Departmental building standards instructions for the construction of coatings and bases from crushed stone gravel and sand materials treated with organic binders

The main properties of soils that influence the technology and labor intensity of their development include density, moisture, and loosening.

The main properties of soils that affect labor intensity and are: humidity, loosening and density (important for).

Soil moisture is the degree to which it is saturated with water. It is defined as the ratio of the mass of water in the soil itself to the mass of its solid particles. Humidity is expressed as a percentage. With a humidity of less than 5%, soils are considered dry, and with more than 30% - wet. The complexity of soil development increases with increasing soil moisture. But the only exception is clay: dry clay is more difficult to develop. But with decent humidity, clay soils become sticky, which greatly complicates their development.

Density is the mass of one cubic meter of soil in a dense body (natural state). Unconsolidated soils have a density from 1.2 to 2.1 tons/m3, rocky soils - up to 3.3 tons/m3.

During development, the soil loosens, increasing in volume. It is this amount of soil that is transported by dump trucks to the place of disposal or storage. This phenomenon is called the initial loosening of the soil, and is characterized by the coefficient of initial loosening (Kp), which is the ratio of the volume of already loosened soil to its volume in its natural state.

In an embankment, loose soil is compacted by the action of the mass of overlying soil or by mechanical compaction, wetting by rain, traffic, etc. Only the soil does not occupy the volume that it occupied for a long time before development. It retains residual loosening, which is measured by the coefficient of residual loosening (Kor).

The coefficient of initial loosening of soils, as well as density indicators, are given by category in the table.

From the above it follows that when calculating the total cost of the work, it is necessary to know the geometric dimensions of the future pit. In this case, the initial loosening coefficient must be multiplied by the volume of soil in the future quarry. It is this amount of soil that will be developed and removed from the construction site for storage or disposal. And it is this figure that is multiplied by the cost of developing, loading and transporting one cubic meter of soil.

The process of building a country or country house involves a large number of different construction works. One of them is making a pit for the foundation of a building. It includes several separate stages, such as marking the area, removing the required volume of soil, and transporting the excavated soil outside the construction site for the purpose of its further disposal or storage. In this article we will discuss such a concept as soil loosening coefficient.

Often one of the tasks of pre-design and design calculations is to determine the necessary costs for each specific type of work. This is because excavation work often involves hiring heavy construction equipment, which contributes significantly to the overall cost of construction. How can one calculate the amount of time required for the operation of vehicles of one or another carrying capacity required in order to extract the removed soil when digging a pit and transport it outside the territory of the site?

How much sand, crushed stone and cement are in a cube of concrete?

Builders can calculate the consumption of materials per 1 m3 of concrete M200 or another grade using specially created proportions. The ratio is influenced by the quality of the initial components, the strength of the structure specified by the engineering plan and its operational needs. Independently making deviations in the parameters specified by GOST per cubic meter of concrete solution is unsafe and is fraught with premature destruction of the structure.

Calculation of crushed stone for the foundation

First, we determine the required amount of crushed stone per cubic meter. For example, the thickness of the layer should be 20 cm. Next, we obtain the volume using the formula: multiply the width by the length and height, that is, in this case, 1 m x 1 m x 0.2 m = 0.2 m3.

Multiply the resulting number by the specific gravity of crushed stone and the compaction coefficient. In this case, 0.2 m3 x 1.47 t (for crushed granite) x 1.3 = 0.382 m3. This is the consumption of material per cubic meter of foundation. Multiply this number by the total area of ​​the foundation - and you will find out the exact amount of crushed stone that will be needed to create the entire structure.

Concrete for the foundation must be at least M300 or class B25

The composition of such concrete in proportions is as follows:

  • – Cement M 400 -380kg
  • – Crushed stone - 1080 kg
  • – Sand - 705 kg
  • – Water 220l.

This is the consumption per 1 m3

Concrete mix composition

Builders have identified a standard list of concrete mortar components for a foundation or other purpose. It contains cement of the appropriate grade, a given mass of medium-ground crushed stone, a compactor in the form of sand and a certain volume of water that is required. If necessary, chemical-based components are added. These include plasticizers or frost-resistant additives. It is recommended to regulate the amount of other ingredients.

Standards and requirements for concrete are specified in GOST 27006-86.

Determination of the compaction coefficient of a crushed stone cushion after compaction using the wedging method

In the construction of railways, ballast mixtures in accordance with GOST are used, consisting of sand and gravel or only gravel. ALP made from crushed building materials is used in the production of concrete, as well as in bedding and foundations during the construction of buildings. Bulk materials during construction are placed in an amount equal to the product of the size of the largest particles multiplied by 1.5. One laying layer must be at least 10 cm. The average coefficient of natural compaction of bulk mixtures is 1.2, i.e.

Bulk building mixtures are used in the construction of structures. During transportation, unloading and storage, the dumped material is compacted.

For an ASG of optimal composition with a grade of crushed stone, the compaction safety factor is assumed to be 1.25–1.3. The slag reserve coefficient is assumed to be 1.3–1.5. When laying soil layer-by-layer, the density of each level is controlled.

Using a density meter or penetrometer, you can check the compaction of sand at a construction site. An electromagnetic density meter is an electronic device that measures density using electromagnetic radiation. It is able to provide characteristics of granulometry, humidity, and determine the limits of plasticity and fluidity.

In the materials used in the construction of foundations, their amount reaches twenty percent. The mixtures used to make coatings differ in their ten percent content of such particles. The production process for the production of AGP is ensured by special processing plants, on the conveyor lines of which sand and crushed stone are crushed, cleaned and sifted until they are given the required quality standards. Production is simple and affordable, which ultimately determines the final prices for building materials.

The mixture is a crushed product, has grains of different sizes, which determines its fractions, on which the scope of use depends:. ShchPS of various types are durable building materials with a good density, which allows them to be used for outdoor work. Since the material has an affordable price and absorbs moisture well, it is popular and is widely used as a universal raw material. ShchPS is considered an indispensable material when arranging various sites and paths for crane movement.

When performing any special construction work, the specific gravity of gravel and crushed stone is allowed to increase to seventy percent or more.

Due to its qualities, the building material has gained popularity and has become in demand at almost every facility.

ShchPS in road works

Save your name and email for the next time you comment. Home Crushed stone. Contents 1 General characteristics 2 Basic properties 2. The problem is not only that there is no method, but that the method cannot be created.

ShchPS in construction

The contractor is almost right, you are almost wrong. The compaction of the top layer is determined qualitatively according to SNiP by crumbling crushed stone, waves, etc. The customer had to provide the contractor with a non-standard methodology for quantitative assessment.

Yes, everything is bad with these methods in the Russian Federation.

Calculation of quantity per 1 cubic meter

Consumption per 1 m3 of concrete is calculated from the proportion of the main components. Based on the required quantity, the solution is mixed from individual ingredients or based on a sand-gravel mixture. According to the standard, the ratio of cement, sand grains, gravel and liquid is 1: 2: 4: 0.5. The quantitative consumption of cement per 1 m3 of concrete or other ingredients varies depending on the quality of the selected initial mixture products. According to the builders, the weight of the finished cube of the mixture is 1.5-1.8 tons. You can find out the exact weight for planning transportation and time for mixing by calculating how many square meters of the building need to be poured.

There are certain proportions for the components of the mixture that make it possible to produce high-quality material.

Cement component

The amount of cement affects the strength of the finished product. The choice of brand depends on the future loads of the finished structure. Being a substance with astringent properties, the number of bags of cement is strictly regulated. As the brand increases, the quantitative value decreases. It is not recommended to change the ratio specified by the manufacturer without permission. The weight of one cubic meter of the finished mixture depends on the rate of cement consumption for preparation. A well-selected component guarantees the durability of the structure and the absence of cracks on the surface.

The amount of material depends on its brand and the purpose of the finished product.

Crushed stone or gravel

The correct consistency and compliance with the parameters is achieved by the addition of solid particles. Builders use gravel or its analogue - crushed stone. The recommended size of crushed stone grains is up to 70 mm. Fractions are designed to fill small air clots in concrete. The amount of crushed stone in 1 cube depends on kg of cement. On average, it accounts for up to 20 percent of the weight of all dry components. The ratio of sand and crushed stone in concrete also correlates with the size of the fractions. As a rule, the latter is 1.5-2 times more sand grains.

Sand as a sealant

Small particles are designed to fill the voids between crushed stone or gravel. The result is a natural sealant. In a cubic meter of concrete, the ratio of sand and cement is 1:2. If there is a need for a batch with special characteristics, the proportion changes and the number of particles in the composition increases. Changes require careful calculation of the amount per square meter of construction or per cubic meter of liquid mixture.

Liquid for mixing

The consumption rate of concrete M300 or M200 directly depends on the consistency. The quantitative standard is set by the property of the finished solution - plasticity. A specified number of liters of water are used to stir and combine the dry ingredients. On average, it takes twice as much cement. Process water cannot be used because it contains impurities. The liquid is added at the end in small parts, adjusting the fluidity. Builders warn: too much water leads to inconvenience during work and loss of concrete quality.

Material consumption per 1 m3 of concrete: optimal proportion, calculation features and recommendations

The optimal ratio of the constituent components of concrete is considered to be cement 1 hour: sand 3 hours: crushed stone 5 hours. If you adhere to this proportion and do not violate the technology, the finished structure will differ:

When drawing up proportions, you need to take into account several important points that have been tested in practice. Remember that the number of components used will exceed the resulting volume of the finished product. If it is necessary to lay reinforcement, choose exclusively high-quality grades of concrete. Of course, in this case, an increase in material consumption will be required, but you cannot skimp on quality.

If there is a significant error and there is insufficient amount of cement, the bond between the ingredients will be disrupted, as a result of which the structure will collapse very quickly under load. It can be damaged even when exposed to adverse weather conditions or an aggressive climate. In the individual construction of small buildings, concrete M is most often used, which has good compressive strength.

To create a high-quality mixture M, we need cement grade M. This solution is poured: Mortar mixture grade M is most often used when installing massive monolithic foundations, walls and load-bearing floors.

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Here it is better to use grade M cement. Experienced builders advise preparing a small amount of concrete at home in order to experimentally determine the required density. In addition, a feature of mortar materials is that they set very quickly, so a large volume of the mixture may simply not have time to be worked out.

When mixing the concrete composition, the volume of the mixture decreases noticeably.

In construction, concrete grades are used that are designed to create products that perform specific functions in building frames. The parameters of concrete structures and their compliance with the tasks assigned to them depend on compliance with the volume and weight ratio of the components in concrete. Errors in establishing the proportions that make up a concrete batch lead to problems, even if ready-made concrete mix is ​​used. Cement is a binding powder.

To prevent the formation of technological voids in the finished construction elements after hardening, gravel of various calibers should be used. The normal size of sand grains that enter the solution is considered to be particles of 3.5 mm. In addition, the sand should not contain clay impurities, which could cause the mixture to lose its strength.

Make sure that the water for pouring the screed is clean and does not contain foreign suspensions of silt, algae, or dirt. The plasticity index of concrete and its strength after hardening depend on the amount of water.

Remember that it is much easier to add water than bulk ingredients, so add the liquid gradually. The smaller the size of the solution ingredients, the greater the water consumption in each cube of the mixture.

Types of concrete mixtures

Before determining how much sand and cement, water and crushed stone in a cube of concrete, you need to decide what mixture is needed. Depending on the scope of application and technical characteristics, there are three types of concrete solutions, which differ in certain parameters and are included in the mixture in different volumes.

Main types of concrete solutions:

  • Lightweight - the weight of one cubic meter of the mixture varies from 500 to 1800 kilograms. Usually the composition includes perlite, shell rock, expanded clay or other soft rocks. The main role in the solution is played by sand, which needs about 500 kilograms per cubic meter. Ordinary crushed stone is rarely used. The volume ratio of 5 mm fraction aggregate and sand in one cube of concrete is difficult to determine; it is usually 1:2. So, to mix expanded clay concrete, take at least 500 kilograms of sand and 250-600 kilograms of expanded clay.
  • Heavy concrete - the mass of a cubic meter ranges from 1600-2600 kilograms. The most popular and widespread type of concrete in private construction. Coarse-grained filler is used in the batch (in most cases, the choice falls in favor of ordinary crushed stone or gravel). The amount of crushed stone per 1 cubic meter of concrete directly depends on the required grade of mixture (for example, about 1200 kilograms are taken for 1 m3 of M200 concrete).
  • Extra-heavy concrete is the strongest; the approximate weight of one cubic meter can reach or exceed 3000 kilograms. Usually crushed rocks with a high density index are introduced into the composition as fillers: hematite, berite, magnetite. Metal scraps are also added. As a rule, such a solution is not prepared with your own hands, but is ordered from the factory. For private construction, the use of solutions of this type is not relevant (unreasonably expensive).

When calculating how much crushed stone is needed for one cubic meter of concrete, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the structure/building and the required grade of mortar. Typically, secondary, lime, slag, and granite crushed stone is used in batches. Gravel is also used.

Craftsmen often use the rule: the grade of filler must be at least 2 times higher than the required grade of concrete solution. That is, if you need to get concrete M300, the grade of screenings or gravel must have a strength index of at least M600.

In many ways, the calculated weight of crushed stone depends on the fraction. Therefore, before pouring the material into the solution, be sure to check its weight again.


  • Loosening
    is an increase in the volume of soil during excavation and development.
  • Humidity
    is the ratio of the mass of water contained in the soil to the mass of solid particles.
    It is determined as a percentage:
    the soil is considered dry when the humidity is less than 5%, above 30% is wet, in the range from 5 to 30% is normal humidity. The wetter the composition, the more labor-intensive the process of removing it, with the exception of clay (the drier it is, the more difficult it is to develop; too wet, it becomes viscous and sticky).
  • Density
    – the mass of 1 m3 of soil in a dense (natural) state. The densest and heaviest rocks, the lightest are sandy and sandy loam soils.
  • Cohesion
    is the value of shear resistance, sandy and sandy loam soils have an indicator of
    3–50 kPa
    , clays, loams —
    5–200 kPa

Based on building codes and regulations (SNIP), the coefficient of soil loosening (initial), the density indicator in accordance with the category, are given in the table:

Having analyzed the table, we can say that the initial soil loosening coefficient is directly proportional to the density range; in other words, the more dense and heavy the soil under natural conditions, the greater its volume during development.

There are also calculations of the coefficient of residual soil loosening, the result determines

, the extent to which the soil lends itself to sedimentation during caking, contact with water or compaction. In construction, these calculations are of great importance for determining the amount of material needed, and they are also taken into account when storing and recycling land.

NameInitial increase in volume after development, %Residual loosening, %
Clay scrap28


Gravel and pebble16




Loess soft18


Loess hard24






Solonchak, solonetz




light, loess-like18


Sandy loam12-173-5
Chernozem, chestnut22-285-7

The procedure for selecting the composition of concrete

The amount of concrete is usually measured in cubic meters. Therefore, the proportions of the required ingredients are calculated per cubic meter of solution. In order to prepare the correct mixture, they calculate how much crushed stone, sand and cement are needed per 1 cubic meter of concrete.

How to perform calculations (according to GOST 27006):

  • Clarification of the properties and characteristics of all components (name, fraction, etc.)
  • Creation of a trial batch of concrete solution with careful sampling and testing
  • Determination of the dependence of the quality of the concrete mixture on the performance of individual components
  • Calculation of the optimal nominal composition (economical cement consumption must be taken into account)

Before calculating the amount of cement, sand and crushed stone per cube of concrete, it is necessary to determine the requirements for the mixture based on its purpose. This also affects the type of crushed stone used.

Types of crushed stone and purpose of concrete mortar:

  • Limestone is a filler suitable for creating reinforced concrete products; it is obtained by crushing sedimentary rocks
  • Gravel – relevant for all popular brands used in the production of buildings and monolithic structures
  • Slag – suitable for repair and improvement of roads and other objects
  • Granite is crushed crushed stone, which is suitable for filling voids and monolithic structures
  • Recycled crushed stone - it is obtained by crushing various construction waste; it is not suitable for important structures and tasks

Types of crushed stone and technical characteristics

Various crushed stones can be used for construction. Manufacturers offer different types of it, the properties of which differ from each other. Today, based on the type of raw material, crushed stone is usually divided into 4 large groups:

  • gravel;
  • granite;
  • dolomite, i.e. limestone;
  • secondary.

To make granite material, the appropriate rock is used. This is a non-metallic material that is obtained from hard rock. Granite is solidified magma that is very hard and difficult to process. Crushed stone of this type is manufactured in accordance with GOST 8267-93. The most popular is crushed stone with a fraction of 5/20 mm, as it can be used for a variety of works, including the manufacture of foundations, roads, platforms and other things.

Crushed gravel is a bulk construction material that is obtained by crushing stony rock or rock in quarries. The strength of the material is not as high as that of crushed granite, but its cost is lower, as is the background radiation. Today it is common to distinguish between two types of gravel:

  • crushed type of crushed stone;
  • gravel of river and sea origin.

According to the fraction, gravel is classified into 4 large groups: 3/10, 5/40, 5/20, 20/40 mm. The material is used for preparing various building mixtures as a filler; it is considered indispensable for mixing concrete, building foundations, and paths.

Crushed limestone is made from sedimentary rock. As the name implies, the raw material is limestone. The main component is calcium carbonate, the cost of the material is one of the lowest.

The fractions of this crushed stone are divided into 3 large groups: 20/40, 5/20, 40/70 mm.

It can be used in the glass industry, in the manufacture of small reinforced concrete structures, and in the preparation of cement.

Recycled crushed stone has the lowest cost. It is made from construction waste, for example, asphalt, concrete, brick.

The advantage of crushed stone is its low cost, but in terms of its main characteristics it is much inferior to the other three types, so it is rarely used and only in cases where strength is not of great importance.

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How much crushed stone is needed for 1 cubic meter of concrete?

When trying to understand how many cubes of sand and crushed stone are consumed per 1 cube of concrete, you must first study the most common mixing recipes. The water/sand ratio in the overall composition changes in accordance with the crushed stone fraction. For the main types of filler there are corresponding proportions, which can be found in tables or special online calculators.

So, if we take a standard crushed stone fraction of 20 millimeters and a material density within 1400 kg/m3, the mass will be about 1200 kilograms. Other components will fill the voids, ensuring quality adhesion. The rule works subject to the calculation of dry components and standard grain size. The volume of water in this mixture is standard.

It turns out that to prepare one cubic meter of ready-made concrete solution, 1206 kilograms of crushed stone (0.816 m3), 220 kilograms of water (0.22 m3) are taken.

To mix a cubic meter of concrete grade M300 using cement grade M400 you need:

  • 385 kilograms (0.296 m3) of cement
  • 1207 kilograms (0.816 m3) of ordinary crushed stone
  • 504 kilograms (0.336 m3) of sand
  • 215 liters of clean water

An example of calculating the soil loosening coefficient

The application of the coefficients of initial and residual loosening of soils in practice can be considered using a calculation example. Let's assume that there is a need to excavate the soil for a foundation pit for a deep strip foundation with subsequent backfilling of a gravel cushion. The soil on the site is wet sand. The width of the pit is 1 meter, the total length of the foundation strip is 40 meters, the depth of the pit is 1.5 meters, the thickness of the gravel cushion after compaction is 0.3 meters.

  • We find the volume of the pit, and, consequently, the soil in its natural state:

V k = 40 · 1 · 1.5 = 60 m 3.

  • Using the coefficient of initial soil loosening, we determine its volume after development:

V 1 = k r · Vk = 1.2 · 60 = 72 m 3 ;

where k р = 1.2 is the coefficient of initial soil loosening for wet sand, taken according to the average value (Table 1).

Consequently, the volume of soil removal will be 72m3.

  • Find the final volume of the gravel bed after compaction:

V p = 40 · 1 · 0.3 = 12 m 3.

  • Using Table 2, we find the maximum values ​​of the initial and residual loosening coefficient for gravel and pebble soils and express them in fractions.

Initial loosening coefficient k p = 20% or 1.2; residual loosening coefficient k or = 8% or 1.08.

  • We calculate the volume of gravel to make a gravel bed with a final volume of 12 m 3.

V 2 = V p · k r / k op = 12 · 1.2/1.08 = 13.33 m 3 .

Consequently, the volume of gravel required for filling will be 13.3 m 3.

Of course, this calculation is very approximate, but it will give you an idea of ​​what the soil loosening coefficient is and what it is used for. When designing a cottage or residential building, a more complex technique is used, but you can use it to preliminary calculate building materials and labor costs for building a garage or country house.

Construction work begins with marking the site and developing the soil for the foundation. Excavation work also occupies the first line in the construction estimate, and a considerable amount goes to paying for equipment that excavates and removes soil from the site. To draw up estimates and estimate the cost of work, it is not enough to know the dimensions of the pit; it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil. One of these characteristics is the soil loosening coefficient, which makes it possible to determine the increase in volume when excavating it from the pit

Soil loosening coefficient

From a construction point of view, all soils can be divided into two groups:

  • Cemented, or rocky – stone rocks, the development of which is possible only with the use of explosion or crushing technologies;
  • Uncemented, the removal of which is carried out manually or using excavators, bulldozers, and other special equipment. These include sands, clays, and mixed types of soils.

The complexity of development and the cost of excavation work are influenced by the following soil properties:

  • Humidity is the ratio of the mass of water contained in the soil to the mass of solid particles;
  • Cohesion – shear resistance;
  • Density, that is, the mass of one cubic meter of soil in its natural state;
  • Loosening ability - the ability to increase in volume during excavation and development.

Soil moisture is a measure of its saturation with water, expressed as a percentage. Normal humidity is in the range of 5-25%, and soils with a humidity of more than 30% are considered wet. When humidity is up to 5%, soils are usually called dry.

Wet soil sample

Cohesion affects the shear resistance of soil; for sands and sandy loams this indicator is in the range of 3-50 kPa, for clays and loams - in the range of 5-200 kPa.

Density depends on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the soil, as well as its moisture content. The most dense and, accordingly, heaviest soils are rocky soils, the lightest soil categories are sand and sandy loam. Soil characteristics are given in the table:

As can be seen from the table, the coefficient of initial loosening of the soil is directly proportional to the density of the soil, in other words, the denser and heavier the soil under natural conditions, the more volume it will occupy in the selected state. This parameter affects the volume of soil removal after its development.

There is also such an indicator as residual loosening of the soil; it shows how susceptible the soil is to settlement during the caking process, upon contact with water, or when compacted by machinery. For private construction, this indicator is important when ordering gravel to perform a foundation cushion and other work related to the calculation of imported soil. It is also important for storing and recycling soils.

Table - name of soil and its residual loosening%

An example of calculating the soil loosening coefficient

The application of the coefficients of initial and residual loosening of soils in practice can be considered using a calculation example. Let's assume that there is a need to excavate the soil for a foundation pit for a deep strip foundation with subsequent backfilling of a gravel cushion. The soil on the site is wet sand. The width of the pit is 1 meter, the total length of the foundation strip is 40 meters, the depth of the pit is 1.5 meters, the thickness of the gravel cushion after compaction is 0.3 meters.

  • We find the volume of the pit, and, consequently, the soil in its natural state:

V k = 40 · 1 · 1.5 = 60 m 3.

  • Using the coefficient of initial soil loosening, we determine its volume after development:

V 1 = k r · Vk = 1.2 · 60 = 72 m 3 ;

where k р = 1.2 is the coefficient of initial soil loosening for wet sand, taken according to the average value (Table 1).

During some construction work, the soil is excavated to lay the foundation. To plan work related to the excavation and removal of earth, some features should be taken into account

: loosening, moisture, density.

The soil loosening coefficient table below will help you determine the increase in soil volume when excavating it from a pit.

Determination of the amount of crushed stone

There are several ways to determine the volume of crushed stone and other components in a cube of concrete. Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages and is relevant for a specific type of work.

Composition of concrete grades and the ratio of sand, cement and crushed stone

For different types of concrete mortar, different types of crushed stone are used as filler. Thus, standard coarse crushed stone is added to the composition of concrete grades M100-M300. Concrete grade M400 involves the use of washed coarse gravel or crushed stone without additional impurities (of better quality).

Filler ratio for cement grade M500:

  • Concrete grade M100: 7.1 crushed stone and 5.3 sand
  • M150: 5.8 crushed stone and 4 sand
  • M200: 4.9 crushed stone and 3.2 sand
  • M250: 3.9 crushed stone and 2.4 sand
  • M300: 3.7 crushed stone and 2.2 sand
  • M400: 2.8 crushed stone and 1.4 sand
  • M450: 2.5 crushed stone and 1.2 sand

Experimental calculation

You can determine how much crushed stone goes into a cube of concrete using a special formula:

Crushed stone = 1000 / (α * V empty / y filled + 1 y), here:

  • α – denotes the expansion coefficient
  • V void.sch – void mass, measured in kg/l
  • y embankment м – bulk mass, measured in kg/l
  • y з – density of the material, measured in kg/l

So, if you need to prepare an M 200 solution and calculate the volume of filler for one cube, take M400 cement and filler in a volume that is calculated in accordance with its technical characteristics. In the example, the crushed stone parameters are as follows: density 2.5 kg/l, fraction 20 millimeters, bulk mass equal to 1.3 kg/l, void mass equal to 0.49 kg/l.

Volume calculation: Ш = 1000 / (1.1 * 0.49 / 1.3 + ½.5) = 1227 kg/m³. Thus, to obtain a cube of solution you need to take 1227 kilograms of crushed stone with the specified characteristics. This method is effective, but in everyday life simpler calculation methods are usually used.

Practical calculation

The weight of one cube of concrete is approximately 1700-2500 kilograms. The final figure is influenced by the characteristics of the components. Usually the recipe for preparing the mixture is as follows: 200-400 kilograms of cement, 500-700 kilograms of sand, 1100-1300 kilograms of crushed stone, 100-200 liters of water.

In practice, calculations are performed as follows: the amount of gravel must be equal to the volume of the solution. So, to obtain a cubic meter of concrete, the same amount of filler is taken.

Proportions for home mixing:

  • Cement – ​​0.3 cubic meters
  • Crushed stone - cubic meter (1300 kilograms)
  • Water – 180 liters
  • Sand – 650 kilograms

When determining how much crushed stone is needed for one cube of concrete, you can use several different methods. It is best to entrust the calculations to a master, which will guarantee the correctness of the calculations and the quality of the resulting mixture.

Important characteristics of crushed stone

Bulk density – weight 1 cubic meter.
m of crushed stone in an uncompacted state. It is indicated in the certificate of conformity and is different for different fractions and types of material. For example, limestone is the lightest due to its layered and porous structure, while granite is the heaviest due to its high density. If it is not possible to familiarize yourself with the certificates, be guided by approximate indicators in accordance with GOST 8267-93, GOST 8269.0-97. Table 1. Bulk density of crushed stone of different types

Crushed stoneFraction size, mmBulk density, kg/m3
Granite20 – 401370 – 1470
40 – 701380 – 1450
70 – 2501400
Limestone10 – 201250
20 – 401280
40 – 701330
Gravel0 – 51600
5 – 201430
20 – 401400
40 – 1001650
Slagregardless of particle size800

Before calculating how much crushed stone is needed per area, analyze the associated factors. The main one is the compaction coefficient. This dimensionless value characterizes how much the volume of the material will decrease when compacted with a roller or during natural compaction during transportation. GOST 8267-93 does not require mandatory indication of this parameter in the accompanying documents, so be guided by the conditions of SNiP 3.06.03-85:

  • when transported in a truck, the coefficient is 1.1;
  • when compacting high-strength grades of granite and crushed gravel – about 1.3;
  • when compacting materials of grades 300 – 600 – up to 1.52.

The indicator is relevant for bulk materials with fraction sizes of 40 – 70 and 70 – 120 mm. For other types it is usually not used, since in road construction work fine crushed stone is used for decluttering (filling voids), and not for arranging foundations. However, a foundation cushion is made from it, and crushed stone of 20 - 40 mm is suitable for these purposes. If you need to calculate crushed stone for the foundation, also use a coefficient of 1.3.

Formula for calculating the cubic capacity of crushed stone

For various construction works, crushed stone . The main types are granite, gravel, limestone or dolomite. Granite is the most durable and expensive. Its use is advisable in places of high physical stress on the object under construction. These are high-traffic roads, aircraft surfaces, and military sites.

Crushed gravel is less durable and costs less. The main application is housing construction due to the low background radiation.

Limestone crushed stone is used in places with low load on the object being built; foundations for premises no higher than the second floor.

Before starting the construction of any object, you need to know the amount of material, including crushed stone. This is what experts in their field do. In practice, the amount of crushed stone is measured in cubic meters. Due to the difference in the physical characteristics of different types of stone, its specific gravity fluctuates. When using different stones, different quantities are needed. The specific gravity of the material is indicated in the quality certificate; the supplier or manufacturer has it. You also need to know the compacted thickness of the base and the compaction coefficient when using a compaction roller.

Example calculation for a foundation

Calculating crushed stone for the foundation is extremely simple. First of all, calculate the volume of the crushed stone cushion using the formula:

V= Sh= abh, where: S is area, and h is height, a is length, b is width, h is height.

Since we calculate the volume of crushed stone by area, it is already known to us. It should be multiplied by the thickness of the pillow (recommended value is from 20 to 30 cm). If the dimensions of the monolithic foundation are 6x10 m, and the thickness of the crushed stone layer is 25 cm, calculate the volume:

6 x 10 x 0.25 = 15 cu. m

For the foundation cushion, non-metallic materials are traditionally used with frost resistance ratings of at least F300, durable and resistant to moisture. This is usually granite or gravel. But the first is significantly more expensive, and also has natural radioactivity, so you should build residential buildings using it very carefully (for example, you cannot use it in the construction of walls and ceilings). Bulk density of crushed gravel is 20 – 40 mm – about 1400 kg/cubic. m, and the compaction coefficient in this case is 1.3. Knowing these parameters, let’s make a simple calculation:

1.4 t x 15 cu. m x 1.3 = 27.3 t.

We received a total weight of nonmetallic materials for backfilling of 60 square meters. m area in a layer of 25 cm. To calculate the required volume, divide the resulting value by the bulk density of the material:

27.3 t: 1.4 t/cu.m. m. = 19.5 cubic meters m

Types of crushed stone density

When choosing a building material, it is important to know its density - it is determined by the ratio of mass to volume. The finer the grain, the higher its bulk density; it will settle tightly and be compacted, without gaps. The weight of 1m3 of crushed stone is higher, the finer the fraction. You can find out the bulk density at home. It is necessary to weigh the trough where the solution will be. Then pour crushed stone into it - to the brim and weigh it again. Next, calculate using the formula – P = (m2 – m1) : V. Here P is the density, m2 is the weight of the trough with crushed stone, m1 is the weight of the empty trough, V is the volume of the trough, which we find out by multiplying its length, width and height. More accurate calculations are made by specialists in laboratory conditions. During construction work, bulk density is an important indicator. The strength of the objects being built depends on it.

Density indicators (kg/m3) for different types: • granite – 1300-1700; • slag – 800; • limestone – 1250-1300; • gravel – 1350-1450

Calculation of crushed stone for the road

Using the above formulas, it is easy to understand how to calculate the amount of crushed stone for the road. Just plug in the required values:

V = S surface area x h layer thickness

Multiply the resulting volume with the bulk density of crushed stone (usually granite 70 - 120 mm is used) and a coefficient of 1.3 according to the formula:

m = V x beat. density x coefficient seals

Then divide the mass by the specific density and get the volume of crushed stone that needs to be purchased for construction work.

Calculation of crushed stone cubic capacity

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to clearly calculate how much of a particular material is needed. The quality of the objects being built, the foundation or the road surface depends on this. It is important to consider the compaction coefficient of crushed stone after compaction. This parameter is indicated in the passport by the manufacturer or seller for each batch of goods based on laboratory measurements. This is a standard number, determined by GOST. It indicates how many times crushed stone can be compacted during compaction, i.e. reduce its external volume. According to accepted standards, the compaction coefficient is:

  • – Sand and gravel mixture – 1, 2
  • – Construction sand – 1.15
  • – Crushed gravel – 1.1

The best option for purchasing building materials is to purchase directly from the manufacturer, without a middleman reseller. In this case, you will be provided with the correct types of documents for the purchased goods.

How to calculate the volume of crushed stone

When calculating the volume of material, three main important factors are taken into account:

  • – The compaction coefficient is indicated in the accompanying documents for each type.
  • – Specific gravity of 1m3 of material. It must be specified in the documents when purchasing the goods. Specific gravity does not depend on the size of the fractions, but only on the type of minerals.
  • – The area of ​​the structure being built, its base.
  • – Compaction depends on various indicators and on its main characteristics.
  • – The average density is 1.4-3 g/cm³ (when compaction is calculated, this indicator is one of the main ones).
  • – Flakiness determines the level of plane of the material.
  • – All material is sorted into fractions.
  • – Frost resistance.
  • – Level of radioactivity. For all work, crushed stone of the 1st class can be used, but the 2nd class can only be used for road work.

It is also important to remember and take into account the following - the quantity and consumption of material - indicators that depend on the size of the fraction, its type, the shape of the crushed stone and its intended purpose, according to the technical instructions for the use of building materials. Example - we find out the volume of crushed stone for a foundation with a thickness of 20 cm and an area of ​​1 m2: 0.2 (thickness) * 1 * 1 (length and width) = 0.2 m3 Specific gravity of crushed stone m100 = 1.5 tons.m3. The compaction coefficient of the roller is 1.3. 0.2 m3 (volume) * 1.5 t.m3 (weight of crushed stone) * 1.3 (compaction coefficient) = 0.39 t (such volume of crushed stone).

Material classification

The mixture is a crushed product, has grains of different sizes, which determines its fractions, on which the scope of use depends:

  • Shchps C1 - grain sizes reach 4 cm, but the product can have fractions of 5 - 10 mm, which account for most of the total volume. Large fractions account for about ten percent, and the same amount is allowed for dusty microparticles;
  • composition C2 - has a high strength index, it contains crushed stone with good frost-resistant properties. The grain size reaches 2 cm, the basis is particles of about 1 cm. No more than five percent is allowed for clay and dust. You can work with such material in any weather conditions and temperature conditions;
  • C3 - the main difference is the largest granules, reaching 12 cm. The basis of the mixture is granite crushed stone and quarry sand, clay and dust account for no more than four percent. The main properties of such particle board are strength and resistance to frost, ease of installation;
  • C4 – the composition includes sifted sand and crushed stone, the granules of which are 8 cm. ShchPS has good quality and a high compaction coefficient, which makes it convenient for storage and transportation;
  • C5 – average fraction size from 4 to 8 cm. Bulk material has a high quality level and is especially popular. The share of clay and dust is allocated no more than four percent;
  • The C6 mixture is compacted well with a roller and can be stored for a long time. This material can be worked at any temperature;
  • C7 and C8 – fine-grained material of 5 – 10 mm;
  • C9 – granules up to 8 cm.

ShchPS S4

Calculation of the cost of removal of construction waste

You can calculate the real cost of disposal of construction waste using the following method:

1. The volume of the dismantled building is determined in “Air” or in the geometry of the building:

Length of the house X Width of the house X Height (from the bottom point of the foundation to the ridge of the roof).

2. We calculate the actual volume of construction waste prepared for removal (in solid form):

V debris in a solid = V building in the air : K loosening


K loosening = 2.0 - 3.0 - an empirical coefficient that takes into account all the individual loosening coefficients of the resulting construction waste.

K loosening = 2.0 - it has been experimentally established that the real volume of garbage (taking into account stoves, old furniture and other garbage) is obtained when using this value

3. Calculate the weight of the garbage being removed.

P pin weight Garbage = V garbage in a solid x Mob.

Where Mob.=1600 kg/m3 is the volumetric mass of construction waste obtained during dismantling.

The volumetric mass of construction waste should be taken as averaged according to the following standards: - when dismantling concrete structures - 2400 kg/m3; - when dismantling reinforced concrete structures - 2500 kg/m3; - when dismantling structures made of brick, stone, beating plaster and facing tiles - 1800 kg /m3; - when dismantling wooden and frame-fill structures - 600 kg/m3; - when performing other dismantling work (except for work on dismantling metal structures and engineering equipment) - 1200 kg/m3. Note: - volumetric masses of construction waste from dismantling building structures are given from taking them into account in the dense body of structures;

— the mass of dismantled metal structures and engineering and technological equipment is taken according to design data.

Those. we calculated the weight of the garbage being removed in tons.

4. Next, depending on the Weight and volume of garbage being removed, we determine the number of containers or dump trucks required to remove garbage from the site for disposal. We take as a basis the VOLUME of garbage removed.

Typically, light bulky waste (logs, beams can only be transported in containers) is transported in containers.

Heavy waste is transported by heavy-duty dump trucks (brick and concrete waste, soil)

In our work we use containers with a volume of 27 m3 (loading capacity 10 tons) and dump trucks with a body volume of V = 20 m3 and a loading capacity of 20 tons

We calculate the number of containers as follows:

To contact = Vgarbage /27 m3 (or 20 m3)

The cost of a container (27 m3) in Chelyabinsk at the end of December 2013 averaged 9,500 rubles (in the region 10,000-11,000). The cost of a Chelyabinsk/region dump truck is 6000/8000, respectively.

We carry out dismantling work: demolition, demolition, dismantling of buildings and structures, foundations, country houses, dachas, shopping pavilions, mini-markets, shops, stalls, dismantling of walls, partitions, screeds, ceilings, any metal structures, floors, parquet, tiles , laminate, drywall, plumbing cabins.

We provide consultations on the dismantling of buildings and structures, country houses, demolition of any buildings and dismantling of any structures, we will make a preliminary estimate for demolition services

Calculation of the cost of removal of construction waste

1. The volume of the dismantled building is determined in “Air” or in the geometry of the building:

Length of the house X Width of the house X Height (from the bottom point of the foundation to the ridge of the roof).

2. We calculate the actual volume of construction waste prepared for removal:

V debris = V buildings in the air : K loosening


K loosening = 2.0 - 3.0 - an empirical coefficient that takes into account all the individual loosening coefficients of the resulting construction waste.

K loosening = 2.0 - it has been experimentally established that the real volume of garbage (taking into account stoves, old furniture and other garbage) is obtained when using this value

3. Calculate the weight of the garbage being removed.

P pin weight Garbage = V garbage in a solid x Mob.

Where Mob.=1600 kg/m3 is the volumetric mass of construction waste obtained during dismantling.

The volumetric mass of construction waste should be taken as averaged according to the following standards: - when dismantling concrete structures - 2400 kg/m3; — when dismantling reinforced concrete structures — 2500 kg/m3; - when dismantling structures made of brick, stone, beating plaster and facing tiles - 1800 kg/m3; — when dismantling wooden and frame-fill structures — 600 kg/m3; — when performing other disassembly work (except for work on dismantling metal structures and engineering and technological equipment) — 1200 kg/m3. Note: - volumetric masses of construction waste from dismantling building structures are given based on their accounting in the dense body of structures;

— the mass of dismantled metal structures and engineering and technological equipment is taken according to design data.

Those. we calculated the weight of the garbage being removed in tons.

4. Next, depending on the Weight and volume of garbage being removed, we determine the number of containers or dump trucks required to remove garbage from the site for disposal. We take as a basis the VOLUME of garbage removed.

Typically, light bulky waste is transported in containers.

Heavy waste is transported by heavy-duty dump trucks (broken brick and concrete, soil). Special equipment is used for loading, because It will not be possible to load the dump truck manually.

In our work we use containers with a volume of 27 m3 (load capacity 12 tons) and dump trucks with a body volume of 18-20 m3 and a load capacity of up to 30 tons

We calculate the number of containers/dump trucks as follows:

K = Vgarbage /27 m3 (or 20 m3 for dump trucks)

The cost of a container (27 m3) in Moscow at the end of December 2014 averaged 9,500 rubles (in the region 10,000-11,000). The cost of a Moscow/region dump truck is 8000/10000, respectively.

We carry out dismantling work: demolition, demolition, dismantling of buildings and structures, foundations, country houses, dachas, shopping pavilions, mini-markets, shops, stalls, dismantling of walls, partitions, screeds, ceilings, any metal structures, floors, parquet, tiles , laminate, drywall, plumbing cabins.

We provide consultations on the dismantling of buildings and structures, country houses, demolition of any buildings and dismantling of any structures, we will make a preliminary estimate for services for the demolition of buildings and structures.

ASG compaction coefficient

These methods and devices already exist, the needles are just a little heavier and the graphics are a little different, that’s all, but they have not yet reached our mandatory standards. It seemed like the size of the piece of crushed stone was larger, not 2 cm. Message from Tyhig. Images Advertising placement. Feedback - Up. DWG Forum. Determination of the compaction coefficient of a crushed stone cushion after compaction using the wedging method.

Page 1 of 3. Views: Find more posts by gdenisn. Visit Tyhig's home page. Find more posts by Tyhig. Ekaterinburg Messages: Find more messages from Vovik. Quote: Message from Vovik I think you are confusing the compaction coefficient with porosity. The resulting mass is passed through sieves.

ShchPS is a crushed stone-sand mixture, which is a combined building material of natural origin. It consists of sand of different fractions and crushed stone.

In this way, several types of building materials are created. From the table you can see that some mixtures have similar fractionation and characteristics.

Both have a fraction of 80mm. But C5 is characterized by a predominance of the fine fraction, up to 40-50 mm. In C4, 60-70 mm prevails.

Roadsides and inner layers must be highly permeable to moisture from precipitation. Therefore, another important indicator is drainage properties.

The water transmittance coefficient of the main and additional layers must be no less than: The property of plasticity for a sand-crushed stone mixture is necessary when laying and operating the finished canvas.

In the first case, the distribution function over the surface is important - the rock mass should be easily leveled under the mechanical influence of road equipment or manual labor. In the second case, the property of plasticity should ensure a reliable fit to the soil or other base, without sliding to the sides. Group Pl1 is inherent in crushed stone of high grades M, M, M. Indicator Pl2 is important when constructing roads of categories 1-3. Pl3 - roads of 4 or 5 categories. Water resistance of ShchPS is the ability to absorb and release water.

The main criterion is the minimum saturation of the mixture with moisture. To transport and lay crushed stone, gravel and sand, you need to know two technical characteristics:. Based on these data, the volumetric shrinkage and total weight of the required material for construction work are determined. With known values ​​of the compaction coefficient of the ShPS, bulk density and volume of the transport container, the mass of the transported cargo is calculated.

Volumetric weight is the density of bulk cargo.

For approximate calculations, you can take the value obtained by multiplying the bulk density by the compaction coefficient. In low-rise construction, private housing construction and equipping the local area with car parking, pedestrian paths, areas near the gazebo, etc. But mistakes are not uncommon: By avoiding such mistakes and using the necessary composition of the ShchPS, you can create a reliable foundation on your site and surrounding area.

Home comfort November 24 The sand-crushed stone mixture, which is known by the abbreviation PShchS, consists of 50 percent screenings and the same amount of crushed stone. This material is obtained by crushing limestone; this also includes its natural variety.

The sand-crushed stone mixture has excellent drainage characteristics and a relatively low cost. These two factors make the material quite popular in repairs and construction.

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