Mandatory cement certification has stopped construction in Kaliningrad

Confirmation of compliance. 05/25/2020 | | 3 minutes

Pouring a foundation is such a responsible matter that no one will take risks: poor quality of the material can lead to disastrous consequences. The collapse of a concrete structure made of low-quality composition will lead to the collapse of the work contractor. Therefore, the sale of even the best concrete without documents confirming its quality is impossible. Even advertising won't save you. Experts will tell you how to ensure a reliable position in the market and without which you cannot win a tender.

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Is concrete certification required?

The consumer wants to be sure that he is purchasing a high-quality and safe product that has passed all tests and meets the declared parameters - as evidenced by the mandatory GOST R certification.

But with concrete the situation is somewhat different. In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 982, which contains groups of goods requiring certification or declaration according to GOST R, concrete is not specified. There are no technical regulations in the Eurasian Union obliging concrete to be certified. It turns out that its certification is not mandatory and it is permissible to sell this building material in Russia and on the territory of the EAEU without permits. Why then do large manufacturers certify their products? There are reasons for this.

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When do you want your products to be chosen?

Many people like the idea of ​​distinguishing themselves from competitors through additional confirmation of the quality of the product. But, having assessed all the intricacies of the certification process, some manufacturers decide that they will sell their products without “extra paperwork”.

Those who plan to participate in tenders and want to reach large customers, of course, do not neglect the opportunity to increase their chances of winning and receive the following documents for their products:

  • voluntary certificate in the GOST R system;
  • ISO quality management system certification;
  • expert opinion of Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the composition with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • information (refusal) letter.

In some cases, the quality and safety of a building material is confirmed by evidence of the quality of its components. Concrete consists of cement, sand, crushed stone and a number of additives. Depending on the scope of application of concrete, declarations and conclusions on the compliance of the composition with sanitary and hygienic standards are drawn up for the components. Cement for highway construction must comply with the requirements of TR CU 014/2011.

Sanitary certificate

Such a voluntary document can be obtained in the form of an Expert Opinion from Rospotrebnadzor to confirm compliance with the uniform requirements of the Customs Union upon the first release of a new brand of concrete on the territory of the Customs Union or on the Russian construction market.

This is possible by issuing a sanitary certificate in the form of a voluntary Expert opinion based on test reports of concrete samples carried out in testing certification laboratories (or centers) included in the unified register of the Customs Union.

The average setting time (hardening) of the prepared concrete mixture is about 2 hours. The use of special additives (plasticizers) allows you to increase the hardening time by 2-4 hours. The presence of such technologies makes it possible to import or export concrete products to the border areas of neighboring countries. Such concretes are also subject to sanitary inspection. They must confirm the absence of radiation risks from using these products in building structures.

Voluntary certification of concrete: types of supporting documents

Voluntary certification involves confirmation of compliance with current GOST standards or registered manufacturer specifications. It is important to select the current standard for the certified mixture:

  • 24211-2008 for additives for concrete mixtures and other mortars;
  • 26633-2015 for heavy and fine-grained compounds;
  • 7473-2010 for concrete mixtures.

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Standards require different indicators of the quality and reliability of the mixture.

GOST as an option

The certificate in the GOST system is valid for 3 years. During this time, the organization can use the document to:

  • promoting concrete with increased strength and wear resistance on the market;
  • participation in tenders for the supply of products to budgetary organizations;
  • carrying out advertising campaigns.

Quality Management Certificate

The introduction of a quality management system, as one of the trends in the modern market, distinguishes the manufacturer from competitors in its segment. Assessing the conformity of the QMS involves the use of ISO standards or their analogues from the GOST R system.

Expert opinion

The expert opinion confirms the mixture’s compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and its safety for humans and the environment. Sanitary control is a mandatory procedure for concrete with special additives.

Rejection letter

The information (refusal) letter is a confirmation that the products are not subject to the regulations of the EAEU and are not included in the list of products of the RF PP No. 982. The document is required when registering at customs and is an advantage when passing inspection checks.

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To obtain a waiver letter, laboratory examinations and measurements are not required. It is necessary to prepare documents describing the product, indicate its name and HS codes and OKPD2.

Responsibility for the lack of permits

For products falling under the technical regulations of the EAEU and PP No. 982, sales can only be carried out subject to the availability of valid permits - certificates and declarations of conformity. Their absence is the reason for prosecution under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of:

  • fine The size can reach 300 thousand rubles;
  • confiscation of products (by court decision);
  • suspension of the company's activities for a period of up to 3 months (by court decision).

Hassle-free concrete certification

Experts will help you choose the best supporting document for your case. If you value your reputation and want to be one step ahead of your competitors, contact the specialists!

  • For more than 10 years, we have been providing assistance in mandatory certification and declaration of conformity.
  • We will help you prepare the necessary documents or simply take all the decisions upon yourself.

To do this, call the phone number listed on the website, write an email, or simply fill out the feedback form.

Declaration of concrete mixtures, building mortars and dry building mixtures

December 27, 2020 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 717 of June 17, 2020 comes into force, according to which construction mixtures (including concrete mixtures produced in accordance with GOST 7473) and construction mortars are included in the list of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity in the declaration form.
The list of products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity is published on the official website of Rosstandart.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 752 dated November 24, 2004, the holder of the register of declarations of conformity is the Federal Accreditation Service.
When declaring building mixtures (including concrete mixtures) and building mortars, the declaration schemes given in GOST R 54008-2010 “Conformity assessment. Schemes for declaration of conformity."

One of the evidentiary documents required for registration of a declaration of conformity is a product test report. Accordingly, tests of dry building mixtures, mortars and concrete mixtures must be completed before December 27, 2018. Considering the duration of tests of concrete mixtures and building mortars for frost resistance in accordance with GOST 10060-2012 and GOST 5802-86, manufacturers need to worry about this in advance.

After December 27, 2020, the sale of dry building mixtures, building solutions and concrete mixtures without indicating in the accompanying documentation information about the declaration of conformity registered in the established manner will be a violation of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 14.45, which will entail the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities - from one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles. Violations of the law can be detected during scheduled and unscheduled inspections by Rosstandart, the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, the prosecutor's office, etc.

We would like to warn manufacturers of concrete mixtures and building mortars against using declaration registration services offered on the Internet without actually testing product samples. Currently, when registering a declaration in the FSA RosAccreditation register in accordance with the norms of the Decision of the EEC Board dated March 20, 2018 No. 41, it is necessary to attach scans of all materials relating to research, testing, product measurements, confirming compliance with the requirements of the regulatory document for the product.

If tests are carried out in a third-party laboratory, it must be accredited by the Federal Agency for Accreditation and, accordingly, the protocol must also be registered in the Register of the Federal Agency for Accreditation.

If in relation to manufacturers and sellers of dry construction mixtures the Association "Union of Producers of Dry Construction Mixtures" provides real information support in the field of confirming the conformity of dry construction mixtures, then in relation to concrete plants an information vacuum has formed. Many factories do not even suspect what awaits them after December 27, 2020.

Our experts in the field of confirming the conformity of building materials will help manufacturers of concrete mixtures and building mortars understand this difficult issue, including choosing a declaration scheme, preparing an evidence base and, at the lowest cost, correctly registering a declaration of conformity in the FSA Register of Federal Accreditation.

Certification of the product "Concrete"

Today, concrete is one of the most common building materials. It consists of the following components:

  • cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • gravel;
  • sand.

The properties of concrete (strength, density and thermal conductivity) are influenced by the percentage of these elements. Concrete is classified by density into the following categories:

  • concrete is especially heavy (density above 2500 kg/m3). This type includes barite, limonite, magnetite concrete;
  • heavy concrete (density from 1800 to 2500 kg/m3). This type includes crushed stone and gravel concrete;
  • lightweight concrete (density 500 - 1800 kg/m3). This type includes foam concrete, expanded clay concrete, perlite and vermiculite concrete and aerated concrete;
  • concrete is especially lightweight, having a density of less than 500 kg/m3.

The most common area of ​​application for concrete is construction.

A document that confirms the quality of concrete meets all necessary standards is a concrete certificate.

Concrete is not included in the list of products that are subject to mandatory certification, so a certificate for concrete can be issued on a voluntary basis. To increase sales volume, as well as to improve the manufacturer’s own status and, among other things, to increase consumer confidence, most sellers and manufacturers try to draw up this document.

Due to the fact that concrete is not included in the List of Products for Mandatory Certification, the manufacturer or seller is assigned the right to issue a letter of refusal indicating that certification of this type of product is not mandatory.

In order to obtain a concrete certificate, the manufacturer or seller must go through several stages and prepare the following documents:

  • technical documentation for concrete;
  • application to the certification body;
  • test report;
  • There may be other documents that are drawn up and submitted depending on the requirements of the certification body.

These documents must be prepared and submitted to a certification center accredited by Rosstandart, after which the certification scheme is determined.

The next step in obtaining a concrete certificate is the selection of concrete samples, subject to quality control after their identification. The stages of this review examine:

  • density;
  • strength;
  • resistance to the effects of this type of concrete.

This kind of certification tests can only be carried out in laboratories specially accredited for this type of activity. The results obtained are recorded in the test report. In addition to assessing the building material itself, it is possible to assess production and the necessary production documentation. Violations discovered during the analysis are ordered to be eliminated within 2-3 days.

The last stage of certification is the issuance of a document such as a concrete certificate , which contains the following information:

  • Name of product;
  • manufacturer's details;
  • unique document number;
  • validity period of this certificate;
  • OKP and HS codes for products;
  • certification body that issued the certificate;
  • compliance of this document with all necessary regulations.

If the validity period of the certificate is extended by more than one year, employees of the certification center and testing laboratory must periodically carry out control checks.

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