Construction of houses from gas silicate

Main technological features

Houses made of silicate blocks are increasingly showing demand among developers. This is due to a number of positive qualities that this material has.

For construction purposes, gas silicate is used in the form of blocks, which according to density class can be divided into two main types:

  • Thermal insulation – intended exclusively for arranging thermal insulation. Their density does not exceed 500 kg/m3.
  • Structural - used as a material for the construction of walls, and their density is 500–1200 kg/m3.

Structural blocks are divided into two subtypes and are intended for load-bearing and internal walls. In the first case, the most popular standard size of the product is 390x190x188 mm, and in the second - 390x100x120 mm.

Gas silicate includes the following components processed in an autoclave:

  • fine quartz sand;
  • aluminum powder (gas-forming additive);
  • water;
  • lime.

The finished product has many advantages over many alternative building materials.

Types of gas silicate blocks

The building material varies in density. The blocks come in thermal insulation and wall types. For laying load-bearing walls, the most stable types with a density of up to 1200 kg/m3 are used. The strength of the walls is ensured by fewer partitions. And thermal insulation bricks have a value of less than 500 kg/m3. But this is also enough for soundproofing indoors.

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Advantages of blocks

The growing demand for houses made of gas silicate is due to the large number of advantages that this material has, namely:

  • Low specific gravity. Weight of a product with a volume of 1 cubic meter. three times less than the mass of solid red brick. This has a positive effect on the load on the foundation, which allows serious savings on its arrangement.
  • Low level of thermal conductivity. This parameter varies depending on the actual density of a particular product and is 0.1–0.28 W/m. sq. For brick, a similar indicator fluctuates around 0.6–0.95 W/m. sq., that is, the minimum difference is three times. In Russian climatic conditions (in the middle zone), the optimal thickness of the structure should be 50 cm. Taking into account the criterion of thermal conductivity, it is easy to calculate that the thickness of the brick wall in this case should be at least 1.5 meters. This will provoke a critical load on the foundation, for the construction of which a strip structure will no longer be suitable.
  • Correct shape, convenient sizes. The gas silicate block can have the shape of an ideal parallelepiped, or be equipped with tongue-and-groove edges (connection using tongue-and-groove technology), special recesses, and can also be produced in the form of trays and hollow structures. Such wide technological capabilities allow architects to design not only standard “boxes” based on gas silicate, but also use more complex design solutions.

  • The construction time for the house is minimal, due to the same ideal shape and smooth edges. Ready-made cement mixtures used when laying tiles and cellular blocks can act as an adhesive mortar. The glue is diluted with water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer and applied in the form of a layer (1–3 mm) to the target surface. The modern market offers frost-resistant mixtures, making it possible to carry out construction work in the cold season.
  • Gas silicate blocks are amenable to any type of processing; they can be cut, sawed, mortared, doing all this quickly and accurately.
  • Porosity and good vapor permeability. Thanks to the “breathable” walls, the interior spaces will never be stuffy. In this case, it is important to take into account the subsequent finishing of the wall, on which a layer of rough materials is applied on both sides, and then facing ones. For the inside of the wall, this is often plastering or installing hot-rolled sheets for wallpaper or painting, and for the outside – using plaster for subsequent painting, cladding with thermo-clinker panels or other finishing materials. Ventilated facade systems in the form of siding or block house can also be used.
  • Fire resistance. The material is classified as low-flammable and belongs to group G1. Reducing the likelihood of a fire is an important aspect of safety for the resident of any home. The most fire hazardous structures are those made from timber frames. Houses built on the basis of cellular concrete have the best fire resistance.

These advantages in practice make it possible to build economical, comfortable and safe housing.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The construction of houses from gas silicate has strengths and weaknesses.


  • The bricks are larger, which speeds up the laying.
  • Gas silicate blocks are environmentally friendly and safe. The composition includes natural components: lime, sand, water, aluminum powder.
  • There are fewer seams than when using brick, and this increases the thermal insulation properties.
  • Provides good sound insulation due to its readability.
  • The thickness of the walls allows the construction of multi-story buildings.
  • The material does not shrink.


  • A solid strip foundation and strong soil are required.
  • During construction, window openings are difficult to adjust to the exact parameters of the project if the size of the brick was not initially taken into account.
  • Refers to expensive materials for construction.
  • It is necessary to protect from moisture, moisture absorption reaches 25%.

If finances allow, then the choice in favor of gas silicate blocks will be justified. The building will be warm, noise from the street will not disturb residents. This material also makes excellent pens for cattle or poultry. The buildings are warm and durable. Just remember that even they need waterproofing. They should at least be painted.

Project development

You can come to us with a ready-made idea, which we will bring to life by building the house of your dreams. You can also choose from existing projects on our website, each of which has successfully proven itself in practice. Our designers and architects are competent in a wide range of styles, so each client always finds the optimal solution with us.

We present house projects with improved redevelopment and at a very competitive price. The key feature of gas silicate is its affordable cost, which allows you to use this building material on a limited budget.

By ordering materials for load-bearing walls from our company, you get another opportunity to save thanks to the partnerships we have established with leading manufacturers. If you wish to continue cooperation at other stages of construction, you will learn about our discounts and other pleasant bonuses.

If you liked one of the standard solutions offered in our catalog, but you want to modify it a little, just tell us about it. Based on the existing configuration, our specialists will create an individual project for a gas silicate house, taking into account all your requirements.

Turnkey price of a house made of gas silicate blocks

The cost of a turnkey one-story house will be approximately 30% higher than the construction of a two-story house of the same area, since the area of ​​the foundation and roof is twice as large for a one-story house with the same area as a two-story house.

When ordering a turnkey house with communications and finishing from gas silicate blocks in Voronezh from us, you can focus on a construction price of 16,000 rubles. per m2, taking into account the cost of work and materials for the construction of a 2-story house: foundation, house frame made of gas silicate blocks, installation of a roofing system.

The final cost of construction depends on the design of the house and your wishes for interior decoration.

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