How to make a foundation from tires?

The foundation is the foundation of the future house, the good thing is that it is not difficult to do it yourself. How to make a foundation correctly? What should we pay special attention to so that the house lasts for centuries?

To build a foundation you need to consider:

  • wall material - to calculate the load on the foundation;
  • soil properties on the site;
  • presence of groundwater and its level;
  • freezing depth for your region;
  • Will there be a basement in the house?

All these points are very important and significantly affect the cost of the work, especially if you have long decided what kind of house you want to see on the site.

What do you need to know about the foundation?

Depending on the mass and complexity of the construction of the structure being erected, as well as the specificity of the soil on which construction is planned (soft, swampy, hard), the following types of foundations are distinguished:

  • Tape;
  • Columnar;
  • Columnar-ribbon;
  • Pile;
  • Slab.

Each of these types has its own advantages that ensure the reliability and practicality of the structure being built, which you can familiarize yourself with by watching a video on how to pour a foundation with your own hands. Depending on the occurrence of groundwater and soil properties, the most common are strip and columnar foundations.

Installation of small architectural forms, in the form of a swing or a statue, does not require pouring a foundation; a deep-seated grout is sufficient, which enhances the stability of the structure.

A separate issue when constructing any type of foundation is the formwork, which can be removable (reusable), used for the same type of application, and non-removable, which is used once, only for a specific purpose and often consists of knocked down boards.

Application area

Having decided to build a foundation on tires with your own hands, decide on the mass of the structure, weigh the pros and cons, and carefully study the possibility of using automobile ramps as the basis for a future building. Be sure to consult with professional builders. The operation of buildings erected by private developers confirms the possibility of using used tires for the installation of the following buildings:

  • one-story country houses, the walls of which are made of wooden beams;
  • small frame-type structures characterized by reduced weight;

There are several options for laying a foundation from already used car tires.

  • utility and domestic buildings (sheds, cabins, toilets) erected on summer cottages;
  • small premises intended for use as a bathhouse.

The construction of a permanent building on a base made of car tires can lead to unforeseen results and cause additional financial costs. Excessive arrogance of the developer, lack of construction knowledge, and the desire to save money on the construction of the building’s foundation can lead to fatal consequences. It is better to use a tire foundation as a basis for small buildings that are light in weight.

DIY strip foundation

The most common type of foundation, which has a lot of advantages, and the structure of which can be seen in the presented selection of photos of a phased device.

But this is still a building structure that requires certain knowledge, where it is necessary to take into account the removal of moisture, compensation of forces that arise at negative temperatures, which can destroy the foundation of any structure, on which the strength of the erected structure depends.

Before proceeding with the construction of this foundation for a critical structure, it is necessary to obtain preliminary information about the movement of layers, soil composition and the depth of groundwater, which is reflected in pre-ordered geological surveys.

To construct such a foundation, it is first necessary to mark out the upcoming excavation work, the sequence of which can be seen in the presented selection of photos. Here you can see the step-by-step planning of a strip foundation.

Pros and cons of building a foundation from tires

A foundation made from used tires has many advantages, such as:

  • low cost of building materials;
  • cost savings: both physical and material;
  • excellent waterproofing;
  • resistance to seasonal deformations that occur during temperature changes;
  • seismic resistance - resistance to mechanical vibrations, without the formation of cracks (any foundation of a house can crack during shocks, but a foundation made of tires cannot);
  • elasticity, excellent shock-absorbing qualities and long-term operation of the material;
  • relative environmental friendliness of the material (the main thing is that the tires do not come to the surface);
  • ease of foundation construction.

Budget foundation for a country house
Among the disadvantages of building a house foundation from used tires, one can highlight the excessive width of tires for load-bearing wall structures . In this case, you will have to work hard to find a way to veneer and elegantly design the additional width. In addition, if the tires protrude onto the surface of the earth, they will release harmful substances into the soil, so you need to know how to make a foundation from tires correctly and follow the technology during the construction process.

Columnar foundation

Taking into account the specifics of soil occurrence and soil mobility, sometimes it is necessary to use this foundation laying technology. In this case, the columnar foundation is in no way inferior in strength characteristics to the strip foundation, and in this case, the costs of constructing this foundation justify its laying and construction, instructions for the construction of which can be seen in the presented selection of photos, as well as a step-by-step construction in video format.

The disadvantage of this type of foundation is the difficulty of drilling recesses in the ground for it, which requires additional effort using the manual method, or an inevitable increase in cost when turning to specialized organizations capable of mechanized deepening using specialized vehicles.

The construction of any type of foundation can be found on our website, as well as read the reviews of people who took our advice.

Let's sum it up

Using tires as a shallow foundation will make it possible to create a foundation while providing the necessary strength for a lightweight structure. There are serious concerns about whether the supports will support the weight of the residential building. Give preference to proven construction solutions that allow you to build a reliable building with a solid foundation.


Hello to all guests and blog readers. In this article I will tell you how I made the foundation for my house. As you probably already understood from the previous article, my foundation is unusual.

Having studied many types of foundations, I came to the conclusion that a foundation made of tires for a house, in my case, would be the most appropriate.

Why did I come to this conclusion? Read the article and find out everything!

A short outline of the article:

  1. Why like this?
  2. Description of the operating principle
  3. Comparison with other types of foundations
  4. Who came up with such a foundation?
  5. Completed projects
  6. Step-by-step implementation of a tire foundation from me
  7. What to do next with the base?

Now let's go over each point in more detail.

Advantages of car tire supports and their disadvantages

The possibility of constructing a foundation from car tires was considered by scientists back in 2000. Over time, this idea became popular due to the presence of a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Significant reduction in costs for building materials.
  • Reducing time costs as well as labor.
  • Durability of the structure. If properly installed, a tire foundation can last for many years.
  • Old tires additionally serve as a waterproofing layer, which protects the foundation and main structure from moisture.
  • The foundation on tires is not affected by temperature changes, since tires are able to eliminate the resulting deformations.
  • High seismic resistance. Tires absorb ground vibrations caused by seismic activity well. This type of base can be used even in areas of increased seismic activity.
  • Increased elasticity and excellent shock-absorbing properties.
  • Ease of foundation construction.

The disadvantages of a tire foundation are few. The disadvantage is the release of harmful substances from tires. For this reason, when constructing a foundation, it is necessary to create special conditions that will allow the foundation to be used safely and harmlessly. As a rule, so that the base does not harm the environment and people in any way, the tires are left underground, without being brought out.

Another disadvantage is the width of the tires, which may extend beyond the intended boundaries of the base. To hide and transform the appearance of such a foundation, you will need a considerable amount of cladding, as well as additional design ideas.

Feedback from experts on the practicality and features of bus foundation technology

Semykin's foundation on tires is constantly subject to confrontation of polar opinions for and against from authoritative experts in construction. Proponents of the technology primarily note the positive dynamics of organizing thermal insulation for a home without the injection of additional consumables, as well as the versatility of application for almost all types of soil. Tires can be used to create a sufficient area for support, avoiding expensive technologies. It is the flaws of particular examples that receive criticism rather than the patented technology as a whole. For example, a bathhouse on a foundation made of tires with proper ventilation will, on the contrary, be better ventilated and last longer than on a traditional concrete foundation.

To insure the base from premature destruction, it must be sheathed with protective materials (siding, wood, asbestos cement slabs, decorative PVC panels.

Sometimes reviews from construction company specialists about the harmfulness of using rubber pop up on forums. If the recommendations are followed, tires do not emit any foreign odors that penetrate the room.

Why, according to the advice of experts, you should not overdo it in waterproofing. Careful waterproofing without ventilation vents can lead to a greenhouse effect indoors and mold. Log houses made of timber and wooden cottages are at risk.

The statistical majority of opinions of authoritative experts and those who have actually implemented the construction of foundations from tires boil down to the fact that frame structures can stand without deformation or subsidence for at least 20 years.

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