DIY concrete trowel

When creating concrete screeds on the floor, the key step is grouting using special machines or manually. Grouting concrete allows the floor covering to acquire certain operational and aesthetic properties, which significantly extend its useful life and make it able to withstand high mechanical and abrasive loads. After laying the concrete screed, small roughness, unevenness, and pores remain on the surface, which can be eliminated by high-quality grouting of the coating.

Why is grout needed?

When carrying out repair work, to create a uniform and high-quality concrete floor covering, a mixture is prepared, which includes heavy fractions of crushed stone and sand. After pouring the screed, due to their weight, they begin to sink down, and smaller particles in the composition and cement milk rise to the surface. Therefore, often after drying, unevenness, pores, and various voids appear in the floor covering, which is why the attractive appearance of the floor is lost, as well as the quality characteristics in the form of strength, reliability and durability of the finished coating.

In addition to noticeable external irregularities, microvoids are formed on the concrete floor, due to which the adhesion strength of the particles is reduced. If such a floor is subsequently subjected to exploitation, then the upper surfaces will gradually peel off and deep cracks and potholes will form. Therefore, grouting a concrete floor using special machines or manually is a necessary final stage of laying a concrete surface. By its nature, such a procedure is technically complex, requiring certain knowledge and skill from specialists. Grouting can provide compaction of the top layer of concrete, which will have a positive effect on the strength and wear resistance of the floor. When carrying out such an operation, additional density-increasing components called toppings can be used.

Main stages of troweling work

There are 2 main stages of floor grouting - these are:

  • Rough grout.
  • Final grout.

Rough grout

It is carried out 3-7 hours after pouring the concrete mixture. After this period of time, the concrete hardens to such a state that traces of human shoes no deeper than 3-4 mm can remain in it. It is at this stage that it is possible to carry out penetration with a trowel in two circles.

It is important that the passages are made mutually perpendicular.

Finish grout

Finishing grouting is a procedure that is carried out 10-15 hours after rough processing. You can determine the right moment to carry out work by simply touching the concrete. If you place your hand on the surface and it remains clean, then the concrete is ready for the final stage of grouting. It allows you to give the coating a perfectly smooth surface, sometimes even with a mirror reflection.

Concrete Trowel | Construction portal OTVALI.RU

The process of arranging a floor must be approached responsibly and seriously; this is a very important process on which the appearance of your future floor depends. During this process, specialists use several types of devices and special machines.

If you need to qualitatively equip your floor, then you will definitely need a grinding and troweling machine. It is used for processing concrete, grouting, and semi-dry screed. Its work helps strengthen the alignment of the top layer. After pouring a concrete floor, a certain amount of liquid appears on its surface. If it is not removed, the concrete pouring will begin to deteriorate.

It is in this case that a trowel is used. The operating principle of this machine is very simple. When pressing from above, the specialist regulates the speed of rotation of the blades and disk. At this time, the device itself rubs the top layer into the surface, that is, into the total mass. To make the machine work more efficiently, it is necessary to slightly change the speed and angle of the blades.

This machine can remove even large bumps. With this machine you can achieve a perfectly flat surface. It is the disc that grinds the surface, and the blades that smooth it. Trowels are divided into two main types. The first type is a gasoline car. Such a device can operate completely autonomously.

Therefore, it can be used in open spaces where there is no electricity connection. It is not used in the middle of rooms, since the gases that are released during operation are very harmful to the human body. The second type is an electric machine. It only works when connected to electricity. Therefore, it can be used indoors. But electric trowels are used only for small jobs.

When working with such machines, you must follow all operating rules. After all, if you use it correctly, you can protect yourself not only from possible injuries, but also from rapid breakdowns of the device itself. Today, the cost of such devices depends on the quality of production, as well as on the manufacturer.

Equipment used

To grout concrete surfaces you need the following equipment:

  • Disc and rotary trowels, powered by electricity or a gasoline engine.
  • Bladed rotary machines, which are otherwise called “helicopters” by craftsmen.
  • Manual or automated devices that allow the distribution of strengthening mixtures.
  • Edge devices for working with hard-to-reach areas near columns, walls, thresholds and others.

All concrete troweling machines can be divided into two categories: single-rotor and double-rotor. They differ in the type of location of the operator working behind them.

The operator controls the single-rotor machine using an extended handle, following it on foot.

The weight of such a device ranges from 35 to 70 kg, so this device can be called portable and applicable to processing any type of concrete surface. The main advantages of such helicopters are:

  • Ease of Management.
  • Ease of transportation and operation.
  • High efficiency and effectiveness of work performed.
  • Excellent maneuverability.

Double-rotor machines for troweling concrete mix look like a small car with significant weight.

The operator can control such a device directly while sitting on it, using the steering wheel and buttons. It is advisable to use a two-rotor machine for processing large areas and areas. But this device also has disadvantages:

  • Significant price.
  • Heavy weight.
  • Difficulties in transportation.
  • Poor maneuverability.

To work with corner areas near walls and other hard-to-reach places, wall or edge machines are used.

Their difference from previous varieties is that they have a limited diameter of the working tool. They operate on the basis of electric motors, which save energy. The most popular varieties are Caliber, COM, TSS, MISOM from domestic manufacturers, as well as Grost, Neuson, ADA, Imer, Wacker, Zitrek from foreign brands.

Types and characteristics

A concrete trowel is a device of simple design: it consists of a drive, a gearbox, a frame, a blade (or two), operator protection and a control system. The surface is rubbed first with a disk that is put on the blades, and then with the blades themselves, which rotate at high speed.

According to the type of drive, a helicopter can be of the following types: diesel (quite rarely used), gasoline, electric. Fuel-powered devices are mobile and powerful; they can be used in open areas to process large surfaces, but require ventilation indoors. Electric machines can be used in enclosed spaces, but require the ability to connect to the network.

A helicopter for grinding a concrete floor can have a different diameter of the working disk, a different number of rotation speeds, and the angle of the blades can also be adjusted. All models differ in the length of the blades, engine power, and the method of interaction with the operator (a special place or device driven by a person can be equipped for him).

Depending on the number of blades, the units can be single-rotor (for roughing limited areas) or double-rotor (usually self-propelled, high-performance and large-sized).

When grinding concrete by helicopter is necessary, when choosing a machine you need to pay attention to the parameters of the unit. Thus, the intensity of the impact on the treated surface depends on the range of rotation

For rough and finishing processing, a unit with a rotation speed of at least 200 rpm is suitable. It is desirable that the rotation speed be regulated.

Diameter is an indicator that indicates the performance of the equipment and the level of maneuverability. If grouting a concrete floor with a helicopter will be carried out in a small room or on shaped areas where there are narrow passages, it is better to choose a diameter of 610 millimeters. When you need fast and effective grouting of a large area, you can take 900 millimeters or more.


A single-rotor concrete trowel (helicopter) is used to process not very large areas - on average up to 500 square meters. Models can be equipped with a gasoline or electric drive, with one blade with a diameter of up to 1.2 meters. It is possible to adjust the force and speed of rotation.

The unit is controlled by an elongated handle with buttons and levers (the machine is driven by an employee). Such units are characterized by mobility, versatility, light weight, compactness and ease of use.

Double rotor

A two-rotor trowel (helicopter) already belongs to the class of professional equipment, used for processing surfaces of 500 square meters or more. A large-sized productive self-propelled machine can only work in large spaces, without any obstacles or changes in surface configuration.

Models are usually equipped with two troweling blades, the diameter of which is in the range of 600-1200 millimeters. Typically, units run on gasoline or electricity (diesel fuel is rarely used at all, since the operation of the machine is no different from gasoline and this choice is relevant only for those who have free access to diesel fuel).

The devices are controlled by an operator who can sit low or high, usually between the rotors in a special chair. Operates levers, buttons, or joysticks.

Grouting concrete by helicopter: technology and materials

Grouting concrete with a helicopter is one of the most common and popular procedures for completing the finishing stage of floor laying. Before carrying out this procedure, a technological pause must be maintained to allow the material to gain strength. The duration of this pause can be affected by the level of humidity and air temperature in the room. Therefore, it can range from 4 to 20 hours. When the concrete mixture has hardened to the required degree, you can proceed to rough grouting of concrete.

Grouting concrete with rotary machines

Concrete surfaces after their production require additional protection. Therefore, special additives have been developed that are applied directly to the newly poured material. After this, the concrete is grouted using a helicopter - a single or double-rotor machine.

In the photo - a two-rotor grouting machine

Rough grout

To perform this procedure you will need a trowel. Rubbing with the help of technology must begin with areas near walls, columns, doors, since this is where the concrete begins to set much faster. To create a high-quality grout, it is necessary to remove the top layer of concrete milk. To do this, several passes are performed, the number of which depends on the quality of the concrete coating, as well as its thickness.

After removing the laitance in the required amount from the surface, it is necessary to apply topping or grout mixture to it. Reinforced toppings should only be used if the floors will be subject to increased load in the future.

The grout must be evenly distributed over the surface and a special trolley, equipped with the following elements, helps to do this:

  • Container for loading grout mixture.
  • A screw that helps grind the mixture.
  • Dosing valves ensuring uniform supply and distribution of topping.
  • Wide wheels that do not leave deep marks on the concrete that has not yet hardened.

Initially, approximately 2/3 of the total grout mass is applied, after which after a certain period of time the remainder is distributed over the surface. During the time allotted for the first layer to harden, the grout should be saturated with moisture. Once it begins to change color to a darker one, you can apply the last layer.

Floor grout consumption is calculated depending on the expected load on the surface:

  • For small and insignificant, medium – 3-5 kg/m².
  • For those who are tall – 5-8 kg/m².

The mixture must be mixed with skimmed cement. This all happens in a single-rotor machine with a trowel disk. The shape of the edge plays an important role. If you choose models with a bevel at an angle of 45°, a smooth leveling of the surface will be ensured. 90° bevel blades are suitable for work around columns and walls.

How to grout concrete floors

Depending on the surface area of ​​the concrete floor, its grouting can be done manually or using special trowels (helicopter). This operation allows for forced additional compaction of the top layer of the concrete floor, which leads to an improvement in its characteristics. To harden the surface of a concrete screed, grout mixtures called toppings are used.

Regardless of whether grouting will be done by hand or by helicopter, in order to obtain a high-quality surface, this process must consist of the following operations:

  • rough grout, it is necessary to compact the top layer and squeeze out the cement laitance;
  • finishing grout;
  • coating with liquid polymer, this allows you to close small pores;
  • cutting expansion joints.

In order to correctly complete all the stages of creating a concrete floor, you must be able to determine the moment when each operation begins. If you don’t know how to do this, then it’s better to invite specialists.

Grouting by hand

If the area of ​​the concrete floor is small, then it can be grouted manually. To get the maximum effect from this operation, you need to correctly determine the time when you can begin the work. If you put a board on a concrete screed and step on it, and after that there is no mark left on the floor, then it is too late to grout. If the depth of the mark is 2–3 mm, then this means that it is time to start grouting the surface.

Required Tools

To grout a concrete screed manually, you will need a minimum set of tools:

  • spatula or trowel;
  • grater;
  • grater;
  • a trolley for applying the topping, but you can also do it manually;
  • knee pads

What mixtures are used and how to prepare the composition

When the work is being done on a small surface, then you should not buy ready-made toppings, since they are usually sold in large packaging, and you will not have time to use it up. Most home craftsmen use regular dry cement when grouting concrete screeds.

You can use cement and sand in a 1:1 ratio. The main condition is that the mixture should not have any foreign inclusions; the sand is taken of a fine fraction. After preparing such a topping, it is necessary to sift the composition through a fine sieve again, since the presence of large particles will negatively affect the result of grouting the floor and its appearance.

Some home craftsmen like to experiment and add quartz, liquid glass and other components to the topping composition. Their proportion is determined experimentally. If you want to give the floor higher characteristics, then you need to purchase ready-made toppings. They can be quartz, metallized, corundum and give the surface different characteristics.

Depending on what load is expected on the concrete floor, the amount of topping that needs to be applied per 1 m2 will depend:

  • if the load is small and medium, then 5 kg is enough;
  • if the load is medium and high, then 5–8 kg;
  • when using colored compounds, they must be at least 5 kg.

Sequence of work

You can begin this stage of creating a concrete floor after the moisture has evaporated from the mixture. Before you begin to trowel the concrete screed, if there are beacons in it, they must be pulled out and the grooves sealed with mortar.

Concrete should be grouted immediately after the water evaporates. To perform the work, polyurethane floats are used, which are pressed tightly to the surface. In order not to damage the screed, you need to use special knee pads, which you can purchase or make yourself.

Depending on the ambient temperature and air humidity, grouting can begin in 6–8 hours. This technological process consists of the following operations:

Mixtures used

Most grout mixtures have Portland cement as their main component. The composition contains various components with a high degree of hardness, modified additives and polymer fibers that increase strength. Different compositions have their own advantages and disadvantages; it is necessary to choose a substance depending on the requirements for its wear resistance and strength.

There are the following types of strengthening mixtures:

  • Quartz, which are used for working with concrete floors with expected light loads.
  • Corundum - suitable for treating concrete floors designed for high loads. The cost of such hardeners is much higher than that of the previous group, but they are more durable.

The polymer fibers included in concrete grouting mixtures can provide additional strength and reinforcement to the substance. The grout mixture may also contain coloring pigments that perform a decorative function.

General information

At the moment, this method is considered the most progressive and inexpensive for treating concrete surfaces.

The result is a smooth, durable and dust-free floor that benefits from:

  • moderate oil and petrol resistance;
  • different color solutions.

A big positive aspect of the technology of grinding with trowels is the receipt of a finished coating simultaneously with the laying of the concrete mixture. This makes it possible to speed up the completion of the construction of the facility and save on finishing coatings. Over large areas, the cost of the effect can amount to more than one million rubles.

Single rotor type concrete trowel

ApplicationExperienced builders try to use this technology wherever possible. The process of grouting and grinding a concrete surface with a hardener can be considered universal. For warehouses, industrial premises (workshops) and parking lots, the method is an ideal option.
Not applicableIn especially clean laboratory rooms, in areas with aggressive environments and where there are special requirements for the color of the coating. It is not recommended to make concrete floors with grouting and grinding in domestic and residential premises, because they produce “cold”.

Remember that the technology can only be used on wet concrete. Therefore, take care of preparing the process in advance; you can also find a specialized organization involved in laying concrete floors, or purchase equipment and try to do the grouting yourself.

Finish grout

The readiness of a concrete floor for finishing grouting is determined visually by a qualified craftsman. To do this, you need to prepare a machine with blades. Processing is also performed in at least two passes, in a perpendicular movement relative to each other. Additionally, it is necessary to adjust the location of the edges of the blades from the floor level. During the first pass the value is 5-10 mm, during the second 20-25 mm, to reduce the specific pressure on the concrete surface.

After finishing grouting, the concrete acquires the required level of strength; traces of steps or other mechanical influences can no longer remain on it. At this stage, sanded manually. To achieve a high-quality result, it is necessary to use professional machines.

On video: How to use a trowel

Example of a standard technical process

The entire procedure for grouting a concrete floor involves performing the following sequential actions:

  1. Drilling a trowel with a disc, leaving waves of 6-8 mm.
  2. Applying topping using a special trolley.
  3. After 15-20 minutes, continue the grouting procedure, that is, the second pass of the machine with a grouting disk.
  4. Surface level control using a rod.
  5. Repeating the process: applying a second layer of strengthening mixture, passing with a trowel disk. If necessary, such complexes are repeated the required number of times, taking into account the setting speed of concrete from 30 to 60 minutes.
  6. Grouting with the blades in the same direction as the disk is the finishing stage. Two or three passes are enough until shine appears.
  7. To increase wear resistance, you can additionally apply a top layer of polymer impregnation, which gives the floor surface moisture resistance and protection from dirt.

Grouting cracks in concrete

The appearance of cracks in concrete floors is a sure sign that the load-bearing capacity of the structure is decreasing. Regardless of the cause and source of cracks on the floor surface, repair work must be carried out to stop the growth of cracks and prevent the entry of moisture, debris and other particles. For such damage to concrete, manual methods can be used. However, the method should be selected depending on the size of the damage and the cause of its occurrence:

  1. Cracks up to 1 mm wide, which formed under the influence of time and temperature, can be repaired using hard coatings. These are polymer, water-cement mixtures, as well as compositions based on synthetic resins.
  2. For a small number of cracks up to 2 mm in size, paint or polymer cement paste is used.
  3. If there are a large number of cracks, grouting is not advisable. To eliminate them, you need to use polymer cement solutions.
  4. When cracks and large gaps form in concrete structures under the influence of aggressive environmental factors, you can use the injection method; polymer cement mortar and paint are suitable for the job.
  5. Shotcrete is considered an effective method.
  6. Damage and cracks larger than 3 mm must be repaired with epoxy glue, some with cement filler.
  7. Very wide gaps are first reinforced with metal brackets.

Safety precautions

When using special equipment to grout a concrete floor, it is imperative to follow the safety rules:

  • Constantly check the engine heating level, carbon monoxide emissions, and noise levels.
  • Be aware of possible burns from alkalis contained in concrete and toxic fumes from fuel.
  • Be aware of the fire hazard.

The operator must have personal protection in the form of overalls, safety glasses, earplugs, and closed-type shoes. There must be protective shields on the machine body. The mechanism should not be operated if the engine is not operating properly.

Cost of grouting work

The final cost of grouting work consists of several components:

  • Price of materials and their quantity (domestic or imported manufacturers).
  • The equipment used and the cost of its operation.
  • The cost of carrying out the required set of operations - this criterion is determined by the initial state of the screed, the chosen hardening method, as well as the thickness of the concrete layer being processed.
  • Fare.
  • Operational loads imposed on the future coating and design complexity.


Processing concrete floors using special single-rotor or double-rotor machines using strengthening mixtures is an effective and progressive option and, importantly, affordable. After completing this work, the floor acquires such characteristics as strength, smoothness, shine, reliability and durability. If desired, you can add a certain color shade to it.

Concrete grouting technology (2 videos)

Equipment for grouting concrete (20 photos)

How and with what to grout a concrete floor: a complete guide

Concrete flooring is a popular solution that is often used in garages, shopping centers, warehouses, utility rooms and residential areas. The final stage of creating a high-quality concrete screed is its grouting. This can be done manually, but the work is done much faster and more efficiently using a special trowel, popularly called a helicopter. After pouring concrete, traces of the rule and small pores remain on its surface, and in order to properly level it, you cannot do without grouting. In a garage or warehouse, after grouting, you can leave everything as it is, but in the house, laminate, parquet, tiles or other flooring are laid on a leveled concrete surface.

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