How to remove mice from a private home: the most effective mouse traps

has been producing professional disinsection, disinfection, and deratization for more than 10 years. We also conduct examinations and analyzes of water, soil, air, radiation and noise in Moscow and the Moscow region. We use proven and reliable hypoallergenic drugs and guarantee 100% quality of the services provided. You can find out the exact cost of the service by calling. The manager will specify the area of ​​the apartment, house or plot, distance from the Moscow Ring Road and a number of other parameters and will give you a detailed answer on the cost, working methods and time of arrival of the specialist.

In chicken coops of private houses, basements, and attics it is not so difficult to meet gray tailed rodents - wild nature is their natural habitat. Rats and mice feel quite at ease here. But in the city these predators also appear not so rarely. Globalization drives pests out of their usual habitats. It is not surprising that rodents prefer to look for food where it is freely available. Kitchens of city apartments, garbage chutes rich in scraps, waste bins in courtyards, warehouses and utility rooms of shops, cafes, restaurants. You can meet rodents here quite often, and they behave very confidently. So, getting rid of the pest is not at all an easy task. You will have to make an effort to defeat them on your territory.

A little about humanity

It would hardly occur to anyone to have gray rodents of their own free will in an apartment. Many homeowners have to free themselves from their invasion for years. Not a single folk remedy can help remove pests with a 100% guarantee. Moreover, the supposedly humane methods invented by numerous Chinese manufacturers only aggravate the problem. The population of pests is growing at a tremendous speed, and neither ultrasound nor other repellers provide them with sufficient interference for active reproduction. It is important to understand that it is the complete extermination of rats that guarantees their complete absence. And here it is better to once resort to the help of specialists who treat the space with pesticides than to put your life at risk and waste time on useless independent treatment.

The Eco-Defense sanitary and epidemiological station also provides services for the extermination of cockroaches and the extermination of bedbugs

Why do they appear?

Before achieving the desired results in pest control, it is worth eliminating the reasons why they appear. Among the most common sources of danger is the proximity of basements. Of these, rats, in the absence of water and food, migrate to apartments. In addition, during the period of deratization in the basement or a neighboring store, rodents in search of a new place of residence can break into even a completely sanitary home. The presence of a garbage chute in an apartment is another way for pests to enter. In addition, rats quite successfully move through pipes and air ducts and can enter an apartment almost unnoticed by humans. In this case, it is necessary to check all dangerous places and install additional plugs and locks.

Where can I find useful information?

In search of an answer to the question: how to get rid of rats and mice in an apartment, homeowners in apartment buildings often resort to a variety of sources of information . What to do if you come face to face with a rodent? You can search for useful information:

  • on special sites on the Internet - it is better to trust those where advice is given by professionals, not “amateurs”;
  • through word of mouth - if neighbors, friends or relatives have already encountered similar difficulties, perhaps they will have a simple and effective recipe for solving the problem;
  • in stores selling pesticides and products for exterminating rodents - a consultant can give practical advice, but you should not blindly trust him.

What to do with dead mice

Disposing of the corpses of poisoned rodents is a difficult problem if you poisoned them with industrial pesticides. This is dangerous because such a mouse can be eaten by a domestic animal (yours or someone else’s). Of course, more often it happens that a cat catches a poisoned but still living rodent and eats it, but anything can happen.

If you live in an apartment building, you can collect the dead rodents while wearing rubber gloves and place them in a box with a lid, then wrap it tightly with tape. And then throw it in the trash can. If you live in a private house, you can simply burn the corpses in your garden plot, first watering them with any fuel and lubricant.

Why hurry?

The first appearance of rodents is easy to miss. The pest leaves obvious consequences of its life activity. Feces, nibbled food, damaged packaging. All these points indirectly indicate that the normal level of sanitation in the apartment has been violated. Rodents come into contact with pathogenic microorganisms, spread fleas and ticks, dangerous viruses, and bacteria that are fatal to humans. In addition, statistics inexorably prove that it is rats that cause fires when the wiring is damaged. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the rodent is not afraid of electric shocks, works well in the dark, can bite painfully and gnaw through thick concrete walls without visible effort. And if you don’t start a fight, the outcome may not be predictable.

How dangerous are mice?

The appearance of rodents in a residential area poses a significant danger:

  1. Food spoilage . Rodents destroy stocks of many products to which we have access. Even if the rodents did not eat something, such food can no longer be consumed. Even heat treatment will not save them. This also applies to water.
  2. Microbes . Saliva, like the waste products of rodents, contains pathogenic bacteria. They can cause more than just food poisoning. There are often cases when a person becomes infected with serious infections: typhus, plague, tularemia, etc. Mice are also capable of carrying fleas on themselves, infecting the entire home with these insects.
  3. Unpleasant smell . With the appearance of a large number of individuals in the home, a sharp, unpleasant stench is felt. Naturally, this causes discomfort for all residents. It is not enough to simply ventilate the room. Dealing with an unpleasant odor is quite difficult.
  4. Damage to property. To get to food, mice chew through baseboards, walls, furniture, and various things without any problems. They often damage the electrical wiring of various devices. In hard-to-reach places, mice can easily gnaw on your furniture, causing significant damage to it.
  5. Fire hazard . By damaging the insulation of electrical wires, mice cause a short circuit. Accordingly, this may lead to a fire.

Which methods to choose?

Among all the existing methods and methods of controlling rodents, mechanical ones are considered the most effective - traps and traps that can cause serious injury to a rodent. Folk remedies can also help repel or poison pests. But they have a number of serious disadvantages. The only important condition in this case is the presence of a clear fight plan. If some means do not help, you need to use others. It is not recommended to use pesticides yourself in an apartment. They have a specific odor and a high degree of toxicity. At home, it is better to use methods that are safe enough for people and animals to scare away or catch dangerous animals. You should not try to defeat the pest manually. A driven rat may attack and bite.

How to get rid of mice in the house?

Despite the excellent adaptation of rodents, you can still get rid of them forever.

It is enough to follow the following instructions:

  1. Cleaning the premises is a top priority. General and thorough. You will have to look into all the hard-to-reach corners, check food supplies, throw out everything unnecessary and spoiled, do a wet cleaning by adding chlorine to the water.
  2. Carefully inspect the home to detect burrows. Inspect the kitchen and bathroom especially carefully: sinks, cabinets. Fill any holes found with a mounting agent.
  3. Choose a poison and place it in places where it will be hidden from small children and pets.
  4. Lay out mousetraps. Use lard as bait, or you can use a piece of bread, onto which you need to drip aromatic vegetable oil. Mousetraps need to be checked constantly.
  5. Get a cat. The animals will not be able to stand the smell of this animal and will soon leave the house.
  6. Bait made from cement and cereal grains will help. Mix the ingredients and place them in the corners. Place water in bowls nearby. All mice will die.
  7. Buy a device with ultrasound. This is the safest method to drive pests out of your home. But also the most expensive.

Ultrasonic repellers

More and more people are using modern methods to control mice. For example, ultrasonic repellers.

The effect of ultrasound: a certain wave frequency affects the animal’s hearing in such a way that it begins to panic, fear, and pain in the ears.

Let's celebrate! But such effects can only be observed in rodents. Ultrasound does not affect humans, nor does it affect domestic animals. The mice run for their lives.


The frequently used Grad device operates silently. It repels all rodents within an area of ​​500 square meters.

With this product you can get rid of harmful animals forever. Ultrasound waves make mice feel pain and fear, and also disorientate them in space. Animals can neither eat nor reproduce. “Grad” works both from the mains and from batteries.

Electric cat

This device serves both during the day and at night. Affects mice using sound and ultrasonic waves. The generator in the device continuously emits waves, changing frequency.

Rodents cannot tolerate such sounds. Within two weeks they leave their home. The coverage area of ​​the device is 200 square meters. It is powered by mains and battery.

Traps as a means of deratization

The mousetraps themselves in the apartment are quite convenient. It is enough to place them in the place where the rat trail runs. For large rodents, the largest metal options are selected. A plastic mousetrap will not hold a rat. To eliminate the strong specific smell of metal, you should use vegetable oil. The bait can be anything - lard, meat, sausage will attract the rodent more than cheese or vegetables. Don't forget that you are dealing with a predator. Another important point is that the trap will only work once. The rat family does not fall into the same mousetraps twice and knows how to deftly avoid them.

If the mousetrap doesn't fit

Glue traps are a kind of know-how of recent years. They are made on the basis of industrial compounds and have proven themselves well. However, they also have their own characteristics. A caught rat does not die immediately. You will have to endure the animal's suffering for some time. And the issue of disposal of dead pests remains relevant. The principle of this method is quite simple:

  • take a wooden or made of thick packaging cardboard blank the size of an adult animal;
  • an adhesive composition is purchased (sold in specialized stores);
  • the surface of the cardboard is thickly covered with glue, seeds and nuts are poured on top;
  • The finished trap is placed in places where rodent activity is observed.

Popular folk recipes

Those who are looking for the best options for combating rodent infestations should remember that the compositions used independently must be safe enough for humans and animals. If the bait is wet, peanut butter, as well as unrefined varieties of sunflower or sunflower seeds, will help to add attractiveness to it. Among the safe means are:

  • a mixture of corn flour and gypsum in equal proportions, the resulting composition is placed in a disposable plastic plate in the areas where the rats stay;
  • Combine a mixture of flour, sugar and soda (1 tbsp each), place in portions in sour cream or canned food jars, place around the house;
  • a mixture of dry mashed potatoes and gypsum, you can put water next to it or mix all the ingredients with milk and roll them into balls.

Biological enemies - to the rescue

The presence of a cat in the house does not guarantee that rodents will be completely prohibited from entering it. It is important to understand that pests are active even in cases where they sense the presence of a natural enemy in the home. Moreover, there are cases where cats and dogs are afraid of rats and try not to encounter them. But it is not all that bad. If a fluffy rat catcher is still available, it will consistently destroy sources of danger. You can borrow or rent a cat, go to a shelter and give a home to an animal that has basic rodent control skills. This method, firstly, will be cheap, and secondly, it will guarantee the absence of relapses. The cat will not allow the pest into its territory again and will protect the home on an ongoing basis.

How and with what to remove mice?

1. The simplest and most effective remedy for mice in a private house, which first comes to mind, is to have a larger animal with a mustache in the house, that is, a cat. It is believed that cats are born hunters.

It’s quite difficult to argue with this, but if we talk about modern cats, then, unfortunately for their owners, they are often very lazy and are not eager to run after rodents.

Someone argues that it is more correct to trust such an important task (catching mice) to cats, and not tomcats, and even tricolor ones (supposedly they are true hunters of mouse heads). But how true this is is difficult to judge.

Of course, the option with a cat is absolutely contraindicated if one of your family members is allergic to cat hair.

Mice poison

You can buy special poisonous agents sold in stores.

For example, there are powders with chemicals that are added to mouse bait, after which it is placed in the places where animals most often run.

The main disadvantage of this method is that it is not always possible to detect dead rodents. Sometimes, having eaten poison, mice are able to crawl into the most unusual places, and then you won’t even guess where to look or how to get them out of there.

Traps and mousetraps

If you cannot be called a faint-hearted person, then perhaps traps and mousetraps will help you out.

Among the large number of similar structures, there are both simple ones that cause absolutely no harm to the gray animal, as well as very creepy traps.

Even after catching a pest, you will also have to think about where to put it next? It is really easier for someone to kill a mouse and throw it away than to look for a suitable place where it can be released.

DIY trap

Try to build a simple trap yourself that will not kill, but simply lock the mouse inside. This option is optimal if there are small children in the house, because when they see a dead animal, this sight can traumatize them.

So, you will need a glass bottle (about the same as the container into which kefir or milk was poured in Soviet times), the walls of which you should then very generously grease with unrefined vegetable oil.

Inside the container, be sure to put a fragrant bait (a piece of sausage, lard, a small handful of seeds) and place the bottle at an angle, leaving its neck open. When the mouse runs to the bottle, it will probably climb into it for prey, but it will not be able to get back out, because the slippery walls (oil comes into play!) will not allow it to do this.

There is another option for a trap - a water trap.

The peculiarity of the trap is that the mouse still dies after falling into it, but at least you won’t see its blood.

In addition, such a home mouse trap can be safely left for quite a long time.

To build it, you will need a regular bucket filled with water, to which a strip of cardboard and mouse bait are also attached.

Then everything happens according to a simple scheme: the mouse smells the smell of the bait, climbs onto the cardboard and runs after it, but under the weight of the animal the cardboard bends and the rodent falls into the water, where it later dies.

Ultrasonic devices

Manufacturers of ultrasonic devices claim that their “electronic cats” are capable of repelling rodents no worse than a real cat!

The peculiarity of this device is its low frequency, so the sounds that the repeller makes during operation are inaudible to the human ear, but mice hear it very well, experience discomfort and leave the room for a long time.

However, pets are unlikely to tolerate these sounds as calmly as humans. Yes, cats and dogs are indifferent to ultrasound, but smaller animals (hamsters, rats and guinea pigs) will hear it.

Therefore, you should think carefully before purchasing a device.

Call a specialist

Try asking for help from specialists from a special service - they treat any residential and non-residential premises from rodents.

The services of these specialists, of course, are not cheap, although the method is really effective when you need to quickly get rid of mice in the house.

An additional plus: specialists will significantly save your time, because you won’t have to hunt for gray pests yourself.

Strong smells help keep rodents away

Our mothers and grandmothers have long fought pests with mothballs and kerosene. But will modern pests respond to the retro way? To ensure that the smell is not too strong, it is worth supplementing the mothball trap with safe sawdust - they are mixed, laid out in containers and placed in secluded places. If the place where the pests are coming from is known, this is where the trap should be placed. A cat litter box can easily serve in this capacity - you need to pour a mixture of sawdust and naphthalene into it and place it near the exit. If you are leaving, you don’t have to worry about an unpleasant smell in the apartment; you can fill the hole with rags soaked in kerosene or turpentine.

How to scare away mice from your apartment and house using odors

Rodents have been living near humans for a very long time. And when cold weather sets in, mice tend to find a warm and tasty place in apartments, houses, and outbuildings. If the mouse is happy with this state of affairs, then it only brings losses and discomfort to the person. After all, rodents spoil clothes, food, and, in addition, are carriers of many infectious diseases. Therefore, when uninvited guests appear, you should know how to get rid of them. And one of the neutral but effective ways is scents.

Why are odors effective in rodent control?

The most primitive and fastest ways to fight mice are mousetraps and poisonous traps. However, such methods are not always effective and safe. If there are people with allergies in the house, then the use of poisons should be avoided altogether. If there are pets or small children in the house, poison is also unacceptable. A mousetrap does not always perform its function 100%, and if an animal gets there, not everyone has the courage to pull it out.

Having eaten a tasty treat with poison, the mouse can die in an inaccessible place, thereby causing inconvenience with the cadaverous smell. Therefore, an effective and humane method of control is the use of repellent odors. They will not destroy the mouse family, but will encourage them to leave and never return.

Rules for using repellent scents

To get the maximum effect from odors, you should follow some rules. They will also help you use this method as safely as possible and protect family members and pets from poisoning.

  • It's better to use several scents.
  • Fresh plants give the greatest effect, but they need to be changed frequently.
  • Dried herbs work best in linen bags.
  • Repelling aromas have a negative effect on mice, but they soon get used to them. Therefore, you need to alternate flavors.

In the fight, various plants, spices and seasonings, mothballs, aromas of mouse enemies, burnt fluff, etc. are used.


Plants that can be used in the fight against mice are divided into two groups: poisonous and safe. Poisonous ones include:

  • Elder.
    Sometimes bushes of this plant are found near houses or storage facilities. Several bushes save from mice, scaring them away. The branches of this plant can be placed next to bags of grain or potatoes. Rodents do not tolerate elderberry, as its roots contain poison, which repels uninvited guests.
  • Ledum.
    Helps get rid of not only mice, but also flies and midges. It is necessary to place the branches of the plant throughout the house. It is also necessary to place leaves at the entrance doors. At the dacha, you can place branches in the burrows of animals and after a while they will leave the area.
  • Blackroot or Ratrunner.
    The roots of this plant must be crushed, placed in bags and placed next to food supplies. And the fresh plant is placed directly into the mouse hole. After some time, the rodents will leave the area forever. You can plant several blackroot bushes throughout the area. This plant is poisonous and is used when there are no animals in the house. The seeds of the rat racer “stick” to the skin of mice.

Other plants can be used. They are safe and no less effective. These include:

  • leaves and stems of potatoes, tomatoes;
  • pyrethrum;
  • tansy;
  • sagebrush;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • hazel grouse bulbs.


Potato or tomato leaves can be dried, placed in bags and placed throughout the house. Don't forget to put them in the cellar next to the food. Bunches of leaves and stems can be placed in corners throughout the house.

Wormwood, tansy and mint can be placed around the perimeter of the barn or in the corners of an apartment or house. The pungent odors of these plants adversely affect not only rodents, but also some insects. You can also plant several bushes of these plants throughout the area. Over time, the mouse holes will disappear, which means that the mice will stop entering the area and the house. You can also plant animals’ unloved plants in pots and place them around the house or apartment.

Freshly picked branches or leaves of plants are placed throughout the house: in corners, near doors, walls. Dry herbs are placed in bags. Before this, they must be treated with hot boiling water. This intensifies the aroma.

Bunches of plants can be replaced with essential oils or extracts. They have a concentrated aroma that will repel rats or mice. Apply a few drops of liquid to a cotton swab or disk and place it in areas where rodents appear. It is necessary to periodically change discs with oils.

It is worth remembering that mice do not like anything sticking to their fur. Therefore, you can plant several burdock bushes around the house. The animal will not be able to remove tufts of plants from its fur on its own.

Spices and seasonings

Fragrant spices can be found in any housewife's kitchen. Seasonings that are unpleasant for mice are: cilantro, red pepper, sage, cloves. They are absolutely safe for household members, but they are painful for rodents and are driven out of the apartment.

The seasoning must be ground to a powder. It needs to be sprinkled on baseboards and places where pests appear. Vinegar is used in some situations, but it is dangerous for children and pets.

Other methods

There are other scents that can be used to get rid of rodents. But they bring discomfort not only to mice, but also to humans. Despite this, these methods are very effective. They can be used in non-residential premises or if you leave the apartment or house for a while.

Smells of natural enemies

Mice react negatively to the odors of natural enemies. First of all, these are cats. If a cat lives in the house, then there is little chance that a mouse will appear in it. If it is impossible to have a cat, you can create the feeling of its presence in the house. To do this, take used cat litter, put it in bags and place it in the corners of the house.

Snakes and rats are also enemies of mice. Here you need to get the excrement of these animals and place them around the apartment in bags. This is not difficult to do: just go to any pet store.

Burnt fluff or wool

If you burn the natural fur of any animal, you can quickly get rid of the mouse family. Goose or mouse fur is used. After combustion, it is necessary to grind the ashes, mix them with starch or putty and scatter them in places where animals appear.


Naphthalene is especially dangerous for mice. It is necessary to crush naphthalene tablets and mix with sawdust. The resulting mixture is poured into places where mice live: in burrows, in frequent places of occurrence, on chewed things. Naphthalene can be dangerous for allergy sufferers.

Kerosene or turpentine

Kerosene and turpentine have a pungent odor that repels rodents. Dip a rag in one of these liquids and lubricate the areas where mice appear. Containers with kerosene are placed in attics and non-residential premises. When hit, the animals die. Do not use this method to get rid of mice in residential areas and apartments where children and animals live.

Burnt rubber

The unpleasant smell of burnt rubber causes fear and panic in animals. It is very simple to obtain such rubber: place several pieces of raw material in a bucket, pour gasoline or kerosene on it. After burning, place the rubber in mouse habitats. The bucket in which rubber was burned is also a tool for fighting uninvited guests.

These methods are generally safe. But if there are pets, allergy sufferers or small children in the house, do not choose poisonous or dangerous odors.

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What form of poison is suitable?

How to poison rats in an apartment? Turning to the services of the modern industry that produces pesticides helps you find the right solution. But there are some subtleties here too. For example, it is worth paying attention to the fact that mice respond best to grain products, and rats prefer to feast on poison in briquettes. In addition, baits with a prolonged effect are relevant here. They do not destroy enemies immediately, have a long-lasting effect and give fairly good results. The manufacturer recommends placing baits several days in a row or every other day during the week. On average, it takes about 7 days to eliminate a rat family.

It is convenient to use briquettes in closets, near the trash can and in other secluded corners.

Do-it-yourself pest removal

The fight against mice begins with simple cleaning. It is necessary to completely prevent access to any food and water for tailed animals. Rodents are very sensitive to lack of food and there is a possibility that after a starvation diet they will leave the apartment on their own.

If the settlers are in no hurry to leave their favorite places, there are several options for what to do if there is a mouse in the apartment:

  • set mousetraps;
  • apply the latest technical achievements - electronic, ultrasonic rodent repellers;
  • use folk remedies;
  • use mouse poison.

On a note!

The simplest and most accessible method that can be easily applied at home is to get a cat. For these purposes, it is better to choose not an elite breed, but the most common representative of felines, for which catching mice is an everyday activity.

Prevention measures

If rats have not yet appeared, but they are on the staircase or in the basement, the day is not far off when a gray rodent will appear on the threshold of your cozy and comfortable home. In this case, in addition to contacting the management company with a request to deratize common areas, you need to take care of taking preventive measures. Among them:

  1. A thorough examination of the space to identify sources of danger.
  2. Installation of durable and thick metal grilles on ventilation ducts.
  3. Concreting with the addition of crushed glass of all discovered holes in the walls.
  4. Elimination of gaps and cracks in the floor surface.
  5. Installation of safety nets on window and balcony sashes.

A properly insulated space will protect you from pest attacks as effectively as possible.

Preventing the appearance of mice in the apartment

To prevent mice from choosing your apartment, proceed as follows:

  • Store cereals, sugar and flour in containers with tight-fitting lids. Mice definitely won’t chew through glass and metal containers;
  • take out the trash every day;
  • do not leave crumbs after meals and eat only at the dinner table;
  • do not leave dirty dishes in the sink;
  • check the tightness of the mesh on the ventilation holes;
  • If you find holes in the wall or cracks in the floor, seal them. You can put a mixture of plaster and broken glass inside;
  • You can wash the floor with water with the addition of essential oils of mint, wormwood or bay leaf.

If preventive measures were not enough and you decided to deal with uninvited guests quickly and safely, call the phone number listed on the website or fill out the feedback form. The company’s specialist will advise you on the exact cost of exterminating mice and book a specialist visit at a date and time convenient for you. We are ready to quickly rid you of hated rodents 24 hours a day, seven days a week!

Why is independent struggle ineffective?

If you want to be sure that pest control will produce results, you should set yourself up for a long fight from the very beginning. Just one rat inhabiting an apartment can cause a lot of inconvenience to the owner of the premises. And if she creates a nest and has offspring, the problem will increase in scale catastrophically quickly. Please note that it is incorrectly selected control measures that are the reason that, instead of getting rid of the rodent, a person receives a massive unsanitary attack on his own home. To avoid this, it is enough to abandon the wait-and-see tactics and pay attention to the opportunities provided by the modern chemical industry. The poison destroys animals faster and more reliably than any traps.

Folk remedies for mice

You need to understand that there is no popular method that will get rid of mice once and for all. Folk remedies are recommended to be used in combination with various chemicals. This will significantly speed up the extermination of rodents. The most popular folk remedies:

  • Wood ash sprayed on the surface of the basement will repel pests . It contains alkali that corrodes the paws of mice. Trying to lick it off the paws, the substance enters the oral cavity and stomach, which leads to severe irritation.
  • Mix flour with alabaster in one to one proportions . Place the dry mixture in an area where mice often appear. You also need to place a container of water here. After tasting this bait, the mouse will want to drink. This will cause the alabaster to quickly harden in the stomach, followed by death.
  • Mix sugar, flour and quicklime in equal parts . This composition is more effective than many modern chemical drugs.
  • The delicate paws of rodents will cut broken glass . Such discomfort will cause mice to leave the area. The disadvantage of this method is that pets can also get hurt. Therefore, they need to be protected from this place.

There are many more recipes for preparing various mixtures. You can also use the method that our grandfathers bred rats. It is based on determining the strongest individual. Having caught several live individuals, they are placed in a closed space, leaving the rodents without food. From hunger they begin to eat each other. Naturally, the strongest individual, accustomed to feeding on its relatives, survives. This is the “ratter”. Then he is simply released. Getting to his relatives, out of habit, he begins to eat them, destroying all individuals.

How do sanitation specialists work?

If you have exhausted all available means and methods of exterminating rodents, you should pay attention to the capabilities available to professional rodent control agents at the sanitary and epidemiological station. In an apartment building, calling them allows you to destroy the pest population in one go. For example, pesticides in the form of baits, trapping houses, and spraying of a destructive substance of prolonged contact action can be used. Such compositions are truly effective, reliable and safe means for controlling rodents. In addition, the use of repellents that can prevent the reappearance of rats on the property gives good results. A set of measures is selected separately in each specific case.

How to eliminate pests indoors using traditional methods?

If you are interested in how to find out if there are voles in a building, you should pay attention to rustling and extraneous sounds in your home at night. These animals are nocturnal, so they often deprive homeowners of normal sleep. Also, if you find at least one individual in your home, you should know that, as a rule, they do not live alone. In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately begin the fight, since mice in residential areas can cause a large number of problems.

Before calling SES representatives, it is worth trying several time-tested folk methods. The fact is that sprayed chemicals by representatives of special services can cause poor health of apartment owners or their pets after the treatment. Effective methods are:

  1. Use of ash.
  2. Using lard-fried cork.
  3. Institution in the cat's house.

If you are interested in how to drive pests out of your home, you should use ordinary ash. It causes severe allergies on the pads of voles' paws, which forces the animal to refuse to walk around your house. You can also fry the cork in lard and place such a repeller in the habitats of the animals.

In order not to worry and not to look for why there are rodents in apartment buildings, you can get a cat. Rodents have a very sensitive sense of smell, so if the house smells like a cat, they will sense danger.

Moreover, the instincts of cats are aimed at catching these particular rodents, so your pet will be able to please you not only with affection, but will also save you from having to think about where pests are in your home.

How to fight rats?

If there is a rat in the apartment, how to get rid of it

? Such questions are often asked to our dispatchers who accept applications for rodent extermination. But no matter what methods you use, the only truly effective means of exterminating pests is deratization - professional, carried out in compliance with all sanitary standards. Exterminatory control measures used by specialists are aimed at the complete elimination of rodents, be they mice or their larger relatives. It is worth paying attention to the fact that we use only certified pesticides, provide an optimal ratio of cost and quality of services, accept applications at a time convenient for customers, with visits throughout the city and region.

Seasonal factors

Help in fighting rodents is usually required by private homeowners in the autumn-winter period. Before getting rid of mice in the house using radical methods, most gardeners and people living outside the city try out a variety of repellent devices: from herbs and plants with a pungent odor to ultrasonic emitters. But usually pests continue to appear even after the use of natural or artificial barriers. They will only help in the fight against rodents if we are talking about an integrated approach to the destruction of dangerous pests.

The seasonal factor plays the role of a kind of “catalyst”. That is, it reveals the presence of a mouse population, indicating that the existing protective measures are not enough. And here you can either resort to the help of professionals or try to cope with the problem yourself.

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