rough and resistant to delamination.

The material was developed in the 60s of the 20th century in Germany and quickly spread throughout the world. More than a dozen types of SMA are represented abroad, but in our country there are only three - SMA 10, 15 and 20 are represented.

Technical characteristics and properties

The technical characteristics and properties of asphalt depend on the amount and type of filler and other impurities. All artificial asphalt mixtures are divided into plastic, crushed stone, gravel, sand and others, as well as into types of preparation - cold, hot and warm. All of them can be dense, porous or highly porous and have different qualities and indicators.


Each type of asphalt has its own GOST, which specifies all its technical standards. Asphalt laying is also carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9128 2009.

Specific and volumetric gravity

The specific and volumetric gravity of asphalt are approximately equal. They are measured in kg/m3 in the MKGSS system.

How much does a cube of asphalt weigh?

When paving roads, it is important to know how much a cube of asphalt weighs, so as not to overuse the material. The mass of a cubic meter varies depending on the type of composition used. To determine the exact weight, you should resort to special tables or contact the manufacturer, whose representatives are required to provide all the necessary information. Approximately one cubic meter weighs 1.2 tons.


The density of natural asphalt is 1.1 g/cm?. kg. The density of artificial asphalt - asphalt concrete depends on its composition and compaction; for fine-grained it will be the highest, after cast.

The compaction coefficient of the asphalt pavement should be at least 0.93% 10 days after the work.


The load on the road surface determines the thickness of the asphalt and the type of mixture. Therefore, before laying, they look at the specifics of the road and take into account the expected traffic intensity on it. On average, a new asphalt surface has a thickness of 9 cm, while the thickness of the lower leveling surface is 5 cm, and 4 cm of the upper one.

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